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236 Chapter 7 Vectors

theoremOBhaslength √ x 2 +y 2 .Then,applyingPythagoras’stheoremtoright-angled

triangle OBP which has perpendicular sides OBand BP =z, we find


as required.

OB 2 +BP 2

= √ (x 2 +y 2 )+z 2

= √ x 2 +y 2 +z 2

Ifr=xi+yj+zk then |r|= √ x 2 +y 2 +z 2

Inthreedimensions we have the following general result:

Given vectors a = → OA=a 1

i+a 2

j+a 3

kandb= → OB =b 1

i+b 2

j+b 3



AB=b−a=(b 1

−a 1

)i+(b 2

−a 2

)j+(b 3

−a 3


| AB|=|b−a|=|(b → 1

−a 1

)i+(b 2

−a 2

)j+(b 3

−a 3


= (b 1

−a 1

) 2 +(b 2

−a 2

) 2 +(b 3

−a 3

) 2

Example7.9 Ifa = 3i −2j +k andb = −2i +j−5k, find

(a) |a| (b) â (c) |b| (d) ˆb (e)b−a (f)|b−a|

Solution (a) |a| = √ 3 2 + (−2) 2 +1 2 = √ 14

(b) â = a

|a| = 1 √


(3i−2j+k)= 3 √


i − 2 √


j + 1 √



(c) |b| = √ (−2) 2 +1 2 + (−5) 2 = √ 30

(d) ˆb = b

|b| = √ 1 (−2i+j−5k)= √ −2 i + √ 1 j − √ 5 k

30 30 30 30

(e) b−a=−5i+3j−6k

(f) |b−a|= √ (−5) 2 +3 2 + (−6) 2 = √ 70

7.3.1 Thezerovector

A vector, all the components of which are zero, is called a zero vector and is denoted

by 0 to distinguish it from the scalar 0. Clearly the zero vector has a length of 0; it is

unusualinthatithas arbitrarydirection.

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