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220 Chapter 6 Sequences and series


the unknown quantity, x, occurs only to the first power are called linear equations.

Otherwise an equation is non-linear. A simple way of finding the roots of an equation

f (x) = 0 istosketch a graph ofy = f (x)as shown inFigure 6.8.

The roots are those values of x where the graph cuts or touches the x axis.

Generally, thereisnoanalytical wayofsolvingtheequation f (x) = 0andsoitisoften

necessary to resort to approximate or numerical techniques of solution. An iterative

technique is one which produces a sequence of approximate solutions which may converge

to a root. Iterative techniques can fail in that the sequence produced can diverge.



The technique we shall describe here is known as simple iteration. It requires that the

equation berewrittenintheformx =g(x). Anestimateoftherootismade,sayx 0


this value is substituted into the r.h.s. ofx =g(x). This yields another estimate,x 1

. The

process isthen repeated. Formally weexpress this as

x n+1

=g(x n


This is a recurrence relation which produces a sequence of estimates x 0

,x 1

,x 2


Under certain circumstances the sequence will converge to a root of the equation. It

is particularly simple to program this technique on a computer. A check would be built

into the program totestwhether ornot successive estimates areconverging.

Example6.20 Solve the equation f (x) = e −x −x = 0 by simple iteration.

Solution Theequationmustfirstbearrangedintotheformx =g(x),andsowewritee −x −x = 0


x=e −x

In this example we see that g(x) = e −x . The recurrence relation which will produce

estimates of the rootis

x n+1

= e −x n



e −x −x=0.


x n



A rootof f (x) = 0 occurswhere the

graph touches orcrossesthexaxis.


0 0

1 1

2 0.368

3 0.692

4 0.501

5 0.606

6 0.546



. 0.567

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