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214 Chapter 6 Sequences and series

5 1.494,S ∞ = 3 2

6 19946

7 650




9 ± √ 1 2

10 ∞ (−1) n+1

1 n

11 1+ 1 z + 1 z 2 + 1 z 3 + 1 z 4 + 1 z 5


Most technicalcomputing languageshave built-in

functionsforgenerating geometricseries.MATLAB ®

has the functioncumprod whichcalculates the

cumulative productofthe numberspassed to its

input. Ittakes the first term andthensuccessively

multiplies the succeedingarguments in turnbythe


Forexample, in MATLAB ® wecould type:

S=cumprod([1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5])

to produce the geometricseriesandstore itin a row


1.000000 0.500000 0.250000

0.125000 0.062500

1 Calculate the sum ofallofthe elementsin the finite

seriesgiven above.

2 Increase the number ofelementsin the series to 10

andnotethe difference in youranswer.

3 Compare the answers to the previous two exercises to

the exact equationgiven atthe endofSection6.3.2

witha = 1 andr = 0.5.Whatwould you expect to

happeniftherewere100 elementsin the series?


It is straightforward to show that the expression (a + b) 2 can be written as a 2 +

2ab + b 2 . It is slightly more complicated to expand the expression (a + b) 3 to a 3 +

3a 2 b +3ab 2 +b 3 . However, it is often necessary to expand quantities such as (a +b) 6

or (a +b) 10 , say, and then the algebra becomes extremely lengthy. A simple technique

forexpandingexpressionsoftheform (a+b) n ,wherenisapositiveinteger,isgivenby

Pascal’s triangle.


that every entry is obtained by adding the two entries on either side in the preceding

row, always starting and finishing a row with a ‘1’. You will note that the third row

down,1 2 1,givesthecoefficientsintheexpansionof (a +b) 2 = 1a 2 +2ab +1b 2 ,

whilethefourthrow,1 3 3 1,givesthecoefficientsintheexpansionof (a +b) 3 =

1a 3 +3a 2 b +3ab 2 +1b 3 .Furthermore,thetermsintheseexpansionsarecomposedof


(a +b) 4 therowbeginning‘1 4’inthetrianglewillprovideuswiththenecessary


powers ofaandb. Thus (a +b) 4 = 1a 4 +4a 3 b +6a 2 b 2 +4ab 3 +1b 4 .


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 + 6 4 1

1 5 10 10 5 1

1 6 15 20 15 6 1



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