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6.3 Series 213

whereS ∞

is known as the ‘sum to infinity’. Ifr > 1 orr < −1,r k fails to approach a

finitelimitask → ∞and the geometric series diverges.

Sum of aninfinite geometric series:S ∞



1 −r


Example6.14 Findthe sum toktermsofthe following series and deducetheirsumstoinfinity:

(a) 1+ 1 3 + 1 9 + 1

27 +··· (b) 12+6+3+11 2 +···

Solution (a) This isageometric series with first term1and common ratio1/3.Therefore,

S k

= a(1−rk )

= 1(1 − (1/3)k )

= 3 ( ( 1 k )

1 −

1 −r 2/3 2 3)

Ask → ∞, (1/3) k → 0sothatS ∞

= 3/2.

(b) This isageometric series with first term12 and common ratio 1 2 . Therefore,

S k

= 24(1 − (1/2) k )

Ask → ∞, (1/2) k → 0sothatS ∞

= 24.Thiscould,ofcourse,havebeenobtained

directly from the formulafor the sum toinfinity.


1 An arithmeticseries has afirstterm of4andits 30th

term is1000.Find the sum to 30terms.

2 Find the sum to 20 termsofthe arithmeticserieswith

firstterma,andcommon differenced,given by

(a)a=4,d=3 (b)a=4,d=−3

3 Ifthe sumto 10terms ofan arithmeticseries is100

anditscommondifference,d,is −3,finditsfirstterm.

4 Thesum to 20terms ofan arithmeticseries is

identicalto the sum to 22 terms. Ifthe common

difference is −2, find the firstterm.

5 Find the sum to five terms ofthe geometricseries

with firstterm 1 andcommon ratio 1/3. Find the sum

to infinity.

6 Find the sum ofthe first20terms ofthe geometric

serieswith firstterm 3 andcommon ratio 1.5.

7 Find the sum ofthe arithmeticseries with firstterm 2,

common difference 2, andlast term50.

8 The sumto infinityofageometricseries isfour times

the firstterm.Find the common ratio.

9 The sumto infinityofageometricseries istwicethe

sum ofthe firsttwo terms. Findpossiblevalues ofthe

common ratio.

10 Express the alternatingharmonic series

1 − 1 2 + 1 3 − 1 + · · ·in sigma notation.


11 Writedown the firstsixterms ofthe series ∑ ∞

k=0 z −k .

12 Explain why ∑ ∞

k=1 x[k] is the same as ∑ ∞

n=1 x[n].

Further, explain why both canbe written as

∑ ∞k=0

x[k +1].


1 15060

2 (a) 650 (b) −490

3 23.5

4 41

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