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6.2 Sequences 207

can sensibly letk → ∞. Dividing both numerator and denominator byk, we write

k −1 1− (1/k)


k +1 1+ (1/k)

Then, ask → ∞, 1/k → 0 so that

( ) 1− (1/k)



1+ (1/k)

= lim k→∞

(1 − (1/k))

lim k→∞

(1 + (1/k))

byrule (4)

= 1 1

= 1

Example6.10 Given a sequencewith generalterm

x[k] = 3k2 −5k+6

k 2 +2k+1

find lim k→∞


Solution Dividing the numerator and denominator byk 2 introduces terms which tend to zero as

k → ∞, that is

3k 2 −5k+6

k 2 +2k+1 = 3 − (5/k) + (6/k2 )

1 + (2/k) + (1/k 2 )

Then ask → ∞, wefind


k→∞ x[k] = 3 1 = 3


Example6.11 2

Examine the behaviour of

3k+1 ask→∞.

Solution k 2

3k+1 = k

3+ (1/k)

As k → ∞, 1/k → 0 so that the denominator approaches 3. On the other hand, as

k → ∞the numerator tends toinfinity so thatthissequence diverges toinfinity.


1 Graphthe sequences given by


{ 3 k = 2

(b)x[k] = k=0,1,2,3,...

0 otherwise

(c)x[k]=e −k ,k=0,1,2,3,...

2 Thesequencex[k] is obtainedbysampling

f (t) = cos(t +2),t ∈ R.Thesampling begins at

t = 0 andthereafter att = 1,2,3, . . ..Writedown

the firstsixterms ofthe sequence.

3 A sequence,x[k], is defined by

x[k] = k2

2 +k,k=0,1,2,3,...

State the firstfiveterms ofthe sequence.

4 Writedownthefirstfiveterms,andplotgraphs,ofthe

sequences given recursively by

(a) x[k] =

x[k −1]

, x[0]=1


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