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6.2 Sequences 205


be writtenas

a,ar,ar 2 ,ar 3 ,...

anditiseasytoseethatthekthtermisar k−1 .Allgeometricprogressionscanbewritten

recursively asx[k] =rx[k −1].

Geometric progression:a,ar,ar 2 ,...

a = first term,r = common ratio,kth term =ar k−1

6.2.3 Moregeneralsequences

We have already metanumber of infinite sequences. For example,

(1) x[k]=2,4,6,8,...

(2) x[k] = 1, 1 2 , 1 4 ,...

In case (1) the terms of the sequence go on increasing without bound. We say the sequenceisunbounded.Ontheotherhand,incase(2)itisclearthatsuccessivetermsget

smallerandsmallerandask → ∞,x[k] → 0.Thenotionofgettingcloserandcloserto



lim x[k] = 0


We say that the sequence converges to 0, and because its terms do not increase without

bound wesay itisbounded.

More formally, we say that a sequencex[k] converges to a limitl if, by proceeding

far enough along the sequence, all subsequent terms can be made to lie as close tol as

wewish.Whenever a sequence isnotconvergent itissaidtobedivergent.

Itispossibletohavesequences whicharebounded butnevertheless donotconverge

toalimit. The sequence

x[k] = −1,1,−1,1,−1,1,...

clearly fails to have a limit ask → ∞ although it is bounded, that is its values all lie

within a given range. This particular sequence issaidtooscillate.


of which arebeyond the scope of thisbook, but which wenow state:

Ifx[k]andy[k]aretwosequencessuchthatlim k→∞

x[k] =l 1

,andlim k→∞

y[k] =l 2


wherel 1

andl 2


(1) Thesequencegiven byx[k] ±y[k] has limitl 1

±l 2


(2) Thesequencegiven bycx[k], wherecisaconstant, has limitcl 1


(3) Thesequencex[k]y[k] has limitl 1

l 2


(4) Thesequence x[k]

y[k] has limit l 1


l 2 ≠ 0.


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