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6 Sequencesandseries

Contents 6.1 Introduction 200

6.2 Sequences 201

6.3 Series 209

6.4 Thebinomialtheorem 214

6.5 Powerseries 218

6.6 Sequencesarisingfromtheiterativesolutionofnon-linearequations 219

Reviewexercises6 222




those described in Chapter 2, are sampled at periodic intervals we obtain a sequence of


of equations which model physical phenomena. Such approximations are necessary if

a solution is to be obtained using a digital computer. For many problems of practical

interest to engineers a computer solution is the only possibility. The z transform is an


processing. Signal processing is concerned with modifying signals in order to improve

them in some way. For example, the signals received from space satellites have to undergo

extensive processing in order to counteract the effects of noise, and to filter out

unwanted frequencies, before they can provide, say, acceptable visual images. Digital

signal processing is signal processing carried out using a computer. So, skill in manipulating

sequences and series is crucial. Later chapters will develop these concepts and

show examples of their use insolving real engineering problems.

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