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178 Chapter 5 Discrete mathematics

5.2.3 Intersection

Given setsAandB, a new set which contains the elements common to bothAandBis

called theintersectionofAandB, written as


In Example 5.2, we see thatA ∩B = {3,5}, that is 3 ∈A ∩B and 5 ∈A ∩B. If the set

A ∩BhasnoelementswesaythesetsAandBaredisjointandwriteA ∩B = ◦/,where

◦/denotes theempty set.

Aset with no elements iscalled an empty set and isdenoted by ◦/.

IfA∩B=◦/, thenAandBare disjoint sets.

5.2.4 Union

Given two setsAandB, the set which contains all the elements ofAand those ofBis

called theunionofAandB, written as


InExample5.2,A∪B = {1,2,3,4,5,7,9}.Wenotethatalthoughtheelements3and5

are common toboth setsthey are listedonly once.

5.2.5 Subsets

If all the members of a setAare also members of a setBwe sayAis a subset ofBand

writeA ⊂B. We have already metanumber ofsubsets.Convince yourself that


Example5.3 IfM representsthesetofallcapacitorsmanufacturedbymachineM,andM f


the faulty capacitors made by machine M, then clearlyM f


5.2.6 Complement

If we are given a well-defined universal set E and a setAwithA ⊂ E, then the set of

membersof EthatarenotinAiscalledthecomplementofAandiswrittenasA.Clearly

A ∪A = E. There areno members inthe setA∩A, thatisA ∩A = ◦/.

Example5.4 A company has a number of machines which manufacture thyristors. We consider only

two machines, M and N. A small proportion made by each is faulty. Denoting the sets

offaultythyristorsmadebyMandNbyM f

andN f


a Venn diagram.Describethe setsM f

∪N f


Solution Let E be the universal set of all thyristors manufactured by the company. The Venn

diagram is shown in Figure 5.2. Note in particular that M ∩N = ◦/. There can be no


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