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4.6 Cylindrical polar coordinates 169

Examining the z coordinate, we see thatzvaries from 0 to 2. As z varies from

0 to 2, we imagine the curve AB sweeping out the curved surface as shown in Figure4.26.AtC,r

= 1, θ = 0 ◦ ,z = 2;atD,r = 1, θ = 90 ◦ ,z = 2.Thissurfaceis

partof a cylinder.


variesacrossallitspossiblevalues.Forexample,acurvemaybedescribedbyr = 1,

z = −2.Herethereisnomentionofthevaluesthat θ canhave.Itisassumedthat θ

can have its fullrange of values, thatis0 ◦ to360 ◦ .



The helix is a shape commonly found inengineering. For example, the springs used

inacar’ssuspensionoftenhave ahelicalshape.Helicalantennaswereinvented by

John Kraus in the 1940s and since then have been used extensively in a variety of

applications including space exploration, satellite communications and mobile telephony.

Developing a mathematical definition of a helix is essential to analysing its

electromagnetic properties.


axis of the helix as shown in Figure 4.27. If we were to look at the helix along the


the helix onto thex--y plane isacircle.





Helix along thezaxis.

Suppose a particular helix can be defined parametrically by the Cartesian equations

x(t) =3cos2t, y(t) =3sin2t, z(t) =t

wheret is varied over a particular range in order to generate the finite length helix

required. By specifying a particular value oft these equations enable us to calculate

particular values ofx,yandzcorresponding toapoint on the helix.

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