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4.5 Some simple polar curves 163


1 Given the polar coordinates, calculate the Cartesian

coordinatesofeach point.

(a) r=7,θ=36 ◦

(b) r = 10, θ = 101 ◦

(c) r = 15.7, θ = 3.7 radians

(d) r=1,θ= π 2 radians

2 Given the Cartesian coordinates, calculatethe polar


(a) (7,11) (b) (−6,−12) (c) (0,15)

(d) (−4,6) (e) (4,0) (f) (−4,0)


1 (a) 5.6631,4.1145 (b) −1.9081,9.8163

(c) 15, 90 ◦

(c) −13.3152, −8.3184 (d) 0, 1

(d) 7.2111,123.69 ◦

(e) 4,0 ◦

2 (a) r = 13.0384, θ = 57.53 ◦

(f) 4,180 ◦


UsingCartesiancoordinatestheequationy =mxdescribestheequationofalinepassing

through the origin. The equation of a line through the origin can also be stated using

polar coordinates. In addition, it is easy to state the equation of a circle using polar coordinates.


Consider all points whose polar coordinates are of the formr̸ 45 ◦ . Note that the angle

θ is fixed at 45 ◦ but thatr, the distance from the origin, can vary. Asr increases, a line

at45 ◦ tothe positivexaxis istraced out.Figure 4.15 illustratesthis.

Thus, θ = 45 ◦ is the equation of a line starting at the origin, at 45 ◦ to the positive

x axis.

Ingeneral, θ = θ c

,where θ c

isafixedvalue,istheequationofalineinclinedat θ c


the positivexaxis, startingatthe origin.


Consider all points with polar coordinates 3̸ θ. Herer, the distance from the origin, is

fixed at 3 and θ can vary. As θ varies from 0 ◦ to 360 ◦ a circle, radius 3, centre on the

origin, issweptout.Figure 4.16 illustratesthis.

Ingeneralr =r c

wherer c

isafixedvalue,0 ◦ θ 360 ◦ describesacircleofradius

r c

, centred on the origin.

Example4.7 Draw the curve traced outbyr = 3,0 ◦ θ 180 ◦ .

Solution Hereris fixed at 3 and θ varies from 0 ◦ to 180 ◦ . As θ varies a semicircle is traced out.

Figure 4.17 illustratesthis.

AtP, θ =0 ◦ ,whileatQ, θ =180 ◦ .

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