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3.7 Modelling waves using sint and cost 137

From (3.3) and (3.4), both sinφ and cosφ are negative and so φ lies in the

third quadrant. Division of (3.3)by (3.4) gives


−2 = −Rsin φ

Rcosφ =−tanφ

tanφ = 1.5

Usingacalculatorandnotingthat φ liesinthethirdquadrantwefind φ = 4.124.


3sin4t−2cos4t = √ 13cos(4t +4.124)

Soi 3

(t) = √ 13cos(4t +4.124).Thereforei 3

(t)hasanamplitudeof √ 13amps

and a phase of4.124 radians.

Example3.11 Express0.5cos3t +sin3t asasingle cosinewave.

Solution Let

0.5cos3t +sin3t =Rcos(3t + φ)


=R(cos3tcosφ −sin3tsinφ)

= (Rcosφ)cos3t −(Rsinφ)sin3t

0.5=Rcosφ (3.5)

1=−Rsinφ (3.6)

Bysquaring and adding weobtain

1.25 =R 2

R = √ 1.25 = 1.1180

Division of (3.6)by (3.5) yields


(4 d.p.)

From (3.5), cosφ is positive; from (3.6), sin φ is negative; and so φ lies in the fourth

quadrant. Hence, using a calculator, φ = 5.1760. So

0.5cos3t +sin3t = 1.1180cos(3t +5.1760)

Example3.12 Ifacos ωt +bsinωt is expressed in the formRcos(ωt − θ) show thatR = √ a 2 +b 2

and tanθ = b a .

Solution Let

acosωt+bsinωt =Rcos(ωt−θ)

Then, using the trigonometric identity forcos(A −B), we can write

acosωt+bsinωt =Rcos(ωt−θ)

=R(cosωtcosθ +sinωtsinθ)

= (Rcosθ)cosωt+(Rsinθ)sinωt

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