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136 Chapter 3 The trigonometric functions

Engineering application 3.3 illustrates an important property when combining together

two sinusoidal waves of the same angular frequency.

If two waves of equal angular frequency, ω, areadded the resultisawave of the

same angular frequency, ω.





Two current signals,i 1

(t) andi 2

(t), have the following mathematical expressions:

i 1

(t) =10sin4t

i 2

(t) =5cos4t

(a) State the amplitude and angular frequency ofthe two signals.

(b) Obtain an expression forthe signal,i 3

(t), given byi 3

(t) = 0.3i 1

(t) −0.4i 2


(c) Reduce the expression obtained in part (b) to a single sinusoid in the form

Rcos(4t + φ) and hence stateits amplitude and phase.


(a) i 1

(t)hasanamplitudeof10ampsandanangularfrequency ω = 4 rad s −1 .i 2


has an amplitude of 5 amps and an angular frequency ω = 4 rad s −1 . Note that

both signals have the same angular frequency.

(b) i 3

(t) =0.3i 1

(t) −0.4i 2


(c) Let



3sin4t −2cos4t =Rcos(4t +φ)

Then using the trigonometric identity given inTable 3.1

cos(A +B) =cosAcosB −sinAsinB


3sin4t −2cos4t =Rcos(4t +φ)


=R(cos4tcosφ −sin4tsinφ)

= (Rcosφ)cos4t −(Rsinφ)sin4t

3=−Rsinφ (3.3)

−2=Rcosφ (3.4)

Bysquaring each equation and adding we obtain

9+4=R 2 (sin 2 φ+cos 2 φ)=R 2

so thatR = √ 13.

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