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122 Chapter 3 The trigonometric functions

sin x


–1 1 x

sin –1 x

– p –2

p –2 x



Thefunctionsinx isone-to-one [ ] ifthe

domainis restrictedto − π 2 , π .



p –2

– p –2


Theinverse sine

function, sin −1 x.




A single input produces many


Notethaty = sinxisamany-to-onefunction.Ifthedomainisrestrictedto[−π/2, π/2]

then the resulting function isone-to-one. This isshown inFigure 3.10.

Recall from Section 2.3 that a one-to-one function has a corresponding inverse. So

if the domain of y = sinx is restricted to [−π/2,π/2], then an inverse function exists.

A graph ofy = sin −1 x is shown in Figure 3.11. Without the domain restriction, a

one-to-many graph would result as shown in Figure 3.12. To denote the inverse sine

function clearly, we write

y=sin −1 x − π 2 y π 2

Example3.2 Useascientific calculatortoevaluate

(a) sin −1 (0.3169)

(b) sin −1 (−0.8061)

Solution (a) sin −1 (0.3169) = 0.3225

(b) sin −1 (−0.8061) = −0.9375

A word of warning about inverse trigonometric functions is needed. The calculator returns

a value of 0.3225 for sin −1 (0.3169). Note, however, that sin(0.3225 ± 2nπ) =

0.3169, n = 0,1,2,3,..., so there are an infinite number of values of x such that

sinx = 0.3169. Only one of these values is returned by the calculator. This is because

the domain ofy = sinx is restricted to ensure it has an inverse function. To ensure the

inverse functionsy = cos −1 x andy = tan −1 x can be obtained, restrictions are placed

on the domains of y = cosx and y = tanx. By convention, y = cosx has its domain

restrictedto[0,π] whereas withy = tanx the restrictionis (−π/2,π/2).

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