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2.4 Review of some common engineering functions and techniques 103

Inorder tosolve this equation wefirst multiplyboth sides by e x , togive

0 =e x e x −e x 2y+e x e −x

Using the laws of indices,

0=e 2x −2e x y+1

We can now write this as a quadratic equation in e x and solve it using the standard

formula.This gives

(e x ) 2 −2y(e x )+1=0

e x = −b ± √ b 2 −4ac


= −(−2y) ± √ (−2y) 2 −4(1)(1)


= 2y ± √ 4y 2 −4

=y ± √ y


2 −1

Asx 0,the function e x 1 so wereject the negative rootand itfollows that

e x =y+ √ y 2 −1

from which we get


x=ln y + √ )

y 2 −1

Recall thaty =coshxand sox = cosh −1 y. Therefore


cosh −1 y = ln y + √ )

y 2 −1



C = [ 0

ln (d/2r) + √ ]

(d/2r) 2 −1


A word of warning about the inverse of coshx is needed. The calculator returns a

value of 1.9827 for cosh −1 (3.7). Note, however, that cosh(−1.9827) = 3.7. The value

−1.9827 is not returned by the calculator; only values on [0,∞) will be returned. This

isbecause the domainofy = coshx isrestrictedtoensureithas aninverse function.

1 Evaluate the following:

(a) sinh3 (b) cosh1.6

(c) tanh0.95 (d) sech1

(e) cosech2 (f) coth1.5

(g) cosh(−3) (h) cosech(−1.6)

(i) sinh(−2) (j) coth(−2.7)

(k) tanh(−1.4) (l) sech(−0.5)

2 Evaluate

(a) sinh −1 3

(b) cosh −1 2

(c) tanh −1 (−0.25)

3 Express

(a) 6e x +5e −x in terms ofsinhx andcoshx,

(b) 4e 2x −3e −2x in terms ofsinh2x andcosh2x,

(c) 2e −3x −5e 3x in terms ofsinh3x andcosh3x.

4 Express

(a) 4sinhx +3coshx in terms ofe x ande −x ,

(b) 3sinh2x −cosh2x in termsofe 2x ande −2x ,

(c) 3cosh3x −0.5sinh3x in terms ofe 3x ande −3x .

5 Expressae x +be −x ,whereaandbare constants,in

terms ofcoshx andsinhx.

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