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100 Chapter 2 Engineering functions


1 Useatechnical computing language to draw

y =log(kx)for0.5 x 50fork =1,2,3and4.

( 1

2 Drawy=lnxandy=ln for


0.5 x20. What doyou observe? Can you explain

your observation usingthe laws oflogarithms?

3 Drawy=lnxandy=1− x 3 for

0.5 x4.Fromyourgraphs statean approximate

solution to

lnx=1− x 3

2.4.5 Thehyperbolicfunctions

The hyperbolic functions are y(x) = coshx, y(x) = sinhx, y(x) = tanhx, y(x) =

sechx, y(x) = cosechx and y(x) = cothx. Cosh is a contracted form of ‘hyperbolic

cosine’, sinh of‘hyperbolic sine’ and so on. We definecoshx and sinhx by

y(x) =coshx = ex +e −x


y(x) =sinhx = ex −e −x



cosh(−x) = e−x +e x

= coshx


sinh(−x) = e−x −e x



so, for example, cosh1.7 = cosh(−1.7) and sinh(−1.7) = −sinh1.7. Clearly, hyperbolicfunctionsarenothingotherthancombinations

oftheexponential functionse x and

e −x .However,theseparticularcombinationsoccursofrequentlyinengineeringthatitis

worth introducing the coshx and sinhx functions. The remaining hyperbolic functions

are defined interms of coshx and sinhx.

y(x) =tanhx = sinhx

coshx = ex −e −x

e x +e −x

y(x) =sechx = 1

coshx = 2

e x +e −x

y(x) = cosechx = 1

sinhx = 2

e x −e −x

y(x) =cothx = coshx

sinhx = 1

tanhx = ex +e −x

e x −e −x

Values of the hyperbolic functions for various x values can be found from a scientific

calculator. UsuallyaHyp button followed by a Sin, Cos or Tan button isused.

Example2.19 Evaluate

(a) cosh3

(c) tanh1.6

(e) coth1

(b) sinh(−2)

(d) sech(−2.5)

(f) cosech(−1)

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