

98 Chapter 2 Engineering functions(c) ln(3y 6 )−2ln3+lny(d) ln(6x +4) −ln(3x +2)(e) log(9x) ( 2−log2 3x)4 Sketch graphs ofthe followingfunctions,usingthesame axes:y=ln(2x),y=lnx 0<x10Measurethe vertical distancebetweenthe graphs forx = 1,x = 2 andx = 8. Canyou explain yourfindings usingthe laws oflogarithms?5 Solve the following equations:(a) e x = 70 (b) e x = 1 3(c) e −x = 1 (d) 3e x = 50(e) e 3x = 50 (f) e 2x+3 = 300(g) e −x+1 = 0.75 (h) 2ee 2x = 503(i)e x +1 = 0.6 (j) 3= 0.6ex+1 (k) (e x ) 3 = 200 (l) √ e 2x =2(m) √ e 2x e x+4=6 (n)e x +2 = 0.7(o) e 2x = 7e x (p) 2e −x = 9(q) (e x +3) 2 =25 (r) (3e −x −6) 3 =8(s) e 2x −3e x +2=0 (t) 2e 2x −7e x +3=0(u) e x (5−e x )=6 (v) e x −7+ 12e x = 06 Solve the following equations:(a) 10 x = 30 (b) 10 x = 0.25(c) 4(10 x ) = 20 (d) 10 2x = 90(e) 10 3x−2 = 20 (f) 3(10 x+3 ) = 36(g) 10 −3x = 0.02 (h) 7(10 −2x ) = 1.4(i) 10 x−2 = 20 (j) 10 3x+1 = 754(k)10 x = 6 (l) (10−x ) 2 = 40(m) √ 10 4x 10 −x= 3 (n)2 +10 −x = 1 2(o) √ 10 2x +6 = 5 (p) 10 6x = 30(10 3x )(q) (10 −x +2) 2 = 6 (r) 6(10 −3x ) = 10(s) 10 2x −7(10 x ) +10 = 0(t) 10 4x −8(10 2x ) +16 = 0(u) 10 x −5 +6(10 −x ) = 0(v) 4(10 2x ) −8(10 x ) +3 = 07 Solve(a) logx = 1.6 (b) log2x = 1.6(c) log(2 +x) = 1.6 (d) 2log(x 2 ) = 2.4(e) log(2x −3) = 0.78 Solve(a) lnx=2.4(b) ln3x=4(c) 2ln(2x(−1))= 5 (d) ln(2x 2 ) = 4.5x +1(e) ln = 0.939 Solve(a) e 3x = 21 (b) 10 −2x = 6.71(c)e −x +2 = 0.3 (d) 2e(x/2) −1 = 0(e) 3(10 (−4x+6) ) = 17(f) (e x−1 ) 3 +e 3x = 500(g) √ 10 2x +100 = 3(10 x )10 Calculate the voltagegain in decibelsofthe followingamplifiers:(a) input signal = 0.1V, outputsignal =1V;(b) input signal = 1 mV, outputsignal = 10V;(c) input signal = 5 mV, outputsignal = 8 V;(d) input signal = 60mV, outputsignal =2V.11 An audio amplifierconsistsoftwo stages:apreamplifierandamainamplifier. Given thefollowing data,calculatethe voltagegain in decibelsofthe individual stagesandthe overall gain indecibelsofthe audio amplifier:preamplifier:main amplifier:input signal = 10mV,outputsignal = 200 mVinput signal = 400 mV,outputsignal = 3 V12 ABluetooth radio system operating in Class3has amaximumoutputpower of0dBm at2.45 GHz. Findthe maximumoutputpower in watts (W).13 Amicrowave oven has an outputpower of1kW.Expressthisfigurein dBm.14 Express0dBSPLasasound pressure inmicropascals (µPa).15 Acar audio speaker has an outputsound pressurelevel of55dBSPLwhenmeasuredat adistanceof1 m. Calculate the sound pressure atthatpoint inpascal r.m.s.16 An active sonarsystemfitted to aboatproducesasourcelevel of220 dBre 1 µPa at1m. Calculate thesound pressure in kPa.

2.4 Review of some common engineering functions and techniques 9917 Byusinglog--linear paper findthe relationshipbetweenxandygiven the following table ofvalues:x 1.5 1.7 3.2 3.9 4.3 4.9y 8.5 9.7 27.6 44.8 59.1 89.618 Byusinglog--logpaper findthe relationshipbetweenx andygiven the following table ofvalues:x 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5y 13.0 19.0 25.9 33.6 42.2 51.6Solutions1 (a) 3 (b) 3.9069(c) 1.4110 (d) 1.7356(e) 1.5079 (f) 1.85152 (a) log7x (b) logxyz( )y(c) ln (d) logxy 23( )(e) ln(xy 3 x +y) (f) lny(g) log8x 3 (h) logx 2 y 3(i) log1 = 0 (j) lnx 3 y 2 z 4( ) ( )y 3 z t 4 (k) logx 2 (l) log23 (a) 2lntorlnt 2 (b) 16logt( )y 7 (c) ln (d) ln23( )9x 3/2(e) log25 (a) 4.2485 (b) −1.0986(c) 0 (d) 2.8134(e) 1.3040 (f) 1.3519(g) 1.2877 (h) 1.1094(i) 1.3863 (j) 0.6094(k) 1.7661 (l) 0.6931(m) 1.7329 (n) 1.5404(o) 1.9459 (p) −1.5041(q) 0.6931 (r) −0.9808(s) 0, 0.6931(t) −0.6931,1.0986(u) 0.6931,1.0986 (v) 1.0986,1.38636 (a) 1.4771 (b) −0.6021(c) 0.6990 (d) 0.9771(e) 1.1003 (f) −1.9208(g) 0.5663 (h) 0.3495(i) 3.3010 (j) 0.2917(k) −0.1761 (l) −0.8010(m) 0.2386 (n) −0.3010(o) 0.6395 (p) 0.4924(q) 0.3473 (r) −0.0739(s) 0.3010,0.6990 (t) 0.3010(u) 0.3010,0.4771 (v) −0.3010,0.17617 (a) 39.81 (b) 19.91 (c) 37.81(d) ±3.98 (e) 4.018 (a) 11.02 (b) 18.20 (c) 6.59(d) ±6.71 (e) 6.389 (a) 1.0148 (b) −0.4130 (c) −0.2877(d) −1.3863 (e) 1.3117 (f) 2.0553(g) 0.548510 (a) 20dB (b) 80 dB (c) 64.1 dB(d) 30.46dB11 Preamplifier gain = 26.02 dB, mainamplifiergain= 17.50 dB,total gain = 43.52 dB12 10 −3 W or1mW13 60 dBm14 20 µPa15 0.011Paor11 mPa16 10 5 or100 kPa17 y=3(2 x )18 y = 4x 1.7

98 Chapter 2 Engineering functions

(c) ln(3y 6 )−2ln3+lny

(d) ln(6x +4) −ln(3x +2)

(e) log(9x) ( 2


2 3x)

4 Sketch graphs ofthe followingfunctions,usingthe

same axes:


y=lnx 0<x10

Measurethe vertical distancebetweenthe graphs for

x = 1,x = 2 andx = 8. Canyou explain your

findings usingthe laws oflogarithms?

5 Solve the following equations:

(a) e x = 70 (b) e x = 1 3

(c) e −x = 1 (d) 3e x = 50

(e) e 3x = 50 (f) e 2x+3 = 300

(g) e −x+1 = 0.75 (h) 2ee 2x = 50



e x +1 = 0.6 (j) 3

= 0.6

ex+1 (k) (e x ) 3 = 200 (l) √ e 2x =2

(m) √ e 2x e x

+4=6 (n)

e x +2 = 0.7

(o) e 2x = 7e x (p) 2e −x = 9

(q) (e x +3) 2 =25 (r) (3e −x −6) 3 =8

(s) e 2x −3e x +2=0 (t) 2e 2x −7e x +3=0

(u) e x (5−e x )=6 (v) e x −7+ 12

e x = 0

6 Solve the following equations:

(a) 10 x = 30 (b) 10 x = 0.25

(c) 4(10 x ) = 20 (d) 10 2x = 90

(e) 10 3x−2 = 20 (f) 3(10 x+3 ) = 36

(g) 10 −3x = 0.02 (h) 7(10 −2x ) = 1.4

(i) 10 x−2 = 20 (j) 10 3x+1 = 75



10 x = 6 (l) (10−x ) 2 = 40

(m) √ 10 4x 10 −x

= 3 (n)

2 +10 −x = 1 2

(o) √ 10 2x +6 = 5 (p) 10 6x = 30(10 3x )

(q) (10 −x +2) 2 = 6 (r) 6(10 −3x ) = 10

(s) 10 2x −7(10 x ) +10 = 0

(t) 10 4x −8(10 2x ) +16 = 0

(u) 10 x −5 +6(10 −x ) = 0

(v) 4(10 2x ) −8(10 x ) +3 = 0

7 Solve

(a) logx = 1.6 (b) log2x = 1.6

(c) log(2 +x) = 1.6 (d) 2log(x 2 ) = 2.4

(e) log(2x −3) = 0.7

8 Solve

(a) lnx=2.4

(b) ln3x=4

(c) 2ln(2x




= 5 (d) ln(2x 2 ) = 4.5

x +1

(e) ln = 0.9


9 Solve

(a) e 3x = 21 (b) 10 −2x = 6.7



e −x +2 = 0.3 (d) 2e(x/2) −1 = 0

(e) 3(10 (−4x+6) ) = 17

(f) (e x−1 ) 3 +e 3x = 500

(g) √ 10 2x +100 = 3(10 x )

10 Calculate the voltagegain in decibelsofthe following


(a) input signal = 0.1V, outputsignal =1V;

(b) input signal = 1 mV, outputsignal = 10V;

(c) input signal = 5 mV, outputsignal = 8 V;

(d) input signal = 60mV, outputsignal =2V.

11 An audio amplifierconsistsoftwo stages:a

preamplifierandamainamplifier. Given the

following data,calculatethe voltagegain in decibels

ofthe individual stagesandthe overall gain in

decibelsofthe audio amplifier:


main amplifier:

input signal = 10mV,

outputsignal = 200 mV

input signal = 400 mV,

outputsignal = 3 V

12 ABluetooth radio system operating in Class3has a

maximumoutputpower of0dBm at2.45 GHz. Find

the maximumoutputpower in watts (W).

13 Amicrowave oven has an outputpower of1kW.

Expressthisfigurein dBm.

14 Express0dBSPLasasound pressure in

micropascals (µPa).

15 Acar audio speaker has an outputsound pressure

level of55dBSPLwhenmeasuredat adistanceof

1 m. Calculate the sound pressure atthatpoint in

pascal r.m.s.

16 An active sonarsystemfitted to aboatproducesa

sourcelevel of220 dBre 1 µPa at1m. Calculate the

sound pressure in kPa.

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