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Contents xi

Chapter17 Numericalintegration 496

17.1 Introduction 496

17.2 Trapezium rule 496

17.3 Simpson’s rule 500

Review exercises 17 505

Chapter18 Taylorpolynomials,TaylorseriesandMaclaurinseries 507

18.1 Introduction 507

18.2 Linearizationusing first-order Taylor polynomials 508

18.3 Second-order Taylor polynomials 513

18.4 Taylor polynomials of the nth order 517

18.5 Taylor’s formula and the remainder term 521

18.6 Taylor and Maclaurinseries 524

Review exercises 18 532

Chapter19 OrdinarydifferentialequationsI 534

19.1 Introduction 534

19.2 Basic definitions 535

19.3 First-order equations: simple equationsand separation

of variables 540

19.4 First-order linear equations:use of an integratingfactor 547

19.5 Second-order linear equations 558

19.6 Constant coefficient equations 560

19.7 Series solution of differentialequations 584

19.8 Bessel’s equationand Bessel functions 587

Review exercises 19 601

Chapter20 OrdinarydifferentialequationsII 603

20.1 Introduction 603

20.2 Analogue simulation 603

20.3 Higher order equations 606

20.4 State-space models 609

20.5 Numerical methods 615

20.6 Euler’s method 616

20.7 Improved Euler method 620

20.8 Runge–Kuttamethod of order 4 623

Review exercises 20 626

Chapter21 TheLaplacetransform 627

21.1 Introduction 627

21.2 Definitionof the Laplace transform 628

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