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2.4.4 Logarithmfunctions

2.4 Review of some common engineering functions and techniques 85


The equation 16 = 2 4 may be expressed in an alternative form using logarithms. In

logarithmic form wewrite

log 2

16 = 4

and say ‘log to the base 2 of 16 equals 4’. Hence logarithms are nothing other than

powers. The logarithmic form isillustratedby more examples:

125 = 5 3 so log 5

125 = 3

64=8 2 solog 8


16=4 2 solog 4


1000 = 10 3 so log 10

1000 = 3


ifc =a b , thenb =log a


In practice, most logarithms use base 10 or base e. Logarithms using base e are called

naturallogarithms.Log 10

xandlog e


Most scientific calculators have both logs to base 10 and logs to base e as preprogrammed

functions, usually denoted as log and ln, respectively. Some calculations

in communications engineering use base 2. Your calculator will probably not calculate

base 2 logarithms directly. We shall see how toovercome thisshortly.

Focusing on base 10 wesee that

ify=10 x then x=logy


ifx=logy then y=10 x

Usingbase e we see that

ify=e x then x=lny


ifx=lny then y=e x

Example2.12 Solve the equations

(a) 16 = 10 x (b) 30 = e x (c) logx = 1.5 (d) lnx = 0.75

Solution (a)

16 = 10 x


x = 1.204

(c) logx = 1.5

x = 10 1.5

= 31.623


30 = e x


x = 3.401

(d) lnx = 0.75

x = e 0.75

= 2.117

Example2.13 Solve the equations

(a) 50 = 9(10 2x ) (b) 3e −(2x+1) = 10

(c) log(x 2 −1) =2 (d) 3ln(4x +7) =12

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