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2.4 Review of some common engineering functions and techniques 83







referred to as a p-n junction. These different types of semiconductors are created

by a procedure known as doping. The technical details are complex but it is one

of the most fundamental processes underpinning the electronics revolution that has

transformed society inrecent decades.

Asemiconductor diode can bemodelled by the equation

I=I s


e qV

nkT −1


whereV =applied voltage (V);

I =diode current (A);

I s

=reverse saturationcurrent (A);

k =1.38 ×10 −23 J K −1 ;

q =1.60 ×10 −19 C;

T =temperature (K);

n =idealityfactor.

This equation relates the current through the diode to the voltage across it. The idealityfactor,n,typicallyrangesbetween1and2dependingonhowthediodeismanufactured

and the type of semiconductor material used. We will consider the case

n = 1,whichcorrespondstothatofanidealdiode.Atroomtemperatureq/(kT ) ≈ 40

and sothe equation can be written as

I =I s

(e 40V −1)

Figure 2.31 shows a graph ofI againstV. Notice that for negative values ofV, the

equation may be approximated by

I≈−I s

since e 40V ≈ 0. The diode is said to be reverse saturated in this case. In reality,

I s

is usually quite small for a practical device, although its size has been exaggerated

in Figure 2.31. This model does not cater for the breakdown of the diode.

According to the model it would be possible to apply a very large reverse voltage

to a diode and yet only a small saturation current would flow. This illustrates an




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