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Index 999

remainder term,Taylor’s formulaand 521--4

repeated linear factors 39,41--2


load 476--7

in parallel 32

phasors 341

power dissipationin 3--4,511--12

functionto model 59

resolvingforce intotwo perpendicular directions


resonant frequencies 343, 411, 594

resultantoftwo forcesacting onabody 227

reverberation 810--12

reverse saturated diode 83

right-hand limits360

right-handed screwrule 896

risetime 411--13

RL circuitwith ramp input 651--2

RL circuitwith stepinput 544--5

RLC circuit 109

parallel 573--5

robot coordinate frames268

robot positions237

rootmean square(r.m.s.)340, 471

value offunction 475--9

value ofperiodic waveform 477--8

roots20,219--21, 563--4,568, 668

complex 24,564, 567

formula 21

real 24

routing, ofautomated vehicle 226--7

row258--9, 261--2

operations 287--90, 292--3

vector 233

Runge-Kutta method offourth-order623--5

s domain661, 665

s plane 668--75

mapping ofto the zplane 706--9

saddle points825, 842--5

sample space 904

sampled signal 690

sampling 202, 688

saw-tooth waveform 66--7, 472--3,733--4, 742--3

scalar 224

field 240, 851--5, 856, 875, 889

integrals 493

multiple 230--1,260--1

product 241--5,870--1, 891

secant (sech)120, 434

hyperbolic 100

second-derivative 416--17

difference equations 691

differential equations 536

Laplace transform635

numerical integration 499

test 410, 412

second law ofindices 4

second-order difference equations 719

second-order differential equations 538--9,604, 610

second-order electrical systems,risetime for411--13

second-order equations 573, 606--8,684, 685, 696

second-order linear ordinary differential equation 558--84

complementary function561--9

constant coefficient equations 560--84

integrals 569--75

property 1 558

property 2 558--60


second-order system 610

second-order Taylor polynomials 513--17

second shift theorem 633--4,665, 712--14, 716, 764--5

secondary route (permutations)948--9



dynamic resistance of378--9

ideal, operating point for379--80

Hall effect in 251--2

n-type83, 251

p-type83, 251

separable equations 541

separation ofvariables 541--5,549

sequences 200--9,683, 688--9,976

arithmetic progressions204

binomial theorem 214--18

bounded sequence 205

converges sequence 205

divergent sequence 205

Fibonacci sequence 203

finite sequence 801, 809, 813

geometric progressions204--5

input sequence 685, 689, 691, 697

from iterative solution ofnon-linear equations 219--22

Kronecker delta sequence 202, 203

limitsequence 205

limit5sequence 206

oscillate sequence 205

outputsequence 685, 689, 691, 697

partialsums sequence 212

recursivesequence 203

unbounded sequence 205

unitramp sequence 699--700

unitstepsequence 202, 699

seealso series

series200, 209--14

binomial theorem 214--18

converged 211

diode-resistorcircuit 421--3

finite 209

arithmetic, sum of209--10

geometric, sum of211

inductance series576

infinite 209, 211--12

geometric, sum of212--13

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