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Index 997

second-order 829--30, 833, 838--40, 842--5


vector calculus 854

partial differentialequations 832--5,862

partial fractions 39--45

improper fractions 43--4

and integration 466--8

linear factors 39--41

quadratic factors 42--3

repeated linearfactors 39, 41--2

partial fractions:

inverse Laplace transform641--3,644--5,651, 653--4,


Laplace transform666

z transform716--17,720

partial sumssequence 212

particular integralfunction 558

particular solution 538, 556, 563--4,575

parts,integration by457--63

Pascal’s triangle 214--15

period 131

offunction 65

periodic convolutionsee circular (periodic) convolution

periodic extension 746--7

periodic functions65--6,131--2, 725, 733

Fourier transform766, 771--2

Laplace transform677--8

periodic waveforms 477--8, 723--6,752

periodicity and discrete Fourier


permeability, ofconductor 10

permittivity offree space 102, 858

permutations 948--50, 951--2

phase 136, 724, 751--3

angle 132, 133, 138--9, 723

constant 581

Fourier transform766

phasors 340--4

capacitor 341--3

inductor 341

magnitude of340

reference 340


pick andplace robot 159--60

piecewise continuous functions64--5, 648, 780

integration of491--2

place sign 279


Poissondistribution 957--61,962


Poisson’sequation 863

polar coordinates 159--63, 333--4

cylindricalsee cylindrical polar coordinates

pick and place robot 159--60

spherical 170--3

polar curves 163--6

equation ofcircle, centre on the origin 163, 164

equation ofline 163, 164

and radiationpatterns fromantennas 164--5

polar form 333--6,338, 345--6

poles 706--9

complex 668, 669

dominant 670

offunction 76

Laplace transform668--75

atthe origin 673


real 668, 669

stablecomplex 671

system 668


coefficients 20

constant 71

cubic 71

ofdegree 2 300

ofdegreen--d 43--4

degree of71

equationsseeunder algebraic techniques

expression 70


non-ideal voltage source 72--3

Ohm’s law 71--2

wind power turbines 73

linear 71

quadratic 71

quartic 71

Taylorsee Taylor polynomials

position controlsystem (servo-system)108, 665--8

position vector423--4

positiveintegers 55

positivenumber 325


potential function875--7

potential theory833

potentiometer 604--5


dissipationin resistor3--4,511--12, 824

function to model 59

gain 87

series218--19, 337--8

supply to a computer 906

power density6

power seriessolution, ofBessel’sequation 587--8,


Poyntingvector 343--4

premultiplying 263, 272

primaryroute (permutations)948--9

probability 903--32

acceptability ofmanufactured electronic chips925--6

ofacceptable components 928--9

addition law909--13,954

alphabetic character stream,information content


binarydata stream,information content of916

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