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996 Index

n-component column vector 612

n-typemetal-oxide semiconductor (NMOS) transistors


n-typesemiconductor 83, 251

NAND gate 185, 192--3

natural frequency 411

natural logarithms85, 89

natural numbers55

negative feedback 436

negative number 325

neper (Np)89

Newton-Raphson method221, 406, 418--23

Newton’s Second Law 610, 613

nibble 17

NMOS(n-typemetal-oxide semiconductor) transistors


node 47--8

reference 310

voltages/currents47--8, 310--12, 317--19

non-linear equations 219--22, 536--7,683, 685

non-linear system, in Taylor polynomials 511

non-negative number 333

non-periodic function757--8

non-rectangular region 880, 884

non-recursiveequations 691


non-standard normal 966--9

non-trivial solution 294--6,298--300


non-zeroinitial value ofstate vector 660

NOR gate 184--5

normal distribution 963--9

non-standard normal 966--9

standard normal 964--6

normalized sincfunction123, 124--5


NOTgate 184

nth-order Taylor polynomial 517--21


commutative 259--60

complexseecomplex numbers

numerator 27--8, 29--30, 75,465

numerical integration 457, 496--506

distance travelled byrocket 498

energy dissipationin resistor502--3

Simpson’srule 500--5

trapezium rule496--500, 502

numerical methods,and differentialequations 615--16

numerical solution 220, 534, 617--18, 695--8

obliqueasymptote 76

odd and even functions726--32, 740--4

integral properties730--1

Ohm’s law3, 55

differentialequations 535, 544

differentiation 413

fluid equivalent 614

Fourier series752

integration436, 487

Laplace transform655

phasor form341

polynomial functions71--2

Taylor polynomials 510

one-to-many function 60

one-to-one functions60--1, 122

operating point 379--80

OR gate 183, 184--5,187, 188, 192

exclusive 189


truthtable 183

order258, 263, 587

difference equations and theztransform684

differentialequations 536

ofobjects 949

ofsystem 609

ordinary differentialequationsseedifferential equations

origin (coordinate systems)154

orthogonal functions480--3

orthogonal matrix276

orthogonal vectors 232, 242

oscillate sequence 205

oscillating mass-springsystem565--6

oscillatory term669

output 663, 665

equation 614


reduction 436

sequence 685, 689, 691, 697

signal 661, 669

to system659--61

variables 614


voltage 676

overdamped response 666--7

overshooting 666

p-component columnvector 612

p-n junction 83

p-type metal-oxide semiconductor (PMOS)transistor


p-type semiconductor 83,251

padding signals with zeros 809--11

parallel system 975--7

parallel vectors 242

parallelogram 336--7

parameters 393, 587


parametric differentiation 393--4

Parseval’s theorem 748--9, 794

partial derivatives 825--9,835

first-order825, 829, 833, 835--7, 842--5


line and multipleintegrals 886

mixed 862

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