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Index 995

exclusive OR gate 189

NAND gate 185, 192--3

NOR gate 184--5

NOT gate 184

OR gateseeOR gate

realization oflogicalgates 198--9

losslessline 578

lossycompression 799

low passfilter689, 692

analogue 752--5

digital 696--7

lower bound 56, 499, 504

lowest common denominator (l.c.d.)30

m-files 61

Maclaurin series524--31

magnetic field:

due to moving charge 250


strength 249--50

magnetic flux 900


ofphasor 340

ofvector 225

many-to-one functions60--1, 122

maps 180

mark time 743


mass-springsystem, oscillating565--6

mathematical model 54

MATLAB ® 1--2,58, 320--1,615, 785, 790, 808--9

toolboxes 67

matrices 1

matrixalgebra 257--328

addition 259--60

adjoint matrix281--2

augmented matrix309

computer solutionsfor319--21

definitions 258--9

determinants 275--6, 278--81


andvector products279--80

diagonal matrix 271

direct transmission612

eigenvalues and eigenvectorsseeeigenvalues and


electrical networks,analysis of307--12

Gaussian eliminationseeGaussian elimination

identity matrix271--2, 292--3

input 612

inverse of2×2matrix 274--7

finding 275--6

orthogonalmatrix 276

inverse of3×3matrix 281--2

multiplication 261--4, 285

non-singularmatrix 276

output 612

representation 792--3

robot coordinate frames268

scalar multiplication 260--1

simultaneous equations and 283--6

simultaneous equations, iterative techniques forsolution


singular matrix276, 282

skewsymmetric matrix272--3

squarematrix 271, 272--3, 275, 300



symmetric matrix 272

translation and rotation ofvectors 267--71

transpose ofmatrix272

Vandermonde matrix 291--2

maximum/minimum points406--15, 824--5

first-derivativetest 407, 411

ofafunction oftwo variables 841--6

local maximum 406--7

local minimum406--7

second-derivative test 410, 412

turningpoints407--9, 412, 414

Maxwell’s equations 864--6

in integral form 899--900

mean 964

deviation and binomial distribution 955

time between failures (MTBF)970, 973, 975

value (arithmetic mean) 938--40

mesh current307, 308--10

vector 254

microwave cavities 593--5

minimization laws179, 185, 186

minimumpointsseemaximum/minimum points

minor ofelement 278--9

mixed partial derivatives 862

modelling systems566

modulation index 599

modulation signal 767


ofcomplex number 333

function 104--8

ofvector 225

moment ofinertia 612, 613

moving average filter692

multipath-induced fading 142

multipleintegralsseeline integrals andmultiple integrals


algebraic fractions 29--30

complex numbers329--30


law 919--25, 926, 954


in polar form335

scalar 260--1

mutual capacitance 102

mutuallyexclusive events:addition law ofprobability


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