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Index 993

characteristic impedance ofcoaxial cable 450--1

constant of429

delta function, integralproperties of489--91

differential equations 542

distance travelled by aparticle 434

elementary 429--41

electronic integrators 435--7

energy storedin capacitor 487--8

energy used by electric motor 447

improprerintegrals 483--9

integrals, definiteand indefinite 442--51


aslinear operator432--4

linearity 438

numericalsee numerical integration

orthogonal functions480--3

ofpiecewise continuous functions491--2

region of880

techniquessee integration techniques

oftrigonometric functions437--9

vectors 493

voltage across a capacitor 435

integration applications 471--9

average value and r.m.s.value ofperiodic waveform


average value offunction471--5

load resistor476--7

rootmean square value offunction475--9

saw-tooth waveform 472--3


integration techniques 457--70

by parts457--63

by substitution463--6

usingpartial fractions 466--8

integrator 604--5

circuits 428

intersection (settheory) 178

intervals 56

closed 56

ofconvergence 218

open 56

semi-open 56


offunction 62--4

ofmatrix 285

usingrow operations292--3


trigonometric functions121--3


finding 275--6

orthogonalmatrix 276

inverse square law 6

inverters 188

inverting circuit437

irrational number 55

irrotationalvector field 860

isotropic antenna 6


ofnon-linear equations,sequences arisingfrom 219--22

simple 220

Jacobi-Anger identities 597--8

Jacobi’s method 313--14, 315--16

Kirchhoff’scurrent law 310

algebraic techniques 47--8

complex numbers342

Kirchhoff’svoltage law72, 308

algebraic techniques 48--9

complex numbers342

differential equations 535, 544, 560, 572, 577

differentiation 413

Fourier series752

integration 435, 485

Laplace transform655


Kronecker delta sequence 202, 203, 698

Laplace equation 862, 863

three-dimensional 833--4

Laplace transform411, 627--80, 681--2,706, 709, 759, 774

asymptotic Bodeplotoftransfer functionwith real poles

and zeros671--5

ofcommon functions(look-uptable) 629--30

convolution theorem 647--9

definition 628

delta function675--6

ofderivatives and integrals 635--8

discharge ofacapacitor 655

electronic thermometer measuring oven temperature


and Fourier transform772--4

frequency response ofasystem 636--7

integration 480

inverse 627, 638--41

usingcomplex numbers 643--6

usingpartial fractions 641--3

linear constantcoefficient differentialequations 649--59

linearity 631--2

partialdifferential equations 833

periodic functions677--8

poles,zerosandsplane 668--75




position controlsystem 665--8


final value theorem 634

firstshift theorem 632--3

linearity 631--2

second shifttheorem 633--4

RL circuitwith ramp input 651--2

rule1: combining two transfer functionsin series


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