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Index 987

cycle ofsint 131

cycles oflogarithmic scale94--5

cylindrical microwave cavities, modesof593--5

cylindrical polar coordinates166--70

decaying exponential 670

fluid flow along apipe 167

helical antennae 169--70

damped sinusoidalsignal 387--8

damping coefficient 610

damping ratio 411--12



De Moivre’stheorem 344--51

De Morgan’s laws 179, 186, 191

decaying exponential 578

decibels (dB)87

decimal system 11

deconvolution 810

definite integrals 442--51

degree 116, 117

ofequation 20

ofpolynomial 71

delta function111--12,979, 980, 981

Dirac 480

discrete Fourier transform787

Fourier transform770--1

integral properties489--91

Laplace transform675--6

sifting property of490

demodulation 817--18

demodulator 598

denominator 27--8, 29--30, 39,75, 465

dependent variable 58,59, 366

difference equations 682, 683, 684--5, 686--7

differential equations 535--7,543, 550--2

derivable from a potential 875

derivatives 365, 370--2

common 372--4

higherseehigher order derivatives

and Laplace transform635--8

partialseepartial derivatives


table 356

determinants 275--6,278--81

to evaluate vector products248--9

and vector products279--80


from mean 941

seealsostandard deviation

diagonal matrix 271

diagonally dominant, matrix ofcoefficients 317

dielectric 82

difference, common 204

difference equations 175, 203, 681--98

block diagram representation 688--93

coefficient 685--6

coupled 694

dependent andindependent variables 682

discrete-time controllerdesign693--5

discrete-time filter689--90

homogeneous and inhomogeneous equations 684--5

linear andnon-linear equations 683

low-pass filter696--7

non-recursive 684

numerical solution 695--8




second-order 719

signal processingusingamicroprocessor684--5

solution ofdifference equation 683


differentialcalculus 357

differentialequations 534--626, 638

analogue simulation 603--5

condition 538

coupled-tanks system 614--15

Euler’smethod 616--19


first-orderlinearseefirst-orderlinear differential


higherorder equations 606--9,625

Laplace transform635, 659--61, 663

LC circuit with sinusoidalinput 572--3

linear 536--7

linear constantcoefficient 627, 649--59

numerical methods 615--16


oscillatingmass-springsystem 565--6

parallelRLC circuit573--5

RC charging circuit 535--6

RC circuit: zero-input response and zero-state response


RL circuitwith ramp input 553--4

RL circuitwith stepinput 544--5

Runge-Kutta method offourth-order623--5

second-order 538--9,605, 610

second-order linearseesecond-order linearordinary

differential equation

seriessolution of584--6

solution of537--9

standing waves on transmissionlines579--82

state-space models609--15

voltage reflection coefficient 578--80

differentiation356--85,429, 457--8

applicationsseedifferentiation applications

common derivatives 372--4

currentthrough capacitor 368--9

defined 366

derivatives, existence of370--2

dynamic resistance ofsemiconductor diode 378--9

explicit 394

from firstprinciples 366, 372

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