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986 Index


coefficient equations 560--84

exponential 81

ofintegration 429


time 82, 545

constantpolynomial 71

continuous function 64--5,361



approximating area under acurve 980--1

delta function 979

sampling a continuous function979--80

continuous integrand 491

continuous random variable 965--6

expected value 944--5

standard deviation 947

continuous signal sampling 702--4

continuous spectra 766

continuous variable 962, 963

control engineering 319

control systems628

controllersignal 693

converged series211

convergence, radiusof218, 698

convergence criteria 212

converges sequence 205

convolution 647

circular (periodic) 803--7

linear801--3, 809--11

theorem 647--9,676, 772--8

circular 807--12

seealso discrete convolution and correlation

coordinate frame 268

coordinate system 154--74

CartesianseeCartesian coordinate system

electrode 156

polarsee polar coordinates

polar curves 163--6

corner(derivatives) 371


theorem 780--2

circular 816--20

seealso discrete convolution and correlation

cosecant (cosec)120, 434

hyperbolic 100


complex notation 749

complex numbers333--4, 338--9

De Moivre’stheorem 344--50

definite andindefinite integrals 445

differentialequations 539

differentiation 391, 394, 420

discrete Fourier transform795--7

first-orderlinear differentialequations 547--9,555

Fourier series734--43

odd andeven functions 740--3


half-range series746--8

hyperbolic (cosh)100--1,102--3

improper integrals 486, 488

integration, elementary 429--33, 438--9

integrationby parts 458, 460

integrationby substitution464--5

Jacobi-Anger identities 598

Maclaurin series525--6

modellingwaves using131--44

odd and even functions726--7,730--1

orthogonalfunctions 481--3

orthogonality relations 732--1

partialdifferential equations 825, 827

polar coordinates 160, 171

polar curves164--5

second-order linear differentialequations 541, 559--60,

564, 566--7,571--3

Taylor polynomials 522

Taylor series526--7

trigonometricequations 144, 146, 147, 148

trigonometricidentities 125--30

trigonometricratios 116--20

vectors 244

waves734, 757

cosine (cos)periodic waveforms 723--4

cotangent (cot)120, 434

hyperbolic 100

coupled difference equations 694

coupled equations 606--7

coupled first-orderequations 607--8

coupled-tanks system 614--15

Cramer’s rule280, 658

critical resistance 412

critically damped response 667


circular 815--16, 818--20


cubic equation 543

cubic polynomial 71

cumulative normalprobabilities 967--8

current 577--8

alternating 134, 324


conduction 369



displacement 369

eddy 827

lawsee Kirchhoff’scurrent law

leakage 576--7

mesh 254, 307, 308--10

node 47--8, 310--12, 317--19

sinusoidalsignals 136--7

through capacitor 368--9

usedbyelectric vehicle 21--3

cusp(derivatives) 371

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