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Index 985

chord 357--8

circuital law (Ampère)900


biased 379

binary full-adder 190--2

digital electronic 175

integrated 428

inverting 437

LC 572--3


linear 97

RC 535--6, 554--7

RL 544--5,553--4, 651--2

RLC 109, 573--5


truthtable for187--8

circular (periodic) convolution 803--7

circular convolution theorem 807--12

circular correlation theorem816--20

circular cross-correlation815--16, 818--20

closed form(binomial theorem)216

closed loop system with negative feedback 665

CMOS(complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) logic


co-domain 180--1

coaxial cable 576--8

capacitance of448--50

characteristic impedance of450--1

codes (communication theory)918

coding theory919


damping 610

difference equations and the z transform685--6

differential equations, linearconstant 649--59

equating 40--1, 585, 586

Fourier 734, 739, 741--2, 748--50, 766

matrix 285, 289

polynomial 20

reflection 581--2

cofactor ofelement 279, 282

column vector 233, 258--9, 261--2

n-component 612

p-component 612

r-component 612

combinations 950--2

common derivatives 372--4

common difference 204

common ratio 204--5, 211, 213

communication engineering 903

communication theory915--19

commutative laws 179, 186, 191

commutative numbers259--60


laws 179, 186, 189--90, 191

in probability 904

in set theory 178--9

complementary events913--15

complementary function558, 561--9,572

inhomogeneous term appears in 575--83

particular integral574--5

complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)logic


completeness andperiodic functions733

completing the square 23,37--8

complex frequency:

function 751

variable 636

complex notation andFourier series749--51

complex numbers97, 324--55

addition 329

complex conjugate pairs 327

De Moivre’stheorem 344--51


in polar form 335

exponential form337--8

Fourier series751

graphical representation 332--3

imaginary part325--6, 328--30, 334

and inverse Laplace transform643--6

loci and regionsofcomplex plane 351--3


multiplication 329--30

in polar form 335

operationswith 328--30

phasors 340--4

polar form 333--6

Poynting vector343--4

real part 326, 328--30, 334


vectors and 336--7

complex plane 332

complex poles 668, 669

complex roots24,564, 567

complex translation theorem 714

component laws,differential equations 572, 577

composition, offunctions61--2

compound events 905--8,954

compression, image and audio 795

computer software packages 73

Fourier transform816--17

graph plotting 723

Laplace transform675

seealso MATLAB ®

computer solutionsformatrixalgebra 319--21

concave down function402--3, 415--17

concave upfunction 402--3,415--17

conditional probability 919--25

conduction current 369

conjunction (AND gate) 184

conservative fields875--80


arbitrary538, 589, 608

arbitraryscaling 304

coefficient differential equations, linear627, 649--59

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