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80 Chapter 2 Engineering functions

2.4.3 Exponentialfunctions


called exponential expressions, for example 3 4 ,a b , andm n . In the exponential expressiona

x ,aiscalledthebase;xistheexponent.Exponentialexpressionscanbesimplified

and manipulated using the laws of indices. These laws aresummarized here.

a m a n =a m+n

a m

a n =am−n a 0 =1 a −m = 1

a m

(a m ) n =a mn

Example2.11 Simplify

a 3x a 2x


a 4x (b) a 2t (1 −a t ) +a 3t (c)

(a y ) 2

2a y


a −6z

a −2z


(2a 3r ) 2 a 2r

3a −5r


a x+y a y

a 2x


3a (x/y) a x

a y


Solution 3x a 2x

(a) = a5x

a 4x =ax

a4x (b) a 2t (1 −a t ) +a 3t =a 2t −a 3t +a 3t =a 2t






(a y ) 2

= a2y

2a y 2a = ay

y 2

a −6z

a −2z =a−6z−(−2z) =a −4z

(2a 3r ) 2 a 2r

= 4a6r a 2r

= 4a8r

3a −5r 3a −5r 3a

a x+y a y

=a x+2y−2x =a 2y−x

a 2x

3a (x/y) a x

= 3a (x/y)+x−y

a y






Anexponential function, f (x), has the form

f(x)=a x

whereaisapositive constant called the base.

Some typical exponential functions are tabulated in Table 2.2 and are shown in Figure

2.26.Note from the graphsthatthese areone-to-onefunctions.

An exponential function is not a polynomial function. The powers of a polynomial



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