PMCI - September 2021

It's been another hard slog for the PMCI crew this time, as curbs on international travel continue to curb our ability to actually get together but as usual, Bill and Trampas have pulled yet another great issue out of the (drag!) bag - and it's a very special one that headlines with a "Dream Rifle Build" that replicates the iconic Ruger Mini 14 as used by "Hannibal and the Team"... We do love it when a plan comes together! We're also joined again by Jim W, who brings a deep-dive insight into the world of profiling and we look in detail at what some of our favourite manufacturers have been up to, landing our test reports in full! All in all, it may have taken just a bit more time, and some serious "logistics juggling" to get this issue together but we hope you'll agree it's been worth the wait!

It's been another hard slog for the PMCI crew this time, as curbs on international travel continue to curb our ability to actually get together but as usual, Bill and Trampas have pulled yet another great issue out of the (drag!) bag - and it's a very special one that headlines with a "Dream Rifle Build" that replicates the iconic Ruger Mini 14 as used by "Hannibal and the Team"... We do love it when a plan comes together!
We're also joined again by Jim W, who brings a deep-dive insight into the world of profiling and we look in detail at what some of our favourite manufacturers have been up to, landing our test reports in full!
All in all, it may have taken just a bit more time, and some serious "logistics juggling" to get this issue together but we hope you'll agree it's been worth the wait!

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engagements isn’t always possible or appropriate… Take BJJ,

for example; if you’re up against an opponent with superior

physical attributes, their position and movement inform your

own; we don’t lead the engagement; instead, we redirect it. It’s

the same with high-level communication; the best will establish

position, pace, and proposition as the basis for destabilizing,

then leading the opponent to submit themselves.

We use the above example to shed some light on how we

would be able to exploit particular points, either conversationally

or physically. For instance, we all have predispositions, which

are part of our makeup and character, which we show to others

and us in various roles, situations, or environments.

For instance, the less competitive BJJ practitioner will

primarily train techniques in a way that sets them up to be

successful against right-handed opponents. They say they do this

because the percentage they will face a left-handed competitor

is very low and they don’t want to waste their time training on

something that they will face rarely or not.

With that in mind, when we identify conversational or

physical predispositions within a potential opponent, their

proposed strengths are masking their weaknesses; for example

- men who make a great show of strength typically do so

because they fear being humiliated - no one talks about this. If

you want to beat a stronger man physically, give him the respect

and recognition he can’t give himself. For example, I might set

up a dangerous-looking individual to come over to my side

with... “excuse me, I noticed you from across the room… pretty

hard to miss actually, are you a professional boxer/ wrestler/

bodybuilder? “I train a little” (shared smile); I have a question

for you if that’s okay? “Yes,” why is it that the genuinely big,

tough guys like yourself never cause trouble… it is always the

weak, small, and insecure guys, right?

All we have done here is we’ve given him what he needs

to relax - respect and recognition… we’ve named his fear

“insecurity” and attributed this to a smaller class of males… he

relaxes; he does not need to be the tough guy and will probably

back you up in a tight spot... I believe Bruce Lee refers to this as

“the art of fighting without fighting.”

PMCI: Okay, Jim, I have never heard of anyone using this

approach before… I understand you’ve done personal protection

work for some well-known principals. …

Jim: “That was many years ago, to be fair”...it was challenging,

albeit fun, in that I really got to use various skill sets and learned

just how valuable and crucial leveling up in soft skills could be.

Soft skills become a force multiplier for our hard-skill


PMCI: Can you tell us how you would look to conversationally

disarm a tough guy who poses a potential threat?

Jim: “Sure thing Trampas...

People have three different predispositions, which are their core,

central, and secondary. Once we establish which preposition is

being shown, we then must try to:

Understand what differentiates the individual from others.

Asking: what are they showing or portraying?

For example: Why would a genuinely tough guy have to act

tough or wear a Tap Out t-shirt?

• Ask what has to be true for this person’s behavior/

presentation to make sense?

• Answering that the individual is likely compensating for

a personal weakness, alternatively, they may feel/ believe

they have identified a weakness within yourself which they’re

looking to exploit.

• Identify whether the behavior/ presentation we are

observing is an indication of how this individual acts elsewhere?

• Asking, is the behavior we are witnessing likely consistent

across roles? If not, what role can we speak to as a means of

shifting mindset/ physiology?

• Identify what stimulates, triggers, and guides the individual

to behave and express themselves as they usually do?

• Having identified who and how the person sees themselves

to be, expressing an expectation of consistency as a means of

getting them back on track.

• Identify what triggers the individual to step outside their

normal range of behavior?

A simple acronym to remember is HALTS: Hungry, Angry,

Lonely, Tired, Scared, or Stressed…

Regardless of their state, the individual will usually want

to be seen as Reasonable, Significant, Intelligent in their own

right. As a person with self-determination - understanding these

generically actual human attributes, we now have guidelines to

engage the individual to bring them back to themselves.

PMCI: Outstanding brother! Thank you so much for enlightening

our readers about Procypher and the realm in which you guys

operate and the valuable concepts you teach.

For our PMCI readers, I hope you have enjoyed a look into the

stimulating conversation with PMCI’s own Jim Wenzel and now

have a deeper look into this amazing writer. If you would like to

take advantage of the generous offers that we have secured for

you, then you can reach Jim via email at jim@procypher.co. By

putting PMCI in the subject line, you will be recognized as one

of their subscribers thus gaining access to any and all offers.

Due to the sensitive nature of the work carried out by Jim

and his company, public access to www.procypher.co service

offering is not publicly available. However, as a subscriber, you

can gain access by leaving your name, PMCI, and email in the

“Contact us” message box.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this interview as much as

I enjoyed conducting it. I am certainly looking forward

to training with Jim more in the near future. Until the

next issue everyone, remember this last bit of insight

from our guest, Jim Wenzel... “To be successful in any

engagement, you need both the right mind and the

right weapon!”



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