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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú

eBook Collection



(1 CỘT) NĂM HỌC 2021-2022




Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo

Phát triển kênh bởi

Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú

Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật :

Nguyen Thanh Tu Group

Hỗ trợ trực tuyến

Fb www.facebook.com/DayKemQuyNhon

Mobi/Zalo 0905779594


I. Objectives


- Help Ss to know about the English book grade 11 in general.(Including themes, tests, lessons etc. )

- Introduce how to do an oral test, a fifteen - minute tests and a written test.

- Some requires of student to study well English.

- To help Ss have the opportunities to develop their oral fluency.

- To introduce the theme and units.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


+ Get to know the topic, the theme and units.

2. Skills : : Integrated, mainly communicative

3. Attitudes

- To help Ss have motivation in learning English

II. Teaching aids and materials.

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, short videos, pictures, PowerPoint lesson,

- Students: Textbook, notebook, project plans.

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, , mainly


IV. Teaching Procedure

. s ?

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm-up

8 minutes


* Aim. get acquainted

* Content: ask ss some questions about their daily routine

* Products: answer the questions naturally

* Steps:

- introduce

- ask ss some questions

- ask ss to make friends by asking their partner some questions

Asks some students to introduce themselves:

What’s your name?

T <--> Ss


Do you like English?

2. Presentation

30 minutes

Do you find English easy or difficult?

Which is the easiest, the most difficult? reading, speaking,

listening, or writing?

Why do you learn English?

How long have you learned English?

Are you good or bad at English?

1. The text- book English 11

* Aim: help ss have general information about the book

* Content: introduce the Content, design, and

* Products: understand what they will learn in this book

* Steps:

- The 1st term

* Unit 1- Unit 6: 8 parts for each unit: gettir

reading, speaking, listening, writing, com

culture and looking back & project

* Review 1, 2

* Test yourself 1

* Written tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1)

- The 2nd term:

* Unit 7- Unit 12: s for each unit: getting started,

language, reading, speaking, listening, writing, communication

and culture and looking back & project

* Revi ew 3, 4

est yourself 2

fatten tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1)

2. Teacher’s demand:

- Read the lesson before studying in class.

Do all exercises at home.

It is good to find the meaning and the pronunciation of the

new words in the dictionary at home.

-Listen to the teacher attentively and take part in the lesson

actively and creatively.



5 minutes

- Take part in the activities that the teacher required such as

pairs work, group work or individual

- Each S has a notebook and book (student book and work



* Text - book English 11

* Work - book English 11

At home:

* Prepare for the new lessons: Content, structures, words and

phrases, pronunciation

* Revise the old lessons + do all the homework

At class:

* Participate in all activities

* Keep the discipline

Students’ assessment

What do you find your English?

Very good/ excellent:




Very bad:



T <--> Ss

4. Homework

2 minutes

lit 1: generation gaps

Lessonl: Getting started

T <--> Ss

O '

Period 2 Unit 1

Lesson: 2

I. Objectives

1- Knowledge:


iA P



K o

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as rea ding for general ideas and for specific information about the

topic generation gap

- Develop listening skill through listening task

- Get general ideas about generation gap, the vocabulary related to generation gap and two grammar

points: should and ought to for g i'dng opinions and advice, and must and have to for expressing obligation.

- Understand more about Lh problems of generation gap in family

2- Skills:

+ to devJ( '( j p S°’ integrated skills

+ to levelo] develop Ss’ skill of cooperative sharing and problem solving

3. Attitude:

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures


1. Stabilization

and Warm up

3 minutes

2. New lesson

8 minutes


Describe the pictures

* Aim:. This activity will help Ss to define the word


* Content: look at the pictures and answer the questions

* Products : students understand the forms of family

* Steps:

- T shows two pictures and ask Ss some question.

1. How many people are there? Who are they'

2. What kind of family is this?

- T calls some Ss to give the answers

S1: There are five people in the p; nf r andparents, parents

and a child

S2: There are four peopl’ in il’ picture: parents and two


Ss: Extended fa ily and nuclear family

Lead sts into new lesson.

T: We are going to study unit 1 “ the Generation Gap” - getting

started- To know more about the family and the generation gap

ivity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the


* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings



T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation

+ Extended family (n.p) ( p ic tu re )

+ nuclear family(n.p) ( p ictu re )

+ g e n e ra tio n g ap (n.p)

+ c h ild c a re /'fajald ke^/(n)- the things that are done to take

care of children especially when their parents are away or at


+ ta b le m a n n e r (n) /'teibl m®na[r]z/ : phong thái ng ồi ăn

+ v ie w p o in t = p o in t o f v iew

+ fo llo w in so m e o n e 's fo o tstep s

+ im p o se o n (v) /im'pauz/

+ b e lie v e (v) /bi'li:v/

^ belief (n) /bi'li:f/

T <--> Ss


8 minutes


8 minutes

Activity 2: Listen and

* Aim: help ss grasp the gsneral idea of the conversation and

concept of the gf nerati on gap.

* Content: listen and repeat

* Products: understand the conversation and concept of

generation gaps


- Tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between

two friends and lets them working in pairs predicting: “ What

are Sam and Ann talking about?”

- Plays the recording. Ss individually listen to the conversation

and read along.

- Checks Ss answer and provide feedback.

Activity: 3 Read the conversation and decide whether the

statements are true (T) or false(F)



T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work

7 minutes


* Aim: This activity will help Ss to understand the

conversation through comprehension questions.

* Content: decide whether the statements are true (T) or


* Products: have correct answers

1. F ^ She lives in a nuclear family.

2. F ^ She is part of an extended family.

3. T

4. F ^ Ann’s parents believe family members should share the


5. T

* Steps: .

- Asks Ss to do this activity in pairs.

- Gets them to read the statements and decide ;f they are true or

false and refer to the conversation to find clues for their answers.

- Has Ss compare their answers

- Checks Ss’ answers and asks t hem to o correct the false



Activity 4: Find the meani ig of highlighted compound nouns

* Aim: this activity focuses on compound nouns.

* Content: Find the meaning of highlighted compound nouns

* Products: comprehend the meanings of unknown compound

nouns given in the conversation

*noSutnespsg:iv en in the conversation

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to pick out the highlighted compound nouns in the

conversation and write them on the board.

nuclear family

extended family


generation gap

table manners


T <--> Ss


Pair work

- Draws Ss’ attention to the pronunciation and stress of these


- Gives Ss a chance to challenge each other while figuring out

the Vietnamese meaning of these words.

- Tells Ss to complete the definitions, using the highlighted

compound nouns in the conversation.

- call on ss to give answers

- Check and give feedback

Expected answers

1. A nuclear family

2. Childcare

3. A generation gap

4. Table manners


5. A viewpoint

6. An extended family


T <--> Ss

oup work

T <-- > Ss

5 minutes


Activity 5 : Read the conve sation again and find verbs

used to express duty, obligation, advice, or lack of obligation.

* Aim:. This activity is to re call Ss Modal verbs should, ought

to, must and hav ■to an d how to use them.

* Content: : Read the conversation and find verbs used to

express duty, obligation, advice or lack of obligation.

* Products : understand modal verbs

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to read the conversation again, and find the verbs

expressing duty, obligation, advice, or lack of obligation.

- Has Ss compare their answers in pairs / groups. Then check

answers as a class

- Gives feedback.

Opinion & advice: should and ought to in positive and negative


Duty & obligation: must and have to

T <-- > Ss

Whole class

Pair work

5 minutes

Lack of obligation: (not) have to, (not) need to

Activity 6: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following


* Aim: This activity provides initial speaking practice, using the

ideas from the conversation and ss’ own ideas.

* Content: Ask and answer the following questions.

* Products : give the own answers

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions

- Have some Ss tell the class about their partners' type of fami

and what they like and dislike about it.

1. Are you a part of a nuclear or an extended family?

2. What do you like and dislike about your type of tami

- give feedback

Possible answers

1. I live in a nuclear family, including m* fati.e er, my mother, my

sister and me.

2. Everyone shares the hou sehold chores to each one. My

mother doesn't take much time to take care of all members, and

there is no generation gap in my family.

T <--> Ss

Pair work



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute


_ _


- Ask Ss: W .at have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- W ma'iz0 the main points of the lesson.


^ - Ask Ss to t( learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environmi environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

Prepare for the next lesson.

T <-- > Ss

T <--> Ss

Unit 1:


Period 3


I.. Objectives:

I. knowledge : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :

-recognize compound nouns in the unit and their spelling

- how to use should / shouldn't, ought to / ought not to, must / mustn't, have to / don't have to.

- focus on stressed and unstressed words in sentences, and discover a connection between stress and

H ^ ar.

- Use some lexical items related to the topic the generation gap and compound noun

2. Skills:

3. - Attitude:

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups


+ to develop Ss’ integrated skills

+ to develop Ss’ skill of cooperative sharing and problem solving

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquir ’ knowledge.

c >

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving compet Jtenc-ies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook


IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

7 minutes



* a' im:.

- To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the

lesson, check previous lesson lesson

* Content: find 5 compound nouns based on the pictures

* Products : students remember some compound nouns

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

Answer Key: 1. hairstyle

2. Junk food 3. generation gap

4. Schoolchildren 5. nuclear family

* Steps:

- T shows 5 pictures about 5 compound nouns asks Ss to

their best to remember the pictures and the go the the board to

write down the words, which group has more right word will

be the winner.

Lead sts into new lesson.

Today we are going to study unit 1 -la o know more

about compound noun.


2. New lesson

10 minutes


1 Activity 1: Match each word (1-9) with another word (a-i)

to make a compound no n< un. Four of them are written as

one word.

* Aim: this activity focuses on the compound nouns in the unit

and their spelling.

* C on'ent: : Match each word (1-9) with another word (a-i) to

make a compound noun

* Pro< •oducts: understand these compound nouns

1g 2h 3i 4f 5c 6b 7a 8d 9e

* Steps:

• Ask ss to match each single noun (1 -9) with another (a-i) to

make a compound noun.

• Tell them to check their answers in pairs, then check as a


• Give the meanings of these compound nouns, if necessary.

T <-- > Ss


Pair work

T <-- > Ss

10 minutes


• Draw Ss' attention to the four compounds written as one

word: household, hairstyles, schoolchildren, footsteps.


A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more


Each compound noun acts as a single unit and can be

modified by adjectives and other nouns.

In compound nouns, the stress usually falls on the first word.

This helps US to distinguish between compound nouns and

free word combinations.


a ’greenhouse: a place for growing plants (compoun

a ’green ’house: a house painted green (free won

Activity 2: Complete each question with o

compound nouns in 1.

* Aim: This activity focuses on the use of compound nouns in

appropriate contexts.

* Content: Complete each q uestion with one of the compound

nouns in 1.

* Products: have meaningful sentences with compound nouns

1. hairstyle / table manners

2. generation gap

3. nuclear family

4. ;unk food

5. schoolchildren

* Steps:

• Ask Ss to complete the questions with some of the compound

nouns in 1.

• Have Ss work individually first. Then ask them to work in

pairs / groups, and compare their answers.

• Check Ss' answers. Have them practise asking and answering

all the questions in pairs.



T <-- > Ss


Pair work

T <-- > Ss

5 minutes

Activity 3 Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to the

stressed words with the mark (') before the stressed syllables.

* Aim: This activity focuses on stressed and unstressed words

in sentences, and enables Ss to discover a connection between

stress and grammar.

* Content: Listen and repeat these sentences. Pay attention to

the stressed words

* Products: read the sentences correctly

Note: In a sentence, the following words are stressed:

1.Content words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs

2.Negative auxiliaries

3.Question words: who, whose, when, where, why, what,


4.Demonstrative pronouns that do not precede noun,/ this, that,

these, those



pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs,

except post-modifier constructions such as of mine, of yours,


Example: I've just 'met

* Steps: .

of mine

- Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat.

- Ask Ss to pay attention to the stressed words with the stress

mark before the stressed syllable.

- Pl <y the recording again for Ss to listen, pausing after each

si ntence. Have Ss work in pairs to find out the parts of speech of

the words which are stressed in these sentences.

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> SSss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


5 minutes

Activity 4: Are the words in bold stressed or unstressed?

Listen and check. Practise reading the conversations in pairs

* Aim: This activity focuses on words with either strong forms

or weak forms depending on their function in the sentence

* Content: Listen and check if the words in bold stressed or

unstressed. Practise reading the conversations in pairs.

5 minutes

* Products: understand stresses and unstressed words

Note: In a sentence, the following words are unstressed:

1. Function words: pronouns, the verb be, auxiliary verbs,

articles, conjunctions, and prepositions

2. this, that, these, and those when followed by a noun

3. who, whose, when, where, why, what and how when they introduce

a relative clause

Exception: When auxiliary verbs and modals are not followed

by a verb, they have strong forms

* Steps:

-Explain the activity to Ss, drawing their attention to the

in bold.

-Have Ss work individually first, then play the recordin g and

ask them to check their answers in pairs.

-Check answers as a class, highlighting the different cases.

-Ask pairs of Ss to role-play the questions and answers in front

of the class. Praise Ss who pronounce 1 strong and weak

forms correctly.

G ram m ar

Activity 1: Underline the correct words to complete the


* Aim: thi ^activity focuses on the use of should /shouldn't,

ought to. ought not to, must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to.

* Content: Underline the correct words to complete the


* Products: understand modal verbs

* Steps:

-Ask Ss to underline the correct words to complete the sentences,

and pay attention to the meaning of the sentences in order to

choose the right word.

-Have Ss work individually first, then ask them to compare their

answers in pairs. Check Ss' answers.

Answers : 1. should 2. ought

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

3. must 4. have to 5. mustn’t

Activity 2 : Rewrite each sentence without changing its

meaning, using the word in brackets

Aim: This activity focuses on should and ought to to give

opinions and advice, and must and have to to express obligation.

* Content: Rewrite each sentence without changing its

meaning, using the word in brackets

* Products: have the sentences with the same meaning

* Steps:


7 minutes

-Ask Ss to use the word in brackets to rewrite each sentence

without changing its meaning.

-Have Ss do this exercise individually. Monitor the activi i ty and

help them if necessary.

T <-- > Ss

-Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to take tur

to read


aloud the sentences, and then write them on the board.


2.You mustn't use your mobile p

3.I don't have to type my essay.

X s

in the examination room.

4.You should tell the truth to your family.

Pair work

5. Young people must plan t ieir future career carefully

O '






2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.







I. Objectives:

1.Knowledge:By the end of the lesson, students will1 be ah,e to :

- Develop such reading micro-skills as reading fo r geneid ideas and for specific information about the topic

"Generation gap”

- Scan the text for details and answer the questi ms.

- provide learners some vocabulary relate dto the topic of conflicts in the family

- Understand the text about conflicts in a family

- Use the information they ha ,-e r ead to discuss with their partners and share their opinions

- Understand more abo ut fhe conflicts between parents and teenage and they may know the way to avoid them.

2. Sk«ls:

- To promo e Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the tc^t to get the general idea

- Scai fhe text to get some specific details

+ make sts aware of generation gap.

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures



watch a video and answer the question - what's the video

1. Warm up

5 minutes


* Aim: To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class be

the lesson and set the context for the introductory

* Content: watch a video and answer the questior

* Products : The conflicts between parents and teenage/ children

* Steps:

- let ss watch a video and answer the i

- call on ss to give answers.

- Check their answers

Lead into new lesson.

Today, in order to know more about the conflicts in family We

are going to stud y unit one reading " WHERE DO CONFLICTS


T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

8 minutes


oduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the


* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words


T <--> Ss

Pair work

3 minutes


- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation


- conflict(v, n)( picture)

- decide = make decision

- break rules

- norm (n): chuẩn mực

^ social norm

- arise (v)

- regardless of

- impose (v) ST on somebody

- burden (n)

^ a financial burden on ...

Read the above words out loud and has stud'


Activity 2: You are going to rer^ a text about the conflicts

between parents and their t enage children. Which of the

following do you think you may find in the text?

* Aim: This activity Cocus< s on Ss' predictions about the

reading text.

* Content: predict about the conflicts between parents and their

teenage children

* Products: give the prediction about conflicts in the family

* Steps

- L°t Ss work in groups, do the task.

- Ask Ss to tick the conflicts (a-g) and then compare their

choices with their partner's. Sometimes help Ss with

unfamiliar words in the list (a-g)

- Has Ss share their opinions with the partner

-call on ss to give answers

- check their answers

T <--> Ss



T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

8 minutes

8 minutes

Activity 3: Read the text and check the predictions.

* Aim: This activity focuses on skimming

* Content: Read the text and check the predictions.

* Products: understand the text and check their predictions

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to skim the text and compare their predictions in


- Check Ss' answers, and ask them to give the clues from

the reading text which helped them to work out the


Ss work individually then compare the answers with a par

- T calls on two Ss to copy their answer on the board

- Give feedback.

b c d e f

Activity: 4 Match the highlighted words ;n the text with the

definitions below.

* Aim: This activity focuses on working out the meaning of

new words based on the context.

* Content: Match the highlighted words with the definitions

* Products: understand the words

1. afford 2. Imp and name

4. norms

* Step

-Asv Sr to match the highlighted words in the text with the

is given.

ll Ss to go back to the reading text to locate the highlighted

words and study the context surrounding the words to work out

their meaning. Then match them with the definitions.

-Have Ss work individually, then check their answers in pairs or


Check the answers again as a class.

T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > Ss


Pair work

T <-- > Ss

group work

T <-- > Ss

Activity 4: Read the text carefully. Answer the following

8 minutes


* Aim: This activity focuses on reading for specific


* Content: Answer the following questions.

* Products: understand the text and have the answers for the


* Steps:

-Ask Ss to read the questions first to work out the type of

information they will look for in the text.

- Ask them to work in pairs , one asks and one answers.

- Move round to make sure that all sts are working and to

them if necessary.

- Ask some sts to report and give feedback

Answers l.Because they strongly believe they

best for their children.

2.They want to be more independent, c~ea\e i>eir own opinions

and make their own decisions.

3.They are worried because these clothes may break rules and

norms of society, or distract them from schoolwork.



4.They want their children to ■spend their time in a more useful


5. No. Some of f them try to impose their choices of university or


o* their children.

t is

T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > SSss

Pair work


Consolidatio ation

2 minutes


4. Hom

1 minute

- Ask .sk Ss. : What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss





1. Objectives:

1 language : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Talk about conflicts between teenagers and parents

- Express their opinions and advice on how to solve the problems between them

- Use the information they have read to discuss with their partners and share their opinions

- Understand more about the conflicts between parents and teenage and they may kno : way

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

avoid them.

3.- Attitude:

- Know to share experiences and give the ways to solve t he pro blems in daily life.

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically ,o a^q^re knowledge.

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures nlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedur

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

7 mil. utes

List the problems between children and parents

* Aim: To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before

the lesson and set the context for the introductory

* Content: list the problems with parents in the family

* Products : ss’ answers

* Steps:

- ask ss to work in pairs to list the problems in the family

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes

- call on ss to give the answers

- check their answers

Lead sts into new lesson.

- Leads in the lesson: Today, we talk about problems between

teenagers and their parents and give advices on how to solve


Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related


* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings


- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with th ~ words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the w ords aloud

check their pronuncia tion


- criticize (* (v )

O '

follow n , sSO'S o footsteps f<

ire SO with SO

time/ money on ST/ doing ST

-ange (adj)

- privacy (n)

Activity 2 : Read about three situations facing teenagers.

Match them with the problems a, b, or c in the box below

* Aim: This activity focuses on conflicts between teenagers and

their parents.

* Content:




T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


Match three situations facing teenagers with the problems a, b

or c in the box below

* Products: understand the situation and problems

1b 2c


* Steps:

-Ask Ss to read about three situations facing teenagers,

and then match them with the problems a, b, or c in the

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> SSss


-Walk around and help Ss, if necessary.

-Have Ss compare their answers. Check Ss' answers.

-Ask Ss to further discuss if they have ever experienced

these situations, and how they felt.

They may give advice or express their opinions.



Pair work

Activity 3

Here are some of the things teenager s and parents complain

about. Tick the complaints that you hear in your family.

T <--> Ss

10 minutes

Add more if you can.

* Aim: This activity fetuses on the ideas and useful language

that Ss can use in 3 wi en the y talk about their problems with


C ?

* Content: Tick k the complaints that you hear in your family

* Products: identify the problems the family

T <--> Ss


-Ask Ss to read the list of things teenagers and their parents

complain about.

-Have them tick the complaints that they hear in their families.

-Encourage Ss to add some more complaints if they can.

-Help Ss with any new language they may need to express

their ideas

- Let Ss do the task then compare the result with their friend

- Call some Ss to give their ideas

group work

T <-- > Ss

Activity 4

10 minutes

Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you or your brothers /

sisters and your parents complain about. Give advice on how

to solve the problem

* Aim: This activity focuses on speaking about conflicts

between teenagers and parents, and giving opinions and advice

to solve the problems

* Content: Tell your partner what you or your brothers / sisters

and your parents complain about . Give advice on how to solve

the problem

* Products:

- Make a conversation.

* Steps: .

- Asks Ss to work in pairs and take turns

what they or their siblings and their en complain

about, then practice giving advic

solve the problem.

- Encourages Ss to use the ctures ’isted in Helpful language.

- Walk around to help Ss essary

- Asks some pairs to iole-pl. y their conversations.

- Gives feedback on th ir performance.



2 minutes

4. Homewor

1 minute


Ask Ss. Whit have you learnt today? What can you do now?

imarize the main points of the lesson.

k Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss



I. Objectives:



1. Knowledge:: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- understand differences in opinions and preferences, and related conflicts between teenagers and parents

- Express their opinions and advice on how to solve the problems between them

- Understand more about the conflicts between parents and teenage and they may know the way to avoid them.

2. Skills:

To promote Ss to develop their listening skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3- Attitude:

+ Know to share experiences and give the ways to solve the problems in daily life.

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,


C >

+ recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as we.1as those in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

l.Stabilization (2 ms)

2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up p : no ini

3.Classroom activities


Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

Brain Storming

* Aim:. introduce and engage Ss in the topic of the unit.

* Content: tell the different between 2 pictures

* Products : ss look at the pictures and say the differences

between 2 pictures

* Steps:

Ask Ss to look at the photos of the two teenagers, and think

about what problems they may have.

- Tell them to focus on hobbies (Photo a) and fashion

(Photo b) and elicit Ss' opinions.

- Have Ss talk about what the parents of these teenagers

T <--> Ss

might complain about.

+ Playing computer games too much

+ Having uncommon hairstyles, clothes...

Today we are going to listen to Tom and Linda discussing their

conflicts with their parents.

Lead sts into new lesson.

2. New lesson

7 minutes


Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases ;o the



- skinny(adj) 'skini/ # fat ( picture

- sparkling(adj) /'spa:kliq/

- stuff (n) chất liệu , món

^■casual stuff

- flashy (adj) /'fteji/ , thích chưng diện

^ flashy clothe;

-elegant (adj) /'eligant: lịch sự, tao nhã

- forbid/fa'bid/ = ban= prohibit

- co nce.itra.te on (v) = focus on

. Shin, : adj) /'Jaini/: bó„g

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation

Pair work

T <--> Ss


Activity 1:

7 minutes You are going to listen to Tom and Linda discussing their

conflicts with their parents. W hat do you think they will


* Aim:

this activity focuses on listening for general ideas.

* Content: You are going to listen to Tom and Linda

discussing their conflicts with their parents. What do you

think they will mention?

* Products: give their predictions of what they are goint


* Steps:

Tell Ss that they are going to listen to two t s, Tom and

Linda, discussing their conflicts with nts.

Ask Ss to circle what they think

s will mention in

their conversation.

Activity 2:

Match the words in with the appropriate definitions.

* Aim: This ac uses on new vocabulary items

8 minutes * Con ch the words in the box with the appropriate


* Produ : get used to some new words in the listening text

11 2a 3b 4c

* Steps:

- Tells Ss to match the words with their definitions. These words

will be heard in the conversation.

- Has Ss compare their answers. Checks their answers.

Activity 3 Listen to the conversation. Decide if the following

sentences are true (T) or false (F).

* Aim: This activity focuses on listening for specific

Pair work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

group work

8 minutes

8 minutes


T <--> Ss

* Content: Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or

false (F).

* Products: understand the conversation and have the correct


1F 2F 3T 4T 5T

* Steps: .

- Play the recording and let Ss do the exercise.

- Play the tape twice

- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then compare the

answer with their partner

- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones.

- Check Ss' answers. If many Ss in the class have

answers, play the recording again, stop at the

get the correct answers.

Activity 4

Listen to the conversation aga;~ and choose the best answer

A, B, or c. Pair work

* Aim: This activity fetuses on listening for specific


* Content: Listen to the conversation again and choose the best

answer A, B, or C

* Products: : understand the conversation and have the

1C 2 a 3B 4C 5B

* Steps:

-Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the conversation again,

and do a multiple choice exercise.

-Remind Ss to try to ignore any distractors that may appear

in the recording, and listen for specific information.

Ss: Listen and check their answers with a partner.

T: Check answers as a class

Activity 5 W ork in pairs. Ask and answer the following

5 minutes



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute


* Aim: This activity focuses on some of the ideas from the

listening conversation

* Content: Ask and answer the following questions.

* Products : give their own answers to the questions

* Steps:

• Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the


• Encourage them to share their experiences with their

partner who is expected to give advice or express



Possible answers

1. No, they don't. They think that my clothes are colorful colonul and not

suitable for a student.


2. I think that computer games help me tc relax after hard work

but my parents disagree. They think that computer games are

totally harmful.

Ask Ss: What have you lean t today ? What can you do now?

Summarize the main po:nts of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by he. rt the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare f o~ the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

< P

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss




I, Objectives:

1.Knowledge:: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- write a letter about family rules to a teenager staying with a home stay family.

- express themselves in written English.

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3.- Attitude:

+ to motivate Ss to explore, respect and obey the rules of their family, as well as who is responsible for

ensuring the people in the family follow those rules.

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiatically to acquire knowledge. D v

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook


IV. Teaching procedures

1.Stabilization (2 ms)

2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up : N o

3.Classroom activities

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

7 minutes


* Aim:.

To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the

■esson ' '

* Content: Tell about your family’s rules

* Products : ss ‘ answers

* Steps:

Ask ss to tell family rules

Lead sts into new lesson.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes

Activity 1:

Completing the sentences

The following are some family rules. Complete them, using

the phrases below. Add a few more if you can.


10 minutes


* Aim: this activity focuses on the language they need to

write about family rules.

* Content: Completing the sentences about family’s rule

* Products: use the suggestions to complete the sentences

* Steps:

Ask Ss to read the family rules provided

- Have Ss complete the sentences and think about the rules in

their families. Ss may add more rules if they can

- call on ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

1. My parents don’t let me stay out late at the weekenc

2. They make me keep my room tidy.

3. They tell me to take my studies serious^.

4. They warn me not to smoke or take drugs.

5. They want me to have good taM~ manners.

6. I am not allowed to stay ov ernight at my friend’s house.

7. They forbid me to use a cell phone.

8. I have to finish all my homework before going to bed

9. I'll be punishe l if I i eglect my study and get bad marks

10. I'll be re warded if I get good marks.

Activity 2

Read the list in 1 again. Choose the three most im portant

rules that your parents often apply to you. Think of the

reasons, and write them in the space provided.

* Aim: this activity focuses on giving reasons or explanations.

* Content: Think of the reasons and write them in the space


* Products: give the reasons

Possible answers

+ One important rule in my family is that I have to help around

with the housework and other home duties. This will give my

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



mother more free time to relax, teach me lessons about my

responsibility and make my family members closer to each


+ Another important rule in my family is that my parents want

me to take my study seriously. I'm expected to finish all my

homework before going to bed and prepare carefully for every

exam at school. I will I'll be punished if I neglect my study and

get bad marks but I'll be rewarded if I get good marks.

+ The third important rule in my family is that I am not allowed

to tell lies. Whether I make a small or serious mistake, my

parents make me to tell the truth so that they can know

everything about me and help me to solve the problem.

* Steps:

- ask Ss to work in groups of tables.

- Ask Ss to choose the three most importan at their

parents often apply in their family, and then ve the reasons in

the spaces provided.

- Tell Ss to read and analyze the example so they know what

they are expected to do.

- Help Ss to express their id eas, if necessary.

- T tells Ss to re ad and analyse the example so they know what

they are exp xcted to do.

- T helps to express their ideas, if necessary.

- T <sks ss to make an outline of the letter based on the

si ructur es of the text in taskl and the qs in task 2

\ T

Activity 3:

An English teenager is going to stay with your family for two

months on a cultural homestay programme. Complete a

letter to inform him I her of the rules in your family. Write

between 160-180 words, using the suggested ideas in the list


* Aim: This activity helps Ss practice writing a letter about

Ss <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

. . . .

family rules

* Content: Complete a letter to inform your friend of the

rules in your family.

* Products: have a completed letter

* Steps:

- Explain that they can use the ideas provided previously to

write the letter.

- Encourages Ss to write the letter individually.

- Have Ss exchange their letters for peer checking. Walk around

and help Ss, if necessary.

- Collect Ss' letters to give further feedback

Pham Ngoc Thach, Dong Da, Ha NCi. '

let Nam

10th, 20...

f A ^

Dear Lauren,

I'm very happy

One important rule in my famiis that every member of the

family has to keep his or her room t :dy. My brother and I have

to make our beds eve:y morning, and clean the floor and

windows twice a week.

Another importa nt ru l' is that my brother and I must be home

before 10 p.m.. My parents are very strict and believe that setting

a curfew will help us become responsible, and stay safe and

hea th

T re thi, d important rule is that we mustn’t invite friends to stay

ov ernight. This is not only our family rule, but also the rule for

all people living in the building.

If you have any questions,......

Best wishes,

group work

T <--> Ss




2 minutes

Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

Summarize the main points of the lesson.

T <--> Ss

4. Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

1 minute environment impacts and ways to protect the environment T <--> Ss

- Prepare for the next lesson.





C > ^

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-Talk and express their views about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a nuclear or an extended


-Understand the current family trend in the UK and the US A.

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3.- Attitude:

+ Have responsible attitude towards family rules.

+ to motivate Ss to work collat oratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

+ to help Ss recognize their 'e:'pensibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those in their


II. Methods

commu nicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

Word family : list the words related to family

1. Warm up

7 minutes

2. New lesson

10 minutes


7 minutes

* Aim: revise vocabulary

* Content: list the words related to family

* Products : ss answers

* Steps:

- ask ss to list the words related to family­

- call ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

Lead sts into new lesson.

Activity 1:


* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phr


* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the me mings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make senten ces w ith the words

- check and give ieedb. ck

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation

V° L '.

v br bội khó chiu

+ bring about (v) (translation): dân đên

+ value (n) (translation): giá trị

+ attitude towards sb/sth (v) (explanation):

Thái độ

+ interact with (v) = communicate: giao tiêp, tương tác

Activity 1: W ork in groups. Practise asking the following

questions and take notes of their answers.


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Pair work

Ss <-- > Ss


8 minutes


1. What kind of family do you live in?

2. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of

living in an extended or a nuclear family are?

* Aim:

This activity Aims at giving Ss further speaking practice related

to the unit topic.

* Content:

. Practise asking the following questions and take notes of their


* Products:

Ss get the answers from their friends

1. I live i n .....family

2.Living in an extended family:

Advantages: have more support from other fam i’y members,...

Disadvantages: there are a lot of conflicts be tween different


* Steps:

* 0

- Ask Ss to work in groups to practis sking and answering the


- Have Ss take notes oc their partners' answers, and help them to

express their ide s, if n ecessary.

- call on stu dents to perform their answer

- give fe dback

A ctivity 2: Report your group's opinions to the class.

* Aim: help Ss to have ability to express their ideas freely

about the topic in the front of the class.

* Content: Report your group's opinions to the class.

* Products: present their results

I live in a nuclear/an extended family.

Living in a nuclear family has both advantages and

disadvantages. On the one hand, there are only two generations

in a nuclear family so there will be less conflicts and generation


T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

group work

gaps. On the other hand, nuclear families have to face with the

7 minutes

problem of childcare and elderly care.

Living in an extended family brings about both advantages and

disadvantages. For advantages, members in extended families

often help each other a lot with childcare, elderly care and

housework. Children can also learn a lot of experiences from the

elderly. For disadvantages, extended families often have a lot of

conflicts and generation gaps

* Steps:

- Asks Ss each group to choose to one person to report

group’s opinions to the class.

- Asks other Ss to listen and ask questions about the rep

- give comments and feedback

ort. the

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

1* '°


Activity 3 Read the text about com.^! of the extended

family and answer the questioi ..........

* Aim: have Ss read and know about family trend in USA, and


* Content: read t ext and answer the question

* Products: un about family trend in USA, and UK.

Pair work

Ss <-- > Ss


* Ste;

- Shows the picture and introduce the topic: The return of the

extended families in the UK and the USA.

- Asks Ss to read the text carefully and highlight any words they

may not know. Explain their meaning to Ss.

- Encourages Ss to compare their guesses with the reasons

provided in the text.

- Have Ss answer the questions and compare their answers.

Check answers with the whole class.

1. The number of multi-generational households with three or

four generations living under the same roof.

T <--> Ss

7 minutes

2. Unemployment, part-time work and low-paid jobs have

become more common. The cost of housing has become higher.

The pressures of childcare and elderly care have become


3. The disadvantages are the lack of space, independence and

privacy, and the daily conflicts.

4. They can develop relationships with adults other than their


5. Old people can become more active when interacting with the

younger generations.

Activity 4: Discuss with a partner.

1. What is the current family trend in Viet Nam?

< y

2. What are the reasons for the current trend?

3. Do you think children are happier growi extended


* Aim: this activity aims at providing opportunities for

discussions of the current fam ily trend in Viet Nam

* Content: discuss the questions

* Products: have the differ ent answers for the questions

Possible answers

1. The curre't family trend in Viet Nam is the increase in the

number of nuclear families

2. The reasons for this is the influence from Western cultures,

busy lifestyle and the depletion in the traditional customs

3. v es.

* Steps:

- Tells Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. What is the current family trend in Viet Nam?

2. what are the reasons for the current trend?

4. Do you think children are happier growing up in extended


- Encourages Ss to say what they know about the issue and

Pair work

Ss <-- > Ss




2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

discuss any possible reasons for the current trend.

- Asks some pairs to report the results of their discussion.

- give comments and feedback

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

r > ss






i. Objectives:

1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will able :

+ To identify and pronounce stressed and unstressed words in a sentence .

+ To use and form compound nouns .

+ To use modal verbs to express obligation, opi lions and advice.

+ To talk about common conflicts b etweet parents and their teenage children.

+ To conduct a survey to find out the conflicts between generations in their friends’ families.

2. Skills:

- To help Ss develop the skill ot working in pairs and groups

- To help Ss develop the interviewing skill

3- Attitude:

+ motivate Ss’ positive attitude towards family rules.

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

+ lo he! Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those in their


II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

2 minutes

: Family Collocations

* Aim: To lead Ss into the topic of the lesson relating to family


* Content: list what they have learnt in this unit.

* Products : complete the diagram





<-- > Ss

* Steps:

Divide the class teams. Explain the rules of the game to


-In 3 minutes, write down as many collocations of family as


: nuclear family, one- parent family, blended family, family

tor, family name

Lead sts into new lesson.

2. New lesson

5 minutes


Activity 1: : Listen and put a stress m ark before their stress

syllables in the statements.

* Aim: This activity aims at revising strong and weak forms of

words in connected speech.


T <--> Ss

* Content: Listen and put a stress mark before their stress

syllables in the statements.

* Products: mark stress of the words correctly

1. ‘Tim and his ‘parents ‘often ‘argue about what ‘time he

should ‘come ‘home.

2. ‘Money is a ‘source of ‘conflict for ‘many ‘families.

3. ‘Susan’s ‘parents ‘want her to ‘do ‘well in ‘school, and if ‘that

‘doesn’t ‘happen, her ‘parents ‘get ‘angry, so she ‘gets ‘worried.

Pair work

5 minutes

4. ‘Kate’s ‘parents ‘often com’plain that she ‘doesn’t ‘help

‘clean the ‘house.

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to identify the stressed words and put a stres

before the stressed syllables.

- Have them listen and check their answer

- Asks some Ss to read the sentences aloud

Activity 2: Listen and put a str^ c m ark before their stress

syllables in the statements.

* Aim: This activity focuses on the stressed words in short


* Content: Listen and put a stress mark before their stress

syllables in the statements.




* Products: give stress of the words correctly

* Steps, - Ask Ss to identify the stressed words and put a stress

ma rk before their stressed syllables.

- Have them compare their answers with a partner, and then

listen and check.

- Asks Ss to practise reading the exchanges in pairs

1. A: At ‘what ‘age were you a ’llowed to ‘stay at ‘home a ’lone?

B: I ‘don’t re ’member e ’xactly. I ‘think it was when I was ‘nine

or ‘ten.

2. A: These ‘jeans ‘look ‘really ‘cool. Would you ‘like to ‘try

T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

them ‘on?

B: No, I ‘don’t ‘like them. I ‘like ‘those over ‘there.

3. A: Do you ‘think ‘life is ‘safer in the ‘countryside ?

B: Yes, I ‘do. It’s ‘also ‘cleaner.

Pair work

7 minutes


ACTIVITY 3: Fill in the gaps with the words/ phrase in the


* Aim: This activity aims at revising some of the

vocabulary items used in the unit

* Content: Fill in the gaps with the words/ phrase in the

* Products: understand vocabulary more

1. nuclear family

2. generation gap

3. home stay

4. conflicts

5. curfew

* Steps: .


- Have Ss read the instr structions and do this activity individually.

Then asks them to compare their answers in pairs.

the whole class.

T <--> Ss


T <-- > Ss

group work

T <-- > Ss

7 minutes

compound nouns with the word family

activity focuses on compound nouns with the

lily, and dictionary skills

ontent: Find compound nouns with the word family

* Products: have more understanding of compound nouns

Single-parent family

Family doctor

Family tree

Family name

Extended family

Nuclear family

Family rules

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to make compound nouns with family.

- Ss can use a dictionary, if necessary. Then they compare their

answers in pairs or groups.

- Checks answers with the whole class.


Activity 1: Complete the sentences with should or ought to

in either positive or negative form.

* Aim: This activity aims at revising should/ shouldn't and

ought to/oughtn 't to for giving opinions and advice

* Content: Complete the sentences with should or ough , , ,

either positive or negative form

* Products: master should / shouldn't and ought to/oughtn ?htn 't to


5 minutes

5 minutes

1. ought to

2. should not, ought to

3. should not

4. oughtn’t to, should

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to com sentences with should, shouldn't,

ought or oughtn 't.

- Have Ss do the task individually first, and then compare their


- Checks answers as a class.

ACTIVITY 2: Complete the sentences with must or have to

in either positive or negative form

* Aim:. revise the use of have to and must expressing obligation.

* Content: Complete the sentences with must or have to in

either positive or negative form

* Products : have the sentences with must/ mustn’t or have to/

has to / or don’t have to / doesn’t have to.

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to complete the sentences with must/ mustn’t or have

to/ has to / or don’t have to / doesn’t have to.

- Have Ss do the task individually first, and then compare their


- Checks answers as a class


* Aim: this project aims at providing additional speaking

practice and helps Ss to consolidate the language they have

learnt throughout the unit.

* Content: interview 15 teenagers, aged 15-17, who live in

your area, and take notes of their answers. Report your gr

findings to the whole class.

* Products: Report the Groups’ findings.

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to work in groups of 6 to 8. Each g"< ill interview

15 teenagers, aged 15-17, living in the^ area, and take notes of

their answers. Ss can use the suggested questions.

- Asks Ss to report their group's findings to the whole class.

- Encourages Ss to ask additional questions related to the report.



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

Ask Ss: What hav ou learnt today? What can you do now?

Sum ¡umma ■ize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn : by heart the words or phrases related to

en 'ironment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss



I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to relationships

- For pronunciation, that is contracted forms: nouns/pronouns, etc + verb/ verb not

- For grammar, that is the use of linking verbs and cleft sentences

- Learn and use new vocabulary.

- get to know the topic, vocabulary related to relationships

2. Attitude:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 2 with the topic "Relationships"

- To provide Ss some motivation

- To encourage Ss to focus on learning and be careful with romantic relationships

3. Skills:

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific information about teenage re’at^onshi ip problems

- Speaking: Talking about problems and asking for advice

- Listening: Listening

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduc

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures


C >


1. Warm up

3 minutes



* Aim: get Ss to know the topic about romantic relationships

* Content: describe the pictures

* Products : say about the relationship of the people in the


* Steps:

Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess what the two people's

relationship is and what they are talking or thinking about.

Suggested answers:

They are grandmother and granddaughter

The grandmother is telling her granddaughter to focus on


T <--> Ss

schoolwork, while the girl is thinking about romantic


Lead sts into new lesson.

2. New lesson

10 minutes

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the



1. strict (adj):

2. get involved in

3. sooner or later (phrase)

4. single -sex schools

5. concentrate on (v): = focus on

6. romantic relationship

7. sympathy (n)

^ sympathetic (adj)

^sympathize (v)

* Steps:

- show the p Stares and words

- ask students to guess the meanings



o make sentences with the words

eck and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation




T <-- > Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Activity 1: Listen and read.

* Aim: To help Ss practice some skills (reading and listening)

* Content: Listen and read.

* Products: understand the conversation


10 minutes


10 minutes

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to listen to a conversation between a student and her

grandmother. Play the recording.

- have ss read the conversation in pairs .

- Tell Ss not to worry about new language items as they will

have a chance to come back to them later on.

Activity 2: Decide whether the following sentences are true

(T), false (F), or not given (NG), and tick the correct..

* Aim: This activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Decide whether the following sentences are true

(T), false (F), or not given (NG), and tick the correct

* Products:

Have the answers

1.T ( ‘oh, one of my classmates')

2.F (Mai tells her grandmother they’re just fr s and Nam is

not her boyfriend.)

3.T ('... there’s no real friendship u*twt °n a boy and a girl.’)

4.T(M al’s grandmother went to a single-sex school.)


6. T (Mai tells her grandmother that all her classmates are very

kind, caring and symp etic.

* Steps:

- ^ es and .M reminds Ss of some tips to do this kind of task.

- A. ks rLs to work individually to do activity 2 in 3’.

- Goes around the class to help if necessary.

- Then asks Ss to compare their answers in pairs.

- Call sts to present answers.

- Corrects and gives feedback.

Activity 3 Read the conversation again, and find the verbs

that come before the words below. Write them in the space


* Aim: To help Ss recognize linking verbs

This activity helps Ss to discover the use of linking verbs with

Pair work

T <--> Ss


* Content: find the verbs that come before the words below

* Products: recognize linking verbs

1. get involved

2.feel bored

3.are very kind, caring and sympathetic

4.sounds good

* Steps: .

- Asks them to read the conversation again, and find the verbs

that come before the words in the list

- Asks sts to work in pairs in 3’.

- Goes around for help.

- Calls on Ss to give their answers.

- Gives feedback and correct answers



group work

T <-- > Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss: What have you lean t today ? What W1 can you do now?

- Summarize the main points

of the lesson.

Ask Ss to learn by heart he, the words or phrases related to

environment ent impacts and ways to protect the environment

Prepare for the niextlesson.

T <-- > Ss

T <--> Ss

Unit 2:




owledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

contracted forms: nouns / pronouns, etc. + verbs; verbs + not

- use words and phrases related to relationships.

- review linking verbs.

- know how to use cleft sentences.

2. Attitude:

To encourage Ss to work harder

3. Skills:

To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures



C >

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

Game : Face to face

1. Warm up

5 minutes

* Aim: create the friendly and fun atmosphere befo: fore the lesson

* Content: list the words related to the topic

T <--> Ss

* Products : sts working

* Steps:


: - Divide Ss into two groups, >, A and B.

- Tell Ss you’re going to name some categories, and the groups

take turns to shout ou t words of the category.

- The group to c all out the last word of a category wins a point.

- The group with more points wins the game.

Keep a running total of points for each group on the board.

e winner.

These are the categories and some suggested answers as


1.Nouns related to extended families

2. Words for jobs or career

3. Adverbs expressing speed of change

4. Nouns related to relationships

Lead sts into new lesson.

2. New lesson Activity 1: Write the words given next to their meanings

7 minutes

7 minutes


* Aim: To help sts know the meaning of the words

* Content: Write the words or phrases given in the box next to

their meanings.

* Products: Match the words with their meanings

1. have got a date

2. break up

3. romantic relationship

4. argument

5. sympathetic

6. land an ear

7. be in a relationship

8. be reconciled

* Steps:

T asks Ss to match the words with their meai

Ss read the words and their definitions in +ht be d then do

the matching.

Ss give the Vietnamese meanin

words and then

practise pronouncing them.

T checks answers as a cla

Activity 2: Complete th ntences with the words or

phrases in 1.

* Aim: To "o help sts know how to use the word in the sentence

* Contenir Complete the sentences

* Products: understand the words in contexts

..lend an ear, broke up

2. -econciled

3. romantic relationship

4. in a relationship, arguments

5. have got a date

6. sympathetic

* Steps:

- T asks Ss to pay attention to the grammar when using the

words in 1. When using a noun, Ss need to consider its suitable


T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

7 minutes

form (singular or plural).

- T has Ss complete the sentences individually, and then

compare their answers in pairs.

Ss complete the sentences with the words in 1. Then compare

their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class


Activity 3 : Find the contracted forms in the conversation

and write their full forms in the space below

* Aim: This activity focuses on contracted forms in casual


* Content: Find the contracted forms in the conversatio n and

write their full forms

* Products: master contracted forms

shouldn't - should not

you're - you are

we're - we are

there's - there is

don’t - do not

you'll -you will

Didn’t- Did not

I’m n - I am



T <--> Ss


T <-- > Ss


8 minutes

- Ask Ss to listen and underline the contraction or the full forms

in the exchanges.

- Listen to the CD and do the task.

- Repeat the exchanges.

- Check with the whole class

Activity 4: Listen and underline what you hear - the

contraction or the full form

* Aim: This activity focuses on contracted forms in casual


group work

T <-- > Ss

T <-- > Ss

8 minutes

* Content: Listen and underline what you hear - the contraction

* Products: master contracted forms

1. I will, I’ll

2. I am

3. He is, he’s

4. we are, we’re

5. I’ve, that’s

* Steps:

Ask Ss to listen and underline the contractions or the full forms

in the exchanges.

Explain some of the rules for contracted forms.

Check answers as a class.


a. Linking verbs

Activity 1: Choose the verbs in the boy to comr lete the

sentences. Make changes to the verb foTms of necessary.

* Aim: To help sts to understand what the linking verbs are

and how to use them correctly

* Content: Choose the verbs in the box to complete the


* Products: understand

what the linking verbs are

1. Sound 2. 1. glow g / get

3. stay 4. getting

5. seem 6. look / seem




group work


’ <--> > Ss

T <-- > Ss


group work

T <-- > Ss

Ask Ss to choose the verbs in the box to complete the sentences.

Tell them to use the correct form of the verbs.

Check Ss' answers.

Activity 2 : Underline the correct word to complete the


* Aim: help sts to understand what the linking verbs are and

how to use them correctly.

T <-- > Ss

8 minutes


7 minutes

* Content: Underline the correct word to complete the


* Products: complete the sentences

1. unhappy 2. warm

3. suddenly 4. excited

5.angry 6. annoyed

7. awful 8. quickly

* Steps: .

- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and identify the linking


- Explain to Ss that some verbs can refer to an action and be

followed by an adverb.

- Check Ss' answers.


B, Cleft sentences with It is / was that ..

Activity 3: Rewrite each sentence to emphasize the

underlined part

* Aim: To help Ss to know vhat Cleft sentences are used for

and how to use them exactly.

* Content: Choose the ven s in the box to complete the


* Products: understand Cleft sentences

* Steps:

T a. ks Ss to study the Do you know ... ? box and explains to Ss

tl at cleft structures are used to emphasize a particular part of a


- T asks Ss to rewrite each sentence to emphasize the underlined


- T has Ss compare their answers with a partner.

- Ss look at the Remember box and pay attention to the examples.

- Ss complete the sentences

1. It was her sad story that made me cry.

2. It is you who are to blame for the damage. / It's you that is to


group work


’ <--> > Ss

T <--> Ss


group work

T <-- > Ss

blame for the damage.

3. It's hiking in the forest that we really enjoy.

4. It's your parents that / who you should really speak to when

you have problems.

5. it's his dishonesty that I dislike the most.

6. It's Jinn that/who Lana is in a relationship with.

7. It was at the age of 20 that he became successful as a famous


8. It was in a nice coffee shop that they had their first date.




2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

Activity 4: W rite the answers to these questions. s. Use the

words or phrases in brackets as the focus.( homework)

Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can now?

Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words ists related to

environment impacts and ways t ie environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Unit 2:


Period 12


I Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Skim and scan a text for main ideas and specific information.

- Undei stand a text about teenager relationship problems in an advice column.

- Know where people could seek advice when they have problems.

2. Attitude:

- To help Ss know some ways to solve their personal problems

- To provide Ss some motivation

To HELP students know how to get over challenges and problems even though they are in the worst


3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the text to get the general idea

- Scan the text to get some specific details

to develop Ss’ skill of cooperative sharing and problem solving

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook


IV. Teaching procedures

C >




1. Warm up

5 minutes

Miming - Feelings

* Aim: create the friendly and fun atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: express the feelings shown in T’s wordlist

* Products : guess the words >f the feelings

* Steps:

- Let Ss wo "k in two teams and ask each team to assign one

representative who will do actions to express the feelings

s iow n in T’s wordlist. The rest of each team will guess how

eii friend is feeling by speaking out the adjectives of

eling. The team that has more correct answers will win.

- Declare the winner and lead in the lesson

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

8 minutes

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the


T <--> Ss

5 minutes




1. to be in trouble

2. quit = stop

3. betray(v)

4. drop out of ( phrasal verb)

5. argue (v): = have an argument

6. physical appearance

7. counsel(v/n): khuyên, lời khuyên

^ counsellor(n): cố vấn, luật sư

8. stay awy from sb

9. reconcile (v): hòa giải

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with th

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the Words aloud

- check their pronunci

Activity 1: Disci ss with a partner

* Aim: Get ■students to know the lesson objectives

* C ontent Discuss with a partner


1. What is happening in the pictures? What problems do you

think these people have?

2. Whenever you have problems with schoolwork or

relationships (at home or at school), who do you talk to?

* Products:

Show their understanding of the pictures

Picture a. The teacher is returning students ‘papers. The boy is

depressed because of his poor grades.

Picture b. Their relationship is breaking up.

Picture c. They're having an argument

Pair work



T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

7 minutes

7 minutes

» ?

* Steps:

- Assk Ss to look at the people in the three pictures, paying

attention to their body language.

- Has Ss work in pairs and guess what is happening to these

people or how they are feeling.

- check and give feedback

Activity 2: An advice column in a newspaper offers help to

readers when they are in trouble. Read the column and

match the readers' names with their problems.

* Aim: To help Ss develop scanning skill

* Content: match the readers’ names with their problems

* Products: understand their problems

1.b (Van Ha: My friend betrayed my trust.)

2. c (Quang Nam: I don't have friends

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to read the questions and rep kly and find the

main ideas.

- Has Ss choose the best summ ary of each reader’s problem.

- check and give feedback

Activity 3: Find the woro >or expressions in the text that

have the following meanings and write them in the space


* Aim: To lops students’ ability in guessing word

meaning in context and helps them know some new words to

facilitate their comprehension

* C ontent: Find the words or expressions in the text that have

the following meanings

* Products: understand the word and phrases

Expected answers.

1. be on good terms with someone

2. take the initiative

3. trust

4. engage in (a conversation)

Pair work

T <--> Ss

group work

T <--> Ss

5. drop out (of school)

* Steps: .

- Has Ss work in pairs to read the definitions given carefully.

-Encourages them to give as many words as they can for each


- Gets them to read the text individually and find the words or

expressions that have these meanings then compare with their


Activity 4: Read the newspaper column again and answer

the questions.

* Aim: develop reading skill by getting detail information fo~


comprehension questions.

7 minutes * Content: answer the questions.

* Products:

Understand the text and answer the quest’on '

* Steps:

-Have Ss work in pairs and practise asking and answering the


-Call on some pairs to give ir answers in front of the


- Check answers w whole class.

Expected an. wers:

l.They a<e closej'Aends.

2.Ha a told Hoa about her depression and her intention to drop

out of school.

3.Because Hoa promised to keep Ha’s story secret, but then she



told their teacher about it.


She tries to explain why Hoa told the teacher about Hoa's

problem, and advises Ha to talk to Hoa again.

5. He thinks he is short and fat, and girls don’t find him


6. Because Nam does not have a good relationship with the girls

in his class.


7. The counsellor advises Nam to focus on his studies, become

an excellent student and learn how to start a friendly

conversation with his classmates.

7 minutes



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

Activity 5: If you were the counsellor in charge of the advice

column, what would you advise Ha and Nam to do? Discuss

with a partner

* Aim: To develop students’ critical thinking of solving

problems related to teenagers

* Content: Discussion

* Products: give advice

* Steps:

- Has students work in pairs to discuss the questions in 2mins.

+ If you were Ha or Nam, would you feel p^- a s d with the

counsellor’s advice?

+If you were the counsellor,what else wou’j yo u tell them?

- Asks some pairs to present

their answers in front of the cli ss.

-Encourages Ss to ask further questions and share their ideas.

■Ask Ss: What have

yo 1lear it today? What can you do now?

Summarize the main p oilts of the lesson.

■Ask Ss i ' learn by heart the words or phrases related to

impacts and ways to protect the environment

■the next lesson.


T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Unit 2:

Period 13



I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- talk about their personal problems.

- ask for and offer advice.

- Get more vocabulary related to the topic of relationship problems

2. Attitude:

- To help Ss know some ways to solve their personal problems

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies i es.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introd troduce ice the 'esson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures check-uptroduce

l.Stabilization (2 ms)

2.Formerly assigned assignments assignmc 'ts check-up : No

3.Classroom activities



c >


1. Warm up

7 minutes



Jumbled words

* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: reorder the letters to make meaningful words

* Products : find the words


* Steps:

-T writes the jumble word on the board and ask Ss to rearrange

this word


T <--> Ss


2. New lesson

10 minutes

-T raise some questions and calls on some Ss to give their


T: Are you having any problem at your school or at home?

Ss: ....

T: What do you often do when having a problem?

Ss: ....

T: Who do you often talk with?

Ss: . .

- Informs the class of the lesson objectives and leads to the


Lead sts into new lesson.



Activity 1: Choose the correct sentences (a-e) to complete

the conversation between two friends.

* Aim: provide some ideas to talk ab out personal problems;

asking for and giving advice.

* Content: complete the con versation between two friends.

* Products: complete the conversation and practice it with

a partner

* Steps:

Explains to ^s the task’s requirement.

- Asks Ss to read the conversation quickly to get the main idea.

read again and match the sentences (a-f) with the gaps

(1-6) in the conversation.

ks them to correct others’ answers

1. b 2. e 3. d

4. a 5. f 6. c

Activity 2: Answer the questions.

* Aim: To improve reading skills through answering the


* Content: Answer the questions

* Products: understand the conversation by answering the



T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

7 minutes


8 minutes

questions correctly

* Steps:

- Let Ss work in pairs, do the task

-T asks Ss to take part in the activity to remember the new


- call on ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

1. She was chosen to take part in the English Public Speaking

Contest in Da Nang, but her parents don't allow her to go there.

They are worried because she has never been away from home

2. Van advises Chi to ask their teacher to persuade Chi's p P?TentS;

Activity 3 Practise the conversation with a partner

* Aim: To help Ss practice speaking

* Content: Practice the conversation with a pawner

* Products: Practise the conversation

* Steps: .

- Asks Ss to practise the conversion pairs in 3’.

- Goes around the class to hel pif necessary.

- Call sts to practise .

- Corrects their pronun ciatio i

Activity 4: Choose on e topic. Use the information below or

your own ideas to make a similar conversation.

* Aim: To encourage Ss to use their own ideas to make their


c*oCnvoenrtseantito: nmake a similar conversation

* Products: ss can make a similar conversation

* Steps:

- Explains the task to Ss.

- Asks Ss to work in pairs in 5’.

- Encourages Ss to give more advice for Linda’s or John’s


- Calls some pairs to act out their conversations in front of the




T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

- Gives comments on Ss’ performance

group work

Activity 5: W ork with a partner. Talk about a problem that

you have had at school or at home.

* Aim: To provide freer speaking practice

* Content: . Talk about a problem that you have had at school

or at home.

* Products: freer speaking practice

* Steps:

T <-- > s Ss,


- Asks Ss to choose a problem that you have had at school or ;

home to talk about.

ds. at



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Has Ss work individually first, then talk with their frienc

- Calls some Ss to present their talks.

- Gives comments.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? ? What t can ~an

you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the vords or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

\ j r

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Unit 2:

Period 14



I. Objectives:

owledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

for specific information about teenagers and their relationships.

- Get more vocabulary relating teenage relationships

2. Attitude:

- To help Ss know some ways to share their personal problems with their parents.

- To provide Ss some motivation

- know more information about teenage relationships

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their listening skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

C >


Time/Stages Activities Interactions


1. Warm up

7 minutes

* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before fht lesso n

* Content: ask and answer

* Products : confidently answer the questions

* Steps:

- ask ss some questions

T: How is generation gap in your family?

S s :........................

T: Do you . ften talk with your parents when you get in


Ss: ......................

T: If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, will you tell your

parents about it?

S s :........................

-T : Today we are going to listen a talk show about teenage


T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the



* Content: learn vocabulary

10 minutes

10 minutes

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the T <--> Ss



1. to be willing to do ST

EX: My sister is always willing to help me with household


2. oppose(v)

——opposition to sb/st(n)

3. psychology (n)

- psychologist (n)

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the wu .

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words a’oud

- check their pronunciati on Individually

Activity 1: Listen to the t ilk show with host Vicky Holmes

and guest speaker L~ Dawson. Choose the best answer to

complete each statement.

* Aim: To focus on comprehension

listen and choose the best answer to complete each


* Products: have the correct answers

* Steps:

- asks Sts to listen to a talk show for specific detail and choose

the best option to complete each statement. If sts cannot find the

answer, stop the recording after the sentence containing the T <-- > Ss

information for answer

Ss <-- > Ss

- asks sts to compare their answers with s partner

- call on ss to give answers

10 minutes


- Check their answers

1. C 2. B

3. C 4. A

Activity 2: Answer the questions .

* Aim: To help Ss understand more the listening lesson

* Content: Listen again. Answer the questions

* Products: ask and answer the questions about the listening

* Steps:

- aks sts to read the questions before listening, and underline the

key words in each questions

Q1: main topic

Q2: teenagers, prepare for becoming adults

Q3: what, parents do, children experience break-ups

Q4: parents, strongly oppose, romantic relationships

- play the recording without pausing

- ask sts to listen, write down the answers


- ask sts to discuss their answers in pairs

Suggested answers


l.The talk show is abou* how *e enagers and their parents deal

with problems

2. They need to

other peopl

orm safe and healthy relationships with

3. Par offer a shoulder for their children to cry on


4. No because their strong opposition will make their children

stop talking about their feeling

Activity 3 :

In your opinion, what is the “right” age for a

romantic relationships? Discuss with a partner

* Aim: To allow sts to personalize their opinions

* Content: Discuss with a partner the questions

* Products: freely express their opinions

* Steps: .

Ask sts some questions before they start the discussion

Pair work


’ <--> > Ss

T <-- > Ss

group work

T <-- > Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

+ What is the purpose of a romantic relationship?

+ Do people start a relationship just for fun or for a possible


- tell sts that the answers to these questions will help them to

decide on the “right” age for a romantic relationships

- ask ss to work in groups of 4 or 5, discuss and show their

opinion on what is the “right” age for a romantic relationship.

- Go around and give help if necessary

- Call on some groups to report.

- feedback.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do no

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrase

environment impacts and ways to protect the

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Unit 2:


Period 15


A. Object

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

■write a i online posting to tell about an incident or a relationship problem, and how I felt about it.

2. Attitude:

Ss know some ways to solve their personal problems

Ss are aware of teenage relationship problems

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

1.Stabilization (2 ms)

2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up : No

3.Classroom activities

C >


Time/Stages Activities Interactions


1. Warm up * Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesso n

5 minutes * Content: ask and answer

T <--> Ss

* Products : confidently answer questions

* Steps:

- ask ss some questions

In your opinion, what is the "right" age for a romantic

relationship? Why?

Ask Ss to pr esent their answers in groups

Lead in the new lesson: Today we are going to study the way

to write an online posting.

2. New lesson

10 minutes

Activity 1: Read an online posting on Teen Forum and fill

the gaps

* Aim: Help Ss to know the form of an online posting

* Content: Read an online posting on Teen Forum and fill the


* Products: understand the form of an online posting

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read an online posting on Teen


T <--> Ss

10 minutes

15 minutes


Forum and fill the gaps

- Call some Ss to copy the answers on the board and check with

the whole class

1. upset 2. shocked

3. influence 4. different

5. talented 6. appearances

Activity 2: Put the following parts of the online posting in

the correct order.

* Aim: The focus of this activity is on the different parts of the

story posted to the teen forum

* Content: Put the following parts of the online posting i

correct order.

* Products: have the correct order of the online posti

* Steps:

- ask Ss to work in groups of tables.

- Ask Ss to read through the list (a-g) and put fhe parts in the

order they appear in the online peeing in 1.

- T calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers and check with

the whole class

1.g 2.c 3.f 4.d 5.e 6.a 7.b

Activity 3 Choo se on e of the stories below. Use the ideas to

write an online posting of 160 - 180 words

* Aim: Ss know more about the ideas to write an online


* Content: Use the ideas to write an online posting of 160 - 180


* Products: write an online posting

* Steps: .

Explain to Ss that there are three topics for them to choose from. These

topics are about teenagers' relationship problems with parents or friends.

- Ask Ss to write their drafts individually.

- Encourage Ss to add more details when they write the story.

Ss: Do the task

Pair work


T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

3 minutes



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Move around to give help with vocabulary and structure if


-T uses “ lucky pairs” game to choose two Ss copy their answer

on the sub- board for checking.

-Then Ss write the letter individually.

Activity 4: W rite an online posting of 160 -180 words

* Aim: Improving writing skills

* Content: Write an online posting of 160 -180 words

* Products: Write an online posting

* Steps: assign homework

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do no

Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phras

environment impacts and ways to protect th

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

group work

T <--> Ss

Unit 2:


Period 16


A. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- know more abou oi ^ne friendship and dating around the world.

- understanding about online friendship: the advantages and disadvantages of having online friends, and about

the different ways of dating around the world

a positive attitude toward online friendship and making friends online such as know how to do right

things with online friends, how to avoid bad things about friendship with people on Net.

- To help Ss know some ways to find a potential match on over the world

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop Listening, reading, speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

1.Stabilization (2 ms)

2.Formerly assigned assignments check-up : No

3.Classroom activities


Time/Stages Activities Interactions

Checking vocabulary

1. Warm up

7 minutes

* Aim: revise vocabulary in unit 2

* Content: write the words relate4 to the topic” relationship”

* Products : students write the words.

* Steps:

- ask ss to write the words they have learnt in unit 2

- check and give ieedb. ck

Lead sts into new lesson.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes i

Act'vity 1: vocabulary

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the



+ online friendship: tình bạn trên mạng

+ dating: hẹn hò

+ ease tension: giảm căn thẳng


T <--> Ss

10 minutes

10 minutes

+ go a one-by-one date: hẹn hò riêng

+ speed dating: hẹn hò cấp tốc

+ matchmaking: phù hợp

+ face to face:

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation


Activity 1: Listen to Hung’s opinions about oniline ìrien ends.

Answer the questions

* Aim: To help Ss practice listening skil1.

w x lline friends.

Answer the questions


1. What can Hung learn from his s online friends? Why?

2. When can he contact these iJends?

3. Why can he save money?

4. What is the m »st i 'ortant benefit of having online friends?

5. What doe Hu ig dislike about online friendships?

* Proc

Un stand Hung’s opinions about online friends.

Pair work

T <--> Ss



T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

ills Ss that they are going to listen to Hung’s opinions about

online friends.

- Asks Ss to read the questions and underline the key words to

get some ideas of what they are going to listen for.

- Plays the recording twice for Ss to take notes of their answers.

- Have Ss work with a partner to compare their answers.

- Checks the answers.

1. Hung can have more knowledge of different cultures and

Pair work

10 minutes

lifestyles because his online friends come from different places

around the world.

2.He can contact his friends whenever he wants, as long as they

are online.

3. Because he doesn't have to spend money on dinners, parties

or cinema tickets.

4. The most important benefit of having online friends is that he

can end a relationship quickly.

5.Sometimes he doesn’t know for sure who these friends really

are, as they may not use their real names.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss



Activity 2: Discuss the following question in groups.

* Aim: To develop speaking skill for convincing others and

group-work skill through group discussion.

* Content: Discuss the following question n gro ups

Do you have any online friends ? If yes, do you want to meet

them face to face? If no, do you want to make friends online?

Give reasons.

* Products: express their opinions

* Steps:

Ss: - Work in groups of four and discuss the questions:

Do you have any online friends?

If yes, do you want to meet them face to face?

If n>, do you want to make friends online? Give reasons.

T: - Go round, giving help if necessary.

- Ask the representatives of some groups to report their

opinions to the rest of the class.

- Invite class opinions and comments.

Possible answers

Yeah, I have some online friends. Some of them are Vietnamese

and some are foreigners. For Vietnamese friends, I want to meet

them face to face as that’s a chance for trip through our country.

But with foreigner, I wish I could meet them face to face.

group work

T <-- > Ss


No, I don’t have any online friends. Of course, I want to make

friends online because I want to have many friends and also I

could get some benefit from online friends.


Activity 3: Read the text about dating around the world, and

complete the information in the table below

* Aim: To develop Ss’ reading skill for specific information by

skimming skill

* Content: complete the information in the table

* Products: have the answers

* Steps: .

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and look at the pictures careful!

find out what the people in the pictures are doing.


In Picture a: A woman is typing on a computer. The roses

indicate that she is probably on a dating site and someone

has sent her a love message.

In Picture b: People are talking in pairs. They want to know

more about their partners.

In Picture c: A group of y oung people are probably going

camping or hiking.

T: - Have r's read uie text about dating in some countries and

write the information below the pictures. Ss: - Read the text,

look at the pictures and write the information

Suggested answers

a. online dating / US

b. speed dating / Singapore

c. group dating / Europe and Australia

Activity 4: Read the text again. Decide whether the

following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given

(NG). Tick the correct box.

* Aim: focus on reading comprehension



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

* Content: Decide whether the following statements are true

(T), false (F), or not given (NG).

* Products: understand the text and have correct answers

* Steps:

- Explains to Ss the task.

- Ask Ss to read the questions.

- Ask Ss to read the text again and do task in 4 minutes.

- Encourage Ss to compare their answers in pairs.

- check and give feedback

Suggested answers

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. NG 5. NG 6. F

Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do n ow?

Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or p

environment impacts and ways to pr

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Unit 2:

Period 17

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-Review what they’' e learnt in unit 2.

- Tell a story a bout friendship or teacher-student relationship.

- to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills

2. Attit ude:

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop Listening, reading, speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures


1. Warm up

3 minutes


Game: Who is faster?

* Aim: To help the whole class to remember what they have

learnt about pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

* Content: rewrite the sentences you hear.

* Products :

I won’t go to Nha Trang next week.

I’m interested in reading these books.

* Steps: ^


< y

- Calls 2 sts to go to the blackboard, the students listen to the

teacher and rewrite the sentence

- Asks something about the 2 '.enten

- Leads to the lesson.

Interact! ions

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

5 minutes


Activity 1: Underline the words which could be contracted

in these exchanges.

* Aim.: To help Ss to review contracted forms, the use of

linking verbs, the use of cleft sentences

• C^ ontent: Underline the words which could be contracted in

these exchanges.

* Products:

1. A:(she)is

2. A: (I) am. (I) will

3. A: would

4 A: (It) is. will not

* Steps:


T <--> Ss

Pair work

5 minutes

Helps Ss to revise the pronunciation rules for contracted and full


- Has Ss underline the words which could be contracted in the

exchanges, and then work with a partner to compare their


Activity 2: Listen to check your answer

* Aim: To help Ss to review contracted and full forms

* Content: Listen to check your answer

* Products: check their answer

1. A:(she)is


2. A: (I) am. (I) will

3. A: would

4 A: (It) is. will not


T <-- > Ss

,„d ldiv'dually

5 minutes


* Steps:


- Plays the recording. Have Ss listen and check their answers.

- Asks Ss to listen.

- Asks Ss work with a partner to compare their answers.


Activity 3: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of

the words or phrase in the box

* Aim: To revise some of the Vocabulary items used in the


* Content: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of

the words or phrase in the box

* Products: understand the words

* Steps:

- Reminds ss of the tips to do this kind of task quickly.

- Asks ss to work individually in 2’.

- Asks them to compare their answers with a partner’s.

- Calls on some ss to give answers.

- Gives feedback.


T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

5 minutes

7 minutes

2. lend an ear

3. romantic relationships

4. meet face to face

5.broke up

6. be in a relationship

Activity 4: Put the words in the correct order to make


* Aim : Review the use of linking verbs

* Content: : Put the words in the correct order to make


* Products: complete the sentences

1 How did Peter feel when his girlfriend broke up with hi, im?

2 How will I look if I cut my hair short?

3. How did you feel when you lost the game?

4. How did Martin's voice should in the h >e show on TV last


5. How does your soup taste?

6. How would you feel if you had no friends?

* Steps: - Explains the requirement to ss.

- Does a sentence as an example.

- Asks Ss to read throu gh the sentences then make their choices

by y themsel1 themselv's

Calls some to


give their answers then ask others to make

- Gives the correct answers and explain if necessary

- EHcits comment from class and gives final feedback.

Activity 3: W rite the answers to the questions in 1, using the

suggested words

* Aim: Review the use of linking verbs

* Content: Write the answers to the questions in 1, using the

suggested words

* Products:

l.He felt depressed.

T <--> Ss

group work

T <--> Ss

7 minutes


2.You'11 look attractlve.

3.felt disappointed.

4.His voice sounded awful

5.It tastes great.

6.I’d feel lonely

* Steps: .

- Explains the requirement to ss.

- Has Ss write their answers In the gaps, using the given


- asks Ss to practise in pair. One student asks questions and

other gives answers.

- Gives the correct answers and explain if necessary

- Elicits comment from class and gives final feedl

Activity 4: Join the two parts to make clei

* Aim: Review the use of cleft sentence1

* Content: Join the two parts to make cleft sentences

* Products: know more about ^ “ft sentences

1-f It was me that started argu lng with Jim.

2- d lt's travelling around the world that has helped me to learn

about other culturesi

3-a lt's on Prida that Sue usually vlsits her grandmother.

4-g lt’s his a fitude towards others that really upsets me.

5-b lt’s j hn that is always telling lies.

6-c ‘t was my old friend that I got the news from.

7-e It was in Parls that I started my first romantic relationship.

* Steps:

- Draws Ss' attention to the verb tense of be (is/was) after It and

the focus in the first part of each sentence. This will help them

choose the right answer.

- Asks Ss to do the exercise in pairs in 2’.

- Calls on some Ss to give their answers

- Elicits comment from class and give final feedback


7 minutes


Consoli dation

2 u es

4. Homework

1 minute

1 Activity 1: Your group is going to take part in a

storytelling contest organised by your school. Each group

member tells a story about friendship or teacher-student

relationships. Think about the following questions.

* Aim: further explore the topic in a collaborative way.

* Content: tell a story about friendship or teacher-student


* Products: present their answers

* Steps:

- Have Ss to think about the questions in part 1 (p.25) and ta

notes individually.

- Ask them to discuss their notes in groups, and get soi

feedback from the group members.

- Let Ss work individually again to write their stores. Ask

them to think about the following ideas when they draft their


+ setting (where it happened)

+ characters (who was involv'd; wha1their personalities were)

+ structure or planning (introdu ction, incidents or events,

conflicts, solutions)

+ moral lesson of the story (Examples: Don’t tell lies to your

friends or p rents; uon’t run away from problems; be ready to

help people in need.)

practise telling the stories in groups. Then Ss will

choose the best story to read aloud in front of the class.

- Give comments

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

T <--> Ss

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Unit 3:

Period 18:



I Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- get started with some language items in Unit 3

. - For vocabulary, that is words and phrases re'at'd to being independent

- For pronunciation, that is sentence stress and rhythm: linking between a consonant and a


- For grammar, that is to infinitive after some adjectives and noun

2. Attitude:

To help Ss get started for Unit 3 with the topic "BECOMING INDEPENDENT ”

To provide Ss some motivation

raise an awareness of becoming independent

3. Skills:

+ To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 3

+ to develop Ss’ irt.eg rated skills

+ to develop S, ’ skill o f cooperative sharing and problem solving

- Attitude:

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

7 minutes


* Aim: To introduce the subject

* Content: the characteristics of an independent person.

* Products : ss answers

Possible answers

confident/ / believable/ determined/ decisive

* Steps:


- Ask Ss to think about the characteristics of an independent


- Ask Ss some guiding questions:

a A

What words come up to your mind

Wi.e.n Tou t] think of an

independent person?

Does an independent per on often ask for help when doing


Can he / she do things for himself / herself?

r S,

2. New lesson

10 minutes


Lead sts n¿o new lesson.

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the



- reliable (adj.) : consistently good in quality or performance;

able to be

trusted ( có thể tin cậy được)


T <--> Ss

8 minutes

8 minutes

Eg: a reliable source of information

- self-reliant / (adj.) = indepentdent

(adj): tự chủ

- decisive (adj.) : quyết đoán

Ex: He is able to make a decision quickly. He is a decisive


- determined (adj.):quyết tâm

- well-informed (adj): thạo tin, hiểu biết

- confident //(adj.) : feeling or showing confidence in oneself or

one’s abilities ( tự tin)

Eg: She was a confident, outgoing girl.

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the wu /ords .

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the vords a’oud

- check their pronunciat

Activity 1: L is te n a n d R e a d


* Aim: To help the s, s listen, recognize vocabulary related to

the subject a „d read them exactly.

* Content: L iste n a „ d R ead

* P oducts: practice reading the conversation

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to listen to a conversation between a student and her

grandmother. Play the recording

- Tell Ss not to worry about new language items as they will

have a chance to come back to them later on.

Activity 2: Answer the questions about the conversation.

* Aim: This activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Answer the questions

* Products: understand the conversation and have correct

Pair work

T <--> Ss



T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

8 minutes

8 minutes.





1. Because Minh doesn’t rely on other people for help and isn’t

influenced by other people’s opinions.

2. Because he always completes his tasks on time, and never

needs to be reminded about assignments and other schoolwork.

3. He tried hard and spent the whole night an a hard Maths

problem when most student in the class had given up.

4. He always tries to find solutions to his problem and seldom

needs help from others.

5. Responsible, reliable, self-reliant, decisive, determinei

informed and confident.

* Steps:

- Ask the sts to work in pairs to find answers for six questions

- call on ss to give answers

- Check their answers

Activity 3

Read the conversation ag iin. Match the words with their


* Aim: This matching activity focuses on the meaning of

some of the key wore s used in the conversation

* Content: Match the words with their definitions.

* Products: understand the words

1.d 2. e

kP '

* Steps: .

3. b

6. a

- Ask the sts to work in pairs to find answers

- call on ss to give answers

- Check their answers by letting ss play game

Activity 4: Find the sentences with to-infinitives after adjectives

or nouns in the conversation and write them in the space below

* Aim: This activity focuses on the use of to-infinitives in the


T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

group work

T <--> Ss

* Content: Find the sentences with to-infinitives after adjectives

or nouns

* Products: find the sentences and understand the use of to


1. It is good to have a friend you can rely on.

2. Evan, our Maths teacher, was very surprised to read his


3. His parents must be really pleased to have such a son.

4. But he still has time to read.

5. It’s interesting to talk to him.

6. I really admire his ability to make decisions so quickly.

7. You’re lucky to have a close friend like him.

* Steps:

Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to read the conversation again,

and find the verbs that come before the words in the list

Call on ss to (give answers

Call on ss to give answers.

Check their answers




2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

Ask Ss: What have today? What can you do now?

Summarize the mail of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


Unit 3 :

Period 19

I. Objectives:



1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- link a final consonant and initial vowel in connected speech

- use words and phrases related to the topic ” Becoming independent”

- use to- infinitive after certain adjective and nouns

2. Skills:

+ To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

+ to develop Ss’ integrated skills

+ to develop Ss’ skill of cooperative sharing and problem solving


+ raise an awareness of becoming independent.

+ to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowl ge.

c >

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures




1. Warm up

5 minutes

* Aim:. To l relaxed and set a positive mood to start a


* c ont nt: write the words they have learnt in getting started

* Products : ss’ presentation

T <--> Ss

Ask ss to write the word they have learnt

Call on ss to write.

Check their answers

Lead sts into new lesson.

2. New lesson


Activity 1: Complete the table with words that have the

same roots as the adjectives in the first column. Some

adjectives do not have all the corresponding word forms. Individually

Use a dictionary, if necessary.

* Aim: this activity focuses on the use of suffixes to make T <--> Ss


* Content: To help Ss focuses on the use of suffixes to make


* Products: be able to complete the table with the correct


Adjective Noun Adverb

1 reliable reliability reliably

2 confident confidence confidently

3 independent independence independently

4 self-reliant self-reliance

< y


Pair work

T <-- > Ss

5 decisive decisiveness decisively

6 determined determination ^ determinedly

7 responsible resportability

o n sib ilitj^ ^ responsibly

* Steps:

c V

T: asks Ss work in group of table to complete the table with

words that have th° °am’ roots as the adjectives in the first


-Let Ss cop words on the sub- board then hang on the board

and chec the whole class.

1oi.' t thp use of suffixes such as -ility, -ce, -ness, -tion as a

>rmation strategy.

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with some of the words

from 1.

* Aim: This activity focuses on the use of the words in 1

* Content: Complete the sentences with some of the words

from 1

* Products: have complete sentences



T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

5 minutes

7 minutes


1. reliable 2. confidence

3. well-informed 4. responsible

5. self-reliance 6. decisively

7. Independence

* Steps:

-Tell Ss to look at the context in each sentence to decide which

word and which word form should be used.

- ask ss to compare their answers

-check their answers



* Aim: To focus on linking between a final consonant

and an intial vowel that follows it

* Content: Listen and repeat

* Products: listen and read the sentenc ences

* Steps: .



- Ask Ss to read the sentence' ces first, and then t listen to the


- Let Ss listen to the recording the ie second time and repeat what

they hear.

- check their ans' vers

Activity 4: Listen and link the consonant sounds and the

vowel sounds. Then practise

a im: To focus on linking between a final consonant sound

a d an

initial vowel that follows it

* Content: Listen and link the consonant sounds and the

vowel sounds.

* Products: practice the sentences with linking sounds

* Steps:

- ask S's to listen and put a link between the sounds.

- Check if Ss have marked all cases of linking

- ask them to practise reading the sentences in pairs or groups.


Pair work

T <-- > Ss

T <--> Ss

group work

T <-- > Ss

5 minutes

Activity 1: Work in pairs. Underline the to-infinitive in the

sentences you found in 4 in GETTING STARTED. Pay

attention to how the infinitives are used

* Aim: To help Sts focus on using the to-infinitive after

certain adjectives in the structure “Noun/ Pronoun + linking

verb + adjective + to-infinitive”

* Content: Underline the to-infinitive in the sentences you

found in 4 in GETTING STARTED

* Products: understand to-infinitive after certain adjectives in

the structure “Noun/ Pronoun + linking verb + adjective +



T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

Pai work .


1. It's good to have a friend you can rely on. (to- infinitive is

used in the structure ‘lt+ linking verb + adj *cti e - toinfinitive



2 Even our Maths ,eacHee w W y Us

answer, (to-infinitive is used h structure ‘Noun /

Pronoun + linking verb - adjective + to-infinitive’)

3. But he still has tim ° to re ad,... (to-infinitive is used after a


4. It's interesting to talk to him. (to-infinitive is used in the

structu e + linking verb + adjective + to-infinitive ’)

5. I , -a'ty aamire his ability to make decisions so quickly,

(to -infinitive is used after a noun.)

u u ’re lucky to have a close friend like him. (to-infinitive

is used in the structure

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to look at the sentences with To-infinitives they have

written down in part 4 (Getting started) and discuss how the

To-infinitive is used in each sentence.

- Tell Ss to notice the difference between the two


- Call on ss to answer

T <-- > Ss

5 minutes

5 minutes


- Check and give feedback

Activity 2 : Rewrite the sentences, using the to-infinitive

* Aim: This activity focuses on using the to-infinitive after

certain adjectives in the structure

* Content: Rewrite the sentences, using the to-infinitive

* Products: know how to use to-infinitive after certain


Expected answers

1. The little boy was afraid to jump into the pool.

2. She is proud to be the leader of the group.

3. The students were excited to hear that they had won the


in the storytelling contest.

5. I ’m sorry to disturb you.

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work individually tc to read ' d( d „ „

- have them do exercises

- let them compare the answers

- call ss to give answers

/ n \ /

- check and give feedback

Activity 3 : Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in

brackets and a to-infinitive phrase.

e part

* Aim: This activity focuses on the to-infinitive after certain

adjectives in the structure

* Content: Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets

and a to-infinitive phrase.

* Products: Rewrite the sentences as required correctly


1. It’s unreasonable to expect that everybody will understand


2. It’s impossible to guess what will happen.

know carefully

3. It’s easy to learn some simple sentences in English such as

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work

How are you ? or Thank you.



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

4. It’s necessary to take a map with you when travelling in a

foreign country.

5. It’s possible for you to finish the project on your own.

* Steps: .

- Ask Ss to work individually to read “ do you know carefully “

- have them do exercises

- let them compare the answers

- call ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do no

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phras

environment impacts and ways to protect th

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Unit 3:


Period 20


I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Skim and scan a text for general ideas and specific information.

- Understand a text about time-management skills.

I. Sk ills:

- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the text to get the general idea

- Scan the text to get some specific details

3. Attitude:

- be aware of the importance of time-management skills

- To provide Ss some motivation

- to motivate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

- to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those in

their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

C >




1. Warm up

7 minutes

2. New lesson

8 minutes


* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the ’esson

* Content: answer the questions

Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? Do you often

have to struggle to meet deadlines? How do you manage your


* Products : ss a the questions about themselves

* Steps:

in pairs to ask and answer the questions

to give answers

;heck and give feedback

lead in

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the



T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

8 minutes

1. deadline (n)

have a (March) deadline for (the proposal)

meet/ miss a deadline

2.strive for (v): make a lot of effort to achieve (st)

3.figure out (v): to be able to understand or to solve a problem

4.prioritize (v): ưu tiên

5.routine (v): thói quen, lệ thường

6. at a loss

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloui

- check their pronunciation

Activity 1: Read the text and Se’e the statement that

expresses its main idea.

Pair work


* Aim: - Read for general ideas.

* Content: sele t the statement that expresses its main idea.

* Products: find the main ideas for the text



- Ask Sts to read the text quickly and choose the statement they

think it’s the main idea of the text.

- Go around the class to help sts with some difficult words if


- Ask sts to compare with the others.

- Call some sts to give answers and explain about their choice.

- Give feedback.

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

Activity 2: Read the statements. Decide if they are true,

Pair work

8 minutes

false or not given .

* Aim: Read for specific information

* Content: Decide if they are true, false or not given .

* Products: understand the questions and give correct answers

* Steps:

- T asks Ss to read through the passage, check if the statements

are true, false or no given, referring to the text if necessary.

- T asks them to underline the key words in the statements and

relevant words/ phrases in the text

- Ss read the text and underline the key words in the stateme nts

and relevant words/ phrases in the text

- Ss work individually to do the task, then discuss their answ

with their partners

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers and :<ks hem

clues from the reading text

clues from the reading text

- T gives feedback


T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

group work

8 minutes


Activity 3 Answer the questionss

* Aim: Read for specifc idea s.

* Content: Answer the foll iwing questions.

* Products: hav ethe a lswers for the questions

1. With good1time-management skills, you don’t feel very

en exam dates are approaching; you can act

pendently and responsibly, get better grades at

scho ol and have more time for family and friends.

2. Write the things you will have to do on a planner or an app on

your mobile device, and put time limits on them.

3. So you can check them later.

4. Decide what is important to you and give it the most of your

time or add it to the top of your list.

5. Once routines are developed, they take less time to do.

* Steps: .

- T asks Ss to do this exercise individually, then compare with a

T <-- > Ss

7 minutes


+ ask them to scan the text to find answers to the questions.

+ let them highlight the keys words both in the questions and in

the text.

+ let them take turns asking and answering in pairs.- Ss do this

task, then discuss their answers with their partners

- T checks Ss’ answers and give further explanation if necessary

- T asks Ss to look back at the text to locate the highlighted


- Ss try to guess the meaning of each of the highlighted won

based on the context

- Some representatives read aloud their answers

- T checks Ss’ answers

Activity 4: W ork in groups. Discuss the questions.

* Aim: Help sts make small talks about their timemanagement

* Content: Discuss the question

* Products: give their own answe

* Steps:

-Ss work in groups of 4 or 5, discuss the questions:


1) Do you think time-management skills are important?

2) Which of the time-management skills mentioned in the text

have you gj^

3) Whic hich do ’ you need to develop?

-Call on soi some groups to present their ideas.

-G;ve comments


T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

group work

T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss




2 minutes

Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

Summarize the main points of the lesson.

T <--> Ss

4. Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

1 minute environment impacts and ways to protect the environment T <--> Ss

- Prepare for the next lesson.



L Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will able to:

-talk about the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reasons why

those skills are necessary.

- Get more vocabulary related to the topic “SKILLS YOU NEED TO BE INDEPENDENT"

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitude:

+ be educated *o i aise their awareness of becoming independent

+ To provic e Ss some motivation

+ to mot:vate Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those

in their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

2. New lesson

10 minutes


15 minutes

Checking vocabulary

* Aim: checking previous lesson

<-- > Ss

* Content: write vocabulary you have learnt

* Products : write words and phrases related to reading lesson

* Steps:

- call on 2 ss to the board to write words

- check and give feedback

Lead in the lesson



Activity 1: Work in pairs and match the “skills with w the

appropriate reasons.

* Aim: this activity focuses on comprehension


* Content: match the skills with the appropriate reasons.

* Products: find skills °or the reasons

T <--> Ss

1. d 2. F 3. E A 5. G 6. B 7. c


* Steps:

- Ask Ss to ■work : ii in pairs.

- Explain to S s that in the left column are some of the skills that

people need in order to be independent.

- Ask Ss to read through all the skills and the reasons why they Pair work

are important.

- Check if Ss have difficulty understanding any words/ phrases.

- T goes around and help Ss when and where necessary.

- Ss compare their answers with the others in groups.

T <--> Ss

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers by reading aloud

these activities and the reasons why they are important.

- T checks Ss answers.

15 minutes

Activity 2: Lan and Minh are talking about what they think

are the most im portant skills they need in order to be

independent. Use the words in the box to complete their

conversation. Then practise it in pairs..

* Aim: this activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: complete their conversation then practice it

* Products: have a complete conversation and practice it with

a partner


1. loneliness.

2. decisions

3. Interpersonal communication

4. communicate

* Steps:

- Asks Ss to read the conversation and id use th tie e w

s in the box

to fill in the blanks individually first.

- Have Ss work in pairs to practic ersation.

- call on ss to give answers

- check their answers


Pair work

T <--> Ss


Activity 3 : Woi k in p airs and make a conversation

* Aim: fr ^r practice speaking

* Content: make a c onvers ation

* Products: have a similar conversation

* Steps

- Ask k Ss to look at Activity 1 and decide on the three most

urgent / important skills for them to in order to become

independent and the reason why those skills are necessary.

- Ask Ss to practice using Useful phrases in speaking.

- Ask Ss to make a similar conversation as the one in 2.

- Ask Ss to support reasons based on their own experience.

- Join some pairs and help Ss when and where necessary.

- Ask some pairs to present their conversation.

T <--> Ss

group work

T <--> Ss

- give comments and feedback



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment


- Prepare for the next lesson.

r > ss



Unit 3:

Period 22

I. Objectives:




1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students be able aole to: tc

- listen for specific information about how children are raised to become independent.

- Get some vocabulary related to the topic of how *o become independent

2. Attitude:

- be educated to raise their awarene coming independent

- To encourage Ss to work hare

- To provide Ss some motiv

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss t op their listening skills

- To help I op the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Metho

municative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes


: Jumble words

* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: reorder the letters






* Products : find out meaningful words






* Steps:


< y

T asks Ss to work in group of table to reorder the words

- call on ss to give ans

- check their ans

- ask ss some que<

Lead in: Look at the photo and answer the questions:

- What are the people in the photo doing?

- Do you think the boy needs his father’s help to learn to ride a

bicycle independently?

- asks the Ss to work in pairs.

- Ask ss to answer the questions and explain why

- introduce the title of listening: How parents help you

become independent

T <--> Ss


2. New lesson Activity 1: vocabulary:

10 minutes

10 minutes


* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the


* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the



1. assist (v)= help

^ assistance (n)

2. fulfill(v)= accomplish (v)

3. to cope with (v): đối phó, đương đầu

4. follow a set routine

5. make decision = decide to do ST

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the wor ds

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the w ords aloud

- check their pronunciation

Activity 1: List :n to .n interview on Life Skills, the most

popular radio show ior teens and parents, and match the

statements with the speakers.


* Aim: listen for specific information.

* Content: listen l and match the statements with the speakers.

•oducts: understand the listening and have answers

1. Long: b, f

2. Tuan: a, d

3. Minh: c, e

* Steps:

T plays the recording and let Ss do the exercise

- Ss listen to the tape one more time and match the statements

with the speakers.


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <-- > Ss


T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

- T calls on Ss to check their answers.

- Ss give clues for their answers

10 minutes

10 minutes


Activity 2: Answer the questions about the conversation.

* Aim: focus on listening comprehension

* Content: Answer the questions about the conversation

* Products: have general understanding the text and and

answer the questions


1. They didn’t let him to do any household chores and drove him

to school until he finished Grade 9.

2. To voice (speak out) his opinion. \

3. They focus on teaching him about responsibility.

4. If he does his responsibilities well, they give him u reWC eward.

5. To do chores and follow a set routine.

6. He can make his own choices about aboi hese itoms.

* Steps:


- Ask students to read througl the questions

- Play the tape twice

- Ask Ss to do individually then compare the answer with a


Play the ta pe again, have students listen and check the answers

- Call so me Ss to give the answers

- Checks and gives feedback.

A ^ vi* I r n * in groups. your group membere

whether you were brought up in the same way as Long,

Tuan, or Minh.

* Aim: This activity is a post-listening activity, which provides

Ss with an opportunity to recall the content of the listening text

and relate it to their own life and experiences.

* Content: Tell your group members whether you were

brought up in the same way as Long, Tuan, or Minh.

* Products:

Pair work

T <--> > Ss

T <--> Ss

group work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

Unit 3:

* Steps:

- ask ss to work in groups of 4 or 5, tell their group members

whether they were brought up in the same ways as Long, Tuan,


- Go around and give help if necessary

- Call on some groups to report.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.



T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


Period 23


A. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the le stu dents will be able to:

- useful language used in writing a letter requesting information

- Write a letter asking for further information about a course.

2. Attitude:

- awareness of being independent

3. Skills:

+ To promo lOte S St( to develop their writing skills

+To help Ss develc develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

+ to mo^iv 'te Ss to work collaboratively, enthusiastically to acquire knowledge.

+ to help Ss recognize their responsibility in dealing with problems related to the lesson as well as those in

their lives.

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

7 minutes

2. New lesson

10 minutes

10 minutes


* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: list the ways they often use to get information

about courses in life skills

* Products : ss’ answer

* Steps:

ey often < y

Ask Ss to work in groups and list all the ways they often of^n use to

get information about courses in life skills.

-T : Today we are going to study the way to w rite a request


Activity 1: Read the advertiser' ivr life skills courses in

Teenage Magazine below an d answ er the questions

* Aim: This activity fetuses on the information presented in

the advertisement.

* Content: Rea i the a dvertisement and answer the questions

* Products: understand the advertisement and have the answers

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to Read the advertisement for life skill

c 'urses in Teenage Magazine below and answer the questions

- Call some Ss to copy the answers on the board and check with

the whole class


1. Courses that teach the skills people need to become


2. Those who want to be independent /live on their own


3. The skills to overcome the feeling of loneliness.

<-- > Ss


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

10 minutes

4. A discount on the tuition fee.

5. Write to Ms Angela Brown

Activity 2: Denise is interested in the life skills courses.

Below is her letter asking for further information, but the

parts are jumbled-up. Put them in the right order according

to the template below.

* Aim: This activity aims to present a sample letter of enquiry

* Content: Put the parts of the letter in the right order

according to the template below

* Products: have the correct order of the letter

* Steps:

-Have Ss work in pairs, read the parts in the template on p.ge 3i

then reorder the jumbled sentences, basing on this template.

- T calls on some Ss to read aloud the answers and ccheck with

the whole class.

Answers 1. d 2. a 3. F 4. b 5. , e 6. c

Activity 3 : Match each problem with its sign. Then discuss

with a partner.

* Aim: The aim



etahcihs pactivity is to prepare Ss for the writing

task in 4

* Content: Match each problem with its sign.

* Products: identify their signs



T <-- > Ss

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair work


-Let Ss work in groups of 4, reading the problems and

identifying their signs one by one. Have Ss find signal words

such as:

+ Lacking time management skills:prioritise, schedule,...

+ Suffering from stress: memory problems, can’t sleep,.

+ Lacking interpersonal communication skills:

communicating ideas, talking to people,.

- Check the answers with the class.

Activity 4: Imagine that you have one of the problems above.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

10 minutes W rite a letter similar to the one in 2 to Ms Brown for


Consolidatio ation

2 minutes


4. Hom

1 minute

advice on a suitable course and get further information


* Aim: this activity focuses on writing a letter asking for

further information about the course they need to take

group work

* Content: Write a letter similar to the one in 2 to Ms Brown for

advice on a suitable course and get further information about:

• course duration

• lecturer/trainer

• starting date

• certificate, etc.

* Products: have a similar letter

* Steps:

- Explain to Ss that now they should pretend t^at ihey have

one of the problems (in activity 3), and need to take a course

to overcome their problem.

- Have Ss work in pairs wi>e a letter asking for

further information about the course they need to take.

Remind them to include tw o following parts in the letter:

Giving background infoi mation and Requesting further


ove around to give help with vocabulary and

structure if necessary

eck their writing

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

T <--> Ss

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Unit 3:


Period 24


A. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- discussion about a father’s words to his son to work out what it means to be independent

know some information about American vs Vietnamese ways of raising children.

2. Attitude:

- remember what their parents have done to help them to become independent

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop reading, speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups


c >

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures


Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes


* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: ask and answer

Have you ever listened to your father’s words? If yes, what did

you do?

Are you independent? Why? / Why not?

* Products : confidently answer the questions

* Steps:

- ask ss some questions

T <--> Ss

- call some ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

- lead in new lesson

2. New lesson

10 minutes



Activity 1: Work in groups. Discuss the extract and prepare

a short talk expressing your group's opinion about it. You

can use the following questions to guide you.

* Aim: This activity aims to provide Ss with an opportunity to

work in groups and express their ideas freely about what it

means to be independent

* Content: Discuss the extract and prepare a short talk

expressing your group's opinion about it



* Products: express their ideas freely about w h t it means to be


* Steps:

- Make sure that Ss understand th ~ ^ t^ c t.

- Explain that gotta means have got to and gonna means going

to in informal speech.

- Put Ss into groups. Te.ll ea h group to have a leader and a note-

taker. The leader moderates the discussion so that everybody in

the group has a chance to talk, and the note-taker writes down

all the ideas so that the group can prepare a short presentation


- Expl lain to Ss that they can use the three questions to guide

their discussion, or they can express their, ideas freely.

• Ask a representative of one or two groups to present the

results of their discussion to the class.

• T gives comment


Activity 1: Read the two passages about how American and

Vietnamese parents raise their children and answer the


Individu dually


T <-- > Ss


Pair work

T <--> Ss


15 minutes

15 minutes


* Aim: this activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Read the two passages about how American and

Vietnamese parents raise their children and answer the


* Products: understand the differences between the ways

American and Vietnamese parents raise their children

* Steps:

- Read the two passage about how American and Vietnamese

parents raise their children and answer the questions.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task.

- Ask several pairs to ask and answer the questions.

Suggested answers:

1. To teach their children to live independently

2. To protect their children and to provide them with a happy

and wealthy childhood.


3. They make them do things such as washing, cleaning, and

< y

cooking for themselves from the time they are very small

4. No. Vietnamese parents seldom ask for their children's

opinions before making family choices.

5. They show respect for them and let them voice their opinions

on family issues.

6. After they get married

Activity 3 Make some comparisons between the two ways of

child rai sing using while, whereas, different from

* Aim, make some comparisons between the two countries in

terms of raising children

* Content: Make some comparisons between the two ways of

child raising using while, whereas, different from

* Products:

* Steps: .

- Ask Ss to make some comparisons between the two countries

in terms of raising children.

T <--> Ss

Ss <-- > Ss


Pair work

T <-- > Ss

T <-- > Ss

group work

T <-- > Ss

- Tell them to read the texts and see if the information matches

with their background knowledge, using while, whereas, different


- Explain how to use the given words and phrases and give

examples before asking Ss to make comparisons.

group to report their opinions to the class.

- Invite class opinions and comments.

Possible answers

+ While most Vietnamese children sleep with their parents until

they go to primary school, American children get their o wn


rooms from an early age.

+ Many Vietnamese parents think their most important ro 'e is

protect their children and provide them with a uw py and

wealthy childhood whereas American parents help their kids to

become self-reliant by making them do su,c, things as washing,

cleaning and cooking for themselves from the time they are very


+ Right after American childr en finish school, most of them will

move out of the family home and start a truly independent life

while Vietnamese children do not move out of the family home

before they get married. Even then, many parents still want the

couple to live with them in the same house




2 minutes

4. Homewor teework ework


1 minu

. m

at have you learnt today? What can you do now?

the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to

environment impacts and ways to protect the environment

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

Unit 3:


Period 25


I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review:

- pronunciation: linking between a consonant and a vowel

- vocabulary: words and phrases related to being independent

- grammar: to-infinitives after adjectives and nouns

2. Attitude:

- being aware of the need to become independent

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop Listening, reading, speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.


III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introducee the 'es^on,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures






C >


1. Warm up

5 minutes

Checking pr ev»ous lesson

* Aim: revise lessons

talk about how to teach children to become

* C o 'e” '

independent in VN and in the USA.

* Products : confidently answer the questions

* Steps:

- Ask some Ss to go to the board talk about how to teach

children to become independent in VN and in the USA.

- Feedback.

- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have

learnt in Unit 2.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes

10 minutes


Activity 1: Listen and repeat these sentences

* Aim: this activity focuses on the linked final consonants

and initial vowels of the words

* Content: Listen and repeat these sentences

* Products: read these sentences with linking sounds

1. He’s a teacher of English in an urban school.

2. My brotheris well-informed about localjssues.

3. Most Americans use some forms of discipline for their


* Steps:

- Ask Ss to listen then link the final consonants and initial



- Ask Ss read the exchanges and do the task

- Ask Ss to check their answer r with other cL classmates iassmate

- Elicit answers from the wholee class

- Let Ss listen again and pause to ^help ip them to notice the linking.

Activity 2: Read the paragi aph be'ow and link the final

consonants and initial vowels. Then listen and check your


* Aim: this activity focuses on the linked final consonants

and initial vowels of the words

* Content: Read the paragraph below and link the final

co d initial vowels.


T <--> Ss


Pair work

T <-- > Ss



10 minutes

read the paragraph and mark the linked final consonants

* Steps:

- Play the recording and let Ss listen and do the task.

- Play the CD once and ask S to check their answers.

- Let them listen again if necessary

- Ask Ss to check their answer with other classmates

- Elicit answers from the whole class

Being independent's being able to take care o f yourself, and not

T <-- > Ss

10 minutes

having to rely on anyone else. That is what many young people

strive for. However, the ability to live independent does not

develop naturally: you need a number o f life skills to stop

relying on your parents and older siblings.


Activity 3: Complete these sentences with the correct forms

of the words in the box

* Aim: this activity focuses on revising vocabulary

* Content: Complete these sentences with the correct forms of

the words in the box

* Products:

Complete the sentences correctly

* Steps: .

- Let Ss do this vocabulary exercise in pairs

- Ask Ss to work on their own first.

or grouA oups of 4

< y

- Then ask Ss to compare answers with a parser to see if they

have the same answer

- After that, elicit answers hole class and correct the

wrong ones


1. confident 2. well-informed

3. determined 4. decision

5. decisiveness 6. responsibly

7. y 8 .independent

Ss <-- > Ss

Pair wo

D rk

T <-- > Ss

T <-- > Ss

group work


Activity 1: Combine the sentences using to - infinitives

* Aim: This activity focuses on using the to-infinitive

* Content: Combine the sentences using to - infinitives

* Products: have sentences with infinitives

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work individually and then exchange with others

*Key: 1. Denis was happy to receive a letter from his mother.

T <-- > Ss

2. Ann was so lucky to pass the exam.

3. It's impossible to learn a foreign language in one day.

4. The students are very keen to take part in the "Green Day”


5. It's necessary for you to develop habits that will keep your

body healthy and clean.

6. We are relieved to hear that Helen is feeling better now.

7. It's difficult to guess what will happen.

8. It's important to learn how to cope with loneliness.

9. It's important to learn how to get from one place to another.

10. Dave was very surprised to receive a birthday gift fror

old friend

Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences using the nouns

brackets and to infinitives without changing the m ng of

the sentences

* Aim: This activity focuses on usint the to -infinitive

* Content: Combine the sentences using to - infinitives

* Products: have sentences with infinitives

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in groups a id do the task.

- call on ss to giv e answers

check their answe


eir goal to win the first prize seems unrealistic.

2. Nobody knew about his dream to become a doctor.

3. Her failure to obey the school rules upset her parents very


4. Tania's ability to speak three foreign languages is amazing.

5. Tom's attempt to persuade his parents to allow him to join the

club failed.

6. He made an effort to overcome any difficulties by himself.


Work in groups of ten. Make questions from the statements

in the questionnaire. Then use the question to interview

students in your group. Find out how independent they are.

Report the results to the class.

* Aim: further explore the unit topic and practise the language

in a collaborative way

* Content: use the question to interview students in your

group. Find out how independent they are

* Products: interview

* steps

- Ask Ss to work in groups of three to find out how independe

they are.

- Go around, giving help if necessary.

- Call on Ss to report about the members in their group

- Give feedback and comments.



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt toda

- Summarize the main points of

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the w ords or phrases related to

environment impacts and w; ys to protect the environment

- Prepare for the iext l sson.

REVIEW 1 (UNIT 1,2,3)


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- revise the language they have learnt from units 1-3.

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “The generation gap”, “Relationships”, and “Becoming


+ Grammar: Modal verbs, Linking verbs, Cleft sentences, and To infinitive.

2. Attitude:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. teacher: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook


IV. Teaching procedures

C >

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

Checking previous lesson

* Aim: revise less0„s

* Content: list grammar pon*s in 3 units (1,2,3 )

* Products : ss list what the y have learnt in 3 units about grammar

* Steps:

- Ask some ^s to go io the board write what they have learnt in 3 unit

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson <

A. Vocabulary:

12 minutes Activity 1: Form compound nouns with the words in the box

* Aim: This activity focuses on compound nouns

* Content: Form compound nouns with the words in the box. Then

complete the sentences, using the correct ones

* Products: complete the sentences, using the correct compound nouns

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task.


10 minutes

15 minutes

- call on ss to give answers

- check their answers

- give feedback

Answers: 1. household 2. childcare

3. viewpoint

4. grandparents

5. girlfriend

Activity 2: Complete the conversation, using the words from the box

* Aim: This activity focuses on completing the conversation

* Content: Complete the conversation, using the words from the box

* Products: have a complete conversation and practice it

* Steps

- Ask Ss to do this activity individually.

- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the b

- check and give feedback

Answers: 1. relationship

3. reconciled

4. independent 5. self-reliant


Activity 3: Listen and link the final consonants and initial vowels in

the sentences

* Aim: This activity focus ss on linking the final consonants and initial

vowels in the sentences

* Content: Listen and link the final consonants and initial vowels in the


* p ducts: read the sentences with linking the final consonants and

els correctly

* Steps

- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers

with a partner’s.

- call on ss to give answers

- check their answers

2. Gram m ar

Task 4: Complete these sentences with should/shouldn't ...

* Aim: This activity focuses on modals should/shouldn't/ought to/

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



ought not to/must/mustn 't/have to/has t

* Content: Complete these sentences with should/shouldn't...

* Products: understand modals

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task.

- Elicit the form, meanings and use of should and shouldn’t....

- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board while other Ss do

this activity individually.

- Check answers as a class.

Answers: 1. should/ought to 2. shouldn't/ ought not to

3. must/have to 4. mustn't 5. must/has to


* N>

Task 5: Rewrite the following sentences to emphasis the und erlined


* Aim: This activity focuses on cleft sentences to emphasis one part of a


* Content: Rewrite the following sentences emphasis the underlined


* Products: have new sente! ces with the same meaning as the old one

* Steps

- Elicit the form and use of t mphasizing the underlined parts. Ask Ss to do

this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s.

- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board.

- Check i °w ers as a class.

An. wers: 1. It was in Greece that the first Olympic Games were held.

2. It was Nam who/that won the first prize in the English speaking contest

3. It's a chocolate cake that I am making for my best friend's birthday


4. It was in 1975 that Scotland's most famous poet Robert Burns was born

5. It's working on a computer that gives me headaches.

Activity 6: Rewrite new sentences with a similar meaning

* Aim: This activity focuses on revising the use of to-infinitive

* Content: Combine the sentences using to - infinitives

* Products: have sentences with infinitives

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

* Steps

- Elicit the use of to infinitive .

Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers

with a partner’s.

- Write the correct answers on the board.


1. Our school is quite easy to find

2. The paragraph is difficult to translate

3. I'm delighted to work for the school library

4. She was very surprised to see him at the party

5. I was sorry to hear that your grandma was ill


Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

Give feedback.

- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.



T <-- > Ss

T <-- > Ss

Period 27

eview ills eview 1

Lesson 2: Sk


I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: J e: By the end of ( the lesson, students will be able to:

- revise what t \ey hav e learned in unit 1, 2, 3


more abo )out reading, speaking, listening and writing skill

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “The generation gap”, “Relationships”, and “Becoming

indep er.Jent"

2. Attitude:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette and lesson plan.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:


1. Warm up

5 minutes

2. New lesson

5 minutes

Chatting (5 mins)

* Aim: revise lessons


* Content: name some problems which they often encounter er in their life

* Products : Freely express their problems

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to name some problems which they often encounter in their


-T asks some questions:

+ Who do you often share your filining?

g ?

+What should you do when your friends share their problems?

- calls some Ss to give the answer

- lead in the new les


ead and complete c the text with the words from the box.

Activity 1 Read

* Aim. This activity focuses on reading comprehension

tent: Read and complete the text with the words from the box

’roducts: complete the text with correct words


Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task.

call on ss to give answers

check their answers

1. decisions 2. hopefully 3. unemployment 4. advantage

5. straight 6. qualifications 7. possibility 8. practical

Activity 2: Read the text again and answer the questions

* Aim: This activity focuses on reading for specific information


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

5 minutes

8 minutes

* Content: answer the questions

* Products: understand the text and have the answers.


1. Around the age of seventeen

2. There is more unemployment

3. Getting a job more easily

4. There are many opportunities for training

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task.

- call on ss to give answers

- check their answers

II. Speaking

Activity 3: W ork with your partner. Make a conv n a tio n about your

friend's problem and give them advice. Use your own ideas or the

suggestions below

* Aim: This activity focuses on gi irg advice

* Content: Make a conversation about your friend's problem and give

them advice

* Products: have conversation about problems in life and give them


* Steps

Work with a pauner. Make a conversation about your friends' problem

and give them advice.

is to share their opinions with their partners.

some pair to present

ive comments and feedback

III. Listening

Activity 4: Listen to the recording about relationship problems

between parents and teenage children. Decide whether the

following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the


* Aim: This activity focuses on listening comprehension

* Content: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false


Pair work

T <-- > Ss


T <-- > Ss

(F) according to the speaker.

* Products: understand the text and have correct answers

* Steps

- Play the recording once for Ss to listen and choose their answers.

- Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. Then give the

correct answers.

Key: 1. T 2. F 3.T 4.F 5.T

IV. Writing

Write a letter requesting more information about the

language e

10 minutes courses. You can ask about the starting date, cou urre durati c ation,

teachers' experience, fees and course certificate.

* Aim: This activity focuses on writing a letter of reque st

* Content: Write a letter requesting more information about the language


* Products: understand the form of a lettt r of re quest

* Steps

Ask ss to read the advertisements and choose one of the language schools

you want to attend to improve your English.

- ask ss to write a letter requesting more information

- move around and provide helps

check their writing

Sample letter:

Dea • Ms Smith,

I raw your advertisement advei about the language courses on your website.

I am interested in learning English, and I am writing to enquire about

the English courses at your centre.

I can read and write in English, but I can't speak the language very

well. If necessary, I can complete an oral test. I want to improve my

pronunciation, and hope to be able to practise my English with native


I would also like to have more information about the starting date,

course duration, teachers' experience, fees and course certificate.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

Consolidation - Give feedback.

2 minutes - Summarize the main points of the lesson.

4. Homework


1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson.



1. Modal verbs ( unit 1)

A. Should - Ought to - Had better

B. Must- Have to

2.Linking verbs ( UNIT 2)

3.Cleft sentences ( UNIT 2)

4.To-infinitives after certain adjectives and nouns( U

II. VOCABULARY : unit 1-3

NIT 3) Ô < *

T <--> Ss

► T <--> Ss



1. I ........................(not see) him i or five liveyears. I wonder where he is.

2. He............................. (not smoke) for one month. He is trying to give it up.

3. He

4. "When

.....(c mpcse, some pieces of music when he worked in New York.

(c mpos

............. (he/arrive)?""He arrived at 3 o'clock.”

5. I can't go >ut because I.....................(not finish) my work yet.

6. Her e are y our shoes. I........................(just/clean) them.

7. We encouraged h im ........................(succeed in) .............. (become) a top player.

8. It's nco good...................(force) her to go with us.

9. I promised.....................(care) pror

for the dog but I'm not much good at...................... (babysit).

0. The people thanked me fo r..................(offer) (help) them.

11. It is not w orth............... (help) h e r............(do) the job.

12. I let my so n ............... (choose) between......(fly) a n d ............(take) the train.

13. The film was really w orth...............(see) so we made D aisy.........(go) to the movies with us.

14. Listen! His story............(sound) interesting.

15. What's the matter with Mary? She (seem)____upset.


1. In case of emergency, you must a c t............................. (decide).

2. A n .........................(depend) person is capable of doing things by herself/ himself.

3. I’m sorry but I can’t get my parents’ .................................... (permit) to go on a picnic.

4. Lacking the skill of coping with loneliness may make you fe e l......................... (depress) and ma ke

w rong............................ (decide) about your life.

5. With his remarkable ability, Lam can deal with this problem.........................................(effect)

6. The prom is permitted providing that everyone behaves....................................... (responsibe)

7. Many teenagers........................heavily on their parents, so they cannot l.iv° in dependently.(reliable)

8. Peter is a very.............................. (responsibility) student. He always completes his tasks on time and

never need to be reminded about............................ (assign) and other schoolwork.

9. He is also very......................... (determination). He usually tries to ......................(solution) all difficult

problems himself though most of his friends give up.

10. He spends lots of time reading so he i s .....(well-inform) about what’s happening around the world.

11. He always believes in himself and people rea^y admire h is ......................(able) to make

.........................(decide) quickly. He’s "eally......................(confidence) an d .................... (decide).

12. I think the food smells (terrible)........ You should throw it away.

13. His resignation was very (surprise

14. The doctor checked my legs (care)............. to see if there were any injuries.

15. She is looking at the picture (attend)).


1. I am not allow ed to go out in the evening, (mustn't) ^ I __

2. It is a good id ea for US to take an umbrella with US when we go out. (should) ^W e.

3. It is nec essary cor young people to plan for their future (have to) ^Y oung people ....

4. Ms. Hoa is in charge of cleaning the floor every day. (has to )^ M s. H o a.

5. . Tim doesn't get permission to use that computer, (mustn't)

6. Mr David saw that I could also take part in the contest.( Cleft sentence)

7. I began to think about everything at that moment. ( Cleft sentence)

8. My uncle came on Monday. ( Cleft sentence)

9. He tried hard to pass the exam. (effort) =>...............................

10. The little boy was able to ride a bike on his own. (ability) =>.........................................

11. Sue has offered to help me. (Kind)

12. You make the same mistake again and again.(careless)

13. We didn't know that Mark was going to change his job. (plan) --> We didn't know_.

14. That she decided to participate in the contest surprised all of us. (decision) --> Her_

15. I haven't talked to him for 5 days.=> It is___ .

IV/ Pronunciation

1. A. elementary B. different C. interest

D. vegetable

2. A. economy B. photograph C. voluntary D.secondary

3. A. library B. family

C. dictionary D. illegal

4. A. teenage B. heritage C. advantage D. enc ge

5. A. donate B. certificate C. integate

6. A. enthusiast B. together C. thousand D. yout

7. A. campaign B. impairment C. repair

. aware


8. A. blind B. prioritise C. finalcial D. . mobility

9. A. accessible B. experience C. special


10. A. curfew B. burden

C. mature

D. curtain

V/ Stress

1. A. flashy

2. A. reconcile

3. A. appear

4. A. wheelchair

5. A. charity

6. A. community

7. A. disabled

8. A. community

9. A. conduct

10. A. difficulty

B. control

B. counselor

B. depress

B. vis




. individual

B. campaign

B. memory

C. donation

C. sympathize

C. famous

C. treatment

C. method

C. education

C. barrier

C. accessible

C. dedicate

C. obstacle

D. equality

D. emotion

D. annoyed

D. impaired

D. society

D. population

D. celebrate

D. forgettable

D. surroundings

D. impairment

VI/ Choose the best option for each sentence:

C >

1. Many young people are striving.......being independent. A. of B. for C. on D. with

2. Have you heard about John? He has broken............................with his girlfriend.

A. down B. out C. into D. up

3. He lent an ear.................me when I told him about my conflict with my parents.

A. for B. to C. with D. on

4. It..........................my father that gave me this smartphone.........my birthday.

A. is/ on B. is/ at C. was/ on D. was/ at

5. Many parents are worried that their children will get involved____a romantic relationship in their teenage


A. for B. in C. on D. with

6. Some people are meant to fall in love____each other but not meant to be together.

A. for B. in C. on D. with

7. A ......... person is someone who is capable of doing things by himself rather than depend: ng on other people

for help. A. self-determined B. self-discipline C. self-reliant D. seT-coifident

8. This special school helps students w ith ..........................................impairments *o learn Braille.

A. hearing B. visual C. cognitive D. physic

9. She can’t join us because she has got a............................. with her boyfrie nd thi s evening.

B. problem B. meeting C. date

. night

10. Going into any argument, both sides know that either one is change the other's.............

A. head B. mind C. brain

D. feeling

11. Parents should teach children about........ by establishi about knocking closed doors before


A. loneliness B. care B. p, ivacy D. peace

12. They were finally-----------with each other, ai^r not speaking for nearly five years.

A. reconciled B. persuaded C. interested D. fond

13. It is Phong's sense of responsibility..............makes him successful in his life.

A. that B. which C. who D. what

14. There are some specific strategies that are useful in teaching a group which includes students with

physical..............A. lack B. shortage C. impairment D. death

15. If you are aware of a p ^rson's mental illness, it should not affect the way you...........with them.

A. intervene B. interfere C. affect D. interact

16 . ____is a decisive factor in giving up smoking.

A. Determined B. Determination C. Time management D. Reaction

17. It is s your____that determines how fast you achieve your goal and how well you acquire a skill or


A. tension B. reliability C. expense D. attitude

18. Men are often attracted b y ____girls in heavy make-up.

A. flash B. flashlight C. flashy D. flashily

19. He____as girls change their clothes.

A. bridges the gap B. changes his mind C. betrays D. reacts

20. With the outstanding talent and skills, he is one of the m ost____candidates for the presidency.

A. flashy B. mature C. potential D. trivial

21. Last week we interviewed some volunteers who had worked w ith .....................students.

A. disabled B. disabilities C. unable unabilities

22. There are more devices to enable people w ith............................. to travel around.

A. impairments B. physical disabilities C. cognitiv obile

23. These are students with various visual,...................., physical and cognitive impair“

A. hearing B. deaf C. mute

24 . ____youngest boy has just started going to ____ school. he C. an/ x D. the/ x

25. Do you go to ____prison to visit him? A. the B D. an

26. Peter was in______hospital and yesterday we went to__ t him.

A. the- £ B. the- the C. £ - the

27. My sister told me that she had met her old teacher_____

A. the B. a C. an

28. . It was Tom ____to help us. A. comes B. that comes D. who came

29. . ____ the police had rescued from the fire.

A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby that D. The baby whom

30. 1____ my parents gave me the fish tank.

A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on that

C. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that

VII/ Mistake recognition

1. He’s tired. He stopped to work for a while.

2. Please remember write to me as soon as possible.

3. She began play the guitar when she was six.

4. I’d like tein.ng you something about myself.

5. The ch e tasted the meat cautious before carefully serving it to his special guest.

6. The doctor felt the leg carefully to see if there were any brokenly bones.

7. After being closed for a long period of time, the house became dirty and smelled awfully.

8. All the members of the committee felt happily about the ultimate decision.

9. We ought to not play football as it's raining outside.

10. You mustn't to drive a car if you don't have a driving licence.

11. If you want some useful advice, you have better talk to your parents about your problem.

12. I had stay at home 3 days due to snowing heavily.

13. The annual increase in the world's population has peaked at about 88 million in the late 1980s.

14. It was at this shop where I bought a T-shirt three days ago.

15. Itis my closest friend goes abroad to study next month.



,< r

Period 31

Unit 4 : caring for those in need

Lesson 1:Getting star


I. Objectives:

1. Language focus

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 4

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to people with disabilities and how to support them.

- For pronunciation, that is elision of weak vowels before /l/. /n/ and /r/

- For grammar, that is the past simple and the present perfect.

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 4

- Reading: Reading for gereral ideas and specific information about helping people with disbilities.

- Speaking: Interview a volunteer and discuss volunteer work

- Listening: Listen to a radio program about an outstanding person with a disability

- Writing: Write an article about problems facing disabled people and how they can be solved

3. Attitudes

get started for Unit 4 with the topic "caring for those in need”

vide Ss some motivation

- have responsible attitude towards helping people with disabilities.

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

2. New lesson

10 minutes


* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: think of the people who need help

* Products: list the people who need help.

* Steps

- ask ss to work in groups, list the people who need help

- call on ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

Activity 1:


* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the students

* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the lessons


1. blind (adj):

2. deaf (adj)

3. dumb(adj)= m ute

4. disable (v ,1àm tan [ật

^■disabl -d (adj)

5. c ogricive (adj) lien quan đến nhận thức

6. impair (v) làm suy yếu

^ impairment (n)

7. Respect (v) for

^ respectful (adj)# disrespectful

8. integrate into ST

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

T . . , S ,


T <--> Ss

Whole class


T <--> Ss

8 minutes

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation

8 minutes

Activity 2: Listen and read

* Aim: This activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Listen and read

* Products: understand the conversation

* Steps

- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between n mMai.

Kevin and Maria.

Play the recording

Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the

- call some pairs to practice reading in front of

- check and give comments

Activity 3: Read the conversation again. Decide if the following

statements are T, F or NG

* Aim: This activity fetuses on reading for detail information

* Content: Decide if the following statements are T, F or NG

* Products: complete activity with T , F or not given

* Steps

Ask Ss t • work in pairs to decide whether the statements are true (T),

false (F), or not given (NG)

- ask them to give the reasons for their answers. (Ss refer back to the


-- Checks their answers, and gives explanations.


Group work

T <--> Ss

8 minutes

Keys: 1. T I'm preparing some gift .... disabilities

2. F Sure! A few ... us

3. NG collect gift for local charities

4. T I have an idea languages

5. NG I'm preparing ago

Activity 4: How do you think non-disabled people perceive and treat

people with disabilities

* Aim: This activity focuses on expressing their opinion about how

non-disabled people perceive and treat people with disabilities

* Content: discuss the questions

How do non-disabled people think about disabled one ?

Do you believe that disabled people can live independently and make their

contributions to the society?

Can you give some examples of people who overcome their disabilities to

succeed in life ?

What should we do to help disabled people ?

* Products: give their opinions

* Steps

- Have Ss discuss the question in pairs in 5’.

- Calls some Ss to perform in front of the ~las, asks others to listen and

give the comments

Keys: Non-disabled people often feel sorry for people with disabilities.

Many people think that disabled people can do nothing and can't live


Many people think disabled people are burdens to their family and the



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

I think non-disabled people used to think that people with disabilities

always need to be looked after. However, attitudes have changed.

People with disabilities are now perceived as valued members of society.

We can listen to their problems, give them encouragements, and help them

to overcome their difficulty.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson. T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the relationship.

- Talking about what we should do to help people with disabilities T <--> Ss

Period 32 Unit 4 : caring for those in need

Lesson 2:Language

I. Objectives:

1. Language focus

To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 4

For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about people with disabilities and how to support them m

- For pronunciation, that is elision of weak vowels

- For grammar, that is the past simple and the present perfect

2. Skills

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

- help people with disabilities to integrate in the community.

II. Preparations:

< 5 ^

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, ^ s o n plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Check up BRAIN STORMIn g

3 minutes * Aim: crea^ friendly atmosphere before the lesson

T <--> Ss

* C ontjnt: think of ACTIVITIES to help people in need

* Products: list the activities

* Steps

- ask ss to work in groups, list the activities to help people in need

- call on ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

2. New lesson A. Vocabulary:

Activity 1: Match each word with its meaning

6 minutes * Aim: This activity focuses on the meanings of key words used in the


Pair work


7 minutes

* Content: Match each word with its meaning

* Products: understand the words

* Steps

ask ss work individually, read each of the words and think about its word


- guide ss that they should read each explanation and decide if it defines a

verb, noun or adjective. Provides support if necessary by encouraging ss

to use the context and clues in the conversation

- call some ss to give out the answer

- ask ss to write the answers on board

- check & give remarks

* Keys: 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c

Activity 2: Complete the following sentences with vith t». th e appropriate

words from the box

* Aim: This activity focuses on vocabi

* Content: Complete the following sent with the appropriate words

* Products: understand these si

* Steps


pai ' work

T <--> Ss

8 minutes


- Introduce and explain the i equirement of this activity.

- Set a time limit for co mpleting the activity

- Encourage Ss to exchange their answers with a partner to see if they

understand the contexts and meaning of each sentence.

- Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner.

- Elicit answers from the whole class and give more explanation to help Ss

understand correctly, if necessary.

* Keys: 1. blind

2. cognitive 3. donation

4. physical 5. hearing

2. Pronunciation

Elision of vowels

Activity 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the vowels in bold

* Aim: This activity focuses on Elision of vowels

* Content: Listen and repeat

Whole class

Pair work

T <--> Ss

7 minutes

7 minutes

8 minutes

* Products: read the sentences with elision of vowels

* Steps

- Play the recording and let Ss listen

- Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each word

- Pay attention to the vowels in bold

- call ss to read again

- check and give feedback

Activity 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences. Pay attention to

the vowels in bold

* Aim: This activity focuses on Elision of vowels

* Content: Listen and repeat the following sentences

* Products: practice reading sentences in pairs


* Steps

- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the answer with their partner

- Play the recording and let Ss listen and read chorally.

- Ask Ss to listen to the sentences and practice reading them correctly

- Invite some Ss to read these sentences in front of the class and correct

mistakes, if there are any.

2. Grammar:

Activity 1: Choose th n corr ect form of the verbs in brackets to

complete the sentences

* Aim: Th e activity focuses on the past simple and the present perfect

tense of ^bs

* C >ntnt: Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete

the sentences

* Products: complete the sentences with the past simple and the present

perfect tense of verbs

* Steps

- Ask Ss if they can remember any rules for the use of the past simple and

the present perfect that they have learnt in the lower grades.

- Have Ss work in pairs to figure out the answers.

- Monitor the activity and help Ss, if necessary.

Whole class

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

- Remind Ss to pay attention to the adverbs of time when they choose the

correct form of the verbs.

- Remind Ss of the past participle forms of regular verbs and irregular


7 minutes

- Check answers as a class.

* Keys: l.launched 2. Decided 3. Invited 4. have completely changed 5.

have collected

Activity 2: Complete each sentences, using the past simple or present ent

perfect form of the verb in brackets

* Aim: The activity focuses on the past simple and the presc 't perfect

tense of verbs

* Content: Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets +o complete

the sentences

* Products: complete the sentences with th imple and the present

perfect tense of verbs

* Steps

- Let Ss work in pairs to give ans serve and help when and where



Whole class


Pair work

T <--> Ss


- Remind Ss to pay attention to the adverbs of time when they choose the

correct form of tbe ve”bs.

- Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to take turns reading aloud

each of *V sentences.

* Keys: l .In October, we decided to start a "Special Christmas Gifts”




2. About 30 students from other schools have joined us since last month.

3. I have volunteered at a special school twice since I finished Grade 10.

4. I presented an action plan to the school principal when I was at the


5. So far, people have donated more than 100 gifts

6. Last month, I talked to some students about how to learn English


7. They have sent some textbooks and dictionaries recently

T <--> Ss

Whole class

8. I'm preparing some Christmas gifts for the students with disabilities in

the school we visited two months ago

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now ?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Vocabulary related to people with disabilities and how to help them

- The simple past tense and the present perfect tense

- Elision of vowels

- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

- Complete Exercises in work book.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Period 33 Unit 4: r those in need


I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By th 1end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Know about how to help people in need.

Rtad and find specific information in a short interview.

■ R

Know words and phrases related to attitudes to disabled people and community activities.

- R

2. A tt»tade: tt’tm

- Raise students' awareness about helping other people especially the disabled

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the text to get the general idea

- Scan the text to get some specific details

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:



In teractions

i -

1. Homework

8 minutes

2. New lessor

7 minut es




* Aim:


To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the less

- To lead into the new lesson.

* Content: look at the pictures and tell what

* Products: understand the symbols

* Steps

Have Ss look at the symbols an^ in groups to compare their

answers. Encourage S plain and give reasons for their answers.

Correct answers as a cl , and give examples of places where Ss can

find these symbol

Suggested answers:

1. People with mobility impairments

2. People with visual impairments

eople with hearing impairments


4. People with speech impairments

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the students

* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the lessons


1. energetic (adj)

2. enthusiastically (adv):

3. slogan (n):

T <-- > Ss

Pair work

4. involve(v):

5. support (v):

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation

T <--> Ss

8 minutes

Activity 2: Match each of the words with its meaning

Use a dictionary if necessary.

* Aim: This activity focuses on vocabular

* Content: Match each of the words with it ing

* Products: understand some words related to the reading text

* Steps

T <--> Ss

- Let Ss read the words frst and make sure they understand all of them

- Ask Ss to read through the text once without stopping at the words that

they don't know the meaning

- Ask them lo work in pairs to decide on the main idea of the whole text

- Help them eliminate the choice that is only one aspect of the text

* Keys: 1 b 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. c

Group work

T <--> Ss

ivity 3: Read a school magazine report on some interviews with

class monitors. Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph

* Aim: the activity focuses on reading for general ideas

* Content: Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph

* Products: find the heading for the paragraph

* Steps

- Explain to Ss that repeated and similar vocabulary can form a

vocabulary chain in a paragraph, and consequently help to express the

Group work



8 minutes

main idea of the paragraph.

- Have Ss skim the text individually to choose the best heading for each

paragraph. Then Ss can check their answers with a partner.

- Check answers as a class and write them on the board. Give feedback.

Keys: 1. b 2. c 3. a

Activity 4: Complete these sentences with no more than three words.

* Aim: the activity focuses on reading for specific information

* Content: Complete these sentences with no more than three words

* Products: have sentences as required

* Steps

- Allow enough time for Ss to read the instructions and the questions.

- Remind Ss to pay attention to details like names of scho ols, cl asses,

activities, etc. and to the context (words around the to identify what

kind of words or phrases are needed.

- Have Ss write their answers individual! k with a partner. Then

check answers as a class and provid

* Keys: 1. students with disabili

2. record popular books

3. participating fully in

4. record-breaking

5. this Christmas unforgettable

Activity 5: Discuss with a partner how you can help children with

disabilities in your community

* Aim: This post-reading activity aims to relate the information from

tl e reading text to Ss'own life.

* Content: Discuss with a partner how you can help children with

disabilities in your community

* Products: freely give their opinions

* Steps

- Put Ss in pairs and let them discuss the question freely. If Ss have

difficulty coming up with new ideas, give them some examples of

problems disabled people may face such as lack of skills or limited



T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work

T <--> Ss

- Ask one or two pairs to report the discussion results to the class.

Suggested answers:

- play games with them

- listen to their problems

- give them encouragement

- offer them gifts

- help them with their study

T <-- > Ss


VIhole class




Pair work

T <-- > Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

Summarize the

e main points of the lesson

Vocabular elated ed to helping people with disabilities

Reai 's: skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning of new

s through context

sk students to learn by heart the new words.

repare for the next lesson.

T <-- > Ss

T <--> Ss

Perio iod 34

Unit 4 : Caring for those in need


Lesson 4: Speaking

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge:

- Interview a volunteer and discuss voluntary work.

- Get more vocabulary related to the topic of volunteer work

2. Attitude:

- Raise students' awareness about helping other people especially the disabled

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Check up

5 minutes

2. New lesson

8 minute s


Watch a video

* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the les son

* Content: watch a video and answer questions

* Products: answer the questioi

* Steps

- T shows a video about ‘he tot ’c - help the people in need and raise some


+ Do you often h elp pt ople around you?

+ What do y ou often do to help other people

-How to help people in need?

Let’s ’earn Unit 4 - Speaking

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the students

* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the lessons


1. get involved = take part in

2.handicapped children = disabled children

3.visually impairments children = blind children

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

8 minutes

4.children with hearing impairments = deaf children

5.extracurricular activity =additional activity

6. rewarding (adj)bo ich

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the

- check their pronunciation

Activity 2: Read the following phrases. Write expresses a

reason and A if it expresses a voluntary activity

* Aim: the activity aims to differentiate be tween the notions ‘reason’

and ‘activity’.

* Content: Write R if it expresses a reason and A if it expresses a

voluntary activity

* Products: understand if it is a reason or activity

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do exercise

- Encourage Ss to explain their choice

Ask Ss to work by themselves, do the task then share their answer with

T <--> Ss

Pair work

Ss <-- > Ss


8 minutes

1. R 2 . A 3. R 4. R 5. A

Activity 3: The principal of a special school is interviewing a potential

volunteer. Complete the interview

* Aim: this activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Complete the interview

* Products: understand the interview

* Steps:

- Explain the context and ask Ss to read through the phrases in the box.

T <-- > Ss

- Have Ss work in pairs to fill the gaps in the interview.

- Check answers as a class and give feedback.

- Allow enough time for Ss to read the interview individually before they

practise in pairs.

- Monitor the activity and select some pairs to role-play the conversation

in front of the class

* Keys:

1. volunteer position 2. special school 3. change people’s lives

4. in the past 5. improve coordination 6. clearly and effectively

Activity 4: Read the information about two special schools in VN.

Choose one of them. Work in pairs and make a similar interview as in

Whole class

Pair work

10 minutes

* Aim: this activity focuses on free practice

* Content: Work in pairs and make a similar interview as in 2

* Products: make a similar interview

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to read the instructions carefully, then have them go through the

information about two special schools in Viet Nam.

- Ask Ss to prepare the reasons why they want to volunteer, and what they

can do. Ss can use the suggestions

- Encourage Ss to share their ideas.

- Have different pairs work together so they can help each other with ideas

and suggestions.

- Ask ss to discuss and practise the conversation in pairs. Then choose

o ie or Lwo pairs to role-play their conversation in front of the class.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <-- > Ss



2 minutes


- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:

What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

+ Vocabulary related to interviewing a volunteer

+Speaking skills: interviewing, presenting in front of the class

- Vocabulary related to interviewing a volunteer

T <-- > Ss

1 minute - Speaking skills: interviewing, presenting in front of the class T <--> Ss

- Do the tasks again

- Read Unit 4 - Listening at home


Unit 4: Caring for those in need

Lesson 5: Listening

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge:

- be aware of the fact that both disabled and non-disabled people have strengths

- know more about the achievements of people with disabilities

- know what to do to support disabled people

- Get some vocabulary related to the topic CARING FOR THOSE IN NEED

2. Attitude:

- Raise students' awareness about helping other people especiall

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their listening skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in p airs and groups

II. Preparations:

1. Teacher

- Teaching aids: Textbook, les

- Teaching method: Commu

2. Students

- Read through English Unit 4 - Listening at home

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

lan and cassette

e language teaching


- ,

C >


Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Check up

7 minutes


* Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: look at the pictures and answer the quations

* Products: give their answers

* Steps

T <--> Ss

- Shows Ss pictures of some outstanding people with disabilities and asks

2. New lesson

7 minutes

them some questions:

1. Who are they?

2. What disabilities do you think they had?

- Has a talk with Ss about the three people “why and how they became


- Informs the class of the lesson objectives and leads to the lesson

Activity 1: vocabulary:



* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the students

* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the lessons


1. inspire(v)= truyền cảm hứng

^inspiration (n)

2. outstanding(adj)= well-known

3. glass- bone disease (n):

4. fragile (adj) dễ vỡ

5. fracture (v/n): rạn, nức/ chỗ gãy

* Steps:

- show the pictures and wo rds

ask students t o gu

give me;

the meanings

ask ss to I ake sentences with the words

and give feedback

sk ss to listen and read the words aloud

heck their pronunciation


Task 2: Look at the picture. Can you recognize the people? W hat

disabilities do you think they had

* Aim : this activity focuses on recognizing outstanding people with


* Content: recognize these people and identify the disabilities they had

* Products: give some information about these outstanding people

* Steps:

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

8 minutes

- Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions.

- Write some key words (e.g. famous, successful, difficulties, disabilities)

on the board, if necessary.

- call on ss to give answers

- Elicit Ss' answers:


Suggested answer:

1. Luis Einstein

2. Chopin

Task 2: Listen to the radio program about a famous youngster with a

disability and fill in the information

* Aim: This activity focuses on listening for specific information about a

famous girl with a disability

* Content: listen and fill in the informatio

* Products: complete the tasks

* Steps: - Have Ss listen to the CD for the f:rst time and try to note down

the information that helps them to check their answers

- Ask Ss to share with their friends to see if they have the same answers or

-n oAtsk Ss to share with their friends to see if they have the same answers or


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

- Let Ss listen to the CD f r the second time and try to note down

information the y did ’t understand for the first time

- Elicit answers from Ss and ask them to give clues to their answers

- Let Ss listen again and pause at certain places if necessary to help Ss

hear the information they need.

h*eKaer yt :h e information they need.


1. Nguyen Anh

2. Vietnamese

3. Glass-bone

4. Music

5. Outstanding youngster with disability

Task 3: Listen again and complete the sentences

* Aim: this activity focuses on listening comprehension

* Content: listen complete the sentences

7 minutes

8 minutes



2 minutes


1 minute

* Products: understand the text and give answers

* Steps: - Let Ss work in pairs to complete the sentences

- Play the tape twice

- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then compare the answer with

their partner

- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones.


1. Get started

2. disease

3. sing songs

4. supporting

5. equally treated

Task 4: Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following question

* Aim: this activity focuses on free speaking

* Content: Ask and answer the following

What can you do to supportpeopl° with disabilities and help them

succeed in life ?

* Products: freely express their opinions

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work in group; of three or four to discuss the question, and

brainstorm ide s. Ss note down the answers, and get ready to report.

-Have som e Ss present their reports to the class.

* Suggested answers:

+ give them care, comfort and support

+ encourage them to succeed in life

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

- Vocabulary related to caring disabled outstanding people

- Do the tasks again

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


Unit 4 : Caring for those in need

Lesson 6: Writing


1. Knowledge:

- To teach Ss to write an article about problems facing disabled people and how they can be solved.

- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way to form a well-structured text.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

2. Attitude:

+ Learn an article.

+ Write an article about problems facing disabled people and how thev can ed.

+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary support • writing.

- awareness of the importance of solving problems

3. Skills:


- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and


- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan ai d pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, n ainly communicative.

r v

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

IV. Procedures:


5 minutes * Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: make a list of problems facing children with impairments.

* Products: ss’ answers

* Steps

- ask ss to work in groups, list the problems facing children with


- call on ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

2. New lesson Task 1:

T <--> Ss

9 minutes

8 minutes

Read a students article about a problem facing children with cognitive

impairments, and the solutions she proposes. Put the phrases (a-c) in the

appropriate spaces (1-3).

* Aim: This activity aims to provide Ss with a sample writing .

* Content: Read a students article about a problem facing children with

cognitive impairments . Put the phrases (a-c) in the appropriate spaces (1­


* Products: understand the problems and solutions

* Steps: Ask sts to choose the appropriate phrases (a-c) to fill in the


- Have them compare their answers with a partner firs

- Ask sts to read out loud their answers to check as a c 'ass.

Lead to the writing lesson


1. c 2. B 3. a


Task 2: Read the article again and complete the outline


* Aim: This activity aims to help Ss to work out the outline of a welldeveloped


* Content: complete the outline

* Products: Know the way to make an outline

* Steps:

Ask sts to work in groups of 4, and give each group a large size sheet


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


read the text in their book and study the outline.

sts to discuss in groups and complete the outline on the sheet of


Encourage sts to move around to look at the outlines of other groups.

Ask leaders of some groups to present their outlines to the rest of the



Children with cognitive impairments often face discrimination in life

Main body

Solution 1

T <--> Ss

People should learn more about children with cognitive impairments

Solution 2

There should be more contacts between people with cognitive

impairments and non-disabled people.


Better understanding and better cooperation between the two groups of

people will change attitudes and reduce discrimination.


20 minutes

Task 3: Choose one of the following problems and write an ar

160 - 180 words using the outline

* Aim: This activity aims to help Ss write an article about problems

facing disabled people and how they can solve

* Content: write an article of 160 - 180 words using the outline

* Products: be able to write an article

* Steps:

- Have Ss work in groups of three or four to choose one problem and

discuss what solutions they will recommend.

- Encourage Ss to make complete sentences, using the suggestions in the

table. Ask Ss to read their gio up's sentences. Provide help by correcting

mistakes in grammar or word choice.

Ask Ss to work independently and write their articles.

Ask ind; idual Ss to read their articles. Have the rest of the class give

comments, and correct errors, if necessary


wadays, we all find the fact that many students with visual

pairments have to struggle in regular schools whose activities they

cannot fully participate in and often are left behind. What are the solutions

to this problem?

First of all, the government should set up more special schools for

people with visual impairments where they have the best facilities and

conditions to learn and study. In these schools, disabled people can

receive enough care and support, they won't have to face up with

discrimination from non-disabled students. All the facilities are furnished



2 minutes


1 minute

for them, so they won't have any difficulty in achieving the knowledge.

Secondly, in the event of mixed education, people with visual

impairments should also be specially taken care of. They need to be

provided with large-scale or Braille books, talking computers or materials

with large print. Besides, we should encourage them to become part of

study group; create atmosphere of friendliness, respect and acceptance

during all activities.

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Focus on the form of a biography


T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

- Write the text again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss


Unit 4: Caring for those in need

Lesson 7: Communication and culture

I. Objectives:

1. knowledge

- To teach Ss about East

- To teach Ss to tal read about International Day of Persons with Disabled.

- To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

of the lesson, students will be able to:

Jnderstand and read about East Meets West.

Talk about East Meets West.

+ Get knowledge of International Day of Persons with Disabled.

2. Attitude:

- know more about volunteer activities to help people with disabilities.

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop listening, reading, speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:





5 minutes * Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson


* Content: make a list of problems facing children with impairments.

* Products: ss’ answers

* Steps

- ask ss to work in groups, list the proJems prob 'e* facing children with


- call on ss to give answers

- check and give feedback

2. New lesson 1. Communication:

East meets West

8 minutes Activity 1: Listen to an introduction to a charitable organization.


* Aim: This activity focuses on specific information about an international

organization helping people with disabilities.

* Content: Complete the table

* Products:

* Steps: -

- have them work in pairs to guess the information and think about how to

express such information (e.g. how to say the date and year, or how to

classify organizations as governmental, non-governmental, profit, nonprofit,


- Ask Ss to complete the table while listening. Have them listen again to

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss

check the answers.

- Play the recording twice, pausing before the second listening for Ss to

check their answers

* Suggested answers:

1. 1994

2. non-government

3. to children in poor countries

4. to develop their agriculture

5. invest money

Activity 2: Work in groups, your class wants to get involve East


Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

7 minutes


Meets West's work. Discuss your campaign's:

* Aim: this activity focuses on discussion

* Content: your class wants to get involved in ets West's work.

Discuss your campaign's:

* Products : how to help disabled people difficulties in front of

the class

* Steps:

- Have sts read the insti ictions and suggested words/ phrases carefully.

- Ask sts to work in groups of 4 to brain storm ideas and prepare a

proposal for a new campaign to support disabled people.

- Ask som< ■grou >s to present their campaigns.

- Prais e sts for original and interesting ideas, and good presentation


Suggested answers:

Aims: to help disadvantaged children

Funding: fund-raising performances

Volunteers: Students from grade 10 and 11

Cooperation: With Student's Parents Society

Message: Happiness rises double; Sadness divides half

Events: fund-raising performances, volunteer work

2. Culture:

International day of persons with disabilities

Activity 1: Look at the logos. W hat do you think they present?

T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

Whole class

Pair work

8 minutes

8 minutes

7 minutes


3. ^


2 minutes

* Aim: This activity focuses sts’ attention on the logos

* Content: Look at the logos. What do you think they present?

* Products: understand the logo

* Steps:

- Focus Ss' attention on the logos, and allow enough time for Ss to discuss

how often they think the international day of people with disabilities is

celebrated and what its purpose is.

- Invite individual Ss to present their ideas

Suggested answers:

These logo presents the care and support for disabled people

Activity 2: Read the text and check your guesses

* Aim: This activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Read the text and check your guesses

* Products: understand the text

* Steps:

- Have Ss read the text quickly to ch guesses

- check the answers again

Activity 3: Read the text again and answer the questions

* Aim: This activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: Read the text again and answer the questions

* Products: answer the questions correctly

* Steps: Let Ss to work in pairs and do the task

Suggested answers:

1. The United Nations did

2. Its aim is to further raise awareness of disability issues and to call for

world-wide support for the rights and well-being of disabled people

3. Challenges, discrimination, poverty and limited access to education,

employment and health care

4. For a civilized society where disabled people enjoy their lives

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

+ Talk about International day for persons with disabilities.

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

1 minute - Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss

PERIOD 38 Unit 4 : Caring for those in need

Lesson 8: Looking back and project

I. Objectives:

1. knowledge

- To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 4.

- To teach Ss some lexical items related to caring for those in need.

- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultu

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and group

- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:

+ Use the elision in connected speech correctly.


eir speaking skills


c >

+ Use some key words of the topic caring fo r those in need.

+ Do the exercises on past simple tense and the present perfect tense.

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop listening, reading, speaking skills

3. Attitude:

- Know more about voluntef activities to help people with disabilities.

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Hardc its, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

* Checking

1. Homework * Aim: review previous lesson

5 minutes * Content : talk about International day for persons with disabilities

T <--> Ss

* Products: ss’ answers

2. New lesson

7 minutes

7 minutes

* Steps

- Ask some Ss to go to the board talk about International day for persons

with disabilities

- Feedback.

- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in

Unit 4.


Activity 1: Listen and underline thee syllable with vowel elision

* Aim: Review what elision of vowels is and when this happens.

* Content: Listen and underline thee syllable with vowel elision


* Products: underline thee syllable with vowel elision

* Steps: - Ask Ss to listen then underline the vowel elision

- Ask Ss read the exchanges and do the task

- Ask Ss to check their answer with other cl; las;mat( ates

- Elicit answers from the whole class

- Let Ss listen again and pause to help them to notice the elision.


1. dictionary 2. Police 3. Library 4. Deafening 5. history

Activity 2: Listen and tick the sentences that are read with elision of

weak vowel

* Aim: This activity vides additional practice of the pronunciation


* Content: Listen and tick the sentences that are read with elision of



T <--> Ss


7 minutes

* Products: understand the elision of weak vowel

* Steps: - Play the recording and let Ss listen and do the task.

- Play the CD once and ask S to check their answers.

- Let them listen again if necessary

- Ask Ss to check their answer with other classmates

- Elicit answers from the whole class

Suggested answers:

1. v 2. 3. 4. v 5. 6. v


Group work

T <--> Ss

8 minutes

Activity 1: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the

words in brackets

* Aim: this activity is aimed at review key vocabulary in the unit

* Content: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words

in brackets

* Products: complete the sentences

* Steps: - Let Ss do this vocabulary exercise in pairs or groups of 4

- Ask Ss to work on their own first.

- Then ask Ss to compare answers with a partner to see if they have the

same answer

- After that, elicit answers from the whole class and corre ct the wr rong


*Keys: 1. impairments

3. integration

5. involved


2. non-disabled

4. disrespect


6. donations

Activity 1: Complete the senten inces using the th< correct form of the

verbs in the brackets

* Aim: this activity focuses on helping students revise the grammatical

point: the past simple and the present perfect

* Content: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in

the brackets

* Products: more understand about the past simple and the present


Pair work

T --> S ,


T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss


7 minutes

* Steps:

- Have sts work in pairs to work out the answers.

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

- T asks Ss to write their answers on the board

- T checks Ss’ answers on the board

*Key: 1. came

2. have agreed - have signed

3. came 4. have started 5. had

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box

* Aim: The activity provides revision of the difference between the past

Whole class

simple and the present perfect when describing past actions.

* Content: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box

* Products: understand the past simple and the present perfect when

describing past actions

* Steps: - Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task.

- call on ss to give answers

- check their answers

*Keys: 1. has never volunteered

2. invented

3. has recorded - visited

4. has supported 5. have ... worked - organized - coached

Pair work

. y

^ T <--> Ss

8 minutes


Work in groups of ten. Make questions from the statements in the

questionnaire. Then use the question to interview students in your


* Aim: This project is a survey on voluntary wor k - why Ss took part in

it, what they did, and what they would like to do in the future.

* Content: Then use the question to inter view students in your group

* Products: interview some of their friends

* Steps: - have Ss do the survey in class or during the break. Encourage

Ss to walk around the ’lassr oom / school and ask as many students as

possible to get information for their projects. Ss can also do the survey in

another class to get additional information.

- Allow nough time for Ss to compare their findings in groups. Ask each

grc 'p to present the final results to the class. Make comments on their

fi ndings.

T <--> Ss

Whole class

group work

T <-- > Ss


2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

Expected answer: Learn more about:

- The vowel elision

- The past simple and the present perfect

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Vocabulary related to the topic caring those in need

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 4.

- Determine how independent you are.

- Do the tasks again.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss


PERIOD 39 Unit 5

Being part of ASEAN

Lesson 1: Getting started


I. Objectives:

1. Language focus

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 5

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about Asian and the a SEAN charter

- For pronunciation, that is falling and raising intonation

- For grammar, that is the use gerunds and state verbs in continuous forms

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 5

- Reading: Skimming and scanning

- Speaking: Talk about Asian memb

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about the ASEAN member states

- Writing: Write a short brochure introducing an ASEAN member state

3. Attitudes

- To help Ss get started for Unit 5 with the topic "Being part of ASEAN”

- To provide Ss some motivation

II. Preparations:

- Tea cher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

*Aim: create the friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: what organizations they are .

* Products: speak out what they know about these organizations

* Steps:

Ask Ss whether they know what ASEAN stands for and whether they can

provide some information about ASEAN

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes



Lead in

Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabular to the topic to the students

* Content: learn vocabulary

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the lessons


1. charter (n): hiến chu^.p

2. principle(n) nguyên lấc

3. form(v)= establish = set up

4. bloc(n) khối ( chính trị)

5. stable (adj) ổn định

-- stability(n)

6. maintain (v)

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the words

- check and give feedback

Whole class

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Group work

7 minutes

7 minutes

7 minutes


- ask ss to listen and read the words aloud

- check their pronunciation

Activity 1: Listen and read

* Aim: this activity focuses on listen and read

* Content: Listen and read

* Products: read the conversation

* Steps:

- Tell Ss what they are going to listen.

- Play the recording

- Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation.

- Explain new words if necessary

- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes new wor

Activity 2: What is the conversation about, choose the best answer

* Aim: This activity focuses on understanding general ideas

* Content: choose the best answer

* Products: understand the convers

* Steps: - Ask Ss to work individual and finish the task

- Ask them to exchange their answeis with a partner.

- Check their answer, ask them to give evidences for the answer

+ Preparation for a competition on ASEAN and ASEAN charter

Activity 3: Match each word with its definitions. Then practice

reading the words aloud.

* Aim: This activity focuses on the meaning of the key vocabulary in the


* Content: Match each word with its definitions

* Products: understand these words

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to work first individually, then in pairs.

- Encourage Ss to use the word context in the conversation when choosing

the correct definition for each word.

- Check Ss' answers as a class, and give explanations or translations, if


Keys: 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. d

T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

T <-- > Ss

Whole class

Pair work

7 minutes

- Help Ss read the words.

Activity 4: Read the conversation again and answer the questions

* Aim: This activity focuses on understanding specific information.

* Content: Read the conversation again and answer the questions

* Products: have answers for the questions

* Steps: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, do the task.

- Let Ss to practise asking and answering the questions.

- Ask Ss to exchange the answers.

- Feedback


1. Because she fears that her classmates know a lot more

and they are more confident than her

2. 10 members

3. Its aims and purposes are to improve member states' economies and

maintain regional peace and stability

4. It offers the Singapore Scholarship and the A SEAN scholarships to

students from other ASEAN countries

5. Its main principles

6. After he finishes his

T <--> Ss

Whole class

7 minutes


Activity 5 : Und erlint the phrases with the -ing form in the

conversatic n Compare the answers with your partner's.

* Aim: This activity focuses on the -ing form of the verbs

nderline the phrases with the -ing form in the


* Products: find “ing” form in the conversation

* Steps:.

Ask Ss to refer back to the conversation and find all the phrases with the -

ing form. Have them compare their answers. Check answers as a class.

Suggested answer:

1. - have practised answering

- suggest reading

-continue quizzing

Pair work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

(gerunds as objects after some verbs)

2.- thinking of participating

- focusses on improving

Whole class


Pair work



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute




Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can vou do now?

Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the woror hrases related to the topic:


- Practice the conversation

- Do the task again

- Read Unit 5 - language

at home

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Period 40: Unit 5 Being g part of ASEAN



2: Language

I. Objectives

1. Language locus

- To provide learners some language items in Unit 5

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about Asian and the ASEAN charter

- For pronunciation, that is falling and raising intonation

- For grammar, that is the use gerunds and state verbs in continuous forms

2. Skills

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities ,n, Interactions

1. Check up

3 minutes


*Aim: revise previous lesson

* Content: guessing the words related to the pictures

T <--> Ss

* Products: speak out they know about these pictures

* Steps:

T asks Ss to lool at the pictures and guess the words relatingto each

picture, (T c n give some missing letters if necessary)

Answer : Picture 1: V- - ------------ ---Volunteers

'icture 2: S---------------- Solidarity

’icture 3 : C--------------------- Cooperation

Ltad in: Now you are going to study some words relating to the topic


6 minutes

A. Vocabulary:

Activity 1: Complete the sentences using the words in the box

* Aim: This activity focuses on the meaning of the key vocabulary

related to the topic

* Content: Complete the sentences using the words in the box

Pair work

7 minutes

* Products: understand these words and complete the sentences

* Steps: -

- asks Ss to work individually, read the words, and then match them with

the definitions

- call on ss to give answers

- Check and give feedback

Pair work

* Keys: 1. constitution 2. scholarship


3. solidarity 4. principle

5. cooperation 6. dominate

Activity 2: Use the words in 1 to complete the sentences

5 minutes

* Aim: This activity extends the use of vocabulary in 1

* Content: Use the words in 1 to complete the sentences


* Products: understand these words and use them correctly

* Steps: - Introduce and explain the requirement of this activity.

- Set a time limit for completing the activ;ty

- Encourage Ss to exchange their answ ts >with a partner to see if they

understand the contexts and mea^ng of each sentence.

- Elicit answers from the whole class and give more explanation to help Ss

understand correctly, if necessary.

* Keys: 1. constitution -. principle 3. cooperation

4. dominate

2. Pronunci

ill & -

Activity 1: Listen and repeat

5. solidarity 6. scholarship

T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work


* Aim. Activity 1 and 2 focus on falling and rising intonation.

* Content: Listen and repeat

* Products: read the sentences with rising and falling intonation

* Steps: -

- Play the recording and let Ss listen. Play it again for Ss to repeat each

sentence chorally.

- Ask Ss to focus on falling intonation on statements, and rising intonation

on yes/no questions. Alternatively, have Ss tell the difference between the

T <--> Ss

Whole class

two types of intonation patterns before asking them to read through the

Do you know...? box.

6 minutes

7 minutes


5 minutes

Activity 2: Listen and repeat with correct intonation

* Aim: Activity 1 and 2 focus on falling and rising intonation.

* Content: Listen and repeat with correct intonation

* Products: read the sentences with rising and falling intonation

* Steps: -

- Play the recording. Ask Ss to repeat each sentence without any

To show falling intonation, their voice should go down at the

statement. To show rising intonation, their voice should go up

of a yes I no question.

- Have Ss work in pairs to take turns reading the ces. Invite some Ss

to read them out loud in front of the class, and Ss make

comments on their intonation.

2. Grammar:


Activity 1: Choose the corre ct gerund to t< fill each gap

* Aim: This activity fo 'uses on the use of gerund.

* Content: Choose *he -o^ect gerund to fill each gap

* Products : une ’.rstan d the sentences

* Steps: -

- Asks Ss to follow the instruction and complete the sentences.

- Gi' es the meaning of some words in the task

( using picture) :

- has Ss compare their answers

- Checks answers in front of the class

* Keys: 1. Volunteering 2. Promoting 3. sharing

4. building 5. playing 6. becoming

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

in brackets

* Aim: This activity focuses on the use of gerund and infinitive

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

Whole class

8 minutes


* Content: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in


* Products: understand these sentences and recognize the use of gerund

and infinitive

* Steps: -

- Asks Ss to follow the instruction and complete the sentences.

- ask ss to compare their answers

- Check their answers with the whole class

* Keys: 1. to take 2. traveling 3. to go

4. to apply 5. preparing 6. Participating

State verbs

Activity 3: Choose the correct answers in brackets


* Aim: This activity focuses on state verb

to comiplete the

* Content: choose the correct answers in brackets to complete the sentences.

* Products: understand the use of si

* Steps:

- ask ss to read “ do you kno'

state verbs describe a state or condition which is unchanging and lasts

for some time. Sia*e vQrbs are not normally used in continuous tenses.

Common state verbs:

Connect“d with thinking and opinions: believe, think, know, remember,

doub t, gues s, regret, realise, understand

Conne'ted with feelings and emotions: like, hope, love, prefer, want,

w :sh, desire, seem, feel

Used to describe senses: see, smell, hear, taste, sound

Others: be, have, consist, belong, concern, depend, deserve, include,

matter, own, owe

However, some state verbs are sometimes used in the continuous form to

describe a temporary situation or something happening for a period of

time round the present.

- Have Ss discuss their answers with a partner first, and then circle the

Pair work

<-- > Ss


T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

correct answers.

- Monitor the activity, and offer help, if necessary. Check Ss'answers by

asking some of them to read out their answers.

8 minutes


1. regret 2. consists 3. didn't realise

4. Do you know 5. likes 6. sees

Activity 4: Use the simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets

* Aim: This activity focuses on simple or continuous form of the verbs

* Content: Use the simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets

* Products: understand the use of the simple or continuous fo.m of the


* Steps: -

- Ask Ss to work individually, do the task and compare the results with

their partner

- check and give feedback

Keys:1. is 2. was tasting 3. hope

4. are you smelling 5. are having 6. are being

Whole class

Pair work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework -

1 minut1

“ 0


- Ask Ss: What h ave yo u learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summariz the main points of the lesson.

- Vocabulary related to ASEAN and the ASEAN charter

- Gerunds

< - State verbs

- Falling and raising intonation

T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

- Complete Exercises in workbook.

Unit 5 : Being part of ASEAN

Lesson 3: Reading

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

I. Objectives:

I. Language focus

- To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of ASEAN.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Skim and scan a text for main ideas and specific information.

- read for general ideas and specific details about ASEAN.

- know more specific information about ASEAN

2. Attitude:

- To help Ss to know more about ASEAN and appreciate the cooperation and s

- To help Ss to respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the text to get the general idea

- Scan the text to get some specific details

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of pape papi rs, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integr

ntegrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions


1. Homework

8 minutes

*Aim: revise previous lesson

* Content: write the words relating to the topic ASEAN

T <--> Ss

* Product: ss answers

* Steps:

- ask ss to work in groups list the word they have learnt about ASEAN

- call on ss to give answers

- Check and give feedback

2. New lesson Activity 1: vocabulary:

* Aim: introduce some vocabulary related to the topic to the students

10 minutes

8 minutes

* Content: learn vocabulary Pair work

* Products: understand some words and phrases related to the lessons


1. motto (n): khẩu hiệu; phuơng châm

2. integrate (v) hội nhập

- integration (n)

3. associate (v) with gấn liền với

- association (n) sự gấn liền với, đoàn thể

4. come into force/ effect ( phrasal verb): có hiệu lực

5. constitution (n): = hiến pháp

6. in accordance with ST: phù hợp với...

* Steps:

- show the pictures and words

- ask students to guess the meanings

- give meanings

- ask ss to make sentences with the w__ ords

- check and give feedback

- ask ss to listen and read the vords Joud

- check their pronunciation

Activity 1: Match the countries with their national flags. Check the

answers with a partner.

*Aim: the activity focuses on checking ss understanding about flags of

some co '.-tries in Asia

nt ent: Match the countries with their national flags

* Product: match the flags with the countries

* Steps:

- Have Ss do the matching first individually, and then check with a


Suggested answers:

1. f 2. j 3. c 4. d 5. g

6. e 7. i 8. b 9. a 10. h

Activity 2: The following text has five paragraphs. Read it first, and

then match the headings (1-5) with the paragraph (A-E)


GT <-- > Ss


Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

8 minutes

8 minutes


8 minutes

*Aim: the activity is for skimming only (reading quickly for general


* Content: match the headings (1-5) with the paragraph (A-E)

* Product: understand the text and find the headings for paragraphs

* Steps - Let Ss read the words first and make sure they understand all of


- Ask Ss to read through the text once without stopping at the words that

they don't know the meaning

- Ask them to work in pairs to decide on the main idea of the whole text

- Help them eliminate the choice that is only one aspect of the

- Let Ss read the headings and the paragraphs, work in pairs to do the task.

* Keys: 1. E 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A

Activity 3: Find the words or expressions in the text that have the

following meanings. Write them in the cor

*Aim: this activity focuses on vocabulary in the text .

* Content: Find the words or expressions in the text that have the

following meanings

* Product: find out the expre ssions mean

* Steps - Ask Ss to do the task then compare the answer with their partner

- call on ss to give answers

- check their answers

Keys: 1. the ASEAN Charter 2. non-interference


4. respect

Act vity 4: Read the text again and answer the questions

* Aim: this activity focuses on reading for specific facts or details

* Content: Read the text again and answer the questions

* Product: have the answers for the questions

* Steps - Put Ss in pairs, ask them to read the questions first to make sure

they understand them by asking them to underline key word.

- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts of the text where they can

get the answers.

* Keys: 1. They were Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and


Group work

T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Whole class

Pair work

5 minutes

2. Brunei became the sixth member in 1984 and Vietnam became the

seventh member in 1995. Laos and Myanmar joined the bloc in 1997 and

Cambodia joined two years later.

3. It has a land area of 4.46 million km2 and a population of about 600

million people. (ASEAN would rank as the eighth largest economy in the

world if it were a single country.)

4. They are Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and


5. It is: “One Vision, One identity, One community”

6. They are respect for the member states’ independence and noninterference

in their internal affairs.

7. It organized different projects and activities, including educational

awards, and various cultural and sports activities.

Activity 5: Work in groups of five. Each student in the group focuses

on one paragraph and tries to remember as many details as possible.

Then close your book and quiz each other to see how much you have


*Aim: This is a post-reading activity that gives Ss an opportunity to

consolidate the language and new information from the reading and use it

in speaking

* Content : Each student in the group focuses on one paragraph and tries

to remember as many details as possible. Then close your book and quiz

each other to see how much you have remembered

* Poduct: ss’ answers

* Steps - Ask Ss to work in groups and do the task

T <--> Ss

T <-- > Ss

Whole class

Pair work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Summarize the main points of the lesson

- Vocabulary related to ASEAN

T <--> Ss

- Reading skills: skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning of new

words/phrases through context

- Ask students to learn by heart the new words.

- Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss

Period 42 Unit 5: Being part of ASEAN

Lesson 4: Speaking

I. Objectives:

I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- Talk about some ASEAN member states.

- Read long numbers and pronounce the names of A s e a n countries and their capitals.

- know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries.

2. Attitude:

- To help Ss to know more about ASEAN and appreciate the cooperation and solidarity in life

- To help Ss to respect ASEAN co untri. s and their diverse cultures.

- To provide Ss sor

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss ^ de.elop their speaking skills

- To help S; develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

a her: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

dents: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Check up

8 minutes

2. New lesson

10 minutes


*Aim: revise previous lesson

* Content: write all new words in reading lesson

* Product: ss answers

* Steps:

- ask ss to work in groups list the word they have learnt reading lesson

- call on ss to give answers

- Check and give feedback

Activity 1: Match each country with its capital city and listen

check your answers

*Aim: this activity focuses on capital cities of some countries

* Content: Match each country with its capital city and listen to check

your answers

* Product: know capital cities of some count


* Steps

Show ASEAN member states on the screen.

Give Ss enough time to do the matching individually.

Play the recording for them to check their answers.

Ask Ss to focus on the pronunciation of the countries and their capitals.


T <--> Ss


T <-- > Ss

10 minutes

*Key: 1. d 2. h 3. j 4. i 5. a

6. g 7. c 8. b 9. e 10. f

Activity 2: Listen to a brief introduction to an ASEAN member state

and complete the text with the correct number

*Aim: this activity focuses on comprehension

tent: complete the text with the correct number

* Product: understand a brief introduction to an ASEAN member state

* Steps - Put Ss in pairs, ask them to ask and do the task

- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts of the text where they can

get the answers.

* Keys:

1. thirty-seven million

2. twenty-four thousand

Pair work

T <-- > Ss

10 minutes

10 minutes

3. sixty-three

Pair work


Activity 3: Work in pairs. Student A uses the table below and student

B uses the table on page 63. Ask each other questions to fill the gaps Ss <--> Ss

in your table.

*Aim: ask questions to find out the missing information

* Content: Ask each other questions to fill the gaps in your table.


* Product: complete the table

* Steps - Asks students to read the questions and has them pay a


to the key words in each of them.

- Plays the tape again with sufficient number of times.

- Asks students to do Task 3 then compare the answer Swith a partner in


- Asks some students to give the answers.


- Checks and gives feedback.

Student A

Student B

1. 6,477,211 1. 236,800

2. 329,847 2. 27,565. 821

3. English 3. 300,000

4. 513,115 4. Peso

5. 707.1 5. 66,720,153

6. Mandarin 6. 5,076,700

Activity 4: Woik in groups. Use the information in 1, 2, 3 and in

Reading to talk about one ASEAN country. Report to the class.

*Aim: To give sts opportunities to talk about the 5 countries in the


* Content: Use the information in 1, 2, 3 and in Reading to talk about

one ASEAN country

* Product: free speaking

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in pairs in 5’.

- After 5’, T asks some students to present their discussion in front of the




2 minutes

- Gives comments and corrections.

A: What's that device, Nam?

B: Oh. it's a USB stick. I've bought it

A: A USB stick? What's it used for?

B: It's used for storing data including documents, audio and video files

A: Is it easy to transport file to and from a computer

B: Sure it is. It's also small enough to put in your pocket or handbag.

A: I see. It's very convenient. I think I'll buy one.

- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:

What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Vocabulary related to ASEAN member states


T <-- > Ss


- Speaking skills: ask and answer, report the result

- Vocabulary related to the topic the ASEAN.


1 minute

- Speaking skills: ask and answer, report the

- Do the tasks again

- Read Unit 5 - Listening at home


T <--> Ss

I. Objectives:

IOD 43 Unit :5 : Unit 5: Being part of ASEAN


Lesson 5: Listening

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

listen fo' gist and specific information in a sports instructor's talk about the ASEAN School Games.


information about the ASEAN School Games through listening to a sports instructor’s talk.

- Respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their listening skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

1. Teacher

- Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan and cassette

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students

- Read through English Unit 5 - Listening at home

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.


IV. Procedures:






1. Check up

5 minutes

*Aim: create friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: look at the picture and answer the ques s T <--> Ss

Q ,!


g * ft

where are they from?

* Product: ss’ answe s

* Steps - Ask Ss to look lool at the people and guess where they are from -

2. New lesson


Task 1: Match the words (1-5) with the words or phrases (a-f) to form

compounds or meaningful phrases. Compare with a partner

*Aim: this activity focuses on vocabulary

* Content: Match the words (1-5) with the words or phrases (a-f) to

form compounds or meaningful phrases

* Product: understand the words

* Steps

- Asks Ss to work individually to do task 1:Match the words (1-6) with the

words and phrases (a-f) to form compounds or meaningful phrases.

Pair work

T <-- > Ss

8 minutes

- Then ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners e







Task 2: Listen to a sports instructor’s talk. What is he talking about?

Tick the correct box.

*Aim: To focus on comprehension

* Content: Listen to a sports instructor’s talk. What is he talking about

* Product: have the answer

* Steps


iofe down t

- Have Ss listen to the CD for the first time and try to nofe dow n the

information that helps them to check their answers

- Ask Ss to share with their friends to see if they have the same answers or

-n oAtsk Ss to share with their friends to see if they have the same answers or

Pair work

T <--> Ss

10 minutes


- Let Ss listen to the CD for the second *in. e and try to note down

information they didn’t understand for the i>st time

- Elicit answers from Ss and as1' them to give clues to their answers

- Let Ss listen again and p ause at certain places if necessary to help Ss

hear the information they need.


c. Five ASEAN School Games

Task 3: Listen again and decide if the statements are T or F

*Aim: to focus on specific information

* Content: decide if the statements are T or F

* Product: have the correct answers

*Stej Steps :

- Let Ss work in pairs to complete the sentences

- Play the tape twice

- Let Ss listen to the recording, do the task then compare the answer with

their partner

- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones.

Keys: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

Task 4: Listen again and complete the following ASG medal table

Pair work

T <-- > Ss

Pair work

T <-- > Ss

*Aim: To focus on comprehension

10 minutes



2 minutes


1 minute

* Content: Listen again and complete the following ASG medal table

* Product: complete the medal table

* Steps

- Asks Ss to read the instruction and the table

- Checks their comprehension.

- Plays the recording once or twice again for Ss to fill the gaps

- Asks Ss to work with a partner to compare their answers.

- Invites representatives from some pairs to report their answers s to the


- Gives feedback and correct any wrong answers if neces ep^-y

* Suggested answers:

1. Vietnam (18)


2. Malaysia (45)

3. Singapore (26)

4. Indonesia (33)

5. Vietnam (50)


Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

Ask Ss: What have yo u leai nt today?

What can y ou do now?

Vocabulary related to caring disabled outstanding people

Do the tasks again

Prepae for the next lesson.


T <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Period 44 nit 5

Lesson 6

Being part of ASEAN


I. O

1. ge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- write a short brochure introducing an ASEAN member state.

- identify the meaning of words depending on the context

- know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries.

2. Attitude:

- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:


Time/Stages Activities Interactions


1. Check up

5 minutes

*Aim: To create friendly atmosphere before the lessonn

* Content: look at the pictures and answer the questions

* Product: ss’ answers

* Steps

- Show some beautiful spots in Viet

T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to call the names of th ul spots.

* Lead in: Besides beautiful sights like Halong Bay, Sapa, Da Lat.. ,,you

are going to know some more about Viet Nam basing on a short brochur

2. New lesson

7 minutes

Task 1: Read the following information about VN. Fill the gaps with

the correct words or phrases in the box

*Aim. The , focus of this activity is to learn useful language for describing


ent: Fill the gaps with the correct words or phrases in the box

Product: complete the sentences

* Steps:

- Ask Ss if they know about Viet Nam: How big is Viet Nam? How many

people live in the country? What does VN export? What is typical of the

Vietnamese country? What are some tourists attractions in VN?

- Get Ss some time to do the gap-filling.

- Have Ss compare their answers with a partner first.

Then ask some pairs to read different paragraphs out loud to check the

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

8 minutes



1. land area

2. income

3. Vovinam

4. family rules

5. Heritage Sites

Task 2: Read the extract from a short brochure introducing VN. Mat


the subheadings (1-5) with the paragraphs (a-e)

*Aim: this activity focuses on comprehension

* Content: ReM t„e a t n , , ^ VN.

Match the subheadings (1-5) with the paragraphs (a-e)

* Product: understand the paragraphs

* Steps

- Ask Ss to do the task, then compare the result with their partner.

■Draw Ss’attention to the instructions and questions

- Get Ss to work individually to ,° *nd h answ„

- Ask them to practice in pairs

- Call on a few Ss to report t. e answers


a. 4

O '


T <--> Ss


isk 3: Brochures are often used to inform people and include

information texts. Read some features o f an information text and the

brochure above. Work with a partner and find examples o f each feature.

*Aim: this activity focuses on detailed information

* Content: Work with a partner and find examples of each feature.

* Product: complete the task

* Steps - Ask Ss to do the task

- Draw Ss ’ attention to the instructions.


15 minutes

- T goes around and gives help, collects common mistakes for later


- Walk around and offer help if necessary.

- Get students' answers and comments.

- Get some outputs to highlight and comment and correct the possible

mistakes of students.

- Give feedback on these papers

Suggested answers:

a. The extract in 2 consists of five paragraphs

b. Examples of impersonal language and present tense: covers a land

area, is about, is HN, speak Vietnamese, exportp'odu.c>s include,

are football, is known for, is home

c. There are five paragraphs and each one focuses on a different

topic and has a heading summarizing the topic

d. Important information is highlighte d : la id area, population,

agricultural exporter, high ra^kr, o^est, 54, World Heritage Sites

Task 4: Write a short brochure (160-180 words) introducing an ASEAN

country. Use the information about Indonesia below or a different

ASEAN country of your choice

*Aim: this activity focuses on writing a short introduction to an ASEAN

member state

.* Content: W rite a short brochure (160-180 words) introducing an


know how to write an information text for a short brochure

n given information


-Ask Ss to read the sample brochure in 2 and the information text features

in 3 again.

-Have Ss go through the points about Indonesia in pairs.

-Give the meaning of new words if necessary.

-Have Ss write a short text using the information given

When Ss finish their drafts, ask them to exchange the drafts with a partner

for peer review.

T <--> Ss



2 minutes


1 minute

Walk round to help Ss if necessary.

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Focus on the form of a biography

T <--> Ss

- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

- Write the text again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss

Period 45

Unit 5: Being part of asean

Lesson 7: Communication and culture


I. Objectives:


I. knowledge

- To teach Ss about East Meets West.

- To teach Ss to talk and read about Singapore Scholarship larsi.’p and aASEAN Scholarship, Lamvong - a traditional

Lao dance.

- To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

- By the end of the lesson, students „ill be able to:

+ Understand and read about Singapore Scholarship and ASEAN Scholarship.

+ Talk about about Srngap ore Scholarship and ASEAN Scholarship.

+ Get knowled ge of Lamvong - a traditional Lao dance.

2. Attitude:

- respect ASe a N countries and their diverse cultures.

3. Skills:

- devel p speaking, reading skills

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions


1. Warm up

5 minutes

*Aim: create a friendly atmosphere before the lesson

* Content: answer the questions: what country is it? which country T <--> Ss

would you go to? Why?

2. New lesson

7 minutes


* Product: show their opinions

* Steps -

- Shows some pictures.

- Asks Ss to guess the countries they to talk about in the lesson.

- Feedback.

1. Communication:

Singapore Scholarships and ASEAN Scholarships

Activity 1 : Read the school notice about the Singapore Scholarship and

the ASEAN Scholarship. Use the words or phrases to fill the gaps. Check

with a partner

*Aim: this act.ivty provides ss opportunities to practice speaking .

Lead the school notice about the Singapore Scholarship and the

A SEAN Scholarship. Use the words or phrases to fill the gaps

* Product: understand 2 kinds of Singapore -sponsored scholarships.

* Steps

- Explains to Ss that they need to read the information about 2 kinds of

Singapore -sponsored scholarships.

- Asks them to distinguish between the Singapore Scholarships (for 12th

graders to study at Singapore Universities) and the ASEAN Scholarships (for

10th and 11th graders to study at Singapore Schools).

- Has Ss work first individually, and then check their answers in front of the

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

8 minutes

5 minutes


* Suggested answers:

1c, 2e, 3b, 4 f 5d, 6a

Activity 2: Create a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about the

Singapore Scholarship and the ASEAN Scholarship

*Aim: To provide furtheropportunities forSs to practice speaking and

understanding the 2 kinds of Singapore-sponsored scholarships.

* Content: Create a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) ab

Singapore Scholarship and the ASEAN Scholarship

* Product: ask and answer the questions about the Singapore Scholarship

and the ASEAN Scholarship

- When is the Singapore Scholarship open for application?

- Where will Scholarship winners study?

- How are applicants for the Singapore S> chosen?

- What will happen if the students hav cademic records or bad


* Steps

-Tell Ss to read the instructions \s carefully. Ask a pair of Ss to model the


-Have Ss work i i pairs. If they have access to the Internet, they can also use

additional information to formulate further questions.

-Have somQpaiis ask and answer their Qs in front of the class.

-Ask the rest of the class to comment how useful or detailed the answer to

each question is.

2. Culture:

Activity 1: Look at the pictures. Do you know anything about this

dance? Tell your partner

*Aim: To introduce Ss the topic of the next activity

* Content: Look at the pictures. Do you know anything about this dance?

Pair work


Pair work

8 minutes

* Product: understand the picture

* Steps

- Ask Ss to watch a video clip about Lamvong Lao (youtube- SARAVAN


Ask Ss to look at the picture of Lamvong

Ask Ss: Do you know anything about this dance?

Suggested answers:

This is a traditional Lao folk dance named Lamvong


Activity 2: Read the text about Lamvong and decide whether the

following statements are T, F or NG

*Aim: this activity focuses on specific info 'mat7‘on

* Content: Read the text about Lamvong and decide whether the following

statements are T, F or NG

* Product: understand the tex t and answer the question

* Steps

- AsksSs to work firs ually, then inpairs to decide if the statements are

True (T) or False (F), o " not given (NG).

- Encourage Ss to provide reasons for their answers.

ers as a class and give explanations if necessary.

8 minutess



1.F, 2T, 3F, 4NG, 5F, 6T

Activity 3: Talk with a partner about one of the popular folk dances of

VN or any other ASEAN country.

*Aim: this activity focuses on free speaking

* Content: Talk with a partner about one of the popular folk dances of VN

or any other ASEAN country.

* Product: use their knowledge to talk about one of the popular folk dances

of VN or any other ASEAN country.

* Steps



2 minutes


1 minute

-Show the music or video clip of trongcom (a Vietnamese traditional dance)

and Rasa Sayang (a Malay folk song popular )

Have Ss work in groups of 4 or 5 and talk about one popular folk dance.

Invite representatives of different groups to show their dance to the class.

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

t < -> Ss

What can you do now?

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson. T <--> Ss

PERIOD 46 Unit 5 : Being pa *t of as ean

Lesson 8 Looking back and project

I. Objectives:

1. knowledge

- To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 5.

- To teach Ss some lexical items related to being part of asean.

- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

- By the end ena of the lesson Ss are able to:


Use the falling and rising intonation in connected speech correctly.

+ Use some key words of the topic being part of asean.

+ Do the exercises on gerunds and state verbs.

2. Attitude:

- respect ASEAN countries and their diverse cultures.

3. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop Listening, reading, speaking skills

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

II. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:



* Checking

1. Homework *Aim: checking previous lesson


5 minutes * Content: talk about one traditional folk dance of ASEAN member


* Product: ss’ answers

* Steps

- Ask some Ss to go to the board talk about one traditional folk dance of

ASEAN member states.

- Feedback.

- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in

Unit 5.

2. New lesson Pronunciation:

Activity 1: Listt n and practice saying the following sentences. Mark

7 minutes the intonation: Rising or falling

*Aim: -o ht^p Ss review the falling and rising intonations

* C ontent: Listen and practice saying the following sentences. Mark the

intonation: Rising or falling

* Product: saying the sentences with rising or falling intonation

* Steps -

- Plays the recording and ask Ss to listen.

-Reminds them to use falling statements and rising intonation on yes/ no


-Plays the recording again for Ss to repeat.


1. falling intonation



i .

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

7 minutes

5 minutes

2. rising intonation

3. falling intonation

4. rising intonation

5. falling intonation


Activity 1: Complete these sentences using the words given in the box:

*Aim: To revise some of the vocabulary items used in the unit.

* Content: Complete these sentences using the words given in the box:

* Product: understand the words and complete the sentences

* Steps

- Informs Ss that the words in the box are among the most frequently used

in the unit.

- Ss decide which words best complete the sentences.

_ Asks Ss to make their own sentences with each of the words

- Reminds ss of the tips to do this kind of task quic kly.

- Asks ss to work individually in 2’.

- Asks them to compare their answers w’th a partner’s.

- Calls on some ss to give ans vers.

- Gives feedback.

*Keys: 1. E

4. F 5. C 6. A


Activity 1: Choose ihe correct verb form in brackets to complete


*Ai m: To help Ss Review To-inf, V-ing

ontent: Choose the correct verb form in brackets to complete each


* Product: understand the use of To-inf, V-ing

* Steps

Explains the requirement to ss.

Asks Ss to remind some verbs followed by to-inf and V-ing.

_ Gives Ss time to read the sentences. Set a time limit and get Ss to do the

activity individually

Asks some Ss to read their answers. Write the correct ones on the board

Group work

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <-- > Ss

Group work

5 minutes

5 minutes

if necessary.

*Key: 1. to win 2. entering 3. Catching 4. to take 5. visiting

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. Use

the correct form

*Aim: Review gerunds

* Content: Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. Use the

correct form


* Product: understand gerund

* Steps

- Sets a time limit and tell Ss to do the activity individually.

- Calls on some Ss to give their answers

- Elicits comment from class and gives final feedback.

*Keys: 1. Swimming 2. Dancing 3. Finding 4. Speaking 5. completing

ActWky 3: Choose tt,e »rrec, « A fo * ^ each of tt*


*Aim: To help Ss review state verbs in continuous forms

* Content: Choose the correct verb form to complete each of the


* Product: Complete sentences

* Steps -

Has Ss work in pairs >y taking turns reading each sentence and proving

the right verb forms. Then check their answers as a class.

. is having, 3. am looking, 4. is smelling, 5. is feeling

7 minutes



1. Work in two groups. Each group should choose a different set of

questions. Do some research and find out the finding: Present your

findings to the whole class.

*Aim: To help them know more about ASEAN member states and do

research on this topic

* Content: Each group should choose a different set of questions. Do

some research and find out the finding: Present your findings to the whole


* Product: present a class report on ASEAN member states.

* Steps -

- Divides the class into 2 groups.

- Allows Ss one week to collect information

_ Have Ss find out the answers to the questions and take notes. Provide

help if necessary.

Set A: Which ASEAN member state :

- is landlocked?

- has the largest / smallest population?

3 ^

- uses the dollar as the currency unit?

- has the largest number of islands?

Set B: Which ASEAN member state :

- uses English as one of their official languages?


- is called “the land of golden pagoda”?

- is known as “the land of smiles”?

- has the largest / smallest area?

Set A:

- Laos

-Indonesia(largest),Singapore (smallest)

- Brunei (Brunei dollar) and Singapore (Singapore dollar)

- Indonesia ( It has abo it 17, 508 islands)

Set B:

1. The Ph'iipp;nes and Singapore.

2. Myanmar

3. Thailand

4. Indonesia (largest: 1,904,569km 2); Singapore

(smallest: 707,1 km2



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

Expected answer: Learn more about:

T <--> Ss

+ The falling and rising intonation

+ The words of the topic being part of asean.

+ Gerunds and state verbs.

4. Homework

1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Revise what Ss have learnt in unit 5.

- Determine how independent you are.

- Do the tasks again.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

Period 47



I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will l be

able to:


revise the language and skills they have learned in Unnits 4-5.

+ Vocabulary: Words / phrases related to topics “Car “Cam. g for those in need”, and “Being part of ASEAN”

+ Pronunciation: Elision of weak vowels sls before Ini, Ill, Irl; Falling and rising intonation.

+ Grammar: The Past Simple, The Present Perfect, Gerunds and State verbs in the continuous forms.

2. Attitude:

- have responsible attitude tow heir study and life.

- To provide Ss some motiv h

3. Skills:

-Listening, reading, speaking, writing

II. Methods

communicative, and problem solving competencies.

III. Preparation of teacher and students

1. t^ach* r: Text book, Pictures enlarged to introduce the lesson,

2. students : Textbook

IV. Teaching procedures

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

2. New lesson

7 minutes

Checking previous lesson

* Aim: revise lessons

T <--> Ss

* Content: list grammar points in 2 units (4,5 )

* Products : ss list what they have learnt in 2 units about grammar

* Steps:

- Ask some Ss to go to the board write what they have learnt in 2 unit

- Feedback.


A. Vocabulary:

Activity 1: Complete the sentences using the correct fo rms of the Individually

words in brackets

* Aim: This activity focuses on vocabular


7 minutes

* Content: Complete the sentences

in brackets

* Products: understand the words given


* Steps

- Ask Ss to work in g;roups an d do the task.

- call on ss to give an; is veis

- check their ans

- give fe

4 . disie pectM 5. hearing

Lties 2. visual 3. donation

correct forms of the words

Activity 2: Complete the following sentences with suitable words from

the box

* Aim: This activity focuses on vocabulary

* Content: complete the following sentences with suitable words from

the box

* Products: complete the sentences

* Steps

- - Asks Ss to complete the following sentences with suitable words from

T <--> Ss


the box

Ss do this task individually, then Ss can write their answers on the board

T <--> Ss

and then check the answers with the whole class.

Answers: 1. Association

2. member

5 minutes

3. stability

4. Charter

5. bloc


Activity 3: Listen and link the final consonants and init’al . vo. .

in the sentences. Then read them aloud.


* Aim: To help ss to review the falling intonation

* Content: Listen and link the final consonants and initial vowels in the


* Products: read the sentences with the falling intonation correctly

* Steps

- Asks Ss to do this activity individu lly, n compare their answers with a


- Plays the recording again and che ck answers as a class.



T <--> Ss


- Then has Ss practice


re ading the sentences aloud using appropriate intonation.

2. Gramma r

T <-- > Ss

8 minutes

Task 4: . verb into * e « ° * form, U.e perfect, «..e

simple past, or the past progressive.

* A,*m: To help ss to review The Past Simple, The Present Perfect,

* Content: Put the verb into the correct form, the present perfect, the

simple past, or the past progressive.


* Products: understand the present perfect, the simple past, or the past


* Steps

- Asks Ss to do this activity individually.

- Elicits the form and use of the present perfect tense and the past simple tense.

- Asks a student to do the activity on the board while the rest of the class works

7 minutes

on it individually.

- Checks Ss’ answers, or ask them to explain their choice of tenses. If necessary,

refer Ss to the Do you know.., ? box on page 40.


1. has lived 2. Got 3. Developed 4. have reached 5. has been

Task 5: Complete these sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in

the box


* Aim: This activity focuses on the form and use of gerunds and infinitives.

* Content: Complete these sentences using the correct forms of the verbss in

the box

* Products: understand the use of gerunds and infinitives.

* Steps

-Elicits the form and use of gerunds and infinitives.

-Asks Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their i answers with a


-Asks a student to write his / her sentences on tne boord. Then check the answers

with the whole class.

8 minutes

Answers 1. watching

2. to go 3. having4. to post 5. hearing

Activity 6: . Ch oose t »e correct form of the verb in brackets.


* Aim: This activity focuses on revising the use of State verbs in the

continuous forms

* Content: . Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

* Products: understand tate verbs in the continuous forms

* Steps

-Asks Ss to do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a


- -Has Ss write the correct sentences on the board, and give explanations for

their choice of verb forms if


1. think

2. are you thinking

3. is tasting - tastes

4. are seeing



2 minutes

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Give feedback.

T - > "

- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

JT <--> Ss

Period 48

Review 1

Lesson 2: Skills



1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, stud nts will be able to:


I. Objectives:

- revise what they have learned in unit 4 and5


- practice more about reading, speaking, listening and writing skill

+ Vocabulary: Words is / phrases rela^d reia, to topics “Caring for those in need”, and “Being a part of ASEAN”

2. Attitude:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

3. Skills:

. t ­

- To prom< ote S, to develop their skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss de evelop the skiii of working in pairs and groups

II. Prep arations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette and lesson plan.

- Students: Textbook

III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

IV. Procedures:

Time/Stages Activities Interactions

1. Warm up

5 minutes

Chatting (5 mins)

* Aim: revise lessons

* Content: name some countries in ASEAN

* Products : ss’ answers

* Steps:

- Ask Ss to name some countries in ASEAN and ask Ss to answer some


+ Which country do you like best?

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

5 minutes

5 minutes


+ Which university in ASEAN counter do you want t ostud,r if you have

a chance?

- lead in the new lesson


Activity 1: : Read the text and match t e words in A with their

definitions in B.

* Aim: This activity focuses on reading comprehension

* Content:_Read the tex* an. d match the words in A with their definitions

in B.

* Products: understand the words

* Steps

- Ss do this activity individually. Then compare their answers with a


- T c alls on Ss to give answers.


- Ss go to the board and write their answers.

- T asks Ss to explain their answers if necessary and gives feedback

Answer 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c

Activity 2: Read the text again and answer the questions

* Aim: This activity focuses on reading for specific information

* Content: answer the questions

* Products: understand the text and have the answers.



T <-- > Ss

Pair work

1. Devices that help disabled people perform an activity.

2. They can communicate quickly by sending and receiving messages.

3. They can have documents read out loud electronically on their


4. Children with visual impairment and their parents can read together

/share reading.

T <--> Ss


8 minutes


II. Speaking

Activity 3: Work in pairs. Read the information, answer the questions «



discussing with a partner.

T <--> Ss

* Aim: This activity focuses on expressing their ideas

* Content: answer the questions by discussing with apartn*

* Products: give their answers

* Steps

- Ask Ss to work with a partner to make a conv 'rsatio i about the university they

want to study

- Encourage Ss to discuss their

present their answers to the , lass

with their partners. Have Ss

10 minutes

III. Listening

Activity 4: Listen to the conversation between Mr Long and his daughter

Mai. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

* Aim: This activity focuses on listening for specific information

itent: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false

^cording to the speaker.

Products: understand the text and have correct answers

* Steps

Play the conversation between Mr Long and his daughter Mai

discussing the different cultures in the ASEAN countries.

- Ask Ss to listen and do the activity individually.

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and check their answers. For

weaker Ss, play the audio several times pausing after sentences and

checking Ss’ comprehension.

- Check answers as a class, and give any explanations if necessary.


10 minutes 1. T 2. F 3.T 4.F 5.T

IV. Writing

Write an introduction to Thailand using the facts below. Add more information

if necessary.

* Aim: This activity focuses on writing introduction using the facts

* Content: Write an introduction to Thailand using the facts below.


* Products: understand the form of a letter of request

* Steps

-Ss can use the example to start their introductions. They can also refer to

page 54 for the features of information text and the sample writing.

-Ask Ss to use the facts given (or find additional information if necessary)

to write an introduction to Thailand. Ss may writ e their drafts first in

class, and swap with a partner for

- Ask Ss to make any revisions based on their partner's comments and

complete their final versions


at home.



Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

Give feedbac

T <--> Ss

2 minutes Summarize ie main points of the lesson.

4. Homework

1 minute re for the next lesson. T <--> Ss



1. Modal verbs ( unit 1)


A. Should - Ought to - Had better

B. Must- Have to

2.Linking verbs ( UNIT 2)

3.Cleft sentences ( UNIT 2)

4.To-infinitives after certain adjectives and nouns( UNIT 3)

The past simple tense (Thì quá khứ đơn)( UNIT 4)

5.The present perfect simple tense (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành) ( UNIT 4)

6. Gerund ( UNIT 5)

7.Stative verbs ( UNIT 5)



1. I ..........................(not see) him for five years. I wonder where he is.

2. He.................................... (not smoke) for one month. He is trying to give it up.

3. H e ...................(compose) some pieces of music when he worked in New Yoứ ork.

4. "W hen................................... (he/arrive)?""He arrived at 3 o'clock.”

5. I can't go out because I................... (not finish) my work yet.

6. Here are your shoes. I........................(just/clean) them.

7. We encouraged h im ....................... (succeed in) .............. (bec ome) a top player.

8. It's no good...................(force) her to go with us.

r \

9. I promised.................... (care) for the dog but I'm not much good at...................... (babysit).

10. The people thanked me fo r....................(offer) (he^p) them.

11. It is not w orth...............(help) h e r............ (do) the iob.

12. I let my so n ............... (choose) between......(fly) a n d ............(take) the train.

13. The film was really w orth............. (set) so we made D aisy.........(go) to the movies with us.

14. Listen! His story........... (sourd) interesting.

15. What's the matter with Mary? She (seem)____upset.

IV. GIVE THE CORRECT FO rM o f t h e w o r d s in b r a c k e t s

16. In case of emergency, you must a c t............................. (decide).

17. A n .........................(depend) person is capable of doing things by herself/ himself.

18. I’m sorry but I can’t get my parents’ .................................... (permit) to go on a picnic.

19. Lacking the skill of coping with loneliness may make you fe el......................... (depress) and make

w rong............................(decide) about your life.

20. With his remarkable ability, Lam can deal with this problem.........................................(effect)

21. The prom is permitted providing that everyone behaves....................................... (responsibe)

2.2. Many teenagers.......................heavily on their parents, so they cannot live independently.(reliable)

23. Peter is a very.............................. (responsibility) student. He always completes his tasks on time and

never need to be reminded about............................ (assign) and other schoolwork.

24. He is also very......................... (determination). He usually tries t o ....................... (solution) all difficult

problems himself though most of his friends give up.

25. He spends lots of time reading so he i s .....(well-inform) about what’s happening around the world.

26. He always believes in himself and people really admire h is ......................(able) to make

.........................(decide) quickly. He’s really......................(confidence) an d .................... (decide).

27. I think the food smells (terrible)........ You should throw it away.

28. His resignation was very (surprise)....................................................................

29. The doctor checked my legs (care)............. to see if there were any injuries.

30. She is looking at the picture (attend)).


1. I am not allowed to go out in the evening, (mustn't) ^ I __

2. It is a good idea for US to take an umbrella with US when we go out. (shou’a) ) ^ We......

3. It is necessary for young people to plan for their future (have to) ^Y oung people

4. Ms. Hoa is in charge of cleaning the floor every day. (has to) ^ Ms. H o a........

5. . Tim doesn't get permission to use that computer, (mustn't)

6. Mr David saw that I could also take part in the contest.( O f sentence)

7. I began to think about everything at that moment. ( Cleft sentence)

8. My uncle came on Monday. ( Cleft sentence)

9. He tried hard to pass the exam. (effort) =>....

10. The little boy was able to ride a bike on his own. (ability) =>

11. Sue has offered to help me. (Kind)

12. You make the same mistake again and a; ain.(careless)

13. We didn't know that Mark w .s goin 2 to change his job. (plan) --> We didn't know_.

14. That she decided to part' upate in the contest surprised all of us. (decision) --> Her_

15. This is the first time . v vLittd Ha Long Bay. □ ^ He has__ .

16. She started work ing here last year. ^ S h e has______.

17. We began eating lunch when it started to rain. --> We have_.

18. I last had d my hair cut when she left me. --> I haven't______ .

19. The last time he met me was 5 months ago. --> He hasn't .

20. I haven't talked to him for 5 days.=> It is___ .

IV/ Pronunciation

11. A. elementary B. different C. interest

12. A. economy B. photograph C. voluntary

13. A. library B. family C. dictionary

14. A. teenage B. heritage C. advantage

D. vegetable


D. illegal

D. encourage


15. A. donate

B. certificate C. integate D. grade

16. A. enthusiast

B. together C. thousand D. youth

17. A. campaign

B. impairment C. repair D. aware

18. A. blind

B. prioritise C. finalcial D. mobility

19. A. accessible

B. experience C. special D.force

20. A. curfew

B. burden C. mature D. curtain

V/ Stress

11. A. flashy

12. A. reconcile

13. A. appear

14. A. wheelchair

15. A. charity

16. A. community

17. A. disabled

B. control

B. counselor

B. depressed

B. visual

B. kindness

B. volunteer

B. poverty

C. donation

C. sympathize

C. famous

C. treatment

C. method

C. education

C. barrier

D. equality

D. emotion

D. annoyed

D . socie

D. population

D. celebrate

18. A. community

B. individual C. a le D. forgettable

19. A. conduct

20. A. difficulty

B. campaign

B. memory

C. dedicate

C. obstacle

D. surroundings

D. impairment

VI/ Choose the best option for each sentence:

31. Many young people are striving.......being independent. A. of B. for C. on D. with

32. Have you heard about John? He has broken ...........................with his girlfriend.

B. down B. out C. into D. up

33. He lent an ear.................me when i told him about my conflict with my parents.

B. for B. to C. with D. on

34. It..........................my father that gave me this smartphone.........my birthday.

A. is/ on B. is/ at C. was/ on D. was/ at

35. Many parents are worried that their children will get involved____a romantic relationship in their teenage


A. for B. in C. on D. with

36. Some people are meant to fall in love____each other but not meant to be together.

A. for B. in C. on D. with

37. A ......... person is someone who is capable of doing things by himself rather than depending on other people

for help. A. self-determined B. self-discipline C. self-reliant D. self-confident

38. This special school helps students w ith ..........................................impairments to learn Braille.

C. hearing B. visual C. cognitive D. physical

39. She can’t join us because she has got a............................. with her boyfriend this evening.

D. problem B. meeting C. date D. night

40. Going into any argument, both sides know that either one is giong to change the other's.............

A. head B. mind C. brain D. feeling

41. Parents should teach children about........ by establishing a rule about knocking closed doors befor°


A. loneliness B. care B. privacy D. peace

42. They were finally-----------with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years.

A. reconciled B. persuaded C. interested D. fonc

43. It is Phong's sense of responsibility..............makes him successful in his lf

A. that B. which C. who D. what

44. There are some specific strategies that are useful in teaching a group which includes students with

physical..............A. lack B. shortage C. impai-mdt D. death

45. If you are aware of a person's mental illness, it should not affect the way you...........with them.

A. intervene B. interfere C. affect D. interact

46 . ____is a decisive factor in giving up smoking.

A. Determined B. Determii. ation C. Time management D. Reaction

47. It is your____that determines how fast you achieve your goal and how well you acquire a skill or


A. tension B. reliability C. expense

D. attitude

48. Men are often attracted b y ____girls in heavy make-up.

A. flash B. flashlight C. flashy

D. flashily

49. He


A. bridges the gap B. changes his mind C. betrays

D. reacts

50. With the o ^stan^ng talent and skills, he is one of the most candidates for the presidency.

A. flashy B. mature C. potential D. trivial

51. Last week we interviewed some volunteers who had worked w ith .....................students.

A. disabled B. disabilities C. unable unabilities

52. There are more devices to enable people w ith............................. to travel around.

A. impairments B. physical disabilities C. cognitive D. mobile

53. These are students with various visual,...................., physical and cognitive impairments.

A. hearing B. deaf C. mute D. dumb

54 . _____________________________________________________youngest boy has just started going to _____ school.

55. Do you go to ____prison to visit him? A. the B. a C. x D. an

56. Peter was in______hospital and yesterday we went to______ hospital to visit him.

A. the- £ B. the- the C. £ - the D. the- a

57. My sister told me that she had met her old teacher______day before.

A. the B. a C. an D. £

58. . It was Tom ____to help us. A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came

59. . _____the police had rescued from the fire.

A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby that D. The baby whom

60. 1_______my parents gave me the fish tank.

A. It was on my birthday when B. It was my birthday on n that

C. It was my birthday that D. It was on my birthday that

VII/ Mistake recognition

16. He’s tired. He stopped to work for a while.

17. Please remember write to me as soon as possible.

18. She began play the guitar when she was six.


19. I’d like telling you something about myself.

20. The chef tasted the meat cautious before carefully ly serving it to his special guest.

21. The doctor felt the leg carefully to see if there were any brokenly bones.

22. After being closed for a long period of time, the house became dirty and smelled awfully.

23. All the members of the committ e felt happily about the ultimate decision.

24. We ought to not play football as it's raining outside.

25. You mustn't to drive a c -r if you don't have a driving licence.

26. If you want some u eful advice, you have better talk to your parents about your problem.

27. I had stay at hom e3 day s due to snowing heavily.

28. The annual increase in the world's population has peaked at about 88 million in the late 1980s.

29. It was /as at tms shop where I bought a T-shirt three days ago.

30. __ Itis >my closest friend goes abroad to study next month.


1. My mother mistakenly believes that my fashion style breaks the norm of society.

A. routine B. barrier C. rule D. conflict

2. I always look at this matter from a different viewpoint.

A. point of view B. view from point C. idea D. opinion

3. Mary and John have a lot in common.

A. live together B. spend lots of time together

C. share similar ideas D. share accommodation

4. He is truly a reliable friend. He will always be with me and never let me down.

A. mean B. independent C. decisive D. depend

5. Young college and university students participate in helping the poor who have suffered badly i

natural disasters.

A. get involved in B. interfere with C. join hands D. c


1. Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences

A. optimistic B. elegant C. close-knit D. narrow-minded

2. Domestic violence is strictly forbidden all over the world.

A. permitted B. limited C. restricted D. prohibited

3.. Jane found herself in conflict with her parents over her future caree r.

A. disagreement B. harmony C. controversy D. fighting

4. I was really depressed about his winning the election, like a lot of people.

A. fed up B. pessimistic C. satisfied D. unhappy

5. Miss Walker was a mature lady when she married.

A. annoyed B. childish C. energetic D. sensitive


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each o f the following exchanges

1. From my point of view, a - fam'ly members should share the chores equally.

A. It's a breathta taking view.

C. But you're isht.

2.. I've been aw arded a scholarship to Harvard University.

B. You lied to me.

D. There's no doubt about it.

A. Just k:dding! B. It's up to you. C. Good job! D. Same to you. Thanks!

3. "Many happy

returns!” - “____”

Wish you all the best. B. Thanks. C. Same to you. D. Not at all.

A .........

4. . “How long have you learnt Japanese?” - “____”

A. For 2005. B. I learnt it at my university.

C. Since I was 10. D. It lasted 3 months.

5. "You look very pretty in this dress." - “____”

A. It's so nice of you to say that.

C. I see what you mean.

B. Yes, it is fairly expensive.

D. Thanks for your wish.




Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:


§55: A. GETTING STARTED - A presentation on global warming


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global w _

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

- they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciatio

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassett

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, penci




naries. They’ll practice sentence

1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Consent: a bunch of rice plants, each of which represents a nation in

ASEAN, show the pictures and answer the questions.

c. outcome:

Ss may have more background knowledge related to the lesson

d. Organization:

Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the


- Ask Ss to guess the content of the conversation

Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, listen to the conversation

b. Content: Listen and read

c. Outcome: Expected answers

carbon print-foot infectious disease heat-related illnesses

d. Organization

Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question

- Who do you see in the picture?

- Where do you think they are?

- What are they doing?

- Play the recording, ask Ss to listen and read Play the recording.

- Ask students to listen and read.

- Explain new words if necessary.

3. Activity 3 PRACTICE

a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: work in groups, ask and answer the question

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

1. Global warming

2. Three parts: the causes, the effects, the solutions

3. Greenhouse gas emissions from factories and vehicles; use of chemical

fertilizers, and deforestation.

3. Greenhouse gas emission, use of chemical fertilizers, defore.tatior

4. Climate changes, infectious and heat- related diseases, impac on water

supplies, threat to food production and upset ecological balance

5. They should change their daily habits

6. Causes: burning of fossil fuels, using of non- environment friendly


Effects: natural disasters such as floods,

d. Organization:

- Ask students to work individually first and then in pairs to decide if the

statements are true (T), false (F) or not given.

- Encourage students to provide reasons for their answers.

-A sk them to refer bacv t' the conversation to get the necessary


Check students’ answers and give explanations

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: Read the conversation again match the words and definition

c. Outcome: Suggested answers:

c-g- d -b -a - e- h- f

d. Organization:

-Ask Ss to read the conversation again, work in pairs, do the task -

Check the answers and provide the correct ones if necessary.


Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:




1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global warmin ___ ng

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciation .0dictionari

by dictionaries. They’ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...



1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize w iat the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: show a video for students to watch and discuss

c. Outcome:

Ss may have more background knowledge related to the lesson

d. Organiza».on:

- Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the

k Ss to discuss the questions


2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: elicit new words

b. Content: Complete the sentences with the right form of the words/phrases.

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. carbon footprint

2. infectious diseases

3. emissions

4. ecological balance

5. heat-related illnesses

6. climate change

d. Organization

- Ask Ss to work individually first and

- then in pairs to do the task Where do you think they are


4. Activity 4

a. Aim: practise skills


Intonation on Yes-no questions and echo questions

- Listen and repeat these questions, paying attention to their rising


- Listen and mark the symbol of rising intonation

c. Outcome: Ss learn the pronunciation

d. Organization:


- Ask Ss to read the yellow box and then report their understanding.

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each word

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each sentence.



a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: Perfect participles in clauses of timee and d reason

c. Outcome: Suggested answers:

Underline the perfect participles in the sentences

Match the two parts to make comple plete sentences

1. e 2. c

3. a 4. b

5. g 6. h

7. f 8. D

d. Organization:

- Tell some SS to recall the use of the past and present perfect tenses, adv

used in these tenses an4 the form of verbs.

- Ask ss to tel the lass the difference between conjunctions usually used in

these tenses they know: when and while to narrow the lesson.

Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:



Global warming is real


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global wa

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciation es. They’ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize w ha the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: Work with a partner and guess what problems are described in

the picture:

c. Outcome.

Ss may have more background knowledge related to the lesson

d. Organization.

if- Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the

- p. ctures

- Ask Ss to discuss the questions


. activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words

b. Content: Read the text and select the statement that expresses main idea

c. Outcome: Expected answers

The best title of the text is "Global warming is mainly caused by humans and

has negative impacts on people’s lives"

d. Organization

- Ask Sts to look at the ideas of volunteer benefits and choose which of those

are suitable.

- Have them guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.

- Ask them if they have any new words.

- Read and understand the text about a volunteer.

3. Activity 3

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: Match the words with their meanings and answer the questions

c. Outcome: answers

Match the words with their meanings

1 g

2. f

3. d


4. e

5. b

6. a

7. c

Answer the questions

1.We are responsible

2. It releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into he the atm

tmosphere atm

3. Deforestation disrupts the process of absorbing and capturing C02 from

the atmosphere

4. They could lose their home

( y

5. They can reduce crop harvest globally

6. Because human beings cannot exist without species diversity on earth

d. Organization:

- Get one Ss to give out his/ her answer with explanations to ex 3.

- Ask them for peer correctio

- Ask students to do the ex 4 in pairs in 1

- Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss

and correct for one another.

- Go around ofL^ng to help.

- Check with whol class.

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class.



4- C m: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: Work in groups, discuss the question

. Outcome: practise speaking in groups

d. Organization:

- Put Ss in groups of four and let them discuss the questions freely

- listen and give them some feedbacks


Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:



Going Green


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about glob

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciatior Dy ;tionaries. They’ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassett

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, penci


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Cont'nt: Work with a partner and guess what problems are described in

the pictures.


may have more background knowledge related to the lesson

. Organization:

- Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the


- Ask Ss to discuss the questions

Activity 2


a. Aim: prepare some background knowledge and useful language

b. Content: Work in pairs, in your opinion, which of the following activities

in the table below can help to reduce global warming?

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1, 2, 4, 5, 6

d. Organization

-Ask some Ss to talk about the volunteer work or charity activity they did in

their community or at school, and why people do volunteer work by

answering three questions.

- Tell them to add some reasons and activities more.

- Ask Ss to work by themselves, complete the table then share their answer

with their partner.

3. Activity 3

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: Lan, Mai and Minh are talking about the activities presented in

1. Work in groups of three. Complete the conversation using the phrases i in

the box and then practice it

c. Outcome: answers

1. energy use

2. electronic devices

3. planting trees

4. carbon dioxide

5. reusing and recycling

d. Organization:

- Ask the pairs to complete the dialogue. &

- Let Ss work in pairs, and make their choice with suitable explanations.


a. Aim: use languages to practice ii pairs/groups

b. Content: What do you think about these solutions to global warming?

Work in groups of three. Use the idea in 1 and 2 to have a similar


c. Outcome: practise speaking in groups

d. Organization:

- Supply them with some vocab they need.

- Get two oi three representatives from different groups to go to the board

and give their presentations.

- Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.

- Tell Ss to give their votes to the best decision as well as the fluency of the

j_pres entation.

Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:


§59: LISTENING - Save the planet, save your life


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global warmin

3. Educational aims

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciation by dictionaries. ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what +he topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: Match the words with the pictures and answer the question

c. Outcome:

1. c (drought)

2. d (flood)

3. a (famine)

4. e (water shortage)

5. b (forest fire)

d. Organization:


Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss the questions

2. ACtivity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words

b. Content: What is the common cause of all the disasters depicted in the

pictures above?

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. D

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. A

d. Organization

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and answer the questions.

- Give them feedbacks

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: Prof Linn is talking to a class of grade 11 students about global

warming. Listen to the talk and choose the best answers

- Listen to the talk again and answer the questions

c. Outcome: answers

Ex 2. Prof Linn is talking to a class of grade 11 students about globa a|

warming. Listen to the talk and choose the best answers

1. D

2. B

3. B


4. C

5. A

Ex 3. Listen to the talk again and answer the

1. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide

2. The thick layer of the greenhouse gases traps more heat from the sun

leading to the increase of the temperature on the earth

3. Heat waves, floods, droughts and storm surges.

4. Famine, water shortages, extreme weather conditions and a 20-30% loss

of animal and plant species.

5. When you have a lot of information about the topic, you’ll be more willing

to change your lifestyle and you’ll be able to inform others and inspire


d. Organization:

- Ask sts to read through the statements in ex 3 to understand them well.



Activity 4

- Play the tape onrj for Sts to listen and do the ex 3.

- Ask sts to work in pairs comparing the answers.

- Get th eir answer and peer correction.

if- Check that Sts know the meaning of the words.

- Play C the tape the second time for Sts to listen and do the ex 4.

- Call on one or two Sts to report the result of their group work.

- Check with whole class.


a. Aim. use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content. Discuss if the weather patterns in VN have changed over the last

ten years . Provide some examples. Then report the results to the class

c. Outcome. practise speaking in groups

d. Organization.

- Put Ss in groups of four and let them discuss the questions freely

Preparing date. 5/1/2021

Teaching date:



Global warming - causes and effects


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciation by dictionaries. They’ ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP W

a. Aim: Visualize what thi topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: Which are the e causes and which are the effects of global

warming? Complete the diagram with the idea below.

c. Outcome: Causes

Effects: 1. 3 6,


d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Ask them to exchange the answers with their partner.

hem compare their choice.

all on some sts to read their information before the class.


a. Aim: prepare some background knowledge and useful language

b. Content: Work in pairs, discuss and complete the outline using the ideas

from 1. Brainstorm some possible solutions

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. Introduction (introduce topic and the main contents)

- one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays

- caused mainly by humans

- most catastrophic effects on humans

- humans have to take actions to reduce the risks

- the essay will discuss the causes and effects, and possible solutions

2. What global warming is and its cause

3. Effects of global warming on human’s life and

Other species’ as well.

- lose home

- land erosion

- extinction of some species

4. Possible solutions.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Use public transport

Waste processing system

5. Conclusion.

d. Organization

- Supply them with some vocab in ex 2 by getting some advanced Ss

the meaning.

- Have them pronounce the new words.

- Tell them if they have those problems who they can ask for a ce.

- Help them to notice the form of an essay: the number of paragr

ways of writing, words, style, opening, and closing.

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: Ex 3. Your essay

c. Outcome: answers


Cause sb to V


Drive st to N

Eg: Global warming has driven some species inadaptable to the current

conditions and caused i; to become gradually extinct.

d. Organization

- Get one Ss to give out his/ her answer with explanations to ex 3.

- Ask them for peer correction.

- Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss

and correct for one another.

jund offering to help.

ieck with whole class.


a. Aim: use languages to practice writing

b. Content: Write an essay about one cause of global warming, its effects,

and solutions (160-180 words)

c. Outcome: writing an essay about the given topic

d. Organization:

Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer -


- Give them oral feedback after all.

-F o r home work, ask Sts to revise their writing according to their peer’s


Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:


§61: Communication and culture


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills


- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global warming

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciation by dictionaries. dictionanCTh

They’ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.


- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...

1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: Work with a partner and guess what problems are described in

the pictures.

c. Outcome:

Ss may have more background knowledge related to the lesson

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the pictures

Ask Ss to discuss the questions

2. Activity X 2 t PRESENTATION

a. Aim: learn Culture

b. Content: Read the paragraphs provided and answer the questions.

c. Outcome: - Requirements for your talk.

+ content + intonation + gesture

d. Organization

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and the table and do ex 1, focusing on what to do.

- Telling to base on their writing presenting at least two effects and two


3. Activity 3 PRACTICE

a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: Match the words with their meanings and answer the questions

c. Outcome: answers

1. It is a series of films that tell stories of short films about the different ways

young people have contributed to reduce the carbon footprint of their homes,

school, communities, and countries.

4. Activity 4

2. Because he learnt about how trees can help to reduce the amount of carbon

footprint in the atmosphere.

3. To raise money for the clean-up of the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of


4. One student stood covered in plastic bags in front of city lawmakers.

d. Organization:

- - Have them read the passage first, then ask them if there are any new words

they need

- Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss SS

and correct for one another.

- Go around offering to help.

- Check with whole class.

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: What do young Vietnamese people do V to reduce ' the carbon

footprint of their homes, schools, communities and country?

Do you know any stories about young Vietnamese people who have helped

to reduce global warming?

c. Outcome: practise speaking in groups

d. Organization:

- Put Ss in groups of four and let them discuss the questions freely


Preparing date: 5/1/2021

Teaching date:


§62 Looking back and project.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 6

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about global warming

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for yes-no question and echo-question

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect participles

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 6

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about global warming

- Speaking: Expressing opinions, agreements, or disagreements

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about global wa

- Writing: Write an essay about global warming

3. Educational aims

- they’ll build up their habit of checking their pronunciation es. They’ll practice sentence

analysis skimming for gist and scanning for details

II, Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1


a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: Work with a partner and guess what problems are described in

the picture

c. Outcome:

Ss may have more background knowledge related to the lesson

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the



- Ask Ss to discuss the questions


. Activity 2

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: supply the background knowledge for Ss about the topic

b. Content:

Watch the video and discuss the question

c. Outcome: leatn ideas and background knowledge

d. Organization

- Let Ss watch the video and and discuss the questions

- Let Ss work in pairs

- Get their answers back orally.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.


a. Aim: use languages to brainstorm ideas

b. Content: Work in groups, discuss the question

c. Outcome: practise speaking in groups

Each of the 11 groups finds ideas to set up campaigns about the topic

• Raising fund from teachers and all students

• Planting trees, stop littering

• Recycle waste such as paper, electric item s,..

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to do the survey.

- Let Ss to present the findings in front of the class.

- Get the peer correction.

- Give them a feedback.

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: Work in groups, present the campaig

c. Outcome: practise speaking in groups

Each of the 11 groups finds ideas to set up campa

about the topic

• Raising fund from teachers and all students

• Planting trees, stop littering

• Recycle waste such as paper, electric items,.

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to do the task.

- Let Ss to present the findings in front of the class.

- Get the peer correction. erection.

- Give them a feedback.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:


§61: A. GETTING STARTED - Further education

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation for wh-question

- For grammar, that is present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further education

- Speaking: Expressing preferences for different further education pathways

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about studying abroad

- Writing: Write an essay about further education oppor

+ students will practice the tones correctly. TheyT als be able to use present perfect and present

continuous in context understand those points we

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose t h e _ w e r basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for • gfted gifted students, they’ll build up

their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Student.: tudenf.: textbook, t( workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Work orally

They are talking about going to a school or university in Thailand.

d. Organization:

Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the pictures

- Ask Ss to guess the content of the conversation

- Supply them with some vocab

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. Listen and read

-Write new words in to their notes

-Read individually

*New words


degree (n) academic (a) vocational (a)

bachelor (n) analytical (a)


postgraduate (n) doctorate (n) PhD

graduate (n) undergraduate (n)

particular (a) besides (adv)(prep)

Eg: Besides, she speaks Spanish very well.

There is a girl besides the swimming pool.

internship (n)

gap year (n) nam gian doan

CV (n)


eir task.

'lay the CDs.

Ask them if they understand the whole dialogue well.

Tell them to do ex 3,4 (7) in pairs in 2'.

Get their answers back.

Ask them if there is a different answer and point out the key word.

Correct their answer.

Tell them to listen and repeat the words/ phrases given.

Call some Ss to supply their friends with some vocab in groups in 2'.

Ask the pairs to do ex 2 in 6'.

3. Activity 3



a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. Read the conversation again match the words and definition

-Work in pairs

1. academic

2. undergraduate/ post graduate 3. bachelor’s degree

4. vocational course 5. apply for scholarships

Ex 4. Answer the questions

-Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions

1. They can pursue further education

2. They can help students develop analytical skills, criti

knowledge for higher education or college.

3. Because they want to take some time before deci on their career and


4. Taking a gap year can allow students to do voluntary work or internships,

and travel. This practical experience will make their CVs look good.

d. Organization:

Help them recall the use of th

- Get their answer afterwai

- Get peer correct:

- Give them an o re e d b a c k .

4. Activity 4 APPLI IC a Ti On

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

‘C g

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

+ go g' on to university

+ as making with more friends

+ obtaining more new words/ new knowledge

+ avoid checking over

d. Organization:

Discuss your plan after leaving secondary school.

-Work in groups

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:




1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education

< 7

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

<* in the

+ besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabul ry in the further grammar

exercises with present perfect and present continuous.

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: FURTHER EDUCATION

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess th’ meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the top

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further education

- Speaking: Expressing preferences

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about further education

- Writing: Write an e-mail about further education

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For we;ker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

or most of the students,

ey’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Complete the simplified diagram of Viet nam’s education system

with the appreciate words/phrases from the box

- work individually

1. kindergarten

2. primary

3. Lower secondary education

4. Upper secondary education

5. college

6. university

d. Organization:

Ask other Ss to give comments

Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the r w i t h their partners


a. Aim: elicit new words, supp

and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task sentation

c. Outcome: Expected ans\

Ex 2. Complete the following sentences with the words/phrases from the

conversation in Getting Started

-work in pairs

1. Academic 2. Major 3. vocational

aduate 5. analytical


sk Ss to read the yellow box and then report their understanding.

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each word

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each sentence.


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation


Intonation in wh-questions

-Work in pairs, answer the questions

1. Listen and repeat these questions, paying attention to the wh-question


2. Listen and repeat with the correct intonation. Then practice saying the

sentences with a partner.

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

d. Organization:

Tell them to listen to the teacher's pronunciation once, then listen to the CDs


and repeat.

- Call some ss to stand up and pronounce.

- Give them a feedback.

- Asks Ss to read the yellow box and review the use and sti tructure of the

present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses.

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups


b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 1. Put the verbs in each sentence


in the present perfect continuous


-Work in pairs

1. Have been suffering 2.Has been living

3. Has been looking 4. Have been studying

5. Has been teaching

Ex 2. Match the two parts to make complete sentences


s read 2. Has been reading

ave you applied 4. have been waiting

5. has been giving 6. have never understood

d. Organization:

- Tell some SS to recall the use of the present perfect and present perfect

continuous tenses, adv used in these tenses and the form of verbs.

- Ask them to do ex 1 in 1'.

Let them practice ex 1and 2 (18).

Get their answers back.

Correct their answers.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:



Preparation for higher education


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

<* in the


+ besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabul ry in the further grammar

exercises with present perfect and present continous.

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: FURTHER EDUCATION

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess th’ meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the top

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further education

- Speaking: Expressing preferences

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about further education

- Writing: Write an e-mail about further education

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For we;ker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1


a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

Work with a partner and ask answer about the British state-run education


c. Outcome: Suggestions

Work orally

- stages

- exam

- optional

- how long


- Ask Sts to look at the ideas of further education and choose which of those

- requirements

d. Organization:

are suitable.

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, sup

and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and pr entation

Match the words with their meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary.

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b


Pursue (v


or’s degree (n)

Doctoral degree (n)

Appreciate (v)

International Baccalauriate (n)

Sir for (v)

respectively (adv)

alternative (n)

mandatory (adj) > < optional

interaction (n)

independent (adj)

versions (n) types

institution (n)

3. Activity 3

d. Organization

Have them guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.

- Ask them if they have any new words.

- Read and understand the text about further education in UK.

- Get one Ss to give out his/ her answer with explanations to ex 3.

- Ask them for peer correction.



a. Aim: practise skills


b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4.

1. NG 2. F (Only British Ss)

3. F (Mathematics and chemistry)


4. F (After finishing)

5. T

d. Organization:

Ask students to do the ex 4 in pairs in 5'.

- Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss

and correct for one arother.

- Go around offering M help.

- Check with whole class.

- Call on some Ss Lo read their answers aloud in front of the class.


4. Activity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

- the requirements

- skills

- try more

- recognize one’s strength points

d. Organization:

Have them do the same to ex 5 in 5'.

- Finally, give correct answers and explain all the sentences carefully to make

sure Ss understand the meaning of the sentences.

- Summarize the main points.

- Supply them with the new words.

- Ask sts to learn the new words in the text.

- Tell them to prepare for the next period.




Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:



Types of further education

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education


- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further educati


- Speaking: Expressing preferences

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about further education

- Writing: Write an e-mail about further education

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be ea;

- For most o

to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

e students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

Teaching aids.

eacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Work in pairs, talk about the volunteer work or charity activity they did in

their community or at school, and why people do volunteer work by

answering three questions.

d. Organization:

- Ask some Ss to talk about the volunteer work or charity activity they did in

their community or at school, and why people do volunteer work by


answering three questions.

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatic xcnowledge

cal kn

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Work in pairs, match an activity with a reason


1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b

d. Organization

5. d


3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Work in pairs , pick out disagreement expressions.

;e high education will help Ss gain more knowledge and thinking

a bachelor’s degree will help them to find a job more easily.

,. Because Ss need some skills for getting a job before they can decide if they

want to pursue an undergraduate degree or not.

3. They are campus-based, part-time, full-time, and online.

4. “Cloud” learning allows Ss to work and study simultaneously.

5. They provide Ss with more flexible programmes and schedules.

Ex 4. Practice the model.

-Work in groups

d. Organization:

Let Ss work in pairs, and make their choice with suitable explanations.

- Let them practice in 5 minutes.

- Give them a feedback on pronunciation, tone, and manners.

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Use the idea in 3 and 4 to have a similar conversation.

- Work orally

Eg: I prefer Ha Noi Society Sciences and Humanity University

because.. ..and now I have to prepare...

d. Organization:

Supply them with some vocab they need.

- Get two or three representatives from different groups to go to the board and

give their presentations.

- Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.

- Tell Ss to give their votes to the best decision as well as the fluency of

the presentation.


Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


§65: LISTENING - International students in Viet Nam.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of th ^ e points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific informati further education for an oversea

student in Viet Nam

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan foi specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose t h e s w e r basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the stud

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially f o 1gii^d students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students ts: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...



1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

-Listen to the introduction

d. Organization:

Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss the questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and answer the questions.

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers


- host family

- friend = fellow

- program coordinator

- academic level = undergraduate and

- Over the moon

3. Activity 3

d. Organization

Ask Ss to work in pairs,




a. Aim: practise skills

nd answer the questions.

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

eke notes about the points given.

d through the statements in ex to understand them well.

-Guess the content of the listening orally.

1. undergraduate and postgraduate

2. Vietnamese history and economic development

3. Very helpful and friendly

4. Very organized, knowledgeable, thorough, always available for


5. He lives with a host family, in his own room - comfortable and clean- with

the internet

6. Breakfast and dinner with the host family and lunch with Vietnamese

fellow Ss.

Delicious and healthy. Favorite dishes.

Ex 3. Listen to the talk and decide T/ F statements.

-Work in pairs

1. F (undergraduate ) 2. T 3. NG

4. F (used friend’s motorbike) 5. T

d. Organization:

Ask sts to read through the statements in ex 3 to understand them well.

Play the tape once for Sts to listen and do the ex 3.


Ask sts to work in pairs comparing the answers.

Get their answer and peer correction.

Check that Sts know the meaning of the words.

Play the tape the second time for Sts to listen a nd do the ex 4.

Call on one or two Sts to report the result ot .heir group work.

4. Activity 4



a. Aim: use languages to practice in pa^s/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer

Ex 4. Work in groups. Discuss how one should prepare for studying


-Work k in groups groupi



cult-ure fseh

culture shock

d. Organization:

Let Ss work in groups and tell their friend what kind of institution abroad they



- Call two ss to comment on their friend's practice.

- Give comments or correction if necessary.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:



Studying in the United Kingdom

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education


- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further educati


- Speaking: Expressing preferences

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about further education

- Writing: Write an e-mail about further education

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be ea;

- For most o

to 'h rjse the right answer basing on the learned key words.

e students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation


Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Fill in the gap using the phrases in the box.

1. I am writing to ask for

2. I want to consult you about

3. I am worried most

4. I have to take

5. I am eligible for

6. I should send

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Ask them to exchange the answers with their partner.

- Let them compare their choice.

- Call on some sts to read their information beforass.

2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply stn’c u ’es and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answer

Ex 2. Work in pairs, discuss complete the outline using the ideas

from 1.

-D o as ordered

d. Organizat

Supply tiem with some vocab in ex 2 by getting some advanced Ss to give

the meaning

- Have them pronounce the new words.

_.R - Tell them thei if they have those problems who they can ask for some advice.

3. Actii 3 PRACTICE

a. Aim: practise skills

O ?

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. Your email

1. Work experience for a career-based course

2. Tuition fees at colleges and universities

3. Traveling in the host city and country

4. Experience culture shock

5. working part-time/ contact

6. opening a bank account

7. surviving the different weather

8. visas and other documents

d. Organization: Help them to notice the form of an essay: the number of

paragraphs, linking, ways of writing, words, style, opening, and closing.

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer: Write an essay about one cause of gtol

warming, its effects, and solutions (160-180 words)

Model letter

Dear Jean,

I am in the middle of grade 11 and I am considering an i-course in

language. I am writing to ask for some information and vice on higher

education in your country. I would be very appreciative if I could receive

some about the following points:.

d. Organization: Get two Ss to writ letter on the board.

- Write Ss’ typical errors on the b c ^ a n d elicit self - correction and peer ■


- Give them oral feecsk fte r all.

- For home work, as ts to revise their writing according to their peer’s


Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:


§67: Communication and culture

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those m ^ e points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further educat

- Speaking: Expressing preferences

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about further education

- Writing: Write an e-mail about further education

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weaker student

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of tie students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. leaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

jtudents: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

I. Communication

Ex 1. Higher education in Viet Nam

- Requirements for your conversation.

+ content + intonation + gesture

Suggested questions:

1. What education level follows lower secondary education?

2. How long does it take to finish college?

3. How long does one spend finish college?

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and the table and do ex 1, focusing o

- Telling to base on their writing presenting at least two


2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Listen to the talk and decide T F statements.

1. F (vocational courses)

2. F (only developed its vocational education system)

3. T

4. F (three exams)

5. F (only use their personal funds)

d. Organization

pairs to discuss how the answers.

Ss to do the ex.


O ?

a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

3. Ex 3. Discuss what should be done to help students pursue their dreaming


1. Fee 2. Time 3.part-time job 4. qualification


d. Organization:

- Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

II. Culture

Further education in Singapore

1.There are 2 levels of education in Singapore.

2.Having finished secondary which consists of secondary schools and pre

vocational courses, Ss can move onto post secondary in which there are junior

colleges or centralized institutes, polytechnics, and institutes of technical


2. Read the paragraphs provided and answer the questions.

Aim: target

Enroll on: register for


Publicly-funded: public/independent: cong lap


-1. To help students to discover their talents and develop a passion for


2. They have to pass standard exams.

3. It builds up students’ strengths and develops their talents in both academic

and non-academic areas.


4. They can select pre- university or technical education.

5. There are four local universities with degree programmes for higher


d. Organization: Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


§68 Looking back and project.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases about further education

- For pronunciation, that is raising intonation in wh-questions

- For grammar, that is perfect gerunds and perfect continuous tenses

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of ti ^ e points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7

- Reading: Skimming and scanning about further educati

- Speaking: Expressing preferences

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about further education

- Writing: Write an e-mail about further education

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weaker student

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of tie students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

jtudents: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

a- Pronunciation

1. Listen and repeat. Paying attention to the rising intonation

(note the word at the falling point)

2. Listen and mark the intonation on the echo questions. Then practice

reading the exchange

(Note the emphasized phrases)


b - Vocabulary

1. academic 2. Broaden 3. graduation

4. analytical 5. Internship 6. respectively

d. Organization: Play the recording and let Ss listen and write

/n, g/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound.

Then, put Ss in pairs to practise reading the sentences.

- Let Ss work in pairs to write the chores under ea e.

- Get their answers back orally.

- Ask them if anyone has a different ans,\

- Give them a feedback.


2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs

1. have taken 2. h a v e .. been waiting

..attended 4. h a v e .. been writing

i s . . been traveling

I. Organization

Ask Ss to read the text carefully, using the context clues to decide which

word/ phrase can be used.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 2. Rewrite the sentences

4. Activity 4

1. The graduate students have been arriving since four o’clock.

2. The graduate students have all arrived at the lecture hall.

3. She has been doing her research project since last month.

4. They have visited this college three times before.

5. I have been learning to play the piano over the last eight months.

6. I have been discussing my research proposal with my professor since the

beginning of my course


d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to finish these sentences.


- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.



a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups


b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

1. Do a survey

Each of the 11 groups discuss the questi uestion

straight to university after school?”

should we take a gap year or go

Suggested points

1. Time 2. Opporunity 3. Experience

4. Maturity 5. Job 6. Phisical health

O r

2. Comment on their friend's presentation.

- Contents: causes, effects, feasible solutions (individual, local authorities,

government, and internation levels)


- Gesture, miming, facial expression, pronunciation, outline

d. Organization: - Ask Ss to do the survey.

- Let Ss to present the findings in front of the class.

- Get the peer correction.

- Give them a feedback.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:



1. Language focus

- To test students' achievements and mark the students

- To get feedback from the students

- For weaker students,

+ they will get vocabulary in the topic: GLOBAL WARMING AND FURTHER



appearing the textbook.

+ they’ll master the use and form of two grammar points: present perfect aand present p.esent continuous.

+ they’ll revise some learnt structures through the practice tests.

- For the majority of the students,

+ besides, consolidating those vocab, they’ll enrich their vocabulary in the further grammar

exercises with present perfect and present continuous.

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: GLOBAL WARMING AND FURTHER


- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on tue -lopic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help Ss develop their skills +o do MCQ tests

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be ea;

- For most o

to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

e students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

Teaching aids.

eacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Class organization

2. Check - up (omitted)

3. Testing contents

* Vocabulary: Unit 6,7

* Grammar:

* Reading skills:

* Listening skills:

* Writing skills:

4. Consolidation.

5. Homework: Look at the test paper at home

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part

differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. identify B. typical C. apply D. satisf

Question 2: A. future B. culture C. mature D. picture

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other

three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. order B. preserve C. offer D. energy

Question 4: A. attention B. endanger C. decorate D. conserve

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: Single life offers more freedom of choice; ma riage offers more secure.


Question 6: Most young people prefer the city, as there wasn’t many to do in the country.


Question 7: No sooner had they returned home from the holiday when Tony had to leave for a

business trip.


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each o f the

following questions.

Question 8: The doctor insisted that his patient

A. doesn’t w o k too hard for three months B. taking it easy for three months

C. to take some vacations for three months D. take it easy for three months

Question 9: In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur_________ a misunderstanding.

. due to B. as C. for D. of

estion 10: Until she was arrested last week, the young woman thought she had_______ the

perfect crime.

A. charged B. got away C. committed D. escaped

Question 11: Professional people expect__________ when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.

A. that you would call them B. you to call them

C. your calling them D. that you are calling them

Question 12: Jane came_______ a beautiful picture when she was tidying the room.

A. pass B. round C. across D. into

Question 13: We a ll.working with you. You are so dynamic.

A. believe B. judge C. think D. appreciate

Question 14: It is believed___causes weight loss.

A. much stress that B. that much stress

C. much stress D. it is much stress

Question 15:_have made communication faster and easier through the use of email and

Internet is widely recognized.

A. That it is computers B. That computers

C. Computers that D. It is that computers

Question 16:________________________students in our class is 45.

A. A large amount of B. A lot of

C. A number of D. The number of

Question 17: The bomb__________in a crowded street.

A. went off B. went out C. came off D. came out

A. prescription B. recipe C. receipt D. ticket

Question 18:______we invested in telecommunications industry, we would be rich now.

A. Would B. Had C. Should D. Were

Question 19: The Government hopes to _______ its plans for introducing cable T.V.

A. keep on B. carry on C. carry out D. turn out

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer' sheet to indicate the most suitable response to

complete each of the following exchanges

Question 20: Question 36: Dad: “I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you!” - Son: “

A. Have a nice day! B. The same to you!

C. What a lov:ly toy! Thanks. D. What a pity!

Question 21: John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our



CA . There's no doubt about it

B. Yes, it's an absurd idea

. Well, that's very surprising D. Of course not. You bet

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to

the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 22:For calculating a calendar, it is convenient to use the tropical solar year.

A. practical B. critical C. necessary D. appropriate

Question 23:The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.

A. speed B. expect more C. do better D. treat better

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to

the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 24: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"

A. hobbyist B. optimist C. activist D. feminist

Question 25: "Be quick! We must speed up if we don’t want to miss the flight. "

A. turn down B. slow down C. look up D. put forward

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the corre

of the questions from 26 to 30

Coal is a black solid fossil fuel. It is usually very (31) _ . Coal is made of 65%-95% carbon.

It also has hydrocarbons and some other compounds in it. It is made from the remains of plants that

lived millions of years ago. Coal can be burned for energy or (33)_______ . About two-thirds of the

coal mined today is burned in power stations to make (34)_______ . Burning it is not as common as

it used to be, because it causes much pollution.

Natural gas is a mixture. It (36)_______ mainly of hydrocarbons. The main component is

methane. Natural gas is often found in the ground together with petroleum. Most natural gas is

burned directly to produce energy. It burns with a clean blue flame. It causes (39)_______

pollution. The main use of natural gas is to p~od duce electricity. It is also used as fuel for cars,

cooking gas and to make fertilizers.

1. A. soft b . i hard -

C. loose D. difficult

3. A. hot

B. hotter

C. hottest D. heat

4. A. mass

. product

C. electricity D. powder

6. A. con

. mixes

C. combines D. depends

7. A

B. together C. addition D. except

8. A. actively B. honestly C. strangely D. directly

. few

B. little

C. many D. a lot

letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

leaning to each of the following questions.

Question 31: I’m sure Mary was very happy when she passed the exam.

A. Mary must be very happy when she passed the exam.

B. Mary must have been very happy when she passed the exam.

C. Mary may be very happy when she passed the exam.

D. Mary could have been very happy when she passed the exam.

Question 32: “You had better give up smoking”. She said to me.

A. She reminded me of giving up smoking. B. She ordered me to give up smoking.

C. She insisted that I give up smoking. D. She suggested that I give up smoking.

Question 33: Without his help, we would not have been able to finish the project.

A. He helped us but we couldn’t finish the project.

B. He didn’t help us so we couldn’t finish the project.

C. We could finish the project because he helped us.

D. If he didn’t help us, the project would be a failure.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combi nes

each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 34: She tried very hard to start the car. She couldn’t start it.

A. Although she didn‘t try hard to start the car, she could start it.

B. Despite being able to start the car, she didn’t start it.


C. No matter how hard she tried, she could not start the car.

D. She tried very hard, so she could start the car in the end.

Question 35: I didn’t want to disturb the meeting. I left without spying goodbye.

A. Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without siying goodbye.

B. In spite of disturbing the meeting, I left withou. saying goodbye.

C. I disturbed the meeting so I left without saying goodbye.

D. Instead of disturbing the meeting , I left without saying goodbye.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:



The central sector of the imperial citadel of Thang Long


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in VN

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context

make sentences with some new words related to the

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in U

- Reading: Read about Ha Long Bay and its attractions

- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments

- Listening: Listen to information about Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritage Site

3. Qualities

- For weaker su

+ they’ll be e.«y to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For mo st of the students

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

iecially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation



2. Activity 2

Activity 3

c. Outcome: Suggestions

They are talking about going to a school or university in Thailand.

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the


- Ask Ss to guess the content of the conversation



a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowle

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. Listen and read

*New words

Imperial citadel

Complex (n)


Comprise: consist of


Palace (n)

Monument (n)

royal (a)

intact > < in ruin

dynasty (n)




dragon (n)

relics (n)

associate (v)

archaeology (n)

excavation (n)

d. Organization

- Supply them with some vocab


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Read the conversation again. Are the following statements T or F?

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

Ex 3. Match the words in the conversation with the appropriate

4. Activity 4


1. b

2. d

3. e

4. f

5. a

6. c

d. Organization:

Set their task.

- Play the CDs.

- Ask them if they understand the whole dialogue well.

- Tell them to do ex 3,4 (7) in pairs in 2'.

- Get their answers back.

- Ask them if there is a different answer and point o ’+the key word.

- Correct their answer.

- Tell them to listen and repeat the vords/ phiases given.

- Call some Ss to supply their friends '"+h some vocab in groups in 2'.

- Ask the pairs to do ex 2 in 6'.


a. Aim: use languageto practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. Find the sentences in the conversation which have the same

as the following sentences

a cultural complex comprising royal palaces and monuments.

2. Most of the citadel, first built during the Ly Dynasty ... in the early 20th


3. The only structure to remain intact is the Flag Tower of Hanoi.

d. Organization: Help them recall the use of those words.

- Get their answer afterwards.

- Get peer correction.

- Give them an oral feedback.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:




1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of tiose . points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of w^^ds based on context

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 8

- Reading: Read about Ha Long Bay and its attract

- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visu in the Complex of Hue Monuments

- Listening: Listen to information about Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritage

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the / «de nts,

+ they’ll finish acti.ities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

acher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

tudents: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions


Ex 1. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words from the box

1. heritage

2. dynasties

3. excavations

4. intact

5. relics

6. complex

d. Organization: Ask other Ss to give comments

Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner.


2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Use the correct form of the word in

1. archaeological

2. natural

3. Cultural

4. attraction

5. preservation

d. Organization

Ask Ss to read the yellow box and then report their understanding.

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each word

Play the recording and let Ss listen

again with pauses for them to repeat each sentence.

Lelp the distinguish the differences between the quality of two actions in

those tenses.

. Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner

Make sure that the advanced sts can help the class with the meaning of the


.6bracketsoto complete each sentence

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

1. Underline the correct words and phrases in each sentence

1. lying

4. Activity 4

2. dating

3. destroyed

4. made

5 .to see

6. to be recognized

d. Organization: Tell them to listen to the teacher's pronunciation once, then

listen to the CDs and repeat.

- Call some ss to stand up and pronounce.

- Give them a feedback.

- Asks Ss to read the yellow box and review the use and structure

present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses.

- Tell some SS to recall the use of the present perfect and present j rfect

continuous tenses, adv used in these tenses and the fo^m of verbs.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs

b. Content: finish the task and prese

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

2. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the relative clauses with participle or to

infinitive clauses

1. found at the archaeological

2. built in the early 1600s

3. purchasing unusual relics

4. to rule both parts of the empire

5. overlooking Tnu Bon River

6. to be recognized by UNESCO


them to do ex 1 in 1'.

Let them practice ex 1and 2 (18).

Get their answers back.

Correct their answers.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:



Ha long Bay


At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in VN

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in U

- Reading: Read about Ha Long Bay and its attractions

- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments

- Listening: Listen to information about Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritage Site

3. Qualities

- For weaker

+ they’ll be e^«y to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For mo st of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

iecially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

c. Outcome: Suggestions

1. Work with a partner and ask answer about the British state-run

education system.









d. Organization:

Ask Sts to look at the ideas of further education ?id choose which of those

are suitable.

- Have them guess the meaning of the vocal appearing in the context.

- Ask them if they have any new words


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

1. You are going to read a text about Ha Long Bay. Add other possible reasons

if you can.

2. Read the text quickly, what is it about?

Title C: How Ha Long Bay attracts tourists

ie word in the text that have the following meanings.


.. breathtaking

3. cuisine

4. magnificent

5. abundant

d. Organization

- Get one Ss to give out his/ her answer with explanations to ex 3.

- Ask them for peer correction.


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

4. Activity 4

4. Read the text carefully, answer the following questions

1.in 1994

2. They can visit different caves and experience the local culture and life on the


3. It’s famous for its fresh seafood, such as crabs, prawns and sea clams.

4. Yes. Because Ha Long Bay offers lots of things at a reasonable price

5. These people can enjoy the comfort and elegance of five star hotels and luxury

cruise ships.

6. Some may wake up to a beautiful sunrise among the rocks, islets and cav ves; others

may enjoy the cave dinners or the breathtaking view from a mountain .op

overlooking the bay.

d. Organization:

Ask students to do the ex 4 in pairs in 5'.

- Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss

and correct for one another.

- Go around offering to help.

- Check with whole class.

Call on some Ss to read their answer



a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

■ < r

>ud in front of the class.

Ex 5. Discuss with a partner, discuss you would like to visit Ha Long/ why/

why not

e to see

d to eat

Culture to enjoy

d. Organization:

Have them do the same to ex 5 in 5'.

- Finally, give correct answers and explain all the sentences carefully to make

sure Ss understand the meaning of the sentences.

- Summarize the main points.

- Supply them with the new words.

- Ask sts to learn the new words in the text.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:



Let’s visit Hue


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Si„ „ V.

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE CRITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll 'over all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

-To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 8

- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the stu

+ they’ll finish ictiitier following and understand the context.

- Especially fo- gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teacling aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

tudents: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Read the information about some attractions in Hue. Work in

pairs. Choose one of place in Hue you would like to visit. Tell your

partner about it.

I would like to suggest visiting Quoc Hoc High School. It is one of the oldest

high school in VN and is famous for its beautiful ancient buildings. It is also a

very prestigious high school where President Ho Chi Minh and many scholars

studied. Walking around the school can give you the feeling of old-time VN

d. Organization:

Ask some Ss to talk about the volunteer work or charity activity they did in

their community or at school, and why people do volunteer work by

answering three questions.

2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Outline the points you’ve been givei

Where to see

- royal tomb

- pagoda

- Dong Ba market

Cyclo maily/ taxi/

Ex 3. Structures of suggestions:

Why don’t y o u .?

Shall we

What abo

d. Organization

;m to add some reasons and activities more.

Ss to work by themselves, complete the table then share their answer

with their partner.

Get the answer 1' later.

- Ask the pairs to complete the dialogue.

- Let Ss work in pairs, and make their choice with suitable explanations.

3. Activity 3 PRACTICE

a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Work in groups. Imagine that you have one day to explore Hue. Which

attractions would you visit or want to spread out?

- What to enjoy

- What to buy?

d. Organization:

Supply them with some vocab they need.

- Get two or three representatives from different groups to go to the board and

give their presentations.

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 5. Remark on your friend’s performance.

Eg: I prefer to go to Hue and en jo y .

We would like to suggest visit Hue Imperial Citadel because of its

significance and magnificence. We can see ancient palaces and the luxury of

the royal family. Let’s also visit Thien Mu Pagoda. We can enjoy the

beautiful scenery of the pagoda and the feeling of peace there.

d. Organization:

- Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.

- Tell Ss to give their votes to the best decision as well as the fluency of

the presentation.


Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


§74: LISTENING - Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Parks.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses


+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the e meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

o P

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit

- Reading: Read about Ha Long Bay and its attr ttiactions a m

- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments

- Listening: Listen to information about Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritage Site

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weake» s.ud^nts,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. You are going to listen to a radio programme about Phong Nha Ke

Bang National Park, one of the world heritage site in VN. What do you

know about this place? Use the words and phrases in the box to describe


Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, one of the world heritage site of Vn, is

very popular with both domestic and foreign holiday-makers. It’s famous for

its geological museum as well as beautiful forests, rivers and mountains. It s

home to a variety of plant and animal species

d. Organization:

Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss the questions

2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply st

b. Content: finish the task and presentat

c. Outcome: Expected answers mswers


grammatical knowledge


Grotto: hang

d. Orga niizati—n

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and answer the questions.

3. Activity kACTICE

_ ^ k

+ \ . Aim: 1 practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 2. Match the words with the correct pictures

1. cave

2. stream

3. limestone

4. mountain climbing

5. underground river

6. grotto

Ex 3. Listen to a nature radio programme and choose the correct answer.

Phong Nha - Ke Bang was recognized as a world heritage site because it is a

significant geological site.

Ex 4. Listen again and complete the sentences with no more than three


1. 500 km south

2. geological museum

3. mountains

4. rivers and streams

5. in the world

6. mountain climbing

d. Organization:


Ask sts to read through the statements in ex 3 to understand ind them wi well.

Play the tape once for Sts to listen and do the ex 3.

Ask sts to work in pairs comparing the

Get their answer and peer correctio

Check that Sts know the meaning

the words.

Play the tape the second ‘'me f^r Sts to listen and do the ex 4.

Call on one or two Sts to report the result of their group work.


4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: C Suggested answer:

< * , 5. Work in groups. Discuss the following questions


- fee

- culture shock

d. Organization:

- Let Ss work in groups and tell their friend what kind of institution abroad

they like. Call two ss to comment on their friend's practice.

- Give comments or correction if necessary.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:



Trang An scenic landscape complex


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Si„ . „ V .

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses

+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll ’over all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 8

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritag

3. Qualities

- For weaker students

+ they’ll be easy to choose tie right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the / «de nts,

+ they’ll finish icti.ities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

acher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

tudents: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Ask and answer the questions below


2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

1. Trang An Scenic Landscape complex is located in Ninh Binh Province. It

is a tourist attraction. It is famous for not only its beautiful landscape but also

cultural and religious value.

2. Not yet. I think that visitors can visit forests, caves and places of worship.

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to do the ex.


- Ask them to exchange the answers with their partner.

- Let them compare their choice.

- Call on some sts to read their information before the class.


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Complete an outline of an essay exp reasons why Trang

An scenic landscape complex was re

a world heritage site

Cultural value: c, d

Natural beauty: a, b

Geological value: b

Preservation of heritage:

d. Organization

Supply them with ^ome vocab in ex 2 by getting some advanced Ss to give

the meaning.

- Have them pronounce the new words.


a. Aim: practise skills

ontent: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. Use the information and the completed outline in 2 to write your

essay about Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex.

Trang An scenic landscape complex, recognized as a world heritage site, is

famous for its cultural value, natural beauty, geological value and the

preservation of heritage.

The most outstanding feature of this site is its cultural value. Archaeologists

have discovered signs of human activity dating back almost 30,000 years.

With such a long -lasting history, Trang An scenic landscape complex is

home to many temples, pagodas and places of worship.

The natural beauty of the place with its geological value is another

outstanding feature. Trang An Tam Coc Bich Dong not only has a natural

scenic landscape but also is an archaeological site. Moreover, the area is

famous for its magnificent landscape of limestone mountain tops surrounded

by valleys and steep rocks.

As a place of cultural and natural value, Trang An heritage is well preserved

and protected. Visitors are amazed to discover that the site is home to more

than 800 species of flora and fauna

Having met UNESCO criteria for outstanding universal value to humanit

Trang An scenic landscape complex was added to the world heritage site lis

in 2014 as a mixed natural and cultural property.

d. Organization:

Tell them if they have those problems who they can ask for some advice.

- Help them to notice the form of an essay: the number of paragraphs, linking,

ways of writing, words, style, opening, and closing.

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested ans\

- Contents

- Punctual

- Language

d. Orga

Is’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer -


rive them oral feedback after all.

-For home work, ask Sts to revise their writing according to their peer’s


Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


§77: Communication and culture


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses


+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the e meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the



2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit

- Reading: Read about Ha Long Bay and its atti


- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments

- Listening: Listen to information about Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritage Site

+ Especially for gifted students, they’ll scan for specific information about dialogue. they’ll skim

for general ideas about dialogue to get started for the whole unit

3. Qualities

- For weake» s.ud^nts,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

I. Communication

A field trip to a heritage site

1. Work in groups. Your group needs to decide

On a heritage site on your next field trip

Hoi An:


My Son Sanctuary

Citadel of Ho Dynasty

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to work in pairs and the table and do ex 1

using on what to do.

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3



a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Present your group’s decision on the heritage site to visit to the class. Try to

convince your classmates that this would be the best place to see

d. Organization

Ask Ss to read the model and if they can do the same



a. Aim: practise skills

finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Look at the photo of Taj Mahal, a world heritage site. Answer the questions

1.There are 2 levels of education in Singapore.

2.Having finished secondary which consists of secondary schools and pre

vocational courses, Ss can move onto post secondary in which there are junior

colleges or centralized institutes, polytechnics, and institutes of technical


d. Organization:

- Tell them to fill in the gap using those names.

- Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

2. Read the text. Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions


1. It’s in India

2. I can see a significant architecture, the tomb of the King and the Queen.

1. dome

2. masterpiece

3. mausoleum

4. mosque

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Have them read the passage first, then ask th e m if there are any new words

they need.

Ask them if they know any other gre

)le in their community.

Preparing date: 20/1/2021

Teaching date:


§78 Looking back and project.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 8

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions

- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses


+ they’ll finish further exercises given on the topic: OUR HERITAGE SITES

- Especially for gifted students, like all those students, they’ll cover all of those points. They’ll

also enhance their reading exercises on the topic, guess the e meaning of words based on context,

make sentences with some new words related to the topic

o P

2. Skills

-To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit

- Reading: Read about Ha Long Bay and its atti ttiactions

- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments

- Listening: Listen to information about Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was

recognized as a World Heritage Site

3. Qualities

- For weaker students

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of tie students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

Teaching aids.

acher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

a- Pronunciation

1. Mark rising or falling intonations on the choice questions in these exchanges.

(note the word at the falling point)

2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

(Note the emphasized phrases)

d. Organization:

Play the recording and let Ss listen and write

/n, g/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sounc und.

Then, put Ss in pairs to practise reading the sentences.

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

b - Vocabulary

Ex 1. Underline the correct word in ea°h e*"]


1. scenery 2. Heritage 3. . architecture

4. dynasty 5. ancient

Ex 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

1. geological

2. Exploring

3. archaeological




Let Ss work in pairs to write the chores under each picture.

Get their answers back orally.

Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

. Activity 3

Give them a feedback


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box

1. ringing 2. Invited 3. living

4. to offer 5. Called 6. to be recognized

Ex 2. Combine the two sentences into one, using either an ing or ed participle

1. The taxi taking us to Hoi An Ancient Town broke down

2. At the end of the street there’s a path leading to the Perfume River

3. The citadel gate damaged in the storm has now been repaired

4. The excavation relics stolen from the museum haven’t been found yet

5. Many of the foreign guests invited to the opening of the heritage museum were


able to come.

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to work in pairs to finish these sentences.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

4. Activity 4

- Give them a feedback.




a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentati

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

1. Do a survey


Tourist attraction destinatio itions in Vietn ietnam.

Con Dao

-H a Noi

Trang An- Bai Dinl Dinh -Dien Bien

+ W hat to do


; to buy

I. Comment on their friend's presentation.

Contents: causes, effects, feasible solutions (individual, local authorities,

government, and internation levels)

- Gesture, miming, facial expression, pronunciation

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to do the survey.

- Let Ss to present the findings in front of the class.

- Get the peer correction.

- Give them a feedback.

Preparing date:

Teaching date:



1. Language focus

- To test students' achievements and mark the students

- To get feedback from the students

2. Skills

- To help Ss develop their skills to do MCQ tests

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be able to use present perfect and pre

continuous and participle and to infinitive clauses in context.

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and consolidate those points, and enrich their vocabulary


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaki intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check - up (omitted)

3. Testing contents (43 minutes)

* Vocabulary: Unit 8 - Global warming

Unit 9 - Cities in the future

* Grammar: Reduced clauses

Tag questions

* Reading skills

Global warming and Cities in the future

* Listening skills

Causes and effects, facts and predictions

* Writing skills

Rewrite sentences

Correction of errors

4. Consolidation (omitted)

5. Homework (1 minute)

- Look a. the test paper at home

Preparing date:

Teaching date:



City life in 2050


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the future

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about life in a city i

- Speaking: Explaining facts and giving predictions

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about future ci

- Writing: Writing an email to a friend about city life in the future

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their ha^t of speaking with

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassett . . .



- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pensif



1. Activity 1 WARM

a. Aim: visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

< e x ; 1. Phong, Chi and Ha are discussing their class assignment. Listen

and Read

*New words

Broad (a) Sustainable (a)

Livable (a) Solar panel

Generate (v) Slide (n)

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the


- Ask Ss to guess the content of the conversation.

- Supply them with some vocab.

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Answer the questions

1. It’s about life in the city in the year 2050.

2. Both think life will be better; Phong believes modern technology will be

the reason, while Chi thinks there will be no pollution.


3. They choose to talk about the environment.

4. Solar energy is mentioned. This energy can be used for transport,

lighting, cooking, heating water and helping plants grow.

5. Yes. Thanks to the development of science and technology, our life w

be better and more livable in the year 2050.

d. Organization

- - Set their task.

- Play the CDs.

- Ask them if they understand the whole dialogu

- Ask the pairs to do ex 2 in 6'.

- Call some Ss to supply their friends with some


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and

c. Outcome: Suggested ans

Find the question tags in the conversation.

1. It’s a group presentation, isn’t it?

2. You mean it will be environmentally friendly, won’t it?

3. We will have only ten minutes, won’t we?

4. Phong presented them so well, didn’t he?

5. Phong, you will do the talking, won’t you?

d. Organization:

Te" them Lo do ex 3, 4 (7) in pairs in 2'.

G tt their answers back.

them if there is a different answer and point out the key word.

rrect their answer.

ell them to listen and repeat the words/ phrases given.__________


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. Find the sentences in the conversation which have the same

meaning as the following sentences

1. ... the air will become cleaner and our health will be better (1)

2. People can develop health problems and become ill ... (1)

3. ... we’ll be able to generate our own electricity (1)

4. . their impact on the environment is less (0)

5. Let me know ... (0)

d. Organization:

- Help them recall the use of those words.______________________

- Get their answer afterwards.

- Get peer correction.

- Give them an oral feedback.

Preparing date:

Teaching date:




1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the future

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about lif in the future

- Speaking: Explaining facts and giving predictions

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about fut

- Writing: Writing an email to a friend about city life in the futu

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on turned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

Especially for gifted students, they’" build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook,

ca ssette.

Students: textbook, workboo ook, pen, pencil...



1. Activi Wa RM UP

Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions


Ex 1. Write the words or phrases given in the box next to their meaning

1. inhabitants 2. ‘infrastructure

3. renewable 4. urban

5. livable 6. sustainable

7. overcrowded 8. quality of life

2. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words in the

phrases in 1

1. urban

2. livable

3. infrastructure

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

4. Activity 4

4. overcrowded

5. inhabitants

6. renewable

7. quality of life

8. sustainable

d. Organization: Ask other Ss to give comments

Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their partner.

Ask Ss to read the yellow box and then report their understanding.


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers


Ex 1 Listen and decide whether the question tags in B

a rising or falling intonation

1. falling 2. Rising 3. rising 4. Falling 5. risin

Ex 2. Listen again and practice saying these exchange

d. Organization

Play the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each word

Play the recording and let Ss listen

ach sentence.


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the t sentation

c. Outcome: Sugges


а. Question Tags

Ex 1. Mach the question tags with the statements to make complete


1. c 2. h 3. f 4. D 5. g 6. a 7. b 8. e

2. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags

:re 2. can’t you 3. has it

i/would/could/won’t you 5. shall we

б. aren’t they 7. haven’t they 8. has she

k Conditional sentences type 0

3. Match the if clauses with the result clauses

1. e 2. c 3. f 4. A 5. h 6. b 7. d 8. g

d. Organization:

Asks Ss to read the yellow box and review the use and structure of the

present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses.

- Tell some SS to recall the use of the present perfect and present perfect

continuous tenses, adv used in these tenses and the form of verbs.

- Ask them to do ex 1 in 1'.

- Let them practice ex 1and 2 (page 40).

Get their answers back.

Correct their answers.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

4. Combine the sentences or rewrite them to make conditional


1. If the baby is crying, he may be hungry. (1)

2. If you travel on a budget flight, you have to pay for your drinks and food.


3. If the weather is fine, I walk to work instead of driving. (0)

4. If people start using more solar energy, there will be less pollution. (1)


5. If they have no homework, they usually play soccer. (0)

6. If you travel by train, It takes five hours to get to Nha Trang. (0)

7. If the government reduces the use of fossil fuels, our city will b. . . .

more livable place. (1)

d. Organization:

- Ask them to do ex 3 in 2'.

- Let them practice ex 3 (page 41).

Get their answers back.

+ Tenses

+ Meaning

Correct their answers.


Preparing date:

Teaching date:



Tomorrow’s city


At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the future

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about life in a city in

- Speaking: Explaining facts and giving predictions

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about future cities

- Writing: Writing an email to a friend about city life in the future

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned vey woids.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

habit of s

II. Teaching aids.

Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

the future -

< C

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: fi nish the task and presentation

come: Suggestions

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words in the box.

complete the sentences with their correct form

. a warning 2. detect

3. a sensor 4. promote

5. an insoluble 6. dwellers

d. Organization:

- Ask Sts to look at the ideas of further education and choose which of those

are suitable.

- Have them guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.______

2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Read the text about Superstar City and choose the best title for it

The best title of the reading passage is C - A safe and green city_________

d. Organization

- Supply them with some vocab

- Ask them if they have any new words.

- Read and understand the text about further education in UK.

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Barbara is an engineer and Mark is a city planner

2. It can depict and locate probable disasters by using the talled in

every home and public place

3. Its main function is to deal with urban environment ms to make

Superstar City greener, cleaner and more sustainaole

4. An example is the people’s use of renewable fuels for cooking , lighting

and heating

5. Because they have more time for study , emertainment and relaxation;

they can enjoy the highest quality of life

4. Complete the following summary about Superstar City using the

words in the text

1. safe 2. Detecting 3. th

4. energy 5. carry out 6. deal with

7. paradise

d. Organization:

- Read and understand the text about further education in UK.

- Get one Ss to give out his/ her answer with explanations to ex 3.

- Ask them for peer correction.

- Ask student, to do the ex 4 in pairs in 5'.

Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss

and correct for one another.

>und offering to help.

;k with whole class.

'all on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 5. Do you think that our cities will all be like Superstar City in the

year 2060?

Place to see

Food to eat

Culture to enjoy

d. Organization:

Have them do the same to ex 5 in 5'.

- Finally, give correct answers and explain all the sentences carefully to

make sure Ss understand the meaning of the sentences.________________

- Summarize the main points.

- Supply them with the new words.

- Ask sts to learn the new words in the text.

- Tell them to prepare for the next period.

Preparing date:

Teaching date:





1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the fi

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Speaking: Explaining facts and giving predictions

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also oe able to use Tag questions, and

conditional sentence type 0 in context.

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and conso'^datt those points, and enrich their vocabulary and


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, trey’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, boara, Cha k, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1


a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Choose the sentences to complete the conversation between two


1. c

2. d

3. a

4. b

d. Organization:



2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3


4. Activity 4

- Ask some Ss to talk about the volunteer work or charity activity they did

in their community or at school, and why people do volunteer work by

answering three questions.


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Answer the questions

1. London is stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and


2. They are making plans to improve the transport system and to mak

London a green city.

3. Yes, it will be cleaner and more sustainable.

d. Organization

- - Tell them to add some reasons and activities more.

Ask Ss to work by themselves, complete the table then s

with their partner.

Get the answer 1' later.


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and

c. Outcome: Suggested an

Ex 4. Choose one of th

own to make a similar c

Suggested points:

- What benefit/ live/ this city/ get?

- What/ people/ there/ face?

- What/ there be/ change/ 2050?

d. Organization:


ow. Use the ideas provided or your


Supply them with some vocab they need.

- Get two or three representatives from different groups to go to the board

ive their presentations.

Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.

-A""ell Ss to give their votes to the best decision as well as the fluency of

the presentation.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 5. Work with a partner. Make predictions about a future cities

- infrasttructure

- Education

- Health care

- Entertainment

- Security

- transport: helicopter

d. Organization:

Supply them with some vocab they need.

- Get two or three representatives from different groups to go to the board

and give their presentations.

- Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.

- Tell Ss to give their votes to the best decision as well as the fluency of the


Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§86: LISTENING - A better or worse place to live in


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9


- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the future

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific infor

3. Attitudes

- To help Ss get started for Unit 9 with the topic

- To provide Ss some motivation

II. Teaching aids.

about future cities

cities of the future"


- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, texti

- Students: textbook, workbo



a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Discuss with a partner

All these problems currently exist in big cities in VN like Hanoi and HCM


It’s likely that many of them will be solved in the next twenty years, as local

authorities are taking measures to deal with them step by step

II. Pre- listening





2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

Free of charge

d. Organization:

Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss the questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and answer the questions.


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Listen to a talk on predictions about our future cities. Underline

the words or phrases that you hear






d. Organization


- Play the tape twice

-Ask sts to read through the statem

ZZn emer ts 'n < ex 3 to understand them well.


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. Listen again. Decide which of the following predictions will come

true (T) and which will not (NT)

1. T

2. NT

3. NT


Ex 4. Listen again. Complete the summaries of the tow viewpoints

Do as appointed

1. healthy




2. medicine


fossil fuel

d. Organization:

- Play the tape once for Sts to listen and do the ex 3.

- Ask sts to work in pairs comparing the answers.

- Get their answer and peer correction.

4. Activity 4

Check that Sts know the meaning of the words.

Play the tape the second time for Sts to listen and do the ex 4.

Call on one or two Sts to report the result of their group work.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 5. Work in groups. Which viewpoint do you agree with, the

optimistic or pessimistic? Why?

d. Organization:

- Let Ss work in groups and tell their friend what kind of instit

they like.

- Call two ss to comment on their friend's practice.

- Give comments or correction if necessary

Preparing date:

Teaching date:



1. Language focus

- To help Ss revise the knowledge

- To get feedback from the students

2. Skills

- To correct Ss’ errors if necessary

3. Attitudes

- To give Ss the motivation to learn hard for their exam


1. Teacher:

- Teaching aids: Lesson plan, answer keys

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students:

- Look at their test paper at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check - up (omitted)

- Some Ss go to the board, do some tasks again

3. Testing correction (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities______

- Gives the answer keys

- Explains some knowledge

Answers Ss’s questions

4. Consolidation: (3 minutes)

* Vocabulary: Unit 8 - Global warming

Unit 9 - Cities 5in the iu future

- Grammar:

5. Homework (1 minute)

A *

Preparing date:

Teaching date:



Different predictions


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the future

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Writing: Writing an email to a friend about city life in the future

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be able to u;

conditional sentence type 0 in context.

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and consolidate those points, and ir vocabulary and


3. Qualities

- For weaker students

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learnewords.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

Especially ^ ' for gifted ............................................ students, they’ll build j up up their h< h aJt ' of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, —^ cassett _wtte.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencj^


1. Activity 1

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

< e x ; 1. Hung and his friend Tanaka are exchanging emails about the

future of their cities. Read the email and answer the questions

1. To answer Hung’s question about Tokyo in the future.

2. Because the government will use advanced technology to deal with the

transport problem and make people’s life easier and more comfortable.

3. Tokyo is threatened by nuclear and radiation accidents and natural


4. Tanaka wants to know Hung’s viewpoint on VN’s capital city in the


d. Organization:

Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Ask them to exchange the answers with their partner.

- Let them compare their choice.

- Call on some sts to read their information before the class.


3. Activity 3

4. Activity 4

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Put the sections of the email in the correct order

1 g

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. f

6. d

7. e

d. Organization


- Supply them with some vocab in ex 2 by getting some advanced Ss





. .

the meaning.

- Have them pronounce the new words.

- Tell them if they have those problems who they can ask for some advice.

- Help them to notice the form of an essay: the number of paragraphs,


ways of writing, words, style, opening, and closing. ________________


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. Use the information

of about 160-180 wor

-Note: form of an e-mail


d. Organization:

about New York City to write an email


- Get two Qs to wr’,e their letter on the board.

- Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer ■


G \e them oral feedback after all.________________________________


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. Write your predictions about a future city in Vietnam in an email

of 160 words to a friend Contents

- Punctual

- Language

- Form of a

d. Organization:

Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer -


- Give them oral feedback after all.

- For home work, ask Sts to revise their writing according to their peer’s


Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§89: Communication and culture


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in the future

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0

2. Skills

- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understands

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be able to


conditional sentence type 0 in context.

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and consolidate those points, and their vocabulary and


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on t h e d key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand ^he context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil..


1. Activity 1

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Use the information about the cities mentioned in this unit and

complete the diagram about the ideal city of the future

1. public transport (eco-buses, smart underground transport networks)

2. Renewable sources of energy: wind and sun power

3. Waste is treated and turned into energy or fertilizers

Wastewater is treated and turned into drinking water

d. Organization: Ask Ss to work in pairs and the table and do ex 1,

focusing on what to do.

- Telling to base on their writing presenting at least two most concerned

problems and two solutions.


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Discuss the questions in groups

What will the ideal city of the future look like?

means of transport, environmental conditions, energy sources, treatment of

waste, climate ...

How do you think an ideal city should be treated: by upgrading an existing

one or by building a completely new one from scratch

d. Organization

3. Activity 3 PRACTICE

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and the table and do ex 1, focusing on what to do.

- Telling to base on their writing presenting at least two most concerne ned

problems and two solutions.

a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

1 Read the text about Songdo, a smart city, a


1. 60km southwest of Seoul, South Kor

2. 53.3 square km

3. 2005

4. more than 65,000 people

d. Organization:

- Tell them to fill in the g a p s e names.

Tell the pairs to dis

Ask Ss to do th

w the answers.

plete the table

e passage first, then ask them if there are any new words

know any other great people in their community


Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

2. Decide whether the following statements are T, F, or NG

1. F


3. NG

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. NG

d. Organization:

Tell them to fill in the gap using those names.

- Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Have them read the passage first, then ask them if there are any new words

they need.

Ask them if they know any other great people in their community.

Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§90 Looking back and project.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 9

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to city life in

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions

- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentenc

2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about life in a city in the future

- Speaking: Explaining facts and giving predictic

- Writing: Writing a script for a group

3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted studeits, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, boai

- Students: textb


chalk, textbook, cassette.

ook, pen, p en cil.


a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

a- Pronunciation

1. Decide whether the question tags in B’s responses have a rising or

falling intonation.

1. falling 2. Rising 3. Falling 4. rising

2. Listen and repeat the sentences in 1.

1. city dwellers 2. Infrastructure 3. Overcrowded

4. advanced technology 5. Detect 6. urban planners

b - Vocabulary

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or phrases

in the box

1. City dwellers 2. Infrastructure 3. overcrowded

4. advanced technology 5. Detect 6. urban planner

d. Organization:

- Play the recording and let Ss listen and write

/n, g/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound.

Then, put Ss in pairs to practise reading the sentences.

- Let Ss work in pairs to write the chores under each picture.

- Get their answers back orally.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback. V


2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical £

kr know)

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 1. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags

1. shall we 2. don’t they 3. aren’t there

4. will you 5. haven’t you 6. do they


7. should they 8. isn’t it

d. Organization

- Ask Ss to read the text care fully, using the context clues to decide which

word/ phrase can be used.

- Ask them if anyone has a a

- Give them a feedback. ;edoack.


a. Aim: practise skills ^kills


b. Conten t: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 2. Answer the questions, using conditional sentences

1. Flowers died if they are not watered

2. I expect my teacher to correct my mistake if I make one.

3. People need to leave tall buildings quickly if there is an earthquake

4. I get green if I mix blue and yellow

5. I dial 114 if there is a fire

6. If I don’t have to go to school in the morning, I usually get up at 8

7. I usually ask my best friend for help if I’m in trouble

8. I usually go to the park if I want to enjoy some fresh air.

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to read the text carefully, using the context clues to decide which

word/ phrase can be used.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

. Do a survey

Your group’s city

+ name, location

+ population

+ infrastrure: transportation, health care, education, agriculture.

+ people’s life and work

* Vocab

- collapsible

- irrigation system

- underground garbage processing system

- concrete road

- air-conditioned classroom

2. Comment on their friend's presentation.

- Contents: current problems, feasible solutions (individual, local

authorities, government, and internation levels), and wishes

- Gesture, miming, facial expression, pronu

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to do the survey.

Let Ss to present the findi

Get the peer correctio

Give them a feedback.

t of the class.

on, outline

Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§92: A. GETTING STARTED - How to stay healthy


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty y and


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitive ives and


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about factors responsible increase in


ble for the

life expectancy

- Speaking: Giving advice on body care

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about physical activity precautions

- Writing: Writing a story about how young people have changed their lifestyle to overcome a


3. Qualities

- For weaker students

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing mied key words.

- For most of the students

+ they’ll finish activities following and unders

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build u

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1

2. Activity 2



: c ontent: finish the task and presentation

eir habit of speaking with intonation

a. Aim: : Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

c. Outcome: Suggestions

They are talking about going to a school or university in Thailand.

d. Organization:

Ask Ss listen to look at the pictures and ask them what they see in the pictures

- Ask Ss to guess the content of the conversation

- Supply them with some vocab_______________________________________


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Kim is asking M ark about a TV health show she missed. Listen and read

*New words


3. Activity 3

principle (n) relieve stress (v) meditation (n)

immune system (n) workout (n) t’ai chi (n) thai cuc quyen

make sense to sb (v)

This saying doesn’t make sense to me.

remedy (n) massage (n) acupuncture (n)

d. Organization

- Set their task.

- Play the CDs.

- Ask them if they understand the whole dialogue well.

- Tell them to do ex 3,4 (7) in pairs in 2'.__________________


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

O =

Ex 2. Read the conversation again. Find the verbs th i go with the

following nouns.

1. Relieve 2. Weaken 3. practice

4. Increase 5. Do 6. Practice 7.take

Ex 3. Complete the following notes o n’s four principles to stay


1. relieving stress

2. we practice meditation

3. eating healthy food

4. developing heart

5. exercising regula

6. sports; yoga and 1

natural remedies;

7. take prescription medicine

d. Organization:

Get their answers back.

Ask them if there is a different answer and point out the key word.

Cov-xt their answer.

m to listen and repeat the words/ phrases given.

_ - some Ss to supply their friends with some vocab in groups in 2'.

■Ask the pairs to do ex 2 in 6'._________________________________

4. A c tiit' 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. W ork in pairs. Answer the following questions.

1. The first principle is relieving stress. The second one is to consuming

healthy food. The third one is exercising regularly

2. Yes. I agree with these principles

Ex 5. Find all the examples of reported speech in the conversation.

1. Dr. Quan said if you practiced ...

2. Yesterday, I read an article on the internet which claimed ...

3. He said read meat is high in fat ...

4. Dr Quan advised viewers to .

5. He suggested playing sports ...

d. Organization:

Help them recall the use of those words.

- Get their answer afterwards.

- Get peer correction.

- Give them an oral feedback.

Preparing date:

Teaching date:





1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about factors responsible for the increase in

life expectancy

- Speaking: Giving advice on body car

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about physical activity precautions

- Writing: Writing a story about how young people have changed their lifestyle to overcome a


3. Qualities

- For weaker students

+ they’ll be easy to choose

the right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish ac'iv’ties following and understand the context.

- Especially f o 1git^d students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the following words

and phrases.

1. cholesterol

2. nutrition

3. natural remedies

4. immune system

5. ageing process

6. meditation

7. life expectancy

8. boost

Ex 2. Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the following adjectives

formed with -free or anti-

2. lifestyle that does not cause stress.

3. foods that do not contain cholesterol.

4. foods that are believed to prevent the appearance from getting older.

5. diet that prevents the formation of acne.

6. medicine that lowers cholesterol levels or prevents


highh cholesterol.

d. Organization:

Ask other Ss to give comments

Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their


2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply st and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task ar

c. Outcome: Expected answe

Intonation: invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and surprise.

1. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the fall-rise intonation.

2. Listen and repeat with the correct intonation. Then practice saying the

sentences with a partner.

d. Organization

sk Ss to read the yellow box and then report their understanding.

ie recording and let Ss listen

it again with pauses for them to repeat each word

the recording and let Ss listen

Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each sentence.


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:


Conditionals in reported speech

Ex 1. Read the statement in direct speech. Decide if it is necessary to

change the verb tenses in reported speech after reporting verbs in the past

tense. W rite C or U in the space provided.

1.C/U 2. C/U

3.U 4. U

5. U 6. U

4. Activity 4

7.U 8. C/U

Ex 2. Report each statement in 1.

1. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I couldn’t sleep C

I told him that If I drink coffee before bedtime, I can’t sleep. U

2. Dr. Quan said that we’d boost our immune system if we had a healthy

lifestyle. C

Dr. Quan said that we will boost our immune system if we have a healthy

lifestyle. U

3. John’s wife told him that it would be nice if he could spend more time w ith

the children. U

4. Peter explained to us that if Ann called him back, he’d arrange an

appointment for her. U

5. The travel agent explained to us that if we travel to a foreign c

need a valid passport. U

6. My grandmother keeps telling us that if we catch a c o l d l d try

natural remedies before taking any medicine. U

7. John told me that if he were rich, he’d donate money to carity. U

8. Mary’s father said that Mary/she would recover quickly ishe followed the

doctor’s advice. C

Mary’s father said that Mary/she will recover qui she follows the

doctor’s advice. U

d. Organization:

Ask them to do ex 1 in 1

Let them practice ex land 2 (18).

Get their answers back.

Correct their answers.



a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Reported speech with to infinitives and gerunds

Ex 3. W rite the sentences in reported speech, using the reporting verbs in

:’s father advised him not to eat fast food every day.

2. Ann asked Kim to do the dishes for her

. The doctor told me to do a 30-minute work-out every day

4. Mai invited Peter to go out for a coffee

5. Phong apologized for breaking my glasses

6. Hoa reminded Lan to buy some groceries on the way home

7. Carol suggested enrolling on a yoga course

8. John and Max admitted forgetting to submit the assignments the day before.

4. Change the sentences in reported speech into direct speech.

2. “Kim, don’t forget to turn off the lights before leaving the house”.

3. “You shouldn’t exercise too hard because it’s not good for your heart”.

4. “Let’s have a picnic next weekend”.

5. “Don’t play near the construction site”.

6. “Would you like to spend your summer holidays on my grandparents’


7. “I’m sorry. I’ve made lots of mistakes in the report”.

8. “Yes, I took my father’s car without permission”.

d. Organization:

Ask them to do ex 1 in 1'.

Let them practice ex 1and 2 (18).

Get their answers back.

Correct their answers.

Preparing date:

Teaching date:



Life expectancy factors


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lif

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestio



and longevity

requests, uncertainty and

- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and


2. Skills

- To o help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Reading: leading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about factors responsible for the increase in

life 'e expectancy

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be able to use reported speech with

conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and gerunds

+ they’ll finish the given exerc;: os, and consolidate those points, and enrich their vocabulary and


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to d iv s e he right answer basing on the learned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish ictiitier following and understand the context.

- Especially f o 1gifted students, they’ll build up their habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.

1. Activity 1 WARM UP

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

1. The machine described in the picture above help doctors to diagnose

and treat diseases. Discuss with a partner.

Have you ever seen them?

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

What are they used for?

Ex 2. Read an article about the main factors for the increased life

expectancy. Four sentences have been removed from the article. Choose a

sentence (a-d) to complete each gap (1-4)

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a

d. Organization:

Ask Sts to look at the ideas of further education and choose which of those are


- Have them guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.

- Ask them if they have any new words.

- Read and understand the text about further education in UK.


______________________________________________________________ ç ____

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 3. Find the words or expressions in the text which ha*

have the following


1. be attributed to 2. obesity

3. antibiotics 4. vaccine

5. dietary

d. Organization

- Get one Ss to give out his/ her arswer answe

with explanations to ex 3.

- Ask them for peer correction



a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. Rtad the text again and answer the questions.

1. The three factors are healthier lifestyles, better nutrition and advances in

:dical science and technology.

king, alcohol intake and fast food consumption can increase the risk of

ieai diseases.

. Doing regular physical activity and spending more time outdoors can

improve the ability of the human body to function well.

4. Because they want to relieve stress.

5. Because the food we eat can affect longevity and dietary changes can boost

our immune system.

6. They are the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines, and the development of

medical imaging.

d. Organization:

- Ask students to do the ex 4 in pairs in 5'.

- Tell students to compare their answers with other group. Let them discuss

and correct for one another.

- Go around offering to help.

- Check with whole class.

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class.

4. Activity 4 APPLICATION

a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 5.

W ork in groups, discuss the most important factor responsible for the

increase in life expectancy.

Healthy lifestyles (physical exercise, low levels of stress and anxiety).

Better nutrition (nutritious diets and dietary changes).

Advances in medical science and technology.

d. Organization:

- Have them do the same to ex 5 in 5'.

- Finally, give correct answers and explain all the sentences '.arefull y to make

sure Ss understand the meaning of the sentences.

- Summarize the main points.

- Supply them with the new words.

- Ask sts to learn the new words in the text. It-A l.

- Tell them to prepare for the next period

od_ _


Preparing date:

Teaching date:



Take care of your body


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertaint


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to irnin


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Speaking: Giving advice on body care

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be able reported speech with

conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and gerunds

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and consolidate those poir I enrich their vocabulary and


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and underst

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARM


ted key words.


labit of speaking with intonation

a. Aim: : Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

ontent: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Below is a set of note cards for a talk about skincare. Use the words

and phrases in the box to complete them.

-To prevent water loss: drink a lot of water- from 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day

Eg: To prevent water loss, we should drink a lot of water- from 1.5 to 2 litres

of water a day.

* Vocabulary.

Sunscreen (n)

Squeeze (v) nặn

Pimple (n): mụn

Swell (v):

Infection (n): nhiễm khuẩn

Mild soap:

Nutrient (n):

+ Expression o f giving opinions.

2. Activity 2

From my point of view/ viewpoint

In my book,

For me,


To the best of my knowledge,

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to pay some attention when they speak

* glance at the note; don’t read them

* use linking words and expressions for hesitation devices to some more

natural and smooth

* to make your tips sound more reliable, use reported speech to quot e their


£ r

* maintain eye contact with your partner

* use appropriate gestures and facial expressions to support )rt_your_iueas.



a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

To the best of my knowledge,

Ex 2. W ork in pairs. Use the note

about skincare, paying

attention to the following.

Bl: wear protective clothing - av rn wear sunscreen with a sun

protection factor (SPF) of at

B2: eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables - provide vitamins and nutrients

drink a lot of water - prevent water loss

B3: wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap - remove dirt.

Don’t squeeze pimples - can lead to swelling, redness and infection

Eg: To the best o f my knowledge, we should eat a wide variety of fruits and

vegetables to provide enough vitamins and nutrients.

d. Organization

Tell them to add some reasons and activities more.

Ask Ss to work by themselves, complete the table then share their answer with



Get, the answer 1' later.

3. A c tiit' 3 PRACTICE

a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

. Prepare another set of note cards for a talk about how to take care of

your vision. Use the information below and your own ideas.

Taking care of your vision

- use some kinds of eye drop to ease your eye’s tiredness

- practice to look at things in distance to develop your eyesight

d. Organization:

- Supply them with some vocab they need.

- Get two or three representatives from different groups to go to the board and

give their presentations.

4. Activity 4

Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. W ork in groups of four or five. Give them three topic to protect

one’s health. Take turns to present their talk to their group members and

orally in front of the class.

Topic 1. How to protect your vision.

Topic 2. How to protect your nerve system.

o ^T

Topic 3. How to protect your skin.

Topic 4. How to protect your teeth.

d. Organization:

Ask the groups to brain storm the steps to protect you. virio: sion/nerve uon/ nerve system/

skin/ teeth.

- Tell Ss to give their votes to the best advice as well as the fluency of the



Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§96: LISTENING - Exercise precautions


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitive


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about physical activi

+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be able to use

conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and gerunds

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and consolidate those points, and enrich their vocabulary and


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the . . key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and understand the context.

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build up thei~ habit of speaking with intonation

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, rosette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, p


1. Activity 1


b. Content: finish the task and presentation


c. . Outcome: O Ex 1. 1. Discuss with a partner

a. fitness walking

b. aerobic exercise

c. yoga

d. swimming

d. Organization:

eported speech with

a. Aim' Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss the questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss and answer the questions.

2. Activity 2


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

3. Activity 3

c. Outcome: Pre- listening


- consider (v)

- plenty of

- muscle (n)

- precaution (n)

d. Organization

- Supply them with some vocab


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 2. Look at the picture. Listen to John Keit

talking about four types of physical activity.


a. 4

b. 1

c. 3

d. 2

3. Listen again. Which saf


Aerobic exercise: 1,2

Yoga: 3,5


Fitness w a l k 7

d. Organi

Ex 2. Look

talking a

ss instructor,

the pictures as you

re mentioned for each type of physical

ie picture. Listen to John Keith, a fitness instructor,

four types of physical activity. Number the pictures as you

4. Activity 4

3. Listen again. Which safety rules are mentioned for each type of physical


Aerobic exercise: 1,2

Yoga: 3,5

Swimming: 1,3,4

Fitness walking: 2,6,7


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 4. W ork in four groups. Each group chooses a different activity from 3.

Discuss the following

Preparing date:

Teaching date:



Lifestyle changes


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertain

tainty and


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to o infinitives and


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Writing: Writing a story about how young people have changed their lifestvi, o overcome a


+ students will practice the tones correctly. They’ll also be

conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and gerunds

+ they’ll finish the given exercises, and consolidate those


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the lea:

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, caisette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARMUP

se poin


ble to ..se reported speech with

oints, and enrich their vocabulary and

rned key words.

rstand the context.

up their habit of speaking with intonation

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Read a story posted on Medline, a website about fitness. Complete the

story, using the correct forms of the words in the box.

l.appetite 2. Overweight 3.weight

4.fainted 5.dieting 6.supported

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Ask them to exchange the answers with their partner.

- Let them compare their choice.

- Call on some sts to read their information before the class.

2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION

a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge


3. Activity 3

4. Activity 4

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. W ork in pairs, answer the questions.

- 1. Because as a child, he used to eat a lot of fast food.

2. After he received hundreds of rejections and couldn’t get a job.

3. Fasting was his first kind of diet. He was unsuccessful and was taken to


4. For over a year, he had to follow a special diet and joined a fitness class for

overweight people.

5. I don’t think so. Being overweight may be heredity and habitual

d. Organization

- Supply them with some vocab


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

Ex 3. W rite your email

Acne (n) Depressed (a) Anti-ac

Squeeze pimples Skin irritatio:

d. Organization:


- Supply them with some vocab in ex 2 by getting some advanced Ss to give

the meaning.

- Have them pronounce the new words.

- Tell them if they ha e those problems who they can ask for some advice.

- Help them to notice the form of an essay: the number of paragraphs, linking,

ways of writing, words, style, opening, and closing.______________________


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

4. Write an email.

I’m IKim Lee, 17 years old. I started getting acne at the age of 15, when I used

to stay up late for revision. Sometimes I spent virtually reading books or

chatting on the internet with some of my friends and pen pals. Besides, I hated

eating vegetables. When my face touched rough with acne, I felt irritated,

insecure and depressed about my appearance.

Following some friends’ advice, I washed my face several times a day. I tried

several types of anti-acne products. I even often squeezed pimples when I

looked at my image in the mirror. As a result, I was absolutely disappointed

because 60% of my face was covered with it.

Then, I had to see the doctor. The expert gave me a special prescription and

pieces of precious advice: I have reduced the number of washing my face to

twice - the expert explained that doing it more than twice may cause skin

irritation; I’ve strictly followed my own diet; I’ve taken his medicine; I no

longer stay up late.

Fortunately, after 6 months, all of the acne clears up and of course I feel really

happy and confident to appear at the public.

d. Organization:

Get two Ss to write their letter on the board.

- Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer ■


- Give them oral feedback after all.

- For home work, ask Sts to revise their writing according to their peer’s





Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§98: Communication and culture


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty y and


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitive ives and


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about factors responsible increase in


ble for the

life expectancy

- Speaking: Giving advice on body care

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about physical activity precautions

- Writing: Writing a story about how young people have changed their lifestyle to overcome a


3. Qualities

- For weaker students

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on th ’earned learned key words.

- For most of the students

+ they’ll finish activities following and unders

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll build u

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, cassette

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil...


1. Activity 1



b. Content: finish the task and presentation

the context.

îabit of speaking with intonation

a. Aim: : Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

c. Outcome: Suggestions

Ex 1. Listen to Phong’s talk about meditation. Complete the notes below.

Suggested answers:

1. five

2. +Location: At a quiet place

+ Time: at night or early morning

+ Duration: 15’/ a day

+ Technique: Listen to the silence around and breathe slowly and deeply

3. Benefits of meditation

+ Relieving stress

You let your mind relax

+ staying healthy and living longer

May weaken your immune system

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to work in pairs and the table and do ex 1, focusing on what to do.

- Telling to base on their writing presenting at least two effects and two


2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

Ex 2. Listen to the talk and decide T/ F statements.

1. F (vocational courses)

2. F (only developed its vocational education system)

3. T

4. F (three exams)

5. F (only use their personal funds)


3. Ex 3. Discuss what should be done to help students pursue their dreaming


- Fee

- time

- part-time job

- qualification

- competence

d. Organization

- Tell the pairs to discuss

how the answ

- Ask Ss to do the ex.



a. Aim:

i skills

. 0

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

urther education in Singapore

l.There are 2 levels of education in Singapore.

..Having finished secondary which consists of secondary schools and pre

vocational courses, Ss can move onto post secondary in which there are junior

colleges or centralized institutes, polytechnics, and institutes of technical


d. Organization:

- Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

4. Activity 4


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

2. Read the paragraphs provided and answer the questions.

Aim: target

Enroll on: register for


Publicly-funded: public/independent: cong lap


-1. To help students to discover their talents and develop a passion for


2. They have to pass standardized exams.

3. It builds up students’ strengths and develops their talents in both academic

and non-academic areas.

4. They can select pre- university or technical education.

5. There are four local universities with degree programm

for higher


d. Organization:

- Have them read the passage first, then ask them if there ar*mmes

are any new words

they need.

Ask them if they know any other great people


in their community.


Preparing date:

Teaching date:


§99 Looking back and project.


1. Language focus

At the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity

- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertain

tainty and


- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and


2. Skills

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about factors responsibh*o onsibl le for the increase in

life expectancy

- Speaking: Giving advice on body care

- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about physical activity precautions

- Writing: Writing a story about how young people have changed their lifestyle to overcome a


3. Qualities

- For weaker students,

+ they’ll be easy to choose the right answer basing on the leairned key words.

- For most of the students,

+ they’ll finish activities following and

- Especially for gifted students, they’ll

II. Teaching aids.

- Teacher: tape, board, chalk, textbook, caisette.

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, p en cil.


1. Activity 1 WARMUP

rstand the context.

up their habit of speaking with intonation

a. Aim: Visualize what the topic is and supply the background knowledge

. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggestions


a- Pronunciation

1. Listen and repeat. Paying attention to the rising intonation

(note the word at the falling point)

2. Listen and m ark the intonation on the echo questions. Then practice

reading the exchange

(Note the emphasized phrases)

d. Organization:

- Play the recording and let Ss listen and write

/n, g/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound.

Then, put Ss in pairs to practise reading the sentences.

2. Activity 2

3. Activity 3

o L_

4. Activity 4

Let Ss work in pairs to write the chores under each picture.

Get their answers back orally.

Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

Give them a feedback.


a. Aim: elicit new words, supply structures and grammatical knowledge

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Expected answers

b - Vocabulary

1. academic

2. broaden

3. graduation

4. analytical

5. internship

6. respectively

d. Organization

- Supply them with some vocab


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content: finish the task andd presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested

Ex 1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box

1. have taken 2. have.. been waiting

3. have ..attended 4. have.. been writing

5. h a s .. been tra

Ex 2. Rewrite the sentences

1. The graduate students have been arriving since four o’clock.

2. The graduate students have all arrived at the lecture hall.

3. She has oeen doing her research project since last month.

4. They have visited this college three times before.

5. I have been learning to play the piano over the last eight months.

6. I have been discussing my research proposal with my professor since the

beginning of my course.

d. Organization:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to finish these sentences.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.


a. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups

b. Content: finish the task and presentation

c. Outcome: Suggested answer:

1. Do a survey

Each of the 11 groups discuss the question “should we take a gap year or go

straight to university after school?”


Suggested points

1. Time 2. Opporunity

3. Experience 4. Maturity

5. Job 6. Phisical health

2. Comment on their friend's presentation.

- Contents: causes, effects, feasible solutions (individual, local authorities,

government, and internation levels)

- Gesture, miming, facial expression, pronunciation, outline

d. Organization:

Ask Ss to do the survey.

- Let Ss to present the findings in front of the class.

- Get the peer correction.

- Give them a feedback. __________________ /




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