OGRepublic August Edition

This edition is focused on Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company 'Digital Twin' for its Bonga FPSO.

This edition is focused on Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company 'Digital Twin' for its Bonga FPSO.


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“GECF Coopera on with African countries to use gas as the core

source of energy... with the aim to overcome energy poverty, enhance

development and to mi gate Co2 emissions,” - Declara on of Malobo at

5th GECF Summit of Heads of State and Government in

Equatorial Guinea (November 2019).

“Inves ng in cleaner energy such as natural gas would increase

na onal GDPs, jobs and create prosperity in Africa” - HE

Yury Sentyurin, Secretary General, GECF at Nigeria Decade of

Gas Conference (March 2021)

“GECF is really a beacon of hope and light.” - HE Nair Bedoulle,

Assistant Director-General for Natural Science, UNESCO

Signing of MoU between UNESCO and GECF (December 2020).

“Thank you for bringing the natural gas agenda to Africa” -

Mr N.J. Ajuk, Execu ve Chairman, African Energy Chamber at

3rd GECF Annual Workshop on Promo on of Natural Gas

Demand (July 2020).

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