A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format - From Understanding the changes to learning ways to master it!

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A Complete Guide to

the New Selective School

Test Format— From

Understanding the Changes

to Learning Ways to Master it!


Copyright © Year 2021 All Rights Reserved.

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This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every

effort has been made to make this book an informative and

positive read.

The purpose of this book is to provide knowledge and educate

readers about the new Selective School test format—a vital

part of the Australian education system. Furthermore, the book

aims at providing quality and proven tips to help studentsbest

prepare for the test and perform.

The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information

contained in this book is fully complete and shall not be responsible

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Table of Contents

2 Big Changes to the Selective School Test Format 04

Change#1—Structural Change—GA Replaced by Thinking Skills 04

Change#2— Writing and Reading Comprehension 05

Crack the Code to Getting High Marks in the

New Selective School Test Format


English 06

Mathematical Reasoning 19


Thinking Skills



How Pre Uni College Digital Can Help? 40


2 Big Changes to the

Selective School

Test Format

As the British Company, Cambridge

Assessment, takes over the Opportunity

Class and Selective School test contract,

they are all set to shake up the industry

after thirty years.

The Selective School test, in particular,

has changed this year in two ways:

in its structure, and change in the

English writing section. Read on for details:

Change#1—Structural Change—

GA Replaced by Thinking Skills

Another change that needs to be focused on by both students and those

teaching them (parents or teachers) is that GA is now completely obsolete.

General ability will no longer be tested. From 2021 onwards, students will be

tested on their thinking skills. Therefore, instead of practicing general ability

questions, now students should focus on developing their thinking skills.

The purpose of introducing the thinking skills section is to:

Help students become creative and critical thinkers

Empower them to make good decisions, and solve problems strategically

The good news is that these skills can be developed and strengthen.

Continue reading to learn how to score exceptionally well in all four areas of

the test including the new thinking skills section.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Change#2— Writing and Reading Comprehension

Changes in writing and reading comprehension are expected. Students

must get familiar with different types of writing styles and formats. They will

have to prepare for a host of things like


Informational reports

Newspaper articles

Cloze passages

Magazine articles

Story writing

Thus, it is important that students learn to adapt their writing to all these

different types of text.

Also, students may see a change in format from narrative persuasive

writing that was required previously. Now, writing pieces can be more

situational like what happens next? There may be a discussion writing

where they may have to do pros and cons. Therefore, students must learn

to adapt to this style.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Crack the Code to Getting

High Marks in the New

Selective School Test Format


Please note that there are 30 English questions instead of 40 in the new

format. There are 2 text comparisons with 8 questions. You’ll also find one

passage with 6 questions. There is a text with 6 missing sentences and 7

options. The section has four extracts based on a theme with 10 questions.

When practising for the Selective

School Test English section, the

areas that should be covered are:





Cloze Passage

To successfully comprehend and understand the context and deeper

meaning of the passages, words or humour in the cartoons, students must

first focus on reading strategies and comprehending skills.

Here are some strategies to help you get started:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Read the Passage First and Carefully

First, students should read the extract carefully instead of skimming

most of the extract questions will involve analysis and critical thinking.

They are not just merely text recall questions.

Since the English Selective School Test paper questions are analytical,

they involve function, tone, inference, and purpose. Therefore, it makes

sense to invest time in understanding and developing a strong

But if need be, students can glance at the questions to get a general idea

of what to look for.

Focus on Understanding the Gist of the Passage

Students must understand the deeper meaning—the gist of the

extract. Two great strategies that help students maximise their

comprehension of the passage are:

For fiction extracts, read the first two paragraphs carefully and the

rest normally. This helps with understanding characters and settings

before the students read into and understand the story's crux.

However, for non-fiction, it is best to read the first paragraph, the first

sentence of each paragraph, and the last paragraph carefully. It is

compared to Fiction based extracts.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Underline Keywords, and Make Small Notes While Reading

Another great strategy is to make small notes and mark keywords (either

underline or highlight) as the students read through the text. When

making small notes, students can also write a summary of each paragraph

for reference purposes. This will also help when answering questions.

words like suggest, infer, primary, and not. These words give away crucial

information much needed to understand the text and answer accurately.

Focus on Meaning and not on Matching

Sometimes, students may select

a line from the test that

matches the wording of the

question asked. But that is not

the best strategy because

sometimes matching wordings

don’t answer the question

accurately. Therefore, students

must focus on the meaning and

see if it gives the correct idea

before choosing an answer.

Eliminate Wrong Answers First

When answering questions, instead of picking the best answer, students

should eliminate wrong answers first. Cross out the wrong answers to find

the right one. When stuck with two possible correct answers, students

should choose the best one, and chances are in the text.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Let’s take a look at a Reading extract example from the 2021 SELECTION

SCHOOL TEST SAMPLE PAPER and see how good vocabulary can help

students answer correctly:

Extract B: from The Family Law

by Benjamin Law

My family isn't the outdoors type. Despite being raised on the coast,

Mum detested visits to the beach (all the sand is brought into the

house), while Dad disapproved of wearing thongs ('It splits the toes').

We never camped. All those things involved in camping — pitching a

never appealed to us.

Faces smashed against the glass, no vleg room, the two smallest

children illegally wedged between various legs - we travelled like this

for a good three hours before we reached the Gold Coast. We'd nod

off at such extreme angles that our spines contorted. When we woke

up, our shirts would be covered in drool we weren't even sure was

ours. By the time we got to the theme park, our limbs were numb,

our nerve endings destroyed.

On the day of the trip, we'd wake before sunrise to get there by

opening time. Despite the three hours of pain we'd endured, we'd

feel an overwhelming sense of wonder as the Thunderbolt Dream

a strange apparition or a mirage. We would crane our necks back,

trying to take in the sheer majesty of it.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Question—How does the writer in Extract B feel when he

saw the rollercoaster?

B. Relieved

C. Bewildered

D. Awestruck

Answer: To answer this question correctly, good

vocabulary will help. Nonetheless, if you read the

passage closely, you will see the correct answer is

D. The last line of the extract gives it all.

Poetry—Develop an Understanding of Emotions and Meaning

As poetry is a crucial part of the Selective School test, it is advisable to

focus on teaching and training your child to interpret the emotions

discussed in the poems. This will help them understand the MAIN IDEA

and hence answer with accuracy.

To develop their understanding of emotions in poems here’s what you

can do:

Tip #1 - Ensure that they go through at least a hundred poems

with different themes and from different poets. Allow them to

interpret and understand the writing style of the poet. This will

help them learn to assess the main idea and deeper meaning.

Tip #2 - Moreover, the more you expose your child to different

types of poetry, they will get a good grip on themes, and it will

challenging by mixing things up from exposing them to

mid-level and high-level poems. This will help them realise

their true potential.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Tip #3 - Enrol your child in our EWMT course. In this course:

We teach poetry every week.

We also run special online poetry sessions/webinars. ]

For more details about our EWMT course, call us on 83110885.

Here is an example from the Selective School

Test Sample Paper 2021:

Read the poem below by Marianne Moore then answer

the questions.

The Fish


through black jade

Of the crow-blue mussel-shells. one keeps adjusting the


opening and shutting itself like


injured fan.

The barnacles which encrust the side of the wave, cannot


there for the submerged shafts of the


split like spun

glass. move themselves with spotlight swiftness into the


in and out, illuminating

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


1. The title of this poem

A. Prepares us for the important last line

B. Contrasts with the overall theme

C. Actually refers to a person

D. Leads us into the poem itself

Answer: The Fish is in bold and Italic; thus, it is the title. Also, if the title is

eliminated and the poem is read, it doesn’t make sense. Therefore, the

answer is D because the title leads us into the poem itself.

What is compared to an

injured fan’?

A. The sea

B. An ash heap

C. A mussel

D. A bird


start to understand the context. The lines “Of the crow-blue

mussel-shells, one keeps adjusting the ash-heaps: opening and shutting

itself like” make it easy to identify that mussel shells are being compared

to an injured fan. Thus, the correct answer is C.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Cartoon Analysis

Help your child learn the ability to understand and analyse cartoons.

Develop their skills to understand the emotional aspect of the cartoon in

the given picture and the intent of it.

Also, train them to understand concepts like:




All this will help them interpret the cartoons in a better way and

understand the deeper meaning.

Here’s an example from the Selective School Test paper 2020:

“And now, as a token of my appreciation for the vital role your

species plays in the food chain, I’m going to eat you!”

In this cartoon analysis, two questions need to be focused on. They are:

What makes this cartoon funny?

The food chain makes it funny. The irony is that typically we do not show

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


What are the emotions of the character?

Cloze Passage - Tips and Techniques to Get Easy Points

A cloze passage is a type of reading question which tests your ability of

comprehension. In such passages, some words are missing from the

text. Students have to identify and choose the right words from the

provided options and see what fits best in them.

In the New Selective School Test Sample paper 2021, the cloze passage

was harder. In this paper, instead of removing a word, they removed the

entire sentence. This is done to add an extra level of complexity.

Therefore, students must:

Have a strong understanding of the language in context to

complete the passage correctly

Build vocabulary

Understand relationships and language structures

Paragraph patterns

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Here's the example of Cloze passage from the New Selective

English paper test:

Octopus Farming

Plans to create octupus farms in coastal waters round the world

have been dnounced by an international group of researchers.

They say the move is ethically inexcusable and environmentally

dangerous, and have called on private companies, academic

institutions and governments to block funding for these ventures.

The researchers say that farming octopuses would require

catching of vast amounts of fish and shellfist to feed them, putting

further pressure on the planet's already theratened marine

livestock. The group, led by Professor Jennifer Jacquet of New York

University argues that octopuses are highly developed and curious

creatures 15.............'We can see no reason why, in the 21st century, a

sophisticated complex animal should become.

Six sentences from the text are removed. Students have to choose

the ones that fit each gap from (15 to 20).

The BEST approach to answering such cloze passage is:

Step 1—Read the entire text (three times at least if possible) to get

a good understanding of what the comprehension is about.

Step 2—Read the box with all the answers so that you get familiar

with all the potential answers.

Step 3—Always answer in sequential order (top down order)

instead of answering questions randomly.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Now you know what approach to use, here are the basic and advanced

techniques to help you increase the chances of getting your answers right

when attempting cloze passage questions:

1. Paraphrase the section to get a general idea of the text and then answer.

2. Underline or highlight important keywords or text that can help you

understand the passage better when you re-read it.

3. Analyse the grammatical and syntactical structure of the paragraph. This

will help you determine what answer in the options makes sense.

4. Keep textual management which means use the top down approach

and answer sequentially.

5. Monitor comprehension so that you know word by word in your mind

what is going on in the passage. If you're unsure at some point, stop and

re-read it to grasp it better.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Mathematical Reasoning

In mathematical reasoning, there are 35 questions now instead of

40. The time allotted is still the same. Now there are choices from A

to E, less probability of guessing the answers.

Most questions focus on problem

solving therefore require application

and advanced problem solving skills

Areas that should be covered are—

Algebra, Problem Solving, Time and

speed, Area and perimeter, decimals,

and fractions. Therefore, some of the

best ways to master these areas and

ace the Selective School Test

Mathematics section are listed below:

Best Tips Focus on Foundation Building

Target weak areas and gaps and build their foundation to attempt the

helping them understand all key mathematics areas that they will be

tested on in the Selective School Test. Teach them the basics from

scratch for clarity and good understanding to ensure that your child

doesn’t rely on guesswork.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Practice, Practice, and More Practice

Encourage your child to practice questions repeatedly to implement and

apply the concepts learned for solid understanding. Remember that

sporadic practice is not helpful if you want your child to score

high marks in Mathematics in the Selective School test.

Therefore, we advise students to engage in proper and systematic

practicing of exercises and topics to grasp concepts and understand the

fundamentals better.

Also, when practicing to become well-versed in the graph and table

questions focus, keep these tips in mind:

Read the title of the graph, table or chart carefully

Make sure that you understand what each part of the chart or

graph means

Read the title of every column and row carefully in a table

Develop a basic understanding of the information presented in the

graph, chart, or table

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Do the Working on Paper

the right answer, it becomes hard for them to determine where they

went wrong and make a mistake. Thus, they have to do calculations all

over again.

Therefore, teach your child to do all the work on paper. It will help them

retrace the steps to see where they made mistakes; thus, answering

questions correctly.

Let’s take a look at some questions from the SELECTIVE SCHOOL TEST


Sandy's watch reads 1850.

What is the time one quarter of an hour later, in 12-hour format?

A. 6:35 am

B. 7:05 am

C. 6:35 pm

D. 6:45 pm

E. 7:05 pm

convert the watch from 24 hours format to 12-hour format.

Therefore, the time after one-quarter of an hour later will be 7:05 pm. The

correct answer is E.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Here is another question from the SAMPLE PAPER 2021:

Rana needs 650 grams of cooking sauce

She places a glass jar of cooking sauce on a scale

The glass jar weighs 330 g when empty. How much more cooking

sauce does Rana need?

A. 100g

B. 130 g

C. 200 g

D. 230 g

One of the best tips for answering such mathematical questions like this

one is to underline the key bits of information such as 330 g when empty.

So, if students look at the jar, it has the glass plus the sauce, which]

weighs 750g

Therefore, the equation will be:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Now, if Rana needs 650g of cooking sauce, so how much more cooking

Thus, the correct answer is D.


Previously, the writing section focused on narrative or persuasive

writing but now it is an open genre.

This section of the Selective School Test tests the Student’s ability to write

It’s about writing content that is thoughtful, meaningful and engaging.

Simply stated, correct spellings and normal sentences will not get your

child high marks. To get high marks, content and how that content is

written matters the most. So, here’s are the elements that your child

needs to focus on to develop strong writing skills. Once they master these

elements, they will be able to write on any topics in the test with sheer

Here is an example from the 2021

Selective School Test

2021 Selective Writing Topic (news report)

A ship container has burst, and all of its contents, party hats, plastic

plates and cups, balloons, etc, have been washed up onto the

shores of a beach. Crowds of people rush to see what has happened.

Write a news report about what has happened; some

ideas you can use are:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Describe the beach

Give the statements of some of the locals

The impact the incident had on the beach and the ocean

The writing topic was quite different from the usual and unexpected.

Students were asked to write a news report. In the box above, it is easy to

see that they have given some ideas on how to write the report.

So, the first thing students can do is use these ideas to their advantage in

writing the news report.

Give your news report a headline. Make it sensational and eye-catching so

that it is hard to miss

For example:

Party Spills Found on Balmoral Coogee Beach

The Unexpected iIntrusion on Balmoral Beach

The Balloons iInvasion

Include byline and place (your name, date and where

you're reporting from)

For example:

Joe TY. Stevens. 18/06/2021

David O' Jonson. Balmoral Beach. 18/06/2021

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Start by describing the beach and set the stage for the news report. Make

sure to use strong vocabulary to make your writing piece stand out and


For example:

Puzzled locals hurriedly flocked around the mystifying labyrinth of

torn and wet glittery festive items like party plates, colourful balloons,

and fancy conical hats. The once flawlessly cobalt waves now ebbed

with colourful glitter confetti and the carcass of a drowning birthday

party pinata.

Next, incorporate witness statements. Go creative and add statements in

the first person. These statements show how horrified locals were and

what was their instant responses and reaction.

For example :

Sarah the kid, "After coming to the beach, I was baffled to see the

huge ship anchored at my surfing spot, swarming with confetti,

and balloons.."

Lastly describe the impact of the incident on the beach and how it

negatively affected the ocean, marine life, and overall environment.

Bonus tips

Encourage your child to read good pieces of writin, topics on pros

and cons, and newspaper.

Let them copy the writer’s style over and over again to develop their

style. Teach them to select and write good writing from quality books

in their own words. This will help them learn to appreciate good

writing and

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


they learn to describe better.

Practice is the key to master the structure of their writing.

It will help inspire their creativity and express themselves.

Explore new and different types of writing styles. In other words, don't

limit writing to easy writing. Students must explore new styles and

forms to be ready for whatever comes their way in the test.

Focus on building your vocabulary. That is what differentiates great

writing pieces from mediocre and can easily get students good marks.

Intro or a narrative should include your five senses to stir engagement.

This helps the reader visualize and immerse in the piece.

Another great tip is that when writing a newspaper article for the

inverted pyramid structure of writing. As the name suggests, in this

style, the most important form of information is written first, and the

least important details written last. This style allows the readers to gain

crucial information first and then continue reading if they want to.

This writing structure is divided into three portions—the lead paragraph,

supporting paragraph and the conclusion.

The first two sentences of the lead paragraph should include details like

5w's of the event (who, what, when, where and why) to capture the

audience's interest. The supporting paragraphs will give additional

information like main points, quotes, statements, statistics and other

background details.

In conclusion, provide a follow-up piece of information to conclude it.

Look at the image below for a better understanding.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


At Pre Uni College Digital, we cover all these text types in our EWMT

course. Students can enrol with us to get a good understanding of the

test and learn the art of writing and tackling all these different types of

writing styles.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Thinking Skills

Develop a solid understanding of the framework of thinking skills

The thinking skills section is included in the Selective School test to assess

the students’ problem-solving and critical thinking. Problem-solving is

focused on reasoning by using numerical skills, while critical thinking refers

to reasoning using daily written language. Thus, no matter what the

subject, it is crucial to understand the argument presented and then

assess whether the arguments establish their claims.

identify a critical thinking question and problem-solving question. In the

test, the stimulus for testing critical thinking shall include a passage of text.

On the other hand, the stimulus for testing problem-solving skills may

include a table, a diagram, or a graph.

Problem Solving

The three types of problem-solving questions you need to help your child

similarities. To master these, teach your child the following

problem-solving principles and techniques:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Follow a structured method such as Woods’problem-solving model. It

includes parts like:

Plan a solution by considering possible strategies such as make a

diagram, table, chart, or use an equation or work backward

Since thinking skills are a new component, we have updated all of

our EWMT course books based on the new TSA format.

Similarly, our Selective Schol Trial Test program also offers tests based on

the new format, including the Thinking Skills component. We have

updated all TSA papers. All the new papers and strategies are designed to

help students understand the new component and ensure that they score

exceptional marks. For more information, call us on 8311 0885

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Here’s a quick example of an identifying similarity question that students

should focus on when preparing for the Selective School Test. In such a

question, students will be given data that will be represented in different

ways like tables and charts. Thus, to answer it correctly, students must

similarities in the data provided.

Graham recorded the number of visitors to his shop each day last week

and presented the results in the bar chart below:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it



Based on the information provided, we can see in the chart that Tuesday’s

bar is three quarters the height of Thursday’s bar. Therefore the shop

should be open for less than seven and a half hours if the customers’

average number per hour is supposed to be higher.

Also, the shop also needs to be open on Friday for less than ten hours. The

The next example of problem solving is from the 2021 SAMPLE PAPER OF


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Yesterday, in the dog park, I saw 8 dog owners exercising their dogs.

Some of the dog owners had 1 dog, and some dog owners had 2 dogs.

Counting the legs of the dogs and the legs of the dog owners, there

was a total of 60 legs

All dogs have 4 legs and all dog owners have 2 legs.

How many dog owners had only 1 dog?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

To solve this problem, students must

use algebra.

Let’s suppose:

x is the no. of dog owners with one dog

8-x is the number of dog owners with

two dogs

As all dogs have four legs, it will be 4x

So for 8-x the total amount of legs will

be 8, thus it will be 8(8-x)

And dog owners are 8 so they will

have a total of 16 legs

Another way to solve this is through

a picture diagram. Here’s how

There are 8 dog owners; each has 2


Now let’s assume they have 1 dog

each with four legs

The question says there are 60 legs


That means 3 people should have 2

dogs so 5 will have 1 dog each.

So, the correct answer is C.

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Critical Thinking

The questions on critical thinking that appear in the test focus on seven

components: identifying the main conclusion, identifying an assumption,

drawing a conclusion, assessing the impact of additional evidence,

detecting reasoning errors, matching arguments and applying principles.

Therefore, to ensure that your child successfully tackles and answers critical

thinking questions, parents must develop this skill. To help them get

started, introduce them to the MODEL TO GENERATE CRITICAL THINKING.

This will help them prepare a background of information by clearly

answering the five ‘W’s’ and contextualising the problem. It will further

help them explore the relationship of the parts to the whole – all much

needed to analyse data for possible situation responses and alternatives. It

will further help determine solutions, recommendations and conclusions,

thereby reaching an accurate answer

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Approach should be to prepare your child to think through

developing their understanding, plan, solve and learn strategy

In order to help your child think critically, you must engage them in

intellectual tasks and activities that involve CHOICE AMONG OPTIONS AND

JUDGMENT. Get started by introducing your child to criteria that they may

use for CONTENT EVALUATION in the QUESTION. Such criteria should focus


Evidence—Information for supporting the argument

Credibility—The believability of information as judged by criteria including

considerations of neutrality, consistency and expertise.

Here’s an example for Assessing the Impact of Additional Evidence. The

take a look:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


In this question, the students are asked to consider what would weaken the

argument and then consider what affects each option.

If you look at the information and options provided, the correct or the best

answer is B. The argument’s conclusion is that behaviour of the polar bears

in zoos indicates that captivity conditions are unsatisfactory substitute for

the natural environment. So, if B is correct, then it can be said that the

behaviour of bears in zoos can’t be seen as good evidence of the

unsatisfactory conditions of captivity.

If we look at other options, none of the options (A, C, D or E) weakens the

argument. In fact, they either support or strengthen the argument.

Here is another question from the SELECTIVE 2021 SAMPLE PAPER

for Thinking SKILLS. This question is an example of IDENTIFYING


In the Junior Golf Championship, prizes are given out to the players


Sam: “Well, I know that one player scored a hole-in-one this year. So

that means that four players will get prizes.”

Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake Sam has


A. Some players might deserve a prize even if they didn’t score a


B. The hole-in-one might have been scored by a player who

D. We do not know the total number of players in the competition

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

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To answer this question correctly, students must read through the statem

player who scored a hole-in-one.

However, the mistake that Sam has made is the fact that anyone who

that is so, there will be only three winners, not four. Therefore, the correct

answer is B.

How Pre Uni College Digital Can Help

At Pre Uni CollegeDigital, we strive to provide students with the best

coaching through quality courses carefully designed in conformance

to the new format and latest changes to the Selective School test. All

courses are taught by leading industry experts with a goal to help your

child ace the test and enter a Selective high school.

We understand that every child has a different learning style. Therefore,



STYLES, thereby EXPONENTIALLY increasing their chances of ensuring

a place in a Selective High School.

Here is a breakdown of these courses. For more information, browse

through our website:

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it



Course 1—In-Class EWMT

This is offered on campus. It helps

students prepare for the Selective

School test with other students in a

classroom setting.

Course 2—Online EWMT

It is offered over the web, perfect for

students who want to study and

prepare for the test from the comfort of

their homes and at their own pace.

Transform them into knee

learners through collaborative


Engage in the live discussion

Keep them motivated and

enthusiastic through

interactive activities in class

Free Homework help class

Free weekly revison classes

Video resources

Book a Free Assessment Now!

Access a self-pace program with


Access recorded sessions and

review complete resources

without missing out on anything

Enjoy access to 24x7 web support

Free Online Homework help class

Free weekly revision classes

Video resources

Book a Free Online Class Now!

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


Course 3—Blended EWMT

of both on-campus and in-class


Course 4—Selective School Trial

Test Course

It is a practical course that is essential in

preparation for the Selective School

Placement Test. It will give them

exposure to the real-life test on the new

Can study on-campus or online

Visit the campus to engage in

interactive learning with our experts

Access recorded sessions if

can’t attend on-campus sessions

Free on campus and online

Homework help class

Free weekly revision classes

Video resources

Book a Free Assessment Now!

Get multiple opportunities to

test their skills

Increase accuracy and speed

Overcome examination stress

Concentrate on weak areas

Learn time management

Improve test-taking skills

Get familiar with the new online

test format

Book a Free Assessment Now!

Course 5—Mock Test


In this course, simply subscribe with

us to get access to a package of 10 to

20 mock Selective School

preparation tests in the new format.

Course 6—One-on-One


We have exclusively designed this

course to provide one-on-one tutoring

to students. From queries to topics,

tips, advice, and guidance, we will

provide your child with the support

that they need and when they need it.

Practice questions of different

difficulty levels

Ensure familiarity with the

new test format

Develop thinking skills and gain

confidence and skills to attempt

the test in the new format

Click to buy Mock Test Papers

on the New Online Format

Exclusive expert support

Assistance in all areas

Book a Free Online Class Now!

A Complete Guide to the New Selective School Test Format 2022

From Understanding the Changes to Learning Ways to Master it


So, what are you waiting for?

Book a Free Assessment With Us Today To

Learn Where Your Child Stands

And then enrol them in the right course to help them MASTER THE


Your child will get only one chance.

Make sure that they succeed.

Call us on 8311 0885

(02) 8311 0885 www.preunicollegedigital.com.au info@preunicollegedigital.com.au

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