Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets


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■ Oscillators

Oscillators are normalized, in most cases, to fall between two extreme levels,

and are usually plotted in a subgraph. Certain indicator-based levels are then

superimposed on the oscillators as benchmarks. The relationships of oscillator value

and the benchmarks are then used to predict short-term market direction. The

normalization process allows the oscillator family of indicators to be universally

applicable to all markets. Oscillators are most often used to predict but can also be

used as lagging indicators.



Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)

This oscillating indicator is one of the more popular as it measures a market’s

trendiness. The underlying concept of Directional Movement was introduced in

J. Welles Wilder’s 1978 book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. Asaside

note, this was the book I first used to help program many of the more popular

indicators into our Excalibur software in the late 1980s. Many algorithmic traders

are trend followers, even though it is been proven that markets only trend a very

small portion of time.

If this is the case, then why do many traders claim that ‘‘the trend is your friend’’?

Trend followers hope that by diversifying across many markets, they will hit upon

one or two markets that sufficiently trend enough that they can negate all of the other

losing markets and still make enough money to provide a profitable year. While

trend followers tread water by capturing a few trends a year, they are constantly

waiting and hoping they will be poised for that once-in-a-lifetime trend event. These

once-in-a-lifetime trend events do happen more frequently than once in a lifetime,

and most trend-following algorithms are more than capable of catching and holding

on for the long haul.

The realization that commodities are limited resources and the fact that trend

following has had success in the past has promoted this trading algorithm class as the

most widely used in the managed futures arena. However, commodity markets over

the past few years have been unkind to trend following, and if this ‘‘trend’’ continues,

then you might see a gradual exodus of these types of traders. Stock traders, as of

the writing of this book, have been riding a bull trend for several years, which has

bolstered the buy-and-hold mentality. I guess the phrase about the trend could be

changed to, ‘‘The trend is rarely your friend, but it’s the only friend in town.’’

The main weakness of trend following is, of course, whipsaw trades—the ones

you get into and very quickly get stopped out or, worse in some cases, reversed.

Another common weakness is lack of profit retention when the ride is over. The

ADX indicator is here to save the day—well, sort of. This indicator attempts to

define the current market’s trendiness over the past n-days into one simple value.

The ADX value is high when the market is trending and low when it is in congestion.


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