Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets


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FIGURE 9.16 The arrows indicate the parameters that you can change from the Money

Management window. For now, keep the ATR lookback set to 10 and the round quantity set to 1.

This overlay will calculate two times the 10-day ATR and use it as the

denominator in our Fixed Fractional formula. The numerator will be 1 percent

of the total portfolio balance. Both numerator and denominator will rise and fall.

The denominator will replicate market volatility and the numerator will reflect

1 percent of the account as it grows or shrinks. Click on the Backtest Portfolio

button and change the Initial Capital to 500,000. This test will apply the

Turtle 55 algorithm to the UGTATS Symbol List all the while overlaying a Fixed

Fractional money management scheme. Sounds like a lot to carry out, so let’s see

what happens by clicking the Perform Backtest button (make sure you are going

10 Years Back). Figure 9.17 shows the equity curve of the backtest, and yes, you

are seeing close to a million-dollar profit.




Source: TradeStation

The equity curve of the backtest reveals a profit of nearly $1 million.


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