Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets


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is profit, x-axis is one parameter, and the z-axis is another parameter. The curve is

the different profit levels across the different values of the two parameters. If you

are looking to maximize profit, then the best parameter set, historically speaking,

would be at the peak (0.75, 0.35). If you are looking for robustness, then you don’t

want the peak; you want a parameter set located on a high plateau. Robustness is

the same as parameter stability. If a parameter is stable, then changing it up or down

will not have a huge impact on overall performance. If it does, then the parameter is

not considered stable. TradeStation includes, with its genetic optimization method,

a parameter stress test. This test includes two inputs, number of stress tests and

percentage of parameter change.

If three is chosen as the number of stress tests and 10 percent as the stress

increment, then the total number of tests will triple. For example, 7,250 iterations

were generated by a simple algorithm optimized using the genetic method and a

stress test of one. When the algorithm was reoptimized with a stress test number set

to three and the stress increment to 10 percent, the number of increments increased

to 21,750. What the genetic optimizer did was test each parameter set and then

increased/decreased each parameter by 10 percent and then retested, thus creating

three different sets of tests. A simple standard deviation algorithm example should

help illustrate what the computer is doing:



Test 1: Normal

Moving Average Length = 50

Up Band = 2

Dn Band = 3

Test 2: Parameters are stressed upwardly by 10%

Moving Average Length = 50 + (10% of 50) = 55

Up Band = 2 + (10% of 2) = 2.2

Dn Band = 3 + (10% of 3) = 3.3

Test 3: Parameters are stressed downwardly by 10%

Moving Average Length = 50 – (10% of 50) = 45

Up Band = 2 + (10% of 2) = 1.8

Dn Band = 3 + (10% of 3) = 2.7

Stress testing eliminates parameter sets that fall on top of peaks, therefore

theoretically revealing a more robust set. If a certain parameter is profitable, and its

neighbors are nearly as profitable, then the parameter is deemed robust.


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