Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets


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Crossover Rate

The rate that determines how many parents will mate. If the default value is set to

0.4, or 40 percent, then each chromosome has a probability of 2 out of 5 of being

mated with another chromosome and being replaced. If this rate is set to 1.0, or

100 percent, then a new generation is always created—no survivors are allowed.

As in life, sometimes it’s good to have a member or two from the old generation to

help guide us. The Suggest button usually changes this value to 0.9, or 90 percent

probability of chromosome matching.

■ Preventing Over-Curve-Fitting

If optimization is a form of curve fitting, then why do it at all? Curve fitting is

a necessary tool in the development of trading algorithms. If a trading system is

based on a sound market principle, then modifying it by adjusting its parameters

to increase productivity is a good thing. However, this can be overdone. If you

‘‘tweak’’ an algorithm’s parameters to catch a large portion of every substantial

market move and create an absolutely beautiful equity curve, then you have gone

too far. The system might work well in the near future due to curve fit overhang,

but the likelihood of it continuing is less probable. The future is unknown but a

robust trading algorithm that does not have overly curved fit parameters has a higher

probability of success. Take a look at the 3D contour chart in Figure 8.5. The y-axis




Robust parameter sets are found on a level plateau.


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