Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets


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■ Initial Population Setup Using VBA Excel

'All Lines starting with single quote is a comment

'Random variables into each chromosome’s genes

'Numbers range between 0 and 30

'Chromos will be represented by a table/matrix

'The first index in the chromo table will be row #

'The second index in the chromo table will be column #

'Excel's RNG is invoked by using the Rnd function call

'Int ((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)



Randomize '<– must use this to get different numbers

For i = 0 To 5 ' Six Chromos

Next i

For j = 0 To 3 ' Four Genes

Next j

chromo(i, j) = Int((30 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)

How good or fit is this population? Fitness is determined by how close each

chromosome comes to providing a solution to our equation. Remember, this is a very

simple problem, but these ideas are easily scalable to problems involving extreme

complexity. Calculating fitness is quite easy; simply plug in the chromosomes’

genes (values) for a, b, c and d. In chromosome (0) its fitness is determined by:

a(10) +2b(2 ∗ 11) +3c(3 ∗ 20) +d(19) =111. The solution we are seeking

is 40 so this fitness doesn’t seem to be that good. However, each chromosome’s

fitness is relative to all the other chromosomes.

Fitness 1: Chromosome(0) = 111

Chromosome(1) = 94

Chromosome(2) = 64

Chromosome(3) = 90

Chromosome(4) = 164

Chromosome(5) = 93

■ Testing Fitness of Chromosomes Using VBA Excel

'Equation is : a + 2b + 3c + d = 40

'a coefficient = Cell(3,3)

'b coefficient = Cell(3,4)

'c coefficient = Cells(3,5)

'd coefficient = Cells(3,6)

'the summation of the equation is in Cells(3,7)


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