Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets

Using automated systems for trading in stock markets


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portfolioClass. These classes are named equityClass and marketSystemClass.

The equityClass is used to store the daily equity for each individual market. A new

equityClass object is instantiated for each different market in the market list.

Here’s what the data containers in the equityClass class look like:

def __init__(self):

self.equityDate = list()

self.equityItm = list()

self.clsTrdEquity = list()

self.openTrdEquity = list()

self.cumuClsEquity = 0

self.dailyEquityVal = list()

self.peakEquity = 0

self.minEquity = 0

self.maxDD = 0



After you open a trading account and start trading something happens every day to

your account. It either stays flat, goes up, or goes down. These daily fluctuations

are caused by the P/L from a closed trade or the change in market value of an open

trade. Cumulative equity reflects the growth of your account. This equityClass

keeps track of P/L from closed trades, change in daily open trade equity, and the

cumulative equity for any given time period. If you buy Apple today at $100 a share

and buy just one share, then today’s equity simply reflects the difference between

the closing price and $100. Let’s pretend Apple closed at $105, so your closed trade

equity is equal to zero, but your open trade equity (OTE) is $5. Today’s equity in

your account is $5. Let’s pretend a little further and say Apple moves up to $110,

and you decide to cover your long position. Today’s equity is derived from a closed

trade profit of $10. Since there is no open position, then there is no OTE. Tracking

your two-day performance, you show daily equity of $5 for yesterday and $10 for

today. Your cumulative equity stands at $10. Feeling a little more bullish, you buy

Apple again on the third day at $112, but unfortunately, some bad news comes out

of China and the stock drops back to $105. So today’s equity reflects the cumulative

closed out equity $10 and today’s OTE that stands at −$7. Your cumulative equity

drops by $7 and now stands at $3. The next day Apple drops further and you start

feeling bearish so you sell short at $100. Unfortunately, China states their GDP is

growing a little faster than the analysts predicted and Apple rebounds and closes

at $110. What is your cumulative equity now?

Day 1 : Cum.E ($5) = Cum.Cls.TE (0) + OpenTE (5)

Day 2 : Cum.E ($10) = Cum.Cls.TE (10) + OpenTE (0)

Day 3 : Cum.E ($3) = Cum.Cls.TE(10) + OpenTE(−7)

Day4:Cum.E(−$12) = Cum.Cls.TE(−2) + OpenTE(−10)


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