GCA Parent Handbook

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TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

PARENT<br />



Dear <strong>Parent</strong>s,<br />

This handbook was created with you in mind. <strong>GCA</strong> life has its<br />

own traditions and culture, much of which is not addressed in<br />

the school handbook.<br />

To assist you and your child to successfully navigate through<br />

this chapter of your lives, we have developed this handbook<br />

from questions that parents have submitted, and that faculty<br />

have answered. It serves as a companion to the bulletin and<br />

other <strong>GCA</strong> communications, and will be a resource that is<br />

updated as <strong>GCA</strong> continues to grow.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

The Leadership Team of PS<strong>GCA</strong>

Advice from the<br />

Guidance Counselor<br />

What are the top three things<br />


to ensure the success of their student?<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Help your child stay organized with their homework<br />

assignments by keeping track of when to turn in the<br />

assignment and what the teacher expects in that assignment.<br />

Please monitor your child’s progress on <strong>GCA</strong> Connect on<br />

a regular basis. That way if there are any questions they<br />

can be addressed immediately.<br />

Please check in with your child and find out how they are<br />

spending their time. In other words, are they using their<br />

time wisely? Help them evaluate how to best use their<br />

time and allow them to plan out the best use of their time.<br />

After all, we are teaching them responsibility. It is OK to<br />

revisit the issue if things don’t work out the first time.<br />



Counselor, Guidance<br />

& Testing<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4063<br />

HOURS<br />


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM<br />

12:00 PM – 3:30 PM<br />

What are the top three things<br />


to ensure the success of their student?<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Do not yell at your child for their failures, or start<br />

blaming teachers, faculty, etc. Instead, challenge them<br />

to look for solutions to their problems and guide them<br />

through this process.<br />

Do not rescue them. Allow them to feel the weight of their<br />

choices and support them through the process.<br />

Do not forget that even academic success should be<br />

connected to asking God’s blessing on your child’s success.<br />




MSEd<br />

Director of Learning<br />

Resources<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4081<br />



SQ3R (Reading method: survey, question, read, recite, review)<br />

Study skills<br />

Keeping and maintaining a master folder<br />

Note-taking: Cornell Method<br />

Time management<br />

Organizational skills<br />

Quick questions or tutorials<br />

HOURS<br />

More involved interventions<br />

Making up quizzes and tests from a missed class period<br />


8:30 AM – 3:30 PM<br />


9:55 AM – 1:15 PM<br />


7:00 PM – 8:00 PM<br />


CHAPEL<br />



▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

They have multiple D’s or one F at a grading period.<br />

A teacher or parent makes the request.<br />

They enter <strong>GCA</strong> on academic probation.<br />


Student tutors available<br />

in the dorms (primarily<br />

math and science)<br />

8:30 PM – 10:00 PM<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Tutorial services run throughout the day and in the<br />

dorms during study hall.<br />

Teachers have office hours and are more than<br />

willing to assist students.<br />

At times, a teacher will hold an additional study<br />

session that focuses on test preparation<br />


One 3-ring binder (1 - 1½ inch size)<br />

(may be shared with other subjects)<br />

One pack of notebook paper<br />

(college rule or regular, your preference)<br />

One tablet or pack of graph paper<br />

(25 square/inch size)<br />


ALL<br />

MATH<br />


TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

Pens and pencils<br />

TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator<br />

(needed for Algebra II & calculus)<br />

Straight edge<br />

One ruler with metric measurements<br />

One pair of scissors<br />

One roll of transparent tape<br />

One stapler with staples<br />

Highlighter<br />


Scientific calculator<br />

Needed in Physical Science, Chemistry,<br />

Advanced Chemistry, & Physics. The TI-30, TI-83,<br />

or TI-84 are the best calculators for science classes.<br />

(The TI 83/84 are also required in the math classes<br />

at <strong>GCA</strong>, so you may already have what you need.)<br />

One pack of 10 or more coloring<br />

pencils and a pencil sharpener<br />

Needed in all classes, except Physics and<br />

Advanced Chemistry.<br />

These will be kept in your dorm room or at<br />

home for homework assignments or projects.<br />

*Students should always bring their textbook, school laptop, and charger to class.<br />



JEANNE<br />


Registrar & <strong>GCA</strong> Scholars<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4014<br />

grade point average<br />

Did you know that you can find your student’s GPA on the grade<br />

report for each quarter? If you want a cumulative GPA, which<br />

includes all high school classes taken, you may contact the registrar.<br />


Does your child have any homework or class issues that need<br />

to be resolved? We recommend you insist that your student<br />

contact the teacher. Give your child a time limit, i.e. one week.<br />

Let them know that if they have not handled it within that<br />

time frame then you will step in, then express your expectation<br />

that your child work toward being more independent.<br />

HOURS<br />


9:00 AM – 5:30 PM<br />

FRIDAY<br />

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM<br />


If your student continues to need academic help after accessing<br />

the Learning Lab and their teachers, the guidance counselor<br />

can test their executive functioning skills (organizing skills)<br />

to assess their weaknesses. Counseling is also available to<br />

specifically address organization and accountability.<br />

Excused Absences<br />

Requests for students to miss school should be submitted two<br />

weeks in advance (when possible) to the registrar. Administrative<br />

council meets on Monday mornings and they approve<br />

prearranged absences. Once approved, students need to make<br />

arrangements with individual teachers for homework and making<br />

up missed work, quizzes and tests. Teachers will not reteach<br />

material that is presented while a student is gone, however most<br />

classes are recorded (recordings cannot be guaranteed).<br />

Students should talk to their employers. Some jobs on campus<br />

are easy to miss; other jobs are more vital and the student may<br />

be required to find a substitute.<br />

Dorm students or their parents should contact the dean. The<br />

student will have paperwork to complete. They should also sign<br />

out of the dorm at the front desk when they leave.<br />


Be prepared for the whirlwind<br />

that occurs for seniors in the<br />

month of May. Here is an example<br />

from a previous school year:<br />

8<br />

MAY 2019<br />

Advanced<br />

placement tests<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

10 Flower vespers<br />


12<br />

Year-end video<br />

and yearbook<br />

Seniors<br />

14 -15 Final exams<br />


The guidance counseling office sends out some information to<br />

parents and students, but it recommends that you search the<br />

Internet for most college scholarships.<br />

15 -<br />

22<br />

Senior Class Trip<br />


▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

Graduation announcements are ordered during the<br />

third quarter of the school year. You will begin receiving<br />

ordering information in January. Some students use the<br />

announcements selected by the school, but others design<br />

their own, more personalized announcements.<br />

Each graduate will receive eight tickets. Five of those<br />

eight seats will have the graduate’s name on them in<br />

the “front” section. The remaining three will be for open<br />

seating in the back sections. Seat assignments are offered<br />

to graduates giving first priority to 4-year seniors.<br />

A professional photographer will record the moment your<br />

senior receives his or her diploma and will also take the<br />

group photo. You will receive your free copy in early June<br />

and may order more at your expense.<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

4-year senior brunch<br />

Junior-Senior banquet<br />

Graduation practice<br />

Consecration service<br />

Baccalaureate<br />

<strong>Parent</strong> Tribute<br />

Commencement<br />

*Specific dates will vary<br />

each school year<br />





Talking<br />

Sometimes boy-girl relationships<br />

develop to the point<br />

that they spend quite a bit<br />

of time together: frequently<br />

eat together, sit together<br />

for vespers and church, etc.<br />

They have not formalized<br />

their friendship. Sometimes<br />

they refer to this as the boy<br />

and girl “having a thing.”<br />

Dating<br />

This can mean different<br />

things. At <strong>GCA</strong>, it often<br />

means being official boyfriend<br />

and girlfriend, and<br />

indicates that the relationship<br />

is getting more serious.<br />

Student Social Scene<br />


<strong>GCA</strong> has special social events throughout the year, and your child<br />

may participate in any of them with or without dates. Often those<br />

who go in groups have the most fun. If they do plan to attend with<br />

a date, here is some information that may be helpful, so you know<br />

what other students generally do. Banquet gowns or tuxedos are<br />

never required, and <strong>GCA</strong> does not encourage spending exorbitant<br />

amounts of money. However, many girls do wear gowns,<br />

depending on the banquet. Gowns must be approved by the girls’<br />

dean for dorm and village students. When it comes to dress code,<br />

remember to consult the school handbook.<br />


The banquet theme, cost and sign-up deadline are always<br />

announced to students during weekly chapel meetings, at least a<br />

couple of weeks in advance of the banquet. <strong>Parent</strong>s may not get<br />

this information unless they ask their child.<br />

Costs vary, but rarely exceed $20 per person.<br />

Payment arrangements are decided by individual couples. If they<br />




Occurs in the fall<br />

Guys ask girls<br />

Both guys and girls<br />

may dress according<br />

to the banquet theme,<br />

or in “church attire”<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />



Occurs in December,<br />

and is off-campus<br />


have dates, guys usually pay for girls, but some pairs choose to<br />

split the cost. Girls might pay if they are the ones who ask.<br />

Some students decide to exchange gifts with their dates, with<br />

a typical cost of $10-$15. Wrapped gifts are often exchanged<br />

during escorting. Common gifts are candy, clothing, and stuffed<br />

animals.<br />

Escorting is when dates meet for the banquet. Gentlemen may<br />

be dismissed from the boys’ dorm in groups according to their<br />

grade, seniors first. They walk to the girls’ dorm lobby to have<br />

their date paged. The girls may go to the boys’ dorm to pick<br />

up their dates when it is a “girls ask guys” banquet. For some<br />

occasions, rather than meeting in dorm lobbies, they may meet<br />

at the water fountain on Center Campus.<br />

At <strong>GCA</strong> guys usually ask girls to a banquet with varying degrees<br />

of creativity, which can make the invitation an event in itself.<br />

Girls may do the same when they ask guys.<br />

Village students participate in escorting in the same way as dorm<br />

students – they go to a friend’s room and either leave with a group<br />

to pick up their date or stay to be picked up by their date.<br />

*Disclaimer: Many of these tips are offered to make parents aware of common<br />

social practices at <strong>GCA</strong>, but they are not mandatory. Gifts, dates, etc. continue<br />

to be at the discretion of each student and their parents.<br />

Guys ask girls<br />

Typically the most<br />

formal, dress banquet<br />

of the year<br />




Occurs in February<br />

Girls ask guys<br />

Dress depends on the<br />

theme; often “church<br />

attire” is worn<br />



Occurs on the Thursday<br />

before graduation<br />

Guys ask girls<br />

Dress is typically<br />

formal, but depends<br />

on the theme<br />



Q&A<br />



Q. What is “Handshake?”<br />

A. Handshake is a Student<br />

Association (S.A.) event that<br />

usually occurs on the evening<br />

of registration Sunday.<br />

Teachers and students line<br />

up in the gym according to<br />

their grade level. As each person<br />

moves down the line they<br />

meet and greet every other<br />

person there. Afterwards, a<br />

few games are played.<br />

It’s a fun way to meet new<br />

people and see old friends!<br />

Q. If registration is from<br />

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, does<br />

that mean we have to be<br />

on campus the whole time?<br />

A. You may arrive and leave<br />

any time on registration<br />

day. The hours are simply<br />

the times we’re open for<br />

registration.<br />

Q. What is the “Mugbook?”<br />

A. The Mugbook is an online<br />

pictorial directory that students<br />

can access shortly after<br />

school begins. Students are<br />

listed alphabetically along<br />

with their picture. The<br />

Mugbook is a helpful way to<br />

become more familiar with<br />

names and faces.<br />


There is a dean on duty for each dorm 24/7. They might be in<br />

their apartment, or their office, or somewhere else on campus,<br />

but there is always one here on duty. If they are not in the dorm,<br />

they usually let the desk person know where they are so they<br />

can be contacted easily by radio.<br />

An adult faculty or staff member is always present whenever<br />

students are in co-ed social settings. On weekends staff are on<br />

supervision teams and are on campus when the campus is open.<br />

Students are told where they can be and when – violating these<br />

regulations will bring serious consequences. We have installed<br />

cameras throughout campus, both indoors and outdoors to<br />

protect our students. Students are told – repeatedly – that our<br />

policy is “hands off.” The only exception is a brief hug – and that<br />

is only as a greeting or departure gesture.<br />


Tradition has established that the first Saturday night event of the<br />

year is Almost Anything Goes Olympics. Classes dress in their<br />

class colors. They compete in a series of creative and sometimes silly<br />

events that earn points for their class. It’s a fun event to participate<br />

in, as well as to watch. <strong>Parent</strong>s are welcome to observe. At other<br />

events throughout the year, classes will wear a t-shirt with their<br />

class color. Some students really go all out to show their class spirit.<br />


Clothing worn by <strong>GCA</strong> students should always be neat, clean, and<br />

modest. We use Lands’ End for uniforms and have various options<br />

to choose from. To purchase uniforms please refer to our Lands’<br />

End uniform list on their website at https://www.landsend.com<br />

and search for <strong>GCA</strong> under the school link using code: 900187535.<br />

Alternatively, there is a link to Lands’ End on the <strong>GCA</strong> website.<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

GREEN<br />

Freshmen<br />

BLUE<br />

Sophomores<br />

RED<br />

Juniors<br />


Seniors<br />

The <strong>GCA</strong> logo must be applied to all items. When ordering, if<br />

you don’t see the step to have the logo included then you are<br />

not ordering through the <strong>GCA</strong> school list.<br />

We urge families to order the uniforms earlier in the summer<br />

so that they will receive the uniforms in time for the start<br />

of the school year. It takes at least two weeks to receive the<br />

items that are ordered.<br />


▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

Students are not allowed to wear no-uniform coats, jackets,<br />

sweaters or sweatshirts in the classrooms.<br />

We will stock a limited number of uniform items at <strong>GCA</strong> for<br />

purchase and immediate wear if a student’s uniform does not<br />

meet the guidelines for fit or appearance.<br />

You can order from Lands’ End and if it doesn’t fit, return it<br />

for exchange or refund.<br />

Watch for announcements from Lands’ End regarding sales.<br />

You might be restricted to only one item at sale price, but<br />

over time you can save a significant amount of money.<br />

All students are required to wear closed-toe shoes with the<br />

uniform. Flip flops, slides, high heels, sandals, etc. are not<br />

allowed. Socks and stocking are limited to solid colors. A small<br />

logo can show but printed designs and patterns are not allowed.<br />

Skirt length must be within 2 inches from the top of the knee.<br />

Jewelry items are not to be worn at any time.<br />

Shirts and sun dresses may be sleeveless but may not be cut<br />

in a fashion that makes undergarments or straps visible.<br />

Recommendation – the material over the shoulder should be<br />

at least 3 inches wide. No spaghetti-strap or strapless dresses<br />

for church. Shirts and tops must be long enough to cover the<br />

midriff. Shorts should not be ragged or cut off, must be fingertip<br />

length, and be appropriately sized.<br />


When conflict arises between students, or between students<br />

and teachers, parents will have an immediate urge to step in. If<br />

the conflict is serious and involves threats, bullying, or serious<br />

inappropriate behavior, parents should immediately contact<br />

the principal, the vice principal or a dean. When the conflict<br />

involves differences of opinion,<br />

One of the important<br />

skills teenagers<br />

must master is<br />

conflict resolution.<br />

misunderstandings, communications<br />

problems or homework/quiz or test<br />

issues, parents are urged to allow<br />

students to make a first attempt at<br />

resolution. When parents step in to<br />

take control, the students only learn<br />

to call their parents. As students<br />

mature, depending on a parent to resolve all interpersonal issues<br />

will be increasingly impractical and inappropriate. When it is<br />

clear the students are not going to arrive at a resolution, parents<br />

should contact the adult at <strong>GCA</strong> that is most directly involved.<br />

If the issue is in the dorm, call or e-mail a dean. If the issue is in<br />

a class, call or e-mail the teacher. If those conversations do not<br />

bring answers, call the principal or vice principal.<br />


MEd<br />

Vice Principal<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4015<br />

HOURS<br />


8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />

*May be in and out of the office<br />

during these hours.<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />




Business Manager<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4013<br />


Teachers are required to check their e-mail every day. <strong>Parent</strong>s<br />

can call the school – every teacher has a private phone line and<br />

messages can be left. The school publishes a phone list – many<br />

teachers and staff have cell phones and can be called directly<br />

when the number is published.<br />


<strong>GCA</strong> is a boarding school. Therefore, there are times that not<br />

living in the dorms raises questions that are not addressed<br />

during chapel or in the <strong>GCA</strong> updates. Here is a collection of<br />

some of those issues:<br />

▪<br />

During the fall school picnic, lunch is provided for village<br />

students.<br />


Assistant Business Manager<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4020<br />


HOURS<br />


8:00 AM – 1:15 PM<br />

2:45 PM – 5:00 PM<br />

FRIDAY<br />

8:00 AM – 1:00 PM<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

<strong>Parent</strong>s may drop students off after 7:30 AM in the school’s<br />

front parking lot or in the church lot.<br />

Village students are permitted to park only in the school’s<br />

front parking lot.<br />

The dress code is always the same for both dorm and<br />

village students, even on Sabbaths. For school days on<br />

Sundays, jeans that are not torn or frayed may be worn<br />

with uniform tops.<br />

When village students are not in class or at work they are<br />

permitted to be in the library (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM), student<br />

center, gym lobby, or cafeteria when open, or on center<br />

campus.<br />

Lunch should be eaten in the cafeteria. You may bring a<br />

sack lunch. A microwave is available. Meal tickets are $7 per<br />

meal, or $63/10 meals and purchased at the business office.<br />

When village students are sick, their parents should contact<br />

the registrar to have classes excused and contact the<br />

appropriate work supervisor.<br />

Whenever an event is off-campus and students are<br />

transported, village students should use <strong>GCA</strong> transportation.<br />

They cannot drive their cars unless different arrangements<br />

have been made in advance.<br />

Changes in extra-curricular activities, such as music group<br />

rehearsals, or sports team practices or games should be<br />

communicated to parents using email or the <strong>Parent</strong> Alert<br />

text message system. If you are not getting these text<br />

messages, please contact someone in the main office.<br />


Sports Program<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> offers both intramural and varsity sports programs.<br />

Participation in varsity sports involves being selected by the<br />

coaches during tryouts. Tryout schedules vary depending on<br />

the sport but are announced to the student body. All students<br />

are welcome to try out. Players that the coaches feel best fit the<br />

team are selected, regardless of if they are new students or if<br />

they were on the team the previous year. Team members will<br />

have to pay a fee to cover the costs of uniforms, tournaments,<br />

transportation, and referees. Varsity sports include: girls’<br />

volleyball, girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball and boys JV<br />

basketball, girls’ soccer, and boys soccer.<br />

Intramural sports are available for those who do not try out<br />

for or make a team and simply require signing up during<br />

open sign-up times. All students who sign up will be included<br />

on a team and play each scheduled game. Intramural sports<br />

include: flag football, volleyball, floor hockey, basketball,<br />

soccer, and softball.<br />


Physical Education Director<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4031<br />

HOURS<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />


Scheduled games are posted on <strong>GCA</strong> Connect and are also<br />

streamed online. Changes or additions to that schedule will be<br />

communicated to students and parents via e-mail or text.<br />


2:00 PM – 5:00 PM<br />

Student Bank<br />

You may send your child spending money with what we call<br />

“Student Bank.” Funds can be sent to, and disbursed from, the<br />

Business Office. We recommend no more than $20 be kept at the<br />

dorm. A parent may leave money at registration or send money<br />

at any time during the school year. The easiest and quickest way<br />

to send student bank money is from your Smart Tuition account.<br />

The Business Office will receive immediate notification of the<br />

funds transfer and your child can come withdraw the money<br />

any time the Business Office is open. They can also hold student<br />

bank money to be disbursed as needed. Each student that keeps<br />

student bank money at the Business Office has a ledger card<br />

and every deposit and withdrawal is recorded.<br />




Women’s Head Dean<br />

(706) 629-4591,<br />

ext. 4028/4029<br />

Dorm details<br />


Twin-size sheet set<br />

Pillow<br />

Blanket/comforter<br />

Bath towels<br />

and washcloths<br />

Shower caddy<br />

Bible (paper, not electric)<br />

Flip-flops<br />

School uniforms<br />

Church clothes<br />

Church shoes<br />

Jeans<br />

Shirts<br />

Wall phone (required)<br />

Refillable water bottle<br />

Pants<br />

Shorts<br />

Laundry detergent<br />

Socks<br />


Men’s Head Dean<br />

(706) 629-4591,<br />

ext. 4035/4034<br />

School supplies<br />

Toiletries<br />

(deodorant, comb/<br />

brush, shampoo/<br />

conditioner,<br />

toothpaste,<br />

toothbrush, cologne,<br />

razor, nail clippers,<br />

facewash, etc.)<br />


Underwear<br />

Work clothes<br />

(can get dirty/torn)<br />

Swimsuit<br />

Sweaters/jackets<br />

Athletic shoes that<br />

don’t scuff<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

Cell phone, books to read, games, toys, stuffed animals.<br />

Students MAY bring their own mattresses, but most are<br />

happy with the one supplied by the school. Some bring an<br />

extra pad to put on the dorm mattress.<br />

Irons are optional in the Boys’ Dorm but are not permitted in<br />

the Girls’ Dorm. They are provided in the laundry rooms.<br />

*Students may not bring their own microwaves and refrigerators.<br />

**For more details on dress code please refer to the Student <strong>Handbook</strong>.<br />


Q&A<br />

with<br />


TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

Q. How do parents know<br />

their students are OK?<br />

A. <strong>Parent</strong>s are always allowed<br />

and encouraged to call to get<br />

information from the deans.<br />

However, if you don’t receive<br />

phone calls from the deans, it<br />

usually means that everything<br />

is OK. It doesn’t necessarily<br />

mean everything is perfect –<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> is trying to raise the students<br />

to be self-responsible and<br />

will likely not call the parents<br />

for small disciplines. We keep<br />

an eye out when we are on duty<br />

as does the rest of the faculty.<br />

There is good communication<br />

between faculty about the wellbeing<br />

and whereabouts of your<br />

child. The RAs also check on<br />

them nightly and notify deans<br />

if there are concerns.<br />

Q. How often can dorm students<br />

come home?<br />

A. Any time that parents want<br />

to take their student home,<br />

they can. It may interfere<br />

with their schooling if they<br />

miss too many classes, so parents<br />

should exercise caution.<br />

Weekend worship services are<br />

an integral part of the <strong>GCA</strong><br />

experience, and we encourage<br />

students to participate. Except<br />

for Week of Prayer, we no longer<br />

have closed weekends.<br />

Q. Are individual students<br />

permitted to sell food in the<br />

dorm?<br />

A. Technically, no. If a student<br />

is out of food and wants to<br />

buy something from someone<br />

who has extra food, that is no<br />

problem.<br />

Q. What sort of food is best for<br />

them to keep in their rooms?<br />

A. Fresh fruits and vegetables,<br />

yogurt, and snacks that<br />

are kept in a sealed container<br />

are the best to have in dorm<br />

rooms. What they frequently<br />

have are milk and cereal,<br />

soda and chips, candy bars<br />

and ramen noodles. We<br />

encourage no caffeine (including<br />

coffee and energy drinks)<br />

or meat products. The school<br />

does consider having food in<br />

the dorm rooms a privilege.<br />

If students aren’t responsible<br />

with their food and it affects<br />

the cleanliness of their room,<br />

an individual student may<br />

not be allowed to have food<br />

in their room.<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> is a Christian<br />

school, so posters that<br />

glorify music groups<br />

or artists or models<br />

that go against Christian<br />

principles should<br />

be left at home. In the<br />

Boys’ Dorm, if you<br />

want to hang anything<br />

on your wall, you will<br />

be charged at the end<br />

of the year if you leave<br />

nail holes, sticky tack,<br />

tape, or chipped paint<br />

on the walls. In the<br />

Girls’ Dorm, nothing<br />

may be hung on<br />

the cinderblock walls<br />

or ceiling.<br />

No duct tape, please!<br />



Q. What is the dorm policy<br />

of overseeing texting/cell<br />

phone usage at night for<br />

the students?<br />

A. Cell phones are helpful<br />

when used to communicate<br />

with your sons and daughters,<br />

but they also have the potential<br />

to be time wasters. We do<br />

allow the students to keep their<br />

phones in their rooms during<br />

the night. However, they are<br />

kept in Yonder bags from the<br />

time of lights-out. The bags are<br />

magnetically locked and can<br />

only be unlocked in the morning<br />

by the RAs or dean. The<br />

student can still use their cell<br />

phone alarm, as well as listen<br />

to music through headphones.<br />

Q. What is the schedule<br />

once students are in the<br />

dorms on weeknights and<br />

on weekends? What time is<br />

study time? When can they<br />

be reached in their rooms?<br />

A. In the Boys’ Dorm on a<br />

weeknight, dorm chapel begins<br />

at 8:05 PM, and usually lasts<br />

between 10 and 30 minutes.<br />

After dorm chapel, all guys<br />

go to their rooms and stay<br />

there until their RA or the<br />

dean checks to see that they<br />

are keeping their room tidy.<br />

Whether they have a clean<br />

room or not, study hall begins<br />

right after dorm chapel. If their<br />

rooms are clean, they have<br />

the opportunity to go to the<br />

dorm store, take a shower, or<br />

study in other students’ rooms.<br />

Freshmen and sophomores<br />

must be in their beds with their<br />

lights out at 10:00 PM. If their<br />

RA knows that they have been<br />

studying all evening, they may<br />

give the student more time to<br />

study if asked. Juniors and<br />

seniors must be in bed with<br />

their lights out by 10:30 PM,<br />

but if the seniors have shown<br />

that they are responsible as<br />

a whole, they may earn extra<br />

time so lights out is even later.<br />

On Friday nights, there is no<br />

study hall, and students have<br />

free time between the end of<br />

vespers and lights out.<br />

In the Boys’ Dorm on Sabbath,<br />

breakfast is later so they<br />

can sleep until 8:30 AM. ‘They<br />

are required to go to Sabbath<br />

School at 10:00 AM, followed<br />

by the worship service at 11:00<br />

AM. There is a lot of free time<br />

in the afternoon, until Sabbath<br />

evening worship (Eventide),<br />

which starts just before sundown.<br />

There is usually some<br />

planned entertainment on<br />

Saturday nights, and after<br />

the planned activity, the guys<br />

usually go back to the gym or<br />

watch a movie, so lights-out is<br />

later on Saturday night.<br />

In the Boys’ Dorm on Sunday,<br />

breakfast is even later, and<br />

they often sleep until brunch at<br />

10:00 AM. Town trips happen<br />

on Sunday mornings, but after<br />

that there is mostly free time<br />

until dorm chapel at 8:05 PM.<br />

In the Girls’ Dorm, study<br />

hall begins 10 minutes after<br />

chapel. Strict study hall lasts<br />

one hour. Non-strict study<br />

hall lasts one hour. Lights<br />

out is at 10:00 PM for underclassmen<br />

and at 10:30 PM for<br />

upperclassmen. If they need<br />

extra lights, the RA contacts<br />

the dean, and they are given<br />

extra time as needed. The<br />

best time to reach your child<br />

in their room is approximately<br />

between 8:40-9:40 PM because<br />

that is strict study hall and is<br />

when they are required to be<br />

in their room.<br />

Q. What is “Military?”<br />

A. Dorm students are<br />

required to keep their<br />

rooms clean. Every day<br />

they must keep their<br />

room tidy. Every weekend<br />

they must scrub<br />

their counters and sinks<br />

to make the whole room<br />

actually clean. Every<br />

home leave, the guys<br />

must have completely<br />

clean rooms, with all<br />

their possessions in perfect<br />

order.<br />

There are several reasons for<br />

this. One reason is to make<br />

sure that they find all of the<br />

things they thought were lost.<br />

Another reason is to make<br />

sure that the guys are actually<br />

cleaning their rooms once<br />

a month, and not just stuffing<br />

more and more trash into their<br />

cabinets every day. We also<br />

need to make sure that the<br />

exterminator can spray each of<br />

the rooms for pests. Cleaning<br />


efore home leaves gives the<br />

students practice having their<br />

rooms clean enough for the<br />

end-of-the-year check-out so<br />

they can get their deposit back<br />

after final exams in May.<br />

The military check is very<br />

strict. There cannot be any food<br />

residue even in the empty trash<br />

cans, no crumbs of food under<br />

the microwave, because any<br />

food crumbs can become a feast<br />

for mice, roaches, and ants. The<br />

consequence of failing a military<br />

check is to move everything<br />

that the student owns<br />

out of the room, clean the room<br />

perfectly, and then move back<br />

in and put it in the right place.<br />

Most freshmen fail at least one<br />

military. Most students never<br />

fail more than one.<br />

often, but for most students<br />

it’s quite seldom. Students<br />

that break guidelines, such<br />

as being in the wrong part of<br />

the dorm without permission,<br />

having a dirty room, or not<br />

being in their beds at lightsout,<br />

can end up receiving discipline.<br />

Usually this discipline<br />

comes in one of two forms –<br />

cleaning or exercise – but it is<br />

never humiliating or dangerous.<br />

Hopefully, the discipline<br />

is uncomfortable enough to<br />

make the student choose not<br />

to break the guideline again.<br />

Most cleaning discipline<br />

involves cleaning bathrooms<br />

or vacuuming a hall to make<br />

the dorm a better place, and<br />

most exercise discipline is in<br />

the form of push-ups.<br />


Assistant Womens’ Dean<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4028<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

Q. How is discipline administered<br />

in the dorms? How<br />

common is free labor? For<br />

what type of infractions is<br />

discipline given, and what<br />

type?<br />

A. Girls’ Dorm – They will<br />

receive a fine if they do not<br />

sign in or out of the dorm or<br />

have an unexcused absence to<br />

dorm chapel. Your child might<br />

receive free labor (i.e. writing<br />

sentences, cleaning showers,<br />

etc.) if they are not in their<br />

rooms when study hall begins<br />

or at lights out. Most situations<br />

are handled by the head dean;<br />

in more serious cases she confers<br />

with administration.<br />

Boys’ Dorm – For some students,<br />

discipline happens<br />


Towns trips to Wal-Mart happen<br />

almost every Sunday. Students<br />

need to sign up early<br />

Sunday morning. If a student<br />

misses a bus, they may be able<br />

to get a ride into town with a<br />

faculty member on occasion.<br />



Freshmen and sophomore dorm<br />

students move out on Wednesday.<br />

Remaining dorm students<br />

are not allowed to stay off-campus<br />

on Friday night of graduation<br />

weekend, even with their<br />

parents. Juniors move out by<br />

Saturday night following Commencement,<br />

and Seniors move<br />

out by Sunday.<br />

ALBERT<br />


Assistant Mens’ Dean,<br />

Assistant PE<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4035<br />


Assistant Mens’ Dean<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4035<br />




Director of Information<br />

Technology<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4018<br />

Computer Help Desk<br />



All students enrolled at <strong>GCA</strong> will be issued a laptop during the time<br />

of registration. Each student will be given a charger with the laptop.<br />

If students lose their charger, they are to pay the full amount to the<br />

business office before the CHD issues a new charger to the student.<br />

The laptop will be assigned to the individual students, with serial<br />

numbers recorded that will stay with the student for the remainder of<br />

the school year in which it was issued, or until the student withdraws<br />

from school. Students are responsible for bringing laptops to classes<br />

each day, taking them home or back to their dorm room, and charging<br />

them for use the next day. The laptops are not to be left unsupervised<br />

at school or at home in unsecured locations that could lead to theft.<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> insurance does not cover any water damage or theft.<br />


BY PHONE<br />

(706) 625-7158<br />

BY E-MAIL<br />

help@gcasda.org<br />

Did you know?<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> uses a parent<br />

alert cell phone texting<br />

method for emergency<br />

announcements.<br />

We also attempt to use<br />

e-mail if the system is<br />

not working.<br />

*If you are not receiving<br />

parent alerts, please<br />

contact CHD to be added.<br />


Each student is given a fixed amount of print credits per<br />

semester. If the student runs out, they are to pay the business<br />

office to obtain more print credits.<br />

ID CARDS<br />

The students are issued ID cards that are used for dorm and<br />

work access. They are also their library cards, CHD support<br />

tickets, and their access to the photocopiers. Replacement charge<br />

is paid to the business office. These cards also open exterior<br />

doors during certain hours Monday-Friday.<br />


We provide guest Wi-Fi access for parents but ask guests not to share<br />

with students as it is basically unfiltered. Guest accounts will work for<br />

one day and are deleted every night at midnight. You can get access by<br />

coming to the CHD office or seeing a school administrator.<br />


<strong>GCA</strong>’s filter works on and off campus and we encourage parents<br />

to receive copies of their student’s Internet filter logs so they are<br />

aware of where their student is going online. If you would like a<br />

copy of your child’s Internet log, please contact the CHD.<br />

E-MAIL<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> provides the only access students have to e-mail, and parents<br />

have the ability to log in to their student’s account upon request.<br />



Hardware or software maintenance and repairs<br />

User account support including password reset for laptop<br />

account and e-mail account<br />

Operating system and software support<br />

Warranty repairs (we DO NOT cover water damage and theft)<br />

Managing laptop tracking services<br />

Basic troubleshooting<br />

Printing issues<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />


The student identifies a problem to the worker on duty.<br />

With teacher permission (if in class), the student MUST<br />

bring the laptop to the CHD.<br />

A CHD assistant will attempt to fix the problem while the<br />

student waits.<br />

If the problem requires time at the CHD, then the assistant<br />

will fill out a “Help Desk Note” with as much diagnostic<br />

information as necessary.<br />

If a loaner is needed, a CHD assistant will assist the student.<br />

When the laptop is fixed, the CHD will contact the student,<br />

and they can come pick up their computer.<br />


WHNP-BC, MSN<br />

Nurse<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4041<br />

HOURS<br />


7:45 AM – 2:30 PM<br />

FRIDAY<br />

7:45 AM – 1:30 PM<br />

Student Health<br />

Sick students cannot put themselves on sick list. Dorm students<br />

must be evaluated by the dean or nurse. Dorm and village<br />

students are sent home if they have a fever over 101 degrees<br />

accompanied by upper respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms.<br />

Students sent home for illness may not return until they are<br />

fever free for 24 hours without medication and symptoms<br />

are improving. Dorm students living too far away may be<br />

temporarily quarantined in a separate room until transportation<br />

arrangements can be made.<br />

Students sent home for illness may not return until they are fever<br />

free for 24 hours without medication and symptoms are improving.<br />

Dorm students living too far away may be quarantined in a<br />

separate room until transportation arrangements can be made.<br />

How do you handle<br />

medical emergencies?<br />

Medical emergencies are<br />

handled on an individual<br />

basis, and initially<br />

evaluated by the nurse,<br />

dean, or administrator<br />

on duty. <strong>Parent</strong>s will<br />

be called. Students are<br />

taken to the nearest<br />

medical facility’s emergency<br />

department for<br />

non-life-threatening<br />

emergencies. We call<br />

911 for life-threatening<br />

emergencies.<br />



K.C. LARSEN, BS<br />

Work Coordinator<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4021<br />

Student Work<br />

Program<br />



▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

Grade<br />

Age<br />

Students over 16 years old can work more jobs due to age<br />

requirements.<br />

Gender<br />

Village or dorm students<br />

If you do not live in the dorm you cannot work in the dorm.<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

ON AND OFF<br />


INCLUDE:<br />

Computer Help<br />

Desk<br />

Custodian (church,<br />

ad building, or dorms)<br />

Front desk worker/<br />

receptionist<br />

Food services<br />

Grounds<br />

Maintenance<br />

Resident Assistant<br />

Yearbook staff<br />

Teacher assistants<br />

Nursing home<br />

Tutoring<br />

Library<br />

Business Office<br />

Nurse’s Office<br />

Development Office<br />

Marketing/<br />

Enrollment Office<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

▪<br />

Class schedule<br />

Students with both morning and afternoon classes do not<br />

have as many work options because of their complicated class<br />

schedules.<br />

Participation in sports programs<br />

If they have a music/fine arts class there may be a conflict<br />

with work.<br />

Student’s work earnings listed on their financial plan<br />

Some jobs cannot provide enough work hours to fulfill the<br />

students work obligations.<br />

GPA<br />

This usually applies to students who tutor or work for<br />

teachers. If a student has poor grades in math, for example,<br />

they probably won’t work for a math teacher.<br />

Staff requests<br />

Student’s work preference<br />

New student or returning student<br />

All of these things are taken into consideration when placing a<br />

student in a job. However, a student coming in as a freshman<br />

may not have as many options available to them because some of<br />

the more desirable jobs are already taken by returning students.<br />

Students are frequently reminded to do a good job wherever they<br />

are assigned, even though they may not care for the job. People<br />

will notice their hard work. Those who work hard will have more<br />

job opportunities later on.<br />




All church services are live streamed on <strong>GCA</strong>’s YouTube channel.<br />

Friday vespers during <strong>Parent</strong>s’ Weekend and Academy Days,<br />

and all of the Week of Prayer meetings are live streamed.<br />

Additionally, there are some events that take place outside of<br />

the church that are also broadcast, such as varsity sports games<br />

and band concerts. Sports games can be viewed on the NFHS<br />

Network with a subscription. Links to both the YouTube channel<br />

and the NFHS Network can be found on the “Watch Live” page<br />

on <strong>GCA</strong>’s website (https://gcasda.org/parents/watch-live/).<br />


SCHOOL AT <strong>GCA</strong>?<br />


<strong>GCA</strong> Chaplain<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4046<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

Vespers is on Friday at 7:30 PM. Sabbath School is on Sabbath at<br />

10:00 AM. The worship service is on Sabbath at 11:10 AM.<br />

You can find out more about our church at www.gcachurch.org.<br />


Assistant Chaplain<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4039<br />


Mon<br />

Wed<br />

Thur<br />

Fri<br />

Sabbath<br />

HOURS:<br />

Prayer<br />

Circles<br />

Midweek<br />

Chapel<br />

Vespers<br />

Sabbath<br />

School<br />

and SOS*<br />

*Sabbath afternoon activities<br />

**Community service opportunities and Weeks of Prayer occur multiple times a year.<br />


8:30 AM – 11:15 AM<br />

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM<br />


September October January<br />

Leadership Conference<br />

Week of Prayer<br />

February<br />

Student Week<br />

of Prayer<br />

Appalachian<br />

Mission Trip<br />

Spring Break<br />

Overseas<br />

mission trip<br />

Prayer<br />

Conference<br />

April<br />

Week<br />

of Prayer<br />


Chaplains are available<br />

to give Bible studies,<br />

baptismal studies,<br />

general counseling and<br />

encouragement, and<br />

to share in spiritual<br />

discussions.<br />

*Interested students should sign up for these activities when sign-ups are announced.<br />



Visiting Campus<br />

<strong>Parent</strong>s may visit <strong>GCA</strong> as often as they can. If you want to sit in on a class, you must<br />

contact the teacher in advance. Students should not miss work assignments unless they<br />

make arrangements beforehand. Sabbaths and Sundays are often the best times to come<br />

to campus. Dorm students must always be signed out before leaving campus.<br />

Students other than <strong>GCA</strong> students, other relatives, friends or alumni are not allowed to<br />

drop in at <strong>GCA</strong> whenever they want, and during the normal school day they may not visit<br />

classrooms or be in the academic buildings. We will monitor who is on campus and we<br />

need to know who is visiting.<br />

If you live at a distance and cannot visit often or, alternatively, you live nearby but don’t want<br />

to “helicopter parent,” here are the most important, “do not miss” occasions to visit the campus:<br />

PARENTS’<br />


<strong>Parent</strong>s’ Weekend is a highlight. If you are available on that<br />

weekend, it is an important time to come and visit your student<br />

and engage with the school and other parents.<br />

MUSIC<br />


If your student is part of the music program, then there are at<br />

least three weekends in the year, besides <strong>Parent</strong>s’ Weekend, where<br />

the musical groups are featured (the Christmas concert weekend,<br />

Academy Days, and Spring Concert weekend). These weekends are<br />

not to be missed and you will enjoy hearing your child participate in<br />

the various music groups.<br />

SPORTS<br />

EVENTS<br />

If your student is part of a sports team, there are special events where<br />

the sports teams are featured. Depending on the sport, there may be<br />

tournaments, routine games, travel games, or special recognition<br />

games, such as end of the year games where seniors or MVPs are<br />

recognized. The gymnastics team performs at <strong>Parent</strong>s’ Weekend,<br />

Academy Days, and at the end of the school year in the Home Show.<br />

TALENT<br />

SHOW<br />

If your student is participating in the talent show, you may want<br />

to know about that and attend that event. (As a general rule, you<br />

may have to ask your student, as they may not think to volunteer<br />

this information.)<br />

As we all know, the time with our children is fleeting and as a parent you wouldn’t want<br />

to miss a significant event in their lives. Take time to read the <strong>GCA</strong> newsletter and<br />

communicate with your son or daughter about events that you see on the calendar.<br />

Look for the <strong>GCA</strong> Update in your e-mail inbox every Wednesday for the latest information!<br />


Important Contacts<br />


Principal Women’s Dean<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4011 (706) 629-4591, ext. 4028/4029<br />


Vice Principal Men’s Dean<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4015 (706) 629-4591, ext. 4035/4084<br />

TO KNOW... TO LOVE... TO SERVE...<br />

K.C. LARSEN, BS<br />

Work Coordinator<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4021<br />


Registrar & <strong>GCA</strong> Scholars<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4014<br />


Director of Alumni and Development<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4017<br />


Marketing & Recruiting Assistant<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4016<br />


Director of Recruitment & Marketing Service<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4019<br />


Business Manager<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4013<br />


Physical Education Director<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4031<br />


Library, English, Learning Resources<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4081<br />


Director of Information Technology<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4018<br />


Guidance Counselor and Testing<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4063<br />

JOSH WOODS, MDiv<br />

<strong>GCA</strong> Chaplain<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4046<br />


Nurse<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4041<br />


Food Service Director<br />

(706) 629-4591, ext. 4033<br />



Make plans to attend <strong>Parent</strong>s’ Weekend in September. Please<br />

visit the Events page on the <strong>GCA</strong> website for more information.<br />

See you then!<br />

397 Academy Drive SW, Calhoun, GA 30701 | www.gcasda.org | (706) 629-4591<br />

www.facebook.com/gcasda @georgia_cumberland_academy www.youtube.com/c/<strong>GCA</strong>SDA<br />


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