Placement report - Jente Wieldraaijer, s2732629

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Internship: MCI



F. Harbers


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Internship at marketing agency Ten Stripes





10 2

Start of the internship


12 3

During the internship


18 4

Reflection and learning outcomes







6 1

Prior to placement


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report is about my internship from 1 February to 25


2021 at marketing agency Ten Stripes. During this


I worked 32 hours per week as a Junior Impact


My most valuable lesson: do not be afraid to


report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter


on the start of the process and discusses why


Stripes was the right place for my internship. The


chapter shortly shows insights into the start of my


The third chapter highlights my main activities


responsibilities during the internship and, lastly,


four allows for self-reflection in combination with


predefined learning outcomes. Moreover, I also reflect


to what extent my expectations were met and the


between the placement and the Master


P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

make mistakes. Not everything has to be perfect.

programme of Media Creation and Innovation.

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the past five months, I have been an intern


Ten Stripes. Ten Stripes is a marketing


that focuses on the strategy behind, and


execution of, digital marketing for a variety


clients. Additionally, Ten Stripes' work is


around the Marketing 3.0 philosophy


Philip Kotler describes as values-driven,


marketers approach people “as whole


beings with minds, hearts, and spirits


companies practicing Marketing 3.0 have


missions, visions, and values to


to the world” (Kotler, Kartajaya, &


method employed by Ten Stripes to


Marketing 3.0 is data driven storytelling;


conversion of data into meaningful


to strengthen a story. In line with the


3.0 philosophy, Ten Stripes aims to


organisations with sustainable



Stripes was founded in May 2018 by two men


started with a management team of four people.


then, the start-up has grown into a successful


agency with 13 employees.


mission is to make the new economy larger


the traditional one by using marketing 3.0


They aim to accomplish their mission by


companies to spread sincere and powerful


P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

Setiawan, 2010, p. 4).


stories on the right channels, at the right time.

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Prior to placement



January 2020, the process of finding a suitable internship to complete the Master


of Media Creation and Innovation started. Due to my bachelor's degree in


and Information Sciences and my previous master's degree in Marketing


I have become aware of my personal interest in the areas of marketing and


Therefore, I started googling for internships at marketing agencies in and




28 February 2020, I had an intake meeting with Rik Smit, our placement coordinator.


this meeting, we explored what kind of placement I would prefer to undertake. I had


a list of the then top 5 companies I thought were most interesting. In this form,


agency Dizain was in first place, Ten Stripes in third place. Following this intake


I sent an open application to Dizain. Unfortunately, this application was rejected. As I


my orientation, I learned that Ten Stripes had a strong focus on sustainability, an


issue I was unaware of during the intake meeting. Moreover, after exploring that Ten


had a vacancy for an impact marketing intern, I got excited.



few years ago, I believed I wanted to work at a large


company. However, when many of my fellow


during the masters in Marketing Management in


started applying for jobs at these companies, I


motivated to do the same. Selling products to as many


as possible did not seem interesting anymore. Later,


a guest lecture of Havas Lemz, an advertising agency


also a B Corporation*, I realised for the first time what I


use my creativity and expertise to contribute to a


world. Therefore, a marketing agency with a strong


on sustainability seemed perfect to me, and writing a


letter was not a problem.


B Corporations are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit.


are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers,


P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

customers, suppliers, community, and the environment (Certified B Corporation, n.d.)

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P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

After submitting my motivation at the Ten Stripes website (Ten Stripes, n.d.), things

moved quickly. Lucinde Terluin, who later became my internship supervisor, responded

enthusiastically at my letter and proposed to schedule a job interview, which took place

during the summer of 2020. Naturally, I was well-prepared by thoroughly exploring the

company and digital marketing, and by clearly defining why I believe sustainability is

important. At the end of the interview, Lucinde offered me the placement spot. As a

result, the search for a suitable internship was successfully completed within a short

period of time.

However, I, unfortunately, did not negotiate about the internship fee. I quickly realized that

it is always worthwhile to negotiate about salary. In order to still make enough money, I

kept working one day a week as a Student Assistant at the UG and, therefore, my

activities as an intern at Ten Stripes was limited to 32 hours a week. This, in combination

with Lucinde’s recommendation, led to an extended internship of not three but five


Prior to the internship, I expected that working at a marketing

agency would suit me because of the variety of tasks and clients. In

addition, I expected that Ten Stripes would often discuss and focus

on sustainability and that I would, therefore, learn a lot about the

combination of marketing and sustainability. For example, an

important question I hoped to get answered was: "How do marketing

and sustainability go hand in hand, without sustainability being


Furthermore, due to the fact that Ten Stripes is a start-up, I

expected to find myself in a young and dynamic environment where I

would learn about the different specializations of digital marketing.

This is something I really wanted, especially since I believe that

universities deal with important theories, but lack the connection to

the everyday practice.

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Beginning of the placement



P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

Monday, February 1, 2021, I officially started my



internship at Ten Stripes. Lucinde Terluin, our

placement coordinator, prepared some documents

and tasks. In addition, the whole Ten Stripes Team

prepared onboarding sessions for the first two

weeks. These sessions aimed to give new employees

and interns insights into the various specializations of

digital marketing offered by Ten Stripes. At the same

time, we were able to get to know the current


In the first two weeks we attended nine onboarding sessions in which the following subjects

were discussed: storytelling and the customer journey, Ten Stripes the company and data

driven storytelling, search engine advertising (SEA), search engine optimization (SEO),

social media, sales and how to, impact marketing, Wordpress, and conversion rate

optimization (CRO). All subjects can be divided in two dimensions: performance and

content. Moreover, Ten Stipes’ employees are divided in team content and team

performance, but both teams work together closely. During every session, a specialist

introduced a particular topic by showing the online environment, presenting the basics and

assigning us small tasks.

During the days after the onboarding weeks, I had the freedom to decide which

specialization(s) I wanted to develop. I realized that the discipline of impact marketing

attracted me most because it includes a strong focus on communicating organisations’

sustainable core activities and combines data and content, with the overall aim of making a

positive impact. Therefore, the impact marketing enabled me to learn more about content

as well as performance (data). Impact marketing is a discipline in which Ten Stripes stands

out compared to other marketing agencies. Moreover, I noticed that I was more interested

in content related topics, like storytelling and social media. However, as I already had more

experience in content creation prior to the internship, I decided that I wanted to learn more

about working with data.

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During the internship






P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

At Ten Stripes, you feel like you belong to the team right from the start. All employees treat you as

one of their own. After one week, I gradually got more and more tasks. The overarching

dimensions of these tasks were: marketing strategy, digital marketing campaigns, e-mail

marketing, impact marketing and content creation. In Appendix I, an extended list of all tasks and

responsibilities is added. The following paragraphs highlight some of the main tasks I employed

during the internship.

One of the first things I became involved in was SDG Impact (Ten Stripes, 2020). At that time, SDG

Impact was profiled as a database for companies and organisations that want to communicate their

positive impact on the world, based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG Nederland, n.d.).

However, Lucinde and Bart Joling, director of Ten Stripes, were not yet satisfied with this profiling.

That is why I started working on a marketing plan for 2021 and, correspondingly, a re-branding

campaign. I really enjoyed doing this: start from the beginning and thinking about how you want to

market something and why.

Here, I created a re-branding campaign in which a new profile for SDG Impact became central: a

platform that helps companies to make, improve, and communicate their positive impact. In addition, I

gained control over the social media channels (Instagram of LinkedIn) and guided the implementation

of the new strategy.

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In my last week, three colleagues and I evaluated the

development of SDG Impact. The data showed that

the strategy was already quite successful. Both on

Instagram and LinkedIn there was a significant

growth in the number of followers and interaction on

posts and also the number of registrations on the

platform itself had grown significantly. What I liked

about this responsibility was the contact with a wide

diversity of companies that are committed to our

world, ranging from a one-person business for cat

advice to one of the most circular collectors and

processors of waste in the Netherlands.

What I learned from this responsibility is that I like to

think about something carefully before I start. I want

to have a clear view of what the purpose of the

marketing activities is. In addition, I like to have this

worked out in detail, so that all communications fit

in. However, what I did not know about myself is

that once I had worked this out and executed the

first steps, I became bored with keeping up with the

social media posts after a while.

A similar challenge was the marketing of Ten

Stripes. In April, a team of five employees was

formed to focus on the company's own

marketing. Lucinde said: "As a marketing

agency, you often have the least time for your

own marketing". Therefore, together with fellow

interns Saskia and Anne Ruth, I drew up a

marketing plan with goals for the organic social

content in 2021, whereafter I became

responsible for LinkedIn.

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P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

Moreover, Ten Stripes is committed to share its knowledge and regularly employs interns.

Therefore, we developed the Ten Stripes Brand manual. The main idea behind the Brand

manual is to ensure that everyone can create content according to the corporate identity

and, hence, continuity within Ten Stripes’ branding would be realized. I really loved

working on the brand manual for the same reasons I enjoyed working on the re-branding

campaign of SDG Impact: I like to think about the bigger picture in order to efficiently

develop a manual for implementation.

The main barrier I encountered during the creation and implementation of the brand

manual is that I find it difficult to be dependent on others. Especially if the process is

slowed down by colleagues not meeting deadlines. When encountering this problem, I

expressed this to the particular colleague, which definitely contributed to the timely

realization and presentation of the brand manual.

In the second week, Lucinde asked the interns if any of us had

experience with e-mail marketing. Because of my job as

Student Assistant at the UG, I already gained some experience

with Mailchimp, an American e-mail marketing service. Since

then, I have handled all e-mail-related customer work with the

goal of becoming an expert in e-mail marketing. In order to

realize this I read a lot about e-mail marketing, wrote an email

marketing plan for Ten Stripes, and embraced customer

challenges. As a result, I learned many practical skills. In case I

needed help, I could get it from employees of Kiener, a

shopware specialist in the same building as Ten Stripes. That

was very helpful.

However, things did go wrong once with a customer because

of a technical error which led to a situation of misinterpretation.

Therefore this customer called Sebastiaan Prenger, another

member of the management team. Even though I did not fully

agree with the customer's perception, I kept thinking about it.

The mistake bothered me because making mistakes makes me

feel like I am incompetent. Fortunately, Sebastian stated that it

was not a problem and that I could learn from it. Actually, this

was the only setback I experienced during my internship.

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During the internship, Lucinde and I had regular contact about my work and personal developments.


P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

Furthermore, I joined three Marketing 3.0 sessions with a client. On beforehand, I told Lucinde I would

like to attend at least one Marketing 3.0 session. Eventually, I was given more responsibility than

planned because Lucinde was ill on the day of the first session. Therefore, Bart and I did the first two

sessions in pairs. During these sessions, I was allowed to actively participate and think along during

the session. Together with the client, we identified their core values, mission and vision, unique selling

points and brand promise. What was most interesting about these sessions was the ability I had to

support the client in focusing on the basics.

My personal highlight was the third session where we focused on impact marketing. During this

session, I was given full responsibility. Bart was not present and had therefore requested the help of an

employee of Alexander Impact, a research firm focused on impact that is also a partner of Ten Stripes.

This session took place in June near the end of my internship . The months before, I had learned a lot

about impact marketing from Bart and Jasper, impact marketeer at Ten Stripes. Now it was time to

put this knowledge into practice in facilitating and guiding the impact strategy session with the client.

As I had already got to know the client well during the first two sessions, I could really think along with

them. Apart from a few minor points of improvement, this session went well. We first examined the

core values of the association, after which developed a clear strategy for their future goals. In sum, it

was enlightening to view a client from different angles in order to achieve the best result together.

On Friday, April 16, I evaluated my progress with Lucinde and Bart. They described me as talented,

organized and thoughtful, mentioning that they enjoyed working together as I deliver according to their

expectations. In particular, Bart complimented me about my work for SDG Impact.

However, they said that I could speak out loud a bit more sometimes, and that I should learn that

making mistakes is fine. This type of feedback is familiar to me, since I am not always confident about

my abilities in a new environment and I tend to think assignments through to perfection. Therefore, I

tried to speak up more often during the second term of my internship. A good example is that during

de SDG Kickstarter session with Brain Fuel and all employees of Ten Stripes, I disagreed with the

opinion of Jasper and Bart about sustainable goals of the company. After I explained them why I

disagreed, they could understand my point of view and adjusted the formulation of the goal.

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During the meeting, Bart, Lucinde and I also

discussed my goals for the final months of the

internship. We came up with some tasks I

should perform in the coming weeks, like

learning and practicing skills in the areas of

SEO, SEA, and CRO. In Appendix II, an

overview of these goals is added. One of the

goals that, unfortunately, did not succeed was

practicing CRO skills with Sebastiaan (CRO

specialist). This was mainly because

Sebastiaan was really busy in the last weeks.

Therefore, it would have been better if I had

formulated these goals earlier, so that I had

more time to plan an appointment with


Another goal I did not achieve was to obtain

Google certificates in the field of digital

marketing. During the internship, we regularly

heard that client work took precedence, so the

certificates were given a lower priority. In

hindsight, I think this is not the right way,

because the placement should be about

learning new skills. Fortunately, the Google

certificates are accessible to everyone and I

can still try to get them after my internship.

With the support of colleagues, however, I

managed to achieve all other goals.

At the end of the meeting, Bart and

Lucinde offered me a prospective

job in Ten Stripes' internal

marketing, something I experienced

as a great compliment.

However, in the end I did not

choose to stay, because I was also

offered an appealing job at UG.

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Reflection and learning outcomes



P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

As stated earlier, I expected that working at a marketing agency would suit me. During my

internship I experienced that this was not the case. As you work for different clients, the

work is, in my opinion, quite superficial and mainly executive. As mentioned in this report,

I like to go into depth and think in detail about why you are doing something. This is

something I missed in many regular customer work. Therefore, I think working at a

marketing or communication department of one company would suit me better. Working

for one company means more specific and in-depth work activities. I have spent five

months in a young and dynamic environment, which I really liked because this is more

energetic compared to my working environment at the University. All colleagues were

open to help you and teach me new skills. Thanks to the onboarding weeks, you knew

exactly who you could approach for help in a certain area.

Finally, I did get a clear answer to the question "How do marketing and sustainability go

hand in hand, without sustainability being misused?". It is most about transparency and

clear communication. The entire answer is too extensive to include in this report, but if

you are curious you can always ask me.

the internship, I encountered few difficulties. Due to the lockdown



because of COVID-19, communication was more complicated. We were

forced to work from home, resulting in most communication taking place

online. This, in turn, increased the opportunities for miscommunication,

which I experienced as a serious challenge during the internship. In order

to overcome this problem, I had a severe focus on communicating

agreements and goals clearly.

Furthermore, this was my first official internship. Therefore, I did not know

what was expected of me, especially in the beginning. Fortunately, in the

first few weeks Lucinde told me that as an intern you are treated as a

regular employee. Although I thought this was a good approach, I

sometimes forgot that the internship was also meant to achieve my learning

goals. During the internship, I tended to do things I was already good at,

instead of things I needed to improve. After the evaluation interview, I

became more aware of this. If I were to do the internship again, I would

more clearly set my learning goals and process from the start.

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P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

the internship, I learned a few things about myself.



First of all, I can be more confident about my own abilities.

In the beginning of the internship, I was more of a wait-andsee

kind of person. Secondly, I know that I work in a very

structured and organised way, but I cannot always expect

this from others. That is why it is good to communicate with

colleagues about the progress of tasks. Thirdly, I noticed

that I like to work out and establish a project, but get bored

if I end up in repetitive work. I need to be challenged in order

to maintain high motivation. Therefore, in the future, I will

pursue a combination of strategic thinking and practical

implementation in my work.

Put into practice the academic skills and knowledge

Communicate conclusions effectively and professionally

Function as a full member of a professional team

Plan and work independently and autonomously

Self-reflect on personal learning goals and strengths & weaknesses

Determine preferred career path i

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P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

I think the connection between the placement

and the Master programme has to do with the

way of thinking. In contrast to some hands-on

colleagues, I often reasoned from an academic

point of view: actions should be based on

information, data or theories. In addition, I was

able to use my research skills on several

activities, for example when drawing up

marketing plans and campaigns, but also during

A/B testing for e-mail marketing. Concrete

examples are: conducting the marketing plan for

SDG Impact, establishing and performing of the

Content Audit, performing customer journey and

keyword analysis, and practicing the branding of

Ten Stripes.

In marketing, it is often necessary to

use A/B tests to find out which

approach works best for the target

group. This is something we dealt with

during the course Capturing Media Use,

among others. This course also has

provided some useful insights into

Instagram, which I could apply during

the internship. Moreover, due to the

course Start-up Lab, I have gained

knowledge of start-ups. The internship

allowed me to get an idea of a start-up

and experience its development up


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P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

In general, the overall package of my academic career

with the bachelor Communication and Information

Sciences, the master Marketing Management and this

Master programme ensured I developed the right

skills to work in the fields of media, marketing and

communication. I am convinced that it is good thing

that the internship is compulsory in our study

programme because this enables one to apply

theoretical knowledge, learn relevant practical skills,

gain experience in a particular working environment

and find out more about what you like and dislike. In

addition, work experience is always relevant for your

CV and provides you the opportunity to continue

working somewhere after graduating. At least, these

are all the advantages I experienced and benefit from

in the future.

The internship offered some valuable insights for

my future career. Firstly, I realised that I would

rather work for a department than an agency.

Secondly, I discovered that I like to alternate

between and learn about different disciplines of

marketing instead of focusing on one specialism.

This means that I prefer to work as a generalist,

preferably in a position where I can combine

strategic thinking and practical implementation.

As mentioned before, the internship gave me an

opportunity to start my career, but because of my

job at the UG I had a better alternative. I do think

that for many graduates it is the ideal opportunity

to gain experience, something that is required for

many jobs.

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sure you monitor these goals regularly.


have (enough) time for you.

Schedule an appointment with your supervisor to evaluate your

internship halfway through. This gives you the opportunity to do

something with the feedback in the second period of your internship

P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

Finally, I advise future internship students the following:


Formulate personal goals at the beginning of the internship and make

Be aware of the obligations from the Master programme and ensure that

you pay attention to them during the internship. This will prevent these

obligations from being pushed down the list of priorities by other

Do not be afraid to ask for help. Plan moments for this so colleagues

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P L A C E M E N T R E P O R T - J E N T E W I E L D R A A I J E R

All in all, I experienced the internship as pleasant and

educational. During these five months, I got the space to

apply my knowledge, learn relevant skills, experience what it

is like to work in a start-up and learn more about my workrelated

preferences. If I had to choose once more, with this

knowledge, I would choose Ten Stripes again.

The internship with Ten Stripes has given me valuable insights

about myself, my way of working and my interests. Therefore,

I am confident about my knowledge and abilities and ready to

start my career.

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B Corporation. (n.d.). Certified B Corporation. Retrieved 9 July 2021, from


Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2010). Marketing 3.0: From Products to

Customers to the Human Spirit (1st ed.). New Jersey, United States: John Wiley &


SDG Nederland. (n.d.). Alles wat je moet weten over de SDGs. Retrieved 17 July

2021, from

Ten Stripes. (2020). SDG Impact. Retrieved 17 July 2021, from

Ten Stripes. (n.d.). Ten Stripes: datagedreven storytelling. Retrieved 17 July 2021,


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Appendix I. List of tasks and responsibilities

E-mail marketing

Goal: to become an e-mail marketing expert


Creating an e-mail marketing protocol for Ten Stripes

Renewing Ten Stripes’ newsletter in Mailchimp

Addition of the ‘Kennis-challenge’ by means of automation

Establishment of goals for 2021

Using the customer journey by automation

New lay-out, based on corporate identity

The creation, analysis and improvement of customers’ newsletters

SDG Impact

Goal: to get familiar with and learn about impact marketing


Creation and execution of rebranding campaign

Creation and execution of marketing plan

Creation of brand manual

Management of social media channels (Instagram and LinkedIn)

Contact with stakeholders (other parties related to the SDG’s)


Goal: write blogs with SEO optimalization


Writing a blog on a topic of my own choice for the ‘kennischallenge’

I wrote a blog about nudging

·Writing blogs for clients, like Impact Noord and SDG Impact

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Marketing strategy

Goal: to experience a strategic session with clients


Preparation of the sessions

Attending the sessions and take notes

Actively participate and think along

Elaborate on the results of the session

Facilitate impact marketing session


Goal: to build and elaborate on a solid internal marketing plan for Ten Stripes


Creating a complete brand manual

Writing of a campaign for the organic socials

Monitoring the LinkedIn page of Ten Stripes

Using a content calendar to schedule posts

Extra work activities

Performing language checks

Help with the building of the e-learning module of The Impact Project

Impact marketing related tasks

Performing quick scans

Support making Ten Stripes’ impact measurable

Mapping opportunities for current clients in the area of impact marketing

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Appendix II. Personal goals

What I wanted to do or learn before the end of the internship:

The basics of SEO

Writing SEO blogs

Learn about keyword analysis

·The basics of SEA

Accomplish several Google certificates

The basics of CRO

Attending a strategic session with a client

Write and elaborate on a marketing plan

Become an e-mail marketing expert

Learn about automation and customer journeys

Draw and establish a campaign

Get familiar with impact marketing

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