how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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1 l:i:Jxf7? would be premature because of

l...bxc4 2 bxc4 !!.b2.

1 ... cxb5 2 l:i:Jxf7 ~e8 3 @fl!

Once again Khalifman calmly prevents the

activation of the black rook.

3 ... .tc3 4 l:i:Jh6+ @h8 5 g4!

With the idea of playing g5, drawing the net

tighter round the black king.

5 axb3

5 1:!.el+?! 6 @g2 l:!.e2? 7 !!.d8+ <tlg7 8 g5


6 axb3 lli8 7 g5 l:!.e8 (DJ

in view of possible stalemate defences Khalifman

must calculate everything very precisely.

32 ... :!;(.xd8 33 l:i:Jf7+ @g7 34 l:i:Jxd8 i.c3 35

@f5 .td2 36 l:i:Je6+ @f7 37 l:i:Jf4 @g7 38 l:i:JdS

@f7 39 h6! @g8!? 40 l:i:Jf6+ @h8 (DJ


Now Khalifman makes repeated use of l:i:Jt7+

and l:i:Jh6+ in order to reach the time-control

and also exert psychological pressure. After

that he can calmly set about activating his king

and his kingside majority.

8 l:i:Jf7+ @g8 9 l:i:Jh6+ @h8 10 h4 b4 11

l:i:Jf7+ <tlg8 12 l:i:Jh6+ @h8 13 @g2 l:!f8 14

l:i:Jf7+@g8 15 l:i:Jh6+ @h816 f4

Now White is close enough to the timecontrol

to start advancing, especially since he

can again use the knight checks.

16 ... i.b2 17 l:i:Jf7+ @g8 18 l:i:Jh6+ @h8 19

@f3.tc3 20 l:i:Jf7+ Wg8 21 l:i:Jh6+ @h8 22 @g4

i.g7 23 l:!.b7 .tc3 24 l:i:Jf7+@g8 25 4Jh6+@h8

26 rs gxfs+ 21 l:i:Jxfs i.d2 28 l:!.d7

28 h5? would be premature due to 28 ... l:!.g8.

The bishop must first be dislodged from the

c I-h6 diagonal.

28 ....tcl 29 l:!.dl! i.b2 30 h5 !i.g8 31 l:i:Jh6

Jae832 l:!.d8!

The exchange of a pair of rooks will deprive

Black of any chances of counterplay. However,

41 l:i:Je4!

Eliminating the danger of stalemate. Both 41

g6? hxg6+ 42 @xg6 .txh6! = and 41 @g4?

i.xg5 ! = would be premature.

41 ••• .tcl 42 ~g4 @g8 43 l:i:Jf6+ @h8 44

l:i:JdS i.d2 45@h5@g8 46 g61-0

Van Wely resigned because after 46 ... hxg6+

47 @xg6 .tel 48 h7+ @h8 49 l:i:Je7 .tg3 50

l:i:Jc6 +- he cannot protect b4, d8 and e5 all at

the same time.

D) The Art of Manoeuvring

An important advantage, if you have everything

under control and don't rush, lies in the fact that

the opponent often experiences extra psychological

pressure and loses patience, doing your

job for you. So, for example, he might allow an

unfavourable exchange, mistakenly open the

position, or create fresh weaknesses for the

sake of active counterplay,

In the following position. the skilful Russian

grandmaster Konstantin Aseev (prematurely

deceased) gradually outmanoeuvred his

young opponent.

l l:i:Jb2!

Prophylactically preventing the lever ... a5-

a4 and thus depriving Black of any counterplay.

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