how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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tub3 .l::tb6 25 tud4 tub l 26 tuc2 b3 27 axb3

.l::txb3 28 tud4 .l::tb6 29 tuf5 tud2 30 .l::td4 tub3

31 .Eid5 ± and owing to the misplaced black

knight White has excellent winning chances.

22 .l::tb7 .l::txa2 23 .l::txb4 .l::tc2 24 .l::tb6 @h7

24 ... @g7 25 tud6 +-.

25 .l::tb7 @g8 26 tud6 .l::tc6 27 tuxf7 tuc4 28

.l::td7 .l::tf6 29 .l::td4 i-o

Black resigned in view of 29 ... tuxe3 30

tuxh6+ .l::txh6 31 fxe3 +-.

82) Pawn Breakthrough

Another typical way to create a passed pawn is

by a pawn breakthrough. This is a tactical operation

in which an enemy pawn is diverted to leave

the way open for a friendly pawn to run on.

Since a pawn breakthrough is always based on

the sacrifice of one or more of one's own pawns,

it generally leads to a considerable sharpening of

the struggle and requires accurate and concrete


We start with a simple but classic example:


A.Shikova - E.Kalmukova

Sofia 1971

Owing to the weakened black pawn-structure,

as well as her own active king, here too

White can win with the help of a breakthrough.

But first she must carry out a few preparatory


1 b4 @e7 2 bS 'it>f7 3 gS fxgS 4@xg5 @gl 5


5 ... h6+ 6 @f5 @f7 7 h4 @g7 8 @e6 +-.

6 @h6 @g8 7 h4 @h8 (D)


J.Capablanca - Ed.Lasker

London 1913

1 h6!

Preparing the decisive breakthrough with 2

g6. The immediate l g6?? would be premature,

however, since after l...hxg6 2 h6 @f6-+ Black

even wins.

l. .. @e6 2 g6! hxg6 3 h7 1-0

The following example is more complicated:


At this precise moment, just when the black

king is situated as far as possible from the

queenside, the vital breakthrough works.

8 dxcS

8 @g8 9 c6 bxc6 IO dxc6 d5 11 a5 bxa5 12

b6 cxb6 13 c7 +-.

9 as bxaS

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