how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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Sutovsky 6.21, 12.01 Tosic 14.07 Votava E9.0l

Svidler 1.11, 1.13, 2.30, Tregubov9.17, E14.IO Vukic 4.08, 11.18

E3.07, E4.39, 7.08, 9.08, Tseitlin 2.24 Vydeslaver E4.34

11.38, 15.15 Tsereteli 11.42

Szabo 1.14, 6.23 Tseshkovsky 4.03 Wagner 1.05

Szilagy 2.24 TumerE6.08 Wahls E7.0I, 17.12

Turov El 1.42 Wedberg 13.13

Taimanov E2. I 3, 4.01, 6. 12, Tyomkin 2.09 Wegener E2.02

E9.06, 17.01 Wells 13.09

Tai 2.06, E4.24 Uhlmann 4.01, 9.06, E9.12 Wolff9.l l

Tarrasch E4.07, 6.19, 9.23, Ulybin 9.04, 9.07, El7.02 Wu Wenjin 13.05

12.06, 17.11

Tartakower 1 .04 Vaganian 10.04, El 1.38 YACE 11.23

Tatar Kis El 1.43 Vallejo Pons 4.25 Yakovenko E 1.21

Thelen 4.23 Van den Doe\ 1.24, E 16.01 Yakovich 4.06

Thiede E2.02 Van Mil El 1.20 Yandemirov E2. l 2, E8.01

Thiel El 1.05 Van Wely 3.06 Yanofsky E9.12

Thorfinsson 2.34 Varga 10.09 Yusupov 4.15, E4.22, 4.31,

Thorhallsson E4.28 Vasovic 11.33 E5.06, 6.02, 6.21, E6.07,

Timrnan El 1.12, El3.15, Vasovski 11.24 E6.12, 11.08, 17.03, 17.21

17.21 Vaulin E6.03

Timmerman 7.09, El 1.13 Vera E4.36 Zagrebelny E6.05

Tischbierek 17.12 Vescovi 2.07, 15.05, 15.09 Zaitsev, A. E4.37

Tischer El 7.08 Vidmar 6.25 Zapata E4.01, E6.06

Tissir E9.05 Visser 7.03 Zezulkin El 1.27

Tiviakov E3.02, 6.13, 11.28 Vlasov 5.02 Zhang Pengxiang 13.05

Tkachev 4.25, E9.10, EJ3.06 Vogt 8.07 Zhao Xue El7.I I

Todorovic E 16.06 Volkmann 13.12 Zhu Chen 1.11, 17.01

Topalov 2.30, 4.05, E4.17. Volkov E4.05, E9.14 Zoebisch 2.32

E9.07. 10.01, 11.21. Volokitin E4.16, 13.10 Zoetemeijer 13.07

El7.IO Volovich E5.04 Zviagintsev E4.04, E4.08

Torre E5.0I, El 1.21 Von Elst 6.12

Study Composers

Aloni Et.01 Hasek E 11.30 Nadareishvili El 1.35, El 1.37

Averbakh 11.04 Herbstmann El 1.39 Pachrnan El 1.23

Behting I 1.36 Horwitz EI0.10, El 1.25 Philidor 10.06, 10.07

Belov 11.47 Kasparian E9.15, El4.06, Platov, V. and M. E13.12

Benko 13.03 E14.07, El4.08 Reddrnann EI 1.09

Blathy 11 .39 Kholrnov E13.04 Reti 1.22, El4.04

Capablanca E14.0l Kiriakov El 1.04 Rinck E9.13, El4.03

Chekhover I.I 8, E 11.29 Kling El0.10 Rostov El4.02

Dobias El .18 Kricheli El 1.02 Selezniev El.10, 2.35,

Dvoretsky 1.21 Kubbel El.16, El3.14 El6.04

Elkies 14.04 Lasker El4.0l Smyslov 2.04, 11.43

Falk El 1.10 Levenfish El.12, 2.04 Somov-Nasirnovich 11.44

Grigoriev 2.05 Liburkin 11.45 Troitsky El.14, El 1.31,

Guliaev El 1.08 Maizelis El0.08 Etl.36

Gunst El 1.32 Matansiev El 1 .34 Zakhodiakin 11.37, 11.41

Gurvich 11.51, E 11.40 Meyer El 0.0 I Zinar El.19

Halberstadt EI .17

Moravec El.20

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