how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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Nikcevic El3.1 I

Nikolai dis E 13.11

Nikolic 8.01, 16.02, 17.14

Nimzowitsch 2. 12, E4.07

Nisipeanu El3.18

Noomen E8.03

Novikov, I. E17.05

Novikov, M. E14.05

Nunn 15.13

Niisken E6.04

Ochsner E4.14

Oim 7.09

011 E4.04

Onishchuk 1.09, 2.08, 4.11

Orlov 4.30, 5.08, 11.24

Ortueta Esteban E2.10

Ozsvath I 1.46


Pachman El2.0J

Paglietti 16.06

Pahtz, E. E9.10

Pahtz, T. E8.04

Pajeken 1.05, 17.04

Palevic El2.07

Pallardo Lozoya El7.06

Panchenko E4.25

Panno El 1.07

Pantsulaia 7.02

Parligras E4. IO

Pashikian E7.05

Paulic l I .33

Pedersen, C. 6.13, 17 .05

Pedersen, F. El3.02

Pedersen, S. 10.04

Pelletier 2.07, E7.05, 14.08

Peschel E6.04

Petrosian, A. E4.25, 11.31

Petrosian, T. 4.28, 8.09,


Petrosian, T.L. 8.05

Petushov I 1.02

Piket E4.17, E4.33, 14.09

Pillsbury E2.14, 6.04

Pinter E9.02, 9.14

Plater 13.08

Plazaola 11.34

Podolny 11.06

Pogorelov E4.36

Polgar, J. 2.13, 2.29, 15.15

Polgar, Zso. 1.02

Polugaevsky 4.03

Polzin 4.15

Ponomariov 3.01, E9.14

Popov E2.03

Popovic 6.08

Portisch 6.10, 15.14, El7.12

Postny El 1.20

Psakhis 4.09, E8.02, 14.11

Pushkov E2.0l

Radjabov E5.02

Rahman 10.05

Rajkovic El.02

Ramos 13.02

Rashkovsky 5.08

Rasic 5.01

Rauzer E4. l l

Razuvaev 2.15, E4.02

Redolfi El 1.01


Reefat bin Satter 6.06

Reshevsky E4.35

Reshko 12.10

Reti 10.11

Riazantsev 1.09

Ribli 11.46, El3.13, 15.12

Rivas E6.02

Robson 2.03

Rodriguez, Ru. 17.07

Rogozenko E4.38

Roiz5.03, El4.12, El4.13

Romanishin 2.33, El5.0l

Romanovsky El3.0l

Rosen 17.02

Roshal El 1.22

Rosselli 15.03

Rowson 13.09

Rozentalis E3.03, 6.18, 6.22,

16.01, 17.20

Rubinstein 4.24, 15.03

Rublevsky E4.27, 6.03, 7.02,

11.19, El2.08, 17.09

Rustemov 9.12

Ryskin El 1.27

Sabos El0.04

Sahovic 15.11

Sakaev 4.14

San Segundo 14.08

Sanduleac E2. l I

Sanguinetti 1.06

Sanz Aguado E2.10

Sashikiran 10.05

Savchenko 4.22

Savon El4. l I

Schiller 11.35

Schilow 17.05

Schlosser E17.0l

Schmaltz 9.22

Schmittdiel E4.30

Seirawan 10.10

Sharkov 17.10

Shikova 2.19

Shipov El.06

Shirov El.23, 2.25, 3.11,

E6.09, E9.02, EIO.Q7,

Jl.2), 11.25, 13.11, 14.09,

15.07, El6.03, 17.17

Short 1.10, E4.26, 6.08, 7.07,


Shredder 11.23

Shulman 8.08, I 0.12

Siemms El 1.07

Skembris El3.05

Skripchenko 10.02

Slekys 14.06

Smagin 2.33

Smirin El3.07, El4. I 3

Smimov E4.23, El0.09

Smyslov 1.03, 1.08, 2.11,

E4.35, 7.01, 9.09, E9.06,

El2.06, 15.08

Socko, 8. 16.05

Socko, M. El 1.24

Sokolov, A. 11.20

Sokolov, D. 5.02

Sokolov, I. l.24, E2.08, 4.04,

4.11, 9.12, 17.06

Solozhenkin EJ3.09

Sosonko 2.22, 4.29

Sozin EI0.12

Spassky 8.09, E9.04, El6.03

Speelman E4.J8, 5.07, E8.02

Spielmann E3.05, 6.19

Spraggett 4.31

Staniszewski I I .40

Stean 1.16, 2.22

Stefanova El.I I, E2.07

Stefansson E9.18

Stein E4.24

Steinitz 9.01

Stocek E9.18

Stripunsky E3.04

Sucher El2.04

Suetin E7.03, El3.10, 15.04

Sula El 1.28

Sulskis E4.26, 14.06

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