how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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Kallio 3.08

Kalmukova 2.19

Kalnins 11.32

Kaminski 12.10

Kamsky 1.25, E6.12, 9.05,



Karpov 1.15, 2.28, 4.27,

4.29, 6.05, E6. IO, 9.03,

10.01, 12.03, El3.13,

14.02, 15.01, 15.02, 15.12

Karttunen 5.01

Kasimdzhanov 4.07, E7.04,


Kasparov 4.05, 4.08, 6.20,

7.04, E7.02, 9.08, 9.09,

9.14, 9.15, IQ.IQ, 12.03,

El3.16, 15.14, 17.16

Kavalek 15.01

Kempinski E4.38, El3.07

Kengis 4.19, EI0.06, 15.11

Keres 11.48

Khalifman 1.12, 3.06, 4.10,

8.08, El l.15

Khali!beili E5.04

Kharlov E6.05, EI0.09,


Khasanov El 1.03

Kholmov 13.08, 17.16

Khramov El 1.22

Khuzrnan El 1.14

Kiselev E8.05

K!eeschaetzky 17 .04

Klovans E17.13

Kmoch 2.12

Knaak 16.04

Kobaladze 11.42

Kobaliya E9.09

Kolesnikov 1.26

Kolker 11.50

Korchnoi 1.15, 2.13, 3.05,

14.10, El5.05, El6.02,


Komev 9.17

Korolev 11.32

Korotylev El4. l l

Korsunsky 11.28

Koshelev I 7. IO

Kotov El2.0l

Kotronias 17 .03

Kovacevic J.02

Kovaliov E9 .11

Kozlovskaya El.03

Krakops El2.03

Kramnik 1.01, 1.23, El.23,

2.17, 2.23, 2.29, 3.02, 3.09,

4.10, E4.2J, 7.08, 9.04,

9.05, 9.07, E9.07, 12.09,

El3.03, EI3.17, 15.02,


Krasenkow 4.18, 6.10, E9.17,


Krush 2.09, EJ6.08

Kuczynski El6.05

Kudrin 2.08

Kulicov E2.07

Kun El 1.43

Kunsztowicz 3 .04

Kupreichik 7 .10

Kuzmin, G. El 1.12

Kuznetsov 11.02

Landa E2.12, E3.07

Landenbergue 11. l I

Langrock E4.09

Larsen 2.01, E5.05, El 1.21,


Lasker, Ed. 2.18

Lasker, Em. E3.06, 5.05, 6.04

Lastin Ei4.05

Lautier E!.05, 2.28, E2.05,

E6.10, 7.04, 11.19, 12.08,

13.11, 17.09

Laznicka E9.08

Lechtynsky E4.32, El 1.41

Leko 1.01, 2.23, 3.09, E4.20,

E4.33, 6.14, E6.09, 7.05,

12.09, 15.06, El6.02

Leonhardt E3.05

Lerner E!.09, El4.12

Levenfish El3.01, 13.06

Lindinger 17.08


Lipnitsky 1.08

Lisovska 11.03

Lobron E 11.11

Loginov 4.30

Lombardi, M. 17 .02

Lopez El I.OJ

Lputian El.22, 11.54

Lukac 7.06

Lukacs El7.01


Luther El 7.07

Lutsko J J .30B

Lutz 2.17, 6.07, El7.07

Luzniak El2.07

Macieja E9.0l

McShane 1.17, 11.20

Magerramov 9.16

Makarov 17.15

Malakhov E6.0 I

Malaniuk 11.08

Mamedyarov E2.08

Mamoshin 11.50

Manzone 11.34

Marin E2.06, 16.04

Marinkovic 11.52

Markgraf E 17. 04

Markowski El4.JO, 15.05

Marshall 10.11

Martz l l.18

Matanovic El5.05

Maze! EJ.07

Mednis 3.10

Meister 4.14

Menas 12.02

Meulders l l.30A

Meyer El 7 .08

Mieses 5.04

Mikhalevski E4.34

Miles 4.17. 6.09

Milev E3.0J

Milov E5.03, 6.16, 6.17

Minasian E2.06

Mitkov 6.15, El4.09, E!6.08


Mittelberger 2.21

Monsay El 1.19

Morice El 7.03

Morozevich I. 11

Mortensen El 1.41

Motylev 14.05

Movsesian EJ0.05

Miiller, K. E2.04, 9.13,

El 1.05, 16.01

Miiller, K.D. 2.03

Najdorf 11.48

Nakamura 9.21, El 1.16

Narciso Dublan E!.04, 17.14

Nataf 2.16, 5.07

Nath 11.35

Naumkin 1.12, E4.31

Neubauer 2.34

Ni Hua El 1.17

Nielsen E4.14, E4.29, ES.OJ

Nijboer 7.03

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