how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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This was a fatal attempt to win a drawn position.

l. .. ©g6!

1...~g5+? 2 e5+ +-.

2 ~h8 ~gS+ 3 ©e6 ~hS 4 ~g8+ ©h7 5 @f7

~h3 0-1


T.Petrosian - L.Portisch

Palma de Mallorca Ct (13) 1974

1 ... iWf4?

This offer to exchange queens is a mistake.

At the cost of a pawn, White can now establish

a dominating position and penetrate dangerously

into the black position. However, with

careful defence Black should have been able to

hold the position. For example, I ... iWe7 2 iWa6

'&°f6, with counterplay, came into consideration.

2 gxf4! ibxf4+ 3 @g3 ibxd3 4 ~c3!

Putting the knight off its stride. In contrast,

the immediate 4 ~c7? is premature because of

4 ... ~d6.

4 ••• lbb4

After 4 ... lbb2? 5 lbes ± the black knight

would be completely offside.

5 a3 iba6 6 b4 (DJ


6 ••• lLlbS?

Now the knight is in danger of being completely

dominated. 6 ... ~d7 7 ~c8+ ©h7 8 h5 b5

was indicated.

7 ~c7 a5 8 bS

8 bxa5 !? bxa5 9 lbe5 also came strongly into


8 ibd7 9 @f4 hS?

9 ibf8 10 ~c6 lbg6+ 11 ©g4 r!b8 is more


10 lbes lbrs

JO ... lbxe5 11 ©xe5 f6+ 12 ©f5 '.t>h7 13 ©e6


11 l!b7 f6?!

ll...ibe6+!? 12©e3f613lbc6~e814~xb6


12 ibc6 ibg6+?! 13 <,;>g3 ~d6 14 ~xb6 ~e6

15 ~b8+ ibf8 16 ~as ~el 17 ibdS ©h7 18 b6

~bl 19 b7 ibd7 20 ~xaS 1-0


Klovans - Elistratov

1 ©f5 ©xc4 2 ©xf6?

White must not touch this pawn. 2 h4 ©b3 3

©g6 '.t>xa3 4 ©xh5 ©b3 5 ©g6 f5 6 h5 f4 7 h6

f3 8 h7 f2 9 h8iW fliW 10 '&b8+ and White can

hold the game.

2 ... ©b33©g5©xa34©xh5©b35©g6a4

6 h4 a3 7 hS a2 8 h6 aliW-+


G.Grimberg - P.Cerisier

France 1986

The variation that Black worked out is completely

plausible. However, there is a critical

improvement near the end.

1... ©d3 2 lbxe4 b3 3 ibcS+ 'it>e2 4 'it>g3 b2 5


Now an underpromotion is possible:

5 •.• blib!I

The knight fork on c3 now no longer works. If

he had simply made another couple of moves,

this way out would surely have come to mind.

White cannot win the resulting knight endgame;

for example, 6 f4 lbd2 7 f5 ©e3 8 ©g4 lbe4 9

lbc3 ibd6 IO f6 @d4 11 lba4 ©e5 =.


A.Arulaid - B.Gurgenidze

USSR 1955

1 ©d6 ©c8 2 ~cl+ ©b7 3 ~bl+ ©a6 4 ©c6

©aS 5 @cs ©a4 6 ©c4 ©a3 7 ©c3 ©a2 8 zrn

h59©d3 h4

9 ... ©a3 IO ~xf2 gxf2 11 ©e2 =.

10 ©e3 h3 11 ©f3 g2 12 lhf2+ ©b3 13

~xg2 hxg214 ©xg2 =

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