how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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1 c5!! ± lbxc5

I ... ~xc5? 2 .l:hc5 4Jxc5 3 Ac4+ @e7 4


2 Ab5! .l::td6 3 ~c5 bxc5 4 @e2 .l::tb6 5 a4

.l::ta8 6 4Jc4 .l::te6 7 Ad7!?

7 4Je3?! can be met strongly with 7 ... .l::td61;

of course the immediate 7 .l::td2! is also possible.

7 .l::te7

7 .l::tea6 8 Ab5 .l::te6 9 l"id2 c6 10 4Jb6 .l::tb8

l[ 4Jd7 +-.

8 Ac6 .l::ta6 9 Ab7 l"ia7 10 Ads+ @e8 11


Black is totally dominated.

11 ... rs 12 Ac6+ @f713 l"id8 Ag7

Now instead of his actual choice of 14 l;t.d5?,

Roiz should have played 14 4Jd6+! cxd6 15

Ad5+ .l::te6 16 .l::txd6 +- (Roiz in CBM).

If Black were to move, he would increase his

superiority over the dark squares: 1...Ac5! 2

Axes lbxc5 3 4Jb3 lbxb3 4 axb3 c5 +.


V.Eingorn - E.Agrest

Kallithea ECC 2002

1 ~xa6 lbxa6 2 h6! Ah8 3 4Jh2 f6 4 f4 fxe5

4 ... .l::tac8 5 0-0 .l::tc2 6 4Jf3 l"ifc8 7 Ad2 ±.

5 fxe5 lbc7 6 Ae3 4Jb5 7 ©d2 .l::tac8 8 a4

4Jc3 9 ll.hcl lbe4+ 10 @d3 @f7 11 4Jf3 @e6

12 4Jg5+!

An instructive decision: exchanging knights

will highlight the sidelining of the bishop.

12 ... lbxgS 13 Axg5 @f5 14 Ae7 .l::tfe8 15

.l::txc8 .l::txc8 16 !!fl+ @e6

After 16 ... @g4 17 .!;t.f8 .l::txf8 18 Axf8 @g3

19 Ag7 +- the tragic fate of the bishop would

be particularly clear.

17 Ad6 a6 18 g4 g5 19 .i::trs .l::tg8 20 Aa3

.l::tg6 21 Ars .l::tg8 22 Ab4 a5 23 Ad6 .l::tc8 24

.lli.:g5 Af6 25 exf6 @xd6 26 .l::te5 b5 27 axb5 a4

28 f7.l::tf8 29 .l::tf5 1-0


Y.Estrin - A.lvashin

corr. 1947

I. .. Ab7 is met by 2 Ad3! +- (and not 2

@xb4?, which allows the bishop to slip out of

jail: 2 ... Aa6! =).

2 @xb4 @e8 3 a5 1-0

Black is faced by 3 ... bxa5+ 4 @xa5 @d8 5

@b6 Ae8 6 @c5 @c7 7 Ad3, with a fatal zugzwang.

Chapter 15


V.Bologan - O.Romanishin

Nikolaev Z 1995

Bologan first talces over the d-file and then

penetrates with his king via e5, which puts

Black under strong pressure. However, with

precise play he would still have been able to

hold the game.

1.l::td6 .l::ta7

!....l::txd6? 2 cxd6 +-.

2 @c3 @f7 3 @d4 .l::tb7 4 !:ld8 .l::ta7 s Ad6

4Jd5 6 @e5 (DJ


The critical position is reached.

6 ...@g6?

After 6 ... g6! there seems to be no way into

the black position; for example, 7 .l::tf8+ @g7 8

.l::tc8 @f7 9 .l::txc6 4Jxb4 10 .l::tc8 .l::td7 11 c6

ltJd3+ 12 @d5 4Jxf4+ 13 @c5 4Je6+ =.

7 Ab8.l::ta8

7 ... ll.b7 8 .l::txd5 cxd5 9 Ad6 .l::td7 10 c6 .l::td8

11 c7 .l::tc8 12 @xd5 @f6 13 Ae5+ @e7 14 @c6

g6 15 @b6 +-.

8 @d6 lbxf4

8 ... 4Jxb4 9 @c7 4Jd5+ 10 @xc6 4Jxf4 11

@b7 +-.

9 @xc6 4Je6 10 ~d6 .l::txb8 11 .l::txe6+ @f7

12 .!::tel g5 13 hxg5 @g6 14 @d7 f4 15 c6 @xg5

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