how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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L.Fressinet - Ni Hua

Internet 2004

l it:lg4? (D)

The white position is not a fortress. Active

counterplay with 1 g4 was indicated: 1..Jle6 2

g5 l!e5 3 @g3 @d3 (3 ... l!xg5+ 4@f4 =) 4@f4

@d4 5 lt:ixe4 l;he4+ 6 @f5 =.

1 ... nrs 2 c&gl @el 3 @g2 ru3 4 @gl rus s

@g2 @e2 6 @gl J;!g5 0-1

White resigned in view of 7 lt:ih2 (7 lt:ie3

l!xg3+ 8 fxg3 @xe3 9 g4 @d2 -+) 7 ... e3 8 it:lfl

(8 fxe3 l!xg3+ 9@hl ~f2-+) 8 ... exf2+9Wg2

l!g410lt:ih2X!d4 i l it:lf! l!dl 12lt:ih2fl'&+ 13

lt:ixfl l!xfl 14 g4 !tf3 15 g5 l!f5 -+.


V.Golod - G.Gurevich

Israeli a« 2004

l 'iWhS+! <Bd7

1 ... @e72 'iWg7+Wd8 3 'iWb7 l!a54@f6+-.

2 'iWbS ..lc4 3 Wt'b7 + @d8 4 Wf6 l!b6

4 ... ..te2 5 'iWb8+ @d7 6 a4 ..if! 7 @f7 Ae2 8

\Wb7+@d8 9 'iWe7+ 'Bc8 JO 'iWxe2 +-.

5 \Wxa7 na6 6 'iWbS+ @d7 7 \Wb7+ @d8 8

@e6 ..txd5+ 9 Wxd5 l!xa2 10 @c6 @eS 11

'iWd7+ @fS 12 'iWxd6+ ~g7 13 Wt'e7+ @hS 14

'iWfS+ i-e


A.Mons!lly - H.Haugsrud

Norwegian Chi 2004

l •.• lt:ixe41? 2 'iWxe4 l!xc3+ 3 Wg2 l!c5 4

'iWd4 rus

Since the rook has secure support-points at

f5 and h5, there is no way through.

5 \Wxa7 l!h5 6 'iWe7 rus 7 @g3 .ilh5 8 @g4

nrs 9 @h3 mis 10 @g4 nrs 11 'iWd6 l!hs 12

'iWf6 rus 13 'iWd4 111.112


E.Postny - J.van Mil

Tel Aviv 2001

l .i.aS!

1'iWg8+@h62 ..ia5 also works.

l .. Jlxa5 2 'iWgS+ @h6 3 'iWhS+ @g6

3 ... @g5 4 'iWg7#.

4 \WeS+ @g5 5 'iWxc6 h3 6 gxh3 @h4 7 'iWb6

@xh3 8 'iWxa5 @g3 9 'iWel+ Wxf310@c2 Wg2

ll@d2 i-e


B.Larsen - E.Torre

Brussels 1987

l ... r!xf5!

The game continued 1 ... l!d7? 2 .l;Ifl @g8 3 a4

h5 4 Wf2 lof6 5@e3 @f8 6 a5 l!d8 7 @d3 l!d7 8

a6 b6 9 l!gl lt:ig4 IO l;hg4! (the long pawn-front

now helps White enormously, since the black

rook has no active prospects) 10 ... hxg4 11 @e3

r!d812@f2@g8 13@g3 l!d714@xg4@f8 15

@g5 @g8 16 h5 @h8 17 h6 gxh6+ 18 it:lxh6

@g7 19 lof5+ @f8 20 @f6 1-0 (20 ... l!f7+ 21


2 exf5it:lf6=

White can no longer penetrate the pawnbarrier.


Khramov - Roshal

Moscow 1970

1 ... lt:ih3+! 2 00 'Bc81

The game continued instead 2 ... lt:if4? 3 l!d8+

Wixd8 4 Axd8 it:lxd5 5 h4!? +-.

3 l!dS+ 'iWxdS 4 AxdS @xd8!

4 ... lt:if4? 5 Ae7 it:lxd5 6 Ji..xd6 +-.

5 gxh3 b6! =

White cannot win this position despite his

two extra pawns. All Black has to do to draw is

to oscillate with the king between g8 and h8.

The white king cannot progress further than h6

and a breakthrough on the queenside is not possible.

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