how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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6 Ad3 @f6 7 Ah 7 (7 lt:Jd4? ! Axd4 8 exd4 @g5

-+) 7...<$Je5 8 Ad3 @d6 (8 ... Af5? 9 Axfs

@xf5 IO @f3 @e5 11 @f2 =) 9 Ag6 @c5 10

Ad3 d4! (opening the position for the bishops)

11 exd4+ Axd4 12 Ae4 ( I 2 lt:Je I Ad5+ I 3

lt:Jf3?! Axb3 -+) 12 ... Aes 13 Ag6 Ad6 14

Ae4 (14 Ah7 @d5 15 Ag6 Acs 16 @h2 @es

17 @g2 @f4 18 <$Jh2@f3 -+) t 4 ... Ac8 ts Ad3

(15 lt:Je3 @d4 16 Af5 Ab7+ 17 @f2@c3 -+)

15 ... @dS 16 Ag6@e5 17 Ad3@f4-+.

I .. Axd4! 2 exd4 ( D)


2 ... Adl

Now, owing to his many weaknesses, White

falls into a fatal zugzwang.

3 Abt @gs 4@£2 <$Jf4 0-1

White threw in the towel in view of 5 h4 Af3

6 Ag6 Ae4 7 Axh5 Ac2 -+.


M.Illescas - M.Krasenkow

Dos Hermanas 2001



a) I ... ~d8? 2 Axes (2 Ac3? J:!.xd5 3 Ae4

~d7 4 Axa5 Aa3 5 J:!.c3 Ae7 =) 2 ... ~xd5 and


al) 3 @e4? ~xc5 4 J:!.xc5 bxc5 5 @d5 c4 6

Axc4 (6 Ac2!?) 6 ... lt:Jxc4 7 @xc4 and the pawn

ending is not won: 7 ...@e6 8 @b5 @f5 9 @a6

@xf4 IO@xa7@g31 l @b8!<&>xg212a4f513

a5 f4 14 a6 f3 15 a7 f2 16 a8~+ @gl 17 '&a7


a2) 3 Axb6 axb6 4 ~c7+@e6 5 @e3 J:!.h5 6

g3 @d6 7 ~f7 <$Je6 8 J:!.g7 ±.

b) l...lt:Jb7! was necessary, as Krasenkow

showed in CBM: 2 Aa6 J:!.e8! 3 Axb7 Axd4 4

l:l.c7+ <$Jg8 5 g3 J:!.e3+ 6@g2 Ac5 7 Aa6 J:!.e7

and Black can hold.


After the exchange of rooks, the knight can

get back into play only by means of a pawn sacrifice.


a) 2 ... lt:Jb7? 3 Axb7 J:!.xb7 4 Axc5 bxc5 5

J:!.xc5 f5 6 J:!.aS +-.

b) 2 ... @e7 is more tenacious, but should also

lose in the long run; for example, 3 J:!.e I +@f7 4

Ab2 .l:!.d7 (4 ... lt:Jb7 s g4 Ae7 6 Ad3 lt:Jd6 7 h5

±) 5 Ac8 J:!.c7 6 Ae6+ @e7 7 g4 lt:Jc4 8 d6+

lt:Jxd6 9 Ab3+ ±.

3 lhc7+ Axc7 4 g4 h6

There follows a typical finale, which you

should not skip.

S gS! hxgS 6 hxgS fxgS 7 fxgS Ab8 8 Ac3

Ad6 9 @e4 Aa3 10 Ad2 @e7 11 <$Jes Ad6+

12 @e4 Aa3 13 Af4 bS

13 ... Ad6 14 Axd6+ @xd6 15 @d4 b5 16

Axb5 lt:Jb7 17 Ad3 +- (Krasenkow).

14 AxbS lt:Jb7 1S @f3 lt:Jd6 16 Acl3 m 17

Ae3 as 18 Ad2 a4 19 Ac2 lt:Jc4 20 Af4 lt:Jb6

21 @e4 Acs 22 Aes ltJc4 23 Af6 lt:Jd6+ 24

@d3 a32S<$Jc3


zs ..• Ae3 26 @b4 Acl 27 @cs Af4 28 Ad3

lt:Jc8 29@c6 ltJd6 30 Ad8 lt:JfS 31 AxfS gxfS

32 d6 Ad2 33 d7 @g6 34 @dS 1-0


J.Stocek - H.Stefansson

Antalya Ech 2004

1. .• Ac3?


a) I ... Ae5? 2 Axes bxc5 3 @a6 Ab8 4 g6

c4 5@b7 +-.

b) I. .. Aa3? 2 Ad4+ @f8 3 g6 lt:Je6 4 Aes

Ac5 5 Abl +-; the bishop moves out of range

of the knight - a typical theme.

c) I...lt:Je6! 2@a6 Ad4 and now:

c I) 3 Axd4+? ! lt:Jxd4 4 Ad3 lt:Je6 5 Af5 (5

@xa7 lt:Jc5 6 Ac2 lt:Jxa4 7 Axa4 @g6 also

draws) 5 ... lt:Jc5+ 6 <$Jb5 a5 =.

c2) 3 Ad2 lt:Jc5+ 4 @b5 lt:Je6 5 Af5 @f7 6

@c4 (6 g6+ @f6 7 Axe6 @xe6 8 Af4 @f6 9

Ab8 @xg6 10 Axa7 @f7 =) 6 ... Ab2 7 @d5

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