how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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18 I:!.d8 ll:ldS 19 b4 !:!.el 20 bS !:!.bl 21 I:l.b8

llb3 22 @e4 ll:lc3+ 23 Wd4 ll:lxbS+ 24 @c4

1k3+ 25 @xbS I:!.xd3 26 @c6! ltxh3 27 @dS

~f3 28 @e6 ~xf2 29 ~g8+ @h7 30 'llf7 I:!.a2

31 ltg7+ @h6 32 .H8 ~a7 + 33 @xf6 lta6+ 34

Wf7 l-O


M.Tissir - R.Kasimdzhanov

Ca/via OL 2004

Black has a substantial advantage after his

next move:

1 ... gs? 2wn

Also after 2 @g3 Black can exert powerful

pressure: 2 ... ltd5 3 ll:lgl ..ic7+ 4 @g2 I:!.d7 5

h3 h5 6 ll:le2 ..ib6 7 ltc3 g4 8 hxg4 hxg4 9 ll:lgl

..ic7 10 @fl ltd!+ 11 ©g2 £b8 12 lte3 ..ia7


2 •.. ~dl+ 3 @e2 ~bl 4 £4 gxf4 5 ll:lxf4 ltxh2

+ 6 ll:ld3 ..ibS 7 J.:tf3+ @e6 8 I:!.e3+ 'lld7 9 'llel


9 ... @c8l?.

10 'lld2 ..igS 11 f4 J.:th2+ 12 @dl ~h6 13

©cs+ @c8 14 !k3 ..ic6 15 ll:ld3 @d8 16 ..id6

lthl+ 17 'lle2~h2+ 18@dllth319'llc2..ie4

20 @d2 "5 21 .i.c7+ @es 22 .i.eS ..if8 23

©b4 ltxc3 24 @xc3 hS 25 £f6 Wf7 26 ..igS

We6 27 a4 .i.g7+ 28 @d2 £e4 29 We3 £bl 30

©d3 'lldS 31 ©es ..ic2 32 aS ..if8 33 ..id8 ~fS

34 @f3 £b4 35 i.b6 h4 36 ll:lg4 @e6 37 ll:le3

~d2 38 £d8 £el 39 'lle2?

39 @g2 is better.

39 .•• h3 40 WfJ?

40 ©fl is necessary.

40 •.• ..ie4+!! 0-1


V.Smys\ov- M.Taimanov

Leningrad 1951

1 b4! ll:le4 2 f3 tbc3 3 e4 ltc7

3 ... ..ixa2 4 b5 ltc7 5 ..ib4 ..ib3 6 lta3 +-.

4 £d6 ltd7 5 i.eS f6 6 ~d3!

The point.

6 ©a4

6 lbxa2 7 i.c3 lbxc3 8 ltxc3 ..ic6 9 b5 +-.

7 exdS fxeS 8 dxe6 J.:txd3 9 ..ixd3 @f8 10

ltel ~dS 11 ..ic2 ©c3 12 ~xeS <#Je7 13 i.b3

ltd2 14 ltc5 ll:le2+ 15 wn ll:ld4 16 ltc7+ @e8

17 ltxb7 i-e



Novgorod 1997

Krarnnik made short work of it:


The killer move. Other moves allow Black to

fight on; for example, 1 .i.b4? ltc7, l ltcl?

..ic7, 1 I:!.d7? ~xd7 2 cxd7 @e7 or 1 £d8?

ll:lxd8 2 .!lxd8 ..ic7.

1 ... f4

Or: l ... ll:ld6 2 ..id8! ll:lxc4 3 I:!.d7 +- (Khuzman

in CBM); I ... i.c7 2 £b4 +- (what a powerful

bishop'): J...lte8 2 c7 ltc8 3 I:!.d7 ©d6 4


2 ltd7 t-o


R.Biolek - V.Laznicka

Olomouc 2004

1 .•...if2! (D)

l. ...ic7?! shonld definitely also win but is a

lot more complicated; for example, 2 ..ic6 (2

ll:le7? ..ia5+ 3 @di £d8 4 lbc6+ We3 5 ll:lxd8

Wxf3 6 h5 @g3 7 lbe6 f4 -+) 2 ... f4 3 h5 ~a5+

4 @cl @e3 5 lbe5 ~d2+ 6 @di ..ie2+ 7 @c2

i.a5 8 h6 ..ic7 9 ll:ld7 ..id3+ 10 @dl ..id8 11

..ixa4 ..ie2+ 12 @c2 f3 13 ..ic6 f2 14 ..ig2@d4

15 ll:lfB £d3+ 16 'lldl ..if6 17 ll:le6+ We3 18

lbc5 fl'&+ 19 ..ixfl .ix fl -+.



a) 2 ©f8 ..ie3+ 3 @di ..ih6 4 lbd7 @e3 5

lbe5 £g7 6 ll:lxd3 Wxf3 7 lbc5 f4 8 ll:lxa4 £d4


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